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Terms, Standards, Abbreviations + Acronyms

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09 = 0.0, null, own (self) host on own (self) network (prohibited, reserved IPv4 address) (networking) (IANA).
0D = Nil (Zero, 0) Dimensional point (absent) representation: void of (none) axes coordinates.
0G = 0 (Zero) Generation analog radio/telecommunication technology standard (150-420 MHz frequency band, up to 600 Mb/sec data rate).
10 GigE = 10 (Ten) Gigabit Ethernet, also 10GbE, also 10GE (full duplex point to point networking transmission technologies) (IEEE).
1080i = 1920x1080 interlaced screen resolution (displays, monitors, HDTV).
1080p = 1920x1080 progressive scan screen resolution (displays, monitors, HDTV).
10GE = 10 (Ten) Gigabit Ethernet, also 10 GigE, also 10GbE (full duplex point to point networking transmission technologies) (IEEE).
10GbE = 10 (Ten) Gigabit Ethernet, also 10 GigE, also 10GE (full duplex point to point networking transmission technologies) (IEEE). = Local/Localhost hostname, currently/locally accessed (local) computer/device, also localhost (reserved local loopback IPv4 address block) (networking) (IANA).
128-bit = 128 b (bits) wide (computer hardware + software architecture + instructions set).
16:9 = Wide digital cinema/TV display horizontal:vertical (letterbox) aspect ratio standard (see WAR).
16-bit = 16 b (bits) wide (computer hardware + software architecture + instructions set).
1D = Uni (One, 1) (single) Dimensional linear representation: x axis coordinate.
1G = 1st (First) Generation analog radio/telecommunication technology standard (400-450 MHz frequency band, up to 700 Gb/sec data rate).
2019-nCoV = 2019 novel CoronaVirus, also SARS-CoV-2, also HCoV-19 (coronavirus strain responsible for COVID-19 airborne transmissible contagious infectious respiratory illness). STØP  CoronaVirus  C❂VID-19
2160p = 4096x2160 (cinema UHD) or 3840x2160 (TV UHD) progressive scan screen resolution (displays, monitors, cinema, UHDTV).
24p = High Definition 24 frames/sec progressive video (Sony/Panasonic) (also HiDef).
256-bit = 256 b (bits) wide (computer hardware + software architecture + instructions set).
2.5G = General Packet Radio Service, also GPRS (digital communications) (ETSI|IENT).
2.5K = 3120x1440 (cinema UHD) and 2560x1440 (displays, monitors, TV QHD) screen resolution, also QHD, also Quad HD.
286 = Intel 80286 processors, also 80286.
2BP = Two (2) Body (particle) Problem (theory), also 2BT (classical mechanics physics + quantum mechanics physics respectively, special case of "n" body/particle problem theory).
2BT = Two (2) Body (particle) Theory (problem), also 2BP (classical mechanics physics + quantum mechanics physics respectively, special case of "n" body/particle problem theory).
2D = Bi (Two, 2) dimensional surficial (flat) representation: x + y axes coordinates.
2D-DNR = 2 (Two) Dimensional (temporal) Dynamic Noise Reduction (analog/digital video artifacts/static filtering/removal) (National Semiconductor).
2FA = Two Factor Authentication, also TFA (electronic verification method).
2G = 2nd (Second) Deneration digital broadband/telecommunication/wireless technology standard (2.4-2.9 GHz frequency band, up to 5 Gb/sec data rate) (3GPP).
2K = 2048x1080 (cinema UHD) and 1920x1080 (displays, monitors, TV HD) screen resolution.
2K (2) = 2000 (year).
2K1 = 2001 (year).
2K2 = 2002 (year).
2K3 = 2003 (year).
2K4 = 2004 (year).
2K5 = 2005 (year).
2K6 = 2006 (year).
2K7 = 2007 (year).
2K8 = 2008 (year).
2K9 = 2009 (year).
32-bit = 32 b (bits) wide (computer hardware + software architecture + instructions set).
386 = Intel 80386 processors, also 80386 (SX/DX).
386MAX = Qualitas 386 Expanded Memory Manager (386MAX.SYS).
3BP = Three (3) Body (particle) Problem (theory), also 3BT (classical mechanics physics + quantum mechanics physics respectively, special case of "n" body/particle problem theory).
3BT = Three (3) Body (particle) Theory (problem), also 3BP (classical mechanics physics + quantum mechanics physics respectively, special case of "n" body/particle problem theory).
3D = Tri (Three, 3) Dimensional spatial (voluminal) representation: x, y + z axes coordinates.
3DC = 3D Consortium (Sharp/Sanyo/Sony/Toshiba/Samsung/LG).
3DEA = Triple (3) Data Encryption Algorithm, also TDEA (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
3DES = Triple (3) Data Encryption Standard algorithm, also TDES (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
3dfx = 3D Graphics Interactive (Voodoo family 3D chipsets).
3DI = Tri (Three, 3) Dimensional Imaging.
3DIF = 3D Industry Forum (Intel/Adobe/Microsoft).
3DNow! = AMD K6/K7/K8/K9 CPU multimedia extensions.
3D-DNR = 3 (Three) Dimensional (spatial) Dynamic Noise Reduction (analog/digital 3D/video artifacts/static filtering/removal) (National Semiconductor).
3DOF = Three (3) Degrees Of Freedom (motion, direction + orientation in 3D space).
3DRAM = 3D Dynamic Random Access Memory.
3G = 3rd (Third) Generation digital broadband/telecommunication/wireless technology standard (3.5-3.95 GHz frequency band, up to 8 Gb/sec data rate) (3GPP).
3GIO = 3rd Generation Input/Output (PCI 3.0 or PCI Express or PCIe) bus architecture: 64-bit, 133/266 MHz, 6.6 GB/sec (Intel/IBM/Compaq/Microsoft/Dell).
3GPP = 3rd (Third) Generation Partnership Project telecommunications standards organizations (5G/GSM/UMTS/LTE/IMS).
3PS = 3rd (Third) Person Shooter (video) game, also TPS (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
4:3 = Traditional analog TV display horizontal:