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3dfx Voodoo + Voodoo2
Environment Variables

Voodoo Variables | Voodoo2 Variables


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Voodoo Variables

Default Value
Possible Values
FX_GLIDE_NO_SPLASH00 or 11 = Disable 3dfx logo animation.
FX_GLIDE_SHAMELESS_PLUG0 or 1Enables display of a static 3dfx logo upon Glide initialization.
FX_GLIDE_SWAPINTERVAL1 (?)0 / 1 / 20 = off (might improve performance). 0 to swap back buffer/front buffer ASAP, 1 to swap on Vsync, 2 to swap every two Vsyncs.
SST_BGAMMA0 to 1.95Adjusts Blue Gamma.
SST_BOARDSAllows several Voodoo boards to be used in one system, across several monitors acting as one big monitor/screen.
SST_DEBUGDAC0 (off)0 or 1Displays DAC debug information
0 = off / 1 = on.
SST_DUALHEAD0 (off)0 or 1Enable dual monitor support.
0 = off / 1 = on.
SST_FASTMEM0 (off)0 or 1Enables fast DRAM and EDO settings.
0 = off / 1 = on.
SST_FASTPCIRD0 (off)0 or 1Enables Fast PCI read, subtract wait states on PCI reads. (Voodoo -> PCI)
0 = off / 1 = on.
SST_FBICFGFrame Buffer Interface config register. Set Gouraud types etc.
SST_FBIMEM_SIZEAmount of RAM in KB. (?)Amount of Frame Buffer RAM installed. Overrides autodetect by Glide.
SST_FT_CLK_DELSpeed at which Frame Buffer memory can be accessed.
SST_GAMMA0 to 1.95Adjusts global gamma.
SST_GGAMMA0 to 1.95Adjusts Green Gamma.
SST_GRXCLK50Set graphic clock rate in MHz. Speeds up to 75 MHz have been reported, but 57 MHz is most common.
Beware ! Can cause damage !
SST_HSYNC0 (off)0 or 1Enable Horizontal sync.
0 = off / 1 = on.
SST_IGNORE_INIT_REGISTERS0 (off)0 or 1Allows initializing the Voodoo Chipset, even if the Voodoo is already initialized. This is good to init the chipset after an abnormal program termination.
0 = off / 1 = on.
SST_IGNORE_SLI_CHECK0 (off)0 or 1Ignores autodetect of slave frame buffer chip for speed doubling.
0 = off / 1 = on.
SST_INITDEBUG00 or 1Enables displaying of Glide debug information in DOS shell.
0 = off / 1 = on.
SST_INITDEBUG_FILEValid FilenamesInstead of displaying the info on screen, Glide writes the info to the specified file.
SST_MEMINFO_HWMHigh Water Mark ? (Max Mem Usage)
SST_MEMINFO_LFBLFB Chip memory memory read/write FIFO buffer size
SST_MEMINFO_LWMLow Water Mark ? (Min Mem)
SST_MEMINFO_TEXTexture Chip memory memory read/write FIFO buffer size
SST_NOSHUTDOWN0 (off)0 or 1Do not reinitialize Voodoo (1) on program termination.
SST_PCIRD0 or 11 = enable Fast PCI read.
SST_PFT_CLK_DELPreliminary (initial) speed at which the frame buffer memory can be accessed.
SST_PFT_CLK0_DELPreliminary (initial) texture chip 0 memory access speed in delayed clocks.
SST_PFT_CLK1_DELPreliminary (initial) texture chip 1 memory access speed in delayed clocks.
SST_PFT_CLK2_DELPreliminary (initial) texture chip 2 memory access speed in delayed clocks.
SST_RGAMMA0 to 1.95Adjusts Red Gamma.
SST_SCREENREFRESH6060,75,85,120Set vertical screen refresh rate in Hz.
SST_SCREENREZVirtual screen resolution
SST_SLIDETECTScan Line Interpolation (SLI). Detect slave Voodoo chipset subsystem.
SST_SLIM_PVOUT_CLKDELMaster frame buffer chip preliminarypixel clock delay.
SST_SLIM_VIN_CLKDELMaster video in clock delay for external sync / gen locking.
SST_SLIM_VOUT_CLKDELMaster system clock delay. Only valid if multiple FBIs and TMUs are present.
SST_SLIS_PVOUT_CLKDELSlave frame buffer chip preliminary pixel clock delay.
SST_SLIS_VIN_CLKDELSlave system video in clock delay (for sync to master).
SST_SLIS_VOUT_CLKDELSlave system clock delay. Only valid if multiple FBIs and TMUs are present.
SST_SLOWPCIWRAdds wait states to PCI bus writes to Voodoo memory and I/O. (PCI -> Voodoo)
SST_SWAP_EN_WAIT_ON_VSYNC10 or 10 = Turn of synching to the monitor's vertical refresh rate.
SST_TEXMAP_DISABLE00 or 1Disables texture mapping (1)
SST_TF0_CLK_DELTexture chip 0 memory access in delayed clocks
SST_TF1_CLK_DELTexture chip 1 memory access in delayed clocks
SST_TF2_CLK_DELTexture chip 2 memory access in delayed clocks
SST_TF_FIFO_TRESHCPU/Frame Buffer Writes/Reads to the texture map memory is done through FIFO since the texture map chip might be doing something with that memory at the time. This sets texture map write/read FIFO threshold to tell Glide that FIFO needs to be serviced and then may accept more data from either frame buffer or CPU.
SST_TMUCFGTexture Chip Direct Bitmapped Config Register. Sets Texture types, overlay etc, directly.
SST_TMUMEM_SIZEAmount of texture RAM in KB (?)Amount of texture RAM. Overrides Glide autodetect.
SST_TREX0INIT0Texture Chip 0 Direct Bitmapped Primary Init Register (Glide will change the values of these registers depending on other environment variables).
SST_TREX0INIT1Texture Chip 0 Direct Bitmapped Secondary Init Register
SST_TREX1INIT0Texture Chip 1 Direct Bitmapped Primary Init Register
SST_TREX1INIT1Texture Chip 1 Direct Bitmapped Secondary Init Register
SST_TREX2INIT0Texture Chip 2 Direct Bitmapped PrimaryInit Register
SST_TREX2INIT1Texture Chip 2 Direct Bitmapped Secondary Init Register
SST_TRIPLE_BUFFERIf program does no Z or Alpha buffering, use AUX(illiary) buffer as hidden speed buffer.
SST_VFIFO_TRESHThreshold of PCI -> Voodoo frame buffer access before FIFO is to be serviced.
SST_VGA_PASS10 or 1Enable VGA pass-trough (1)
SST_VIDEO_24BPP00 or 1Enable 24-bit video mode (1)
SST_VIDEO_CLEARCOLOR0 or 1Color fill back buffer during a page flip. (0 = enable)
SST_VIDEO_DISABLEDisable video DAC information stream. Synching may still be active.
SST_VIDEO_FILTER_DISABLEDisable 24 -> 16-bit dithering
SST_VIDEO_FILTER_TRESHOLD16-bit pixel value threshold, in which smoothing will be applied to inside adjacent pixels.
SST_VIDEO_NOCLEARDon't clear back buffer during a page flip.
SST_VIN_CLKDELSingle Voodoo system video in clock delay
SST_VOUT_CLKDELSingle Voodoo system video out clock delay
SST_VSYNC10 or 1Disable vsync, may increase performance (0)

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Voodoo2 Variables

Default Value
Possible Values
FX_GLIDE_NO_SPLASH00 or 11 = Disable 3dfx logo animation.
FX_GLIDE_SHAMELESS_PLUG0 or 1Enables display of a static 3dfx logo upon Glide initialization.
FX_GLIDE_SWAPINTERVAL1 (?)0 / 1 / 20 = off (might improve performance). 0 to swap back buffer/front buffer ASAP, 1 to swap on Vsync, 2 to swap every two Vsyncs.
SSTV2_BGAMMA0 to 1.95Adjusts Blue Gamma.
SSTV2_BOARDSAllows several Voodoo boards to be used in one system, across several monitors acting as one big monitor/screen.
SSTV2_DEBUGDAC0 (off)0 or 1Displays DAC debug information
0 = off / 1 = on.
SSTV2_FASTMEM0 (off)0 or 1Enables fast DRAM and EDO settings.
0 = off / 1 = on.
SSTV2_FASTPCIRD0 (off)0 or 1Enables Fast PCI read, subtract wait states on PCI reads. (Voodoo -> PCI)
0 = off / 1 = on.
SSTV2_FBICFGFrame Buffer Interface config register. Set Gouraud types etc.
SSTV2_FBI_MEMSIZEAmount RAM in KB. (?)Amount of Frame Buffer RAM installed. Overrides autodetect by Glide.
SSTV2_FT_CLKDELSpeed at which Frame Buffer memory can be accessed.
SSTV2_GAMMAAdjusts global gamma.
SSTV2_GGAMMAAdjusts Green Gamma.
SSTV2_GRXCLKSet graphic clock rate in MHz.
Beware ! Can cause damage !
SSTV2_HSYNC0 (off)0 or 1Enable Horizontal sync.
0 = off / 1 = on.
SSTV2_IGNORE_INIT_REGISTERS0 (off)0 or 1Allows initializing the Voodoo Chipset, even if the Voodoo is already initialized. This is good to init the chipset after an abnormal program termination.
0 = off / 1 = on.
SSTV2_INITDEBUG00 or 1Ignore autodetect of slave frame buffer chip for speed doubling.
0 = off / 1 = on.
SSTV2_INITDEBUG_FILEValid File namesInstead of displaying the info on screen, Glide writes the info to the specified file.
SSTV2_MEMFIFO_HWMHigh Water Mark ? (Max Mem Usage)
SSTV2_MEMFIFO_LFBLFB Chip memory memory read/write FIFO buffer size
SSTV2_MEMFIFO_LWMLow Water Mark ? (Min Mem)
SSTV2_MEMFIFO_TEXTexture Chip memory memory read/write FIFO buffer size
SSTV2_NOSHUTDOWN0 (off)0 or 1Do not reinitialize Voodoo (1) on program termination.
SSTV2_PFT_CLKDELPreliminary (initial) speed at which the frame buffer memory can be accessed.
SSTV2_PTF0_CLKDELPreliminary (initial) texture chip 0 memory access speed in delayed clocks.
SSTV2_PTF1_CLKDELPreliminary (initial) texture chip 1 memory access speed in delayed clocks.
SSTV2_PTF2_CLKDELPreliminary (initial) texture chip 2 memory access speed in delayed clocks.
SSTV2_RGAMMA0 to 1.95Adjusts Red Gamma.
SSTV2_SCREENREFRESHSet vertical screen refresh rate in Hz.
SSTV2_SCREENREZVirtual screen resolution
SSTV2_SLIDETECTScan Line Interpolation (SLI). Detect slave Voodoo chipset subsystem.
SSTV2_SLIM_PVOUT_CLKDELMaster frame buffer chip preliminary pixel clock delay.
SSTV2_SLIM_VIN_CLKDELMaster video in clock delay for external sync / gen locking.
SSTV2_SLIM_VOUT_CLKDELMaster system clock delay. Only valid if multiple FBIs and TMUs are present.
SSTV2_SLIS_PVOUT_CLKDELSlave frame buffer chip preliminary pixel clock delay.
SSTV2_SLIS_VIN_CLKDELSlave system video in clock delay (for sync to master).
SSTV2_SLIS_VOUT_CLKDELSlave system clock delay. Only valid if multiple FBIs and TMUs are present.
SSTV2_TEXMAP_DISABLE00 or 1Disables texture mapping (1)
SSTV2_TF0_CLKDELTexture chip 0 memory access in delayed clocks
SSTV2_TF1_CLKDELTexture chip 1 memory access in delayed clocks
SSTV2_TF2_CLKDELTexture chip 2 memory access in delayed clocks
SSTV2_TF_FIFO_THRESHCPU/Frame Buffer Writes/Reads to the texture map memory is done through FIFO since the texture map chip might be doing something with that memory at the time. This sets texture map write/read FIFO threshold to tell Glide that FIFO needs to be serviced and then may accept more data from either frame buffer or CPU.
SSTV2_TMUCFGTexture Chip Direct Bitmapped Config Register. Sets Texture types, overlay etc, directly.
SSTV2_TMU_MEMSIZEAmount of texture RAM in KB (?)Amount of texture RAM. Overrides Glide autodetect.
SSTV2_TREX0INIT0Texture Chip 0 Direct Bitmapped PrimaryInit Register (Glide will change the values of these registers depending on other environment variables).
SSTV2_TREX0INIT1Texture Chip 0 Direct BitmappedSecondary Init Register
SSTV2_TREX1INIT0Texture Chip 1 Direct Bitmapped Primary Init Register
SSTV2_TREX1INIT1Texture Chip 1 Direct Bitmapped Secondary Init Register
SSTV2_TREX2INIT0Texture Chip 2 Direct Bitmapped Primary Init Register
SSTV2_TREX2INIT1Texture Chip 2 Direct Bitmapped Secondary Init Register
SSTV2_VFIFO_THRESHThreshold of PCI -> Voodoo frame buffer access before FIFO is to be serviced.
SSTV2_VGA_PASS10 or 1Enable VGA pass-trough (1)
SSTV2_VIDEO_24BPP00 or 1Enable 24-bit video mode (1)
SSTV2_VIDEO_CLEARCOLOR0 or 1Color fill back buffer during a page flip. (0 = enable)
SSTV2_VIDEO_DISABLEDisable video DAC information stream. Synching may still be active.
SSTV2_VIDEO_FILTER_DISABLEDisable 24 -> 16-bit dithering
SSTV2_VIDEO_FILTER_THRESHOLD16-bit pixel value threshold, in which smoothing will be applied to inside adjacent pixels.
SSTV2_VIDEO_NOCLEARDon't clear back buffer during a page flip.
SSTV2_VIN_CLKDELSingle Voodoo system video in clock delay
SSTV2_VOUT_CLKDELSingle Voodoo system video out clock delay
SSTV2_VSYNCDisable vsync, may increase performance (0)
SST_DUALHEAD0 (off)0 or 1Enable dual monitor support.
0 = off / 1 = on.
SST_INITDEBU00 or 1Enables displaying of Glide debug information in DOS shell.
0 = off / 1 = on.

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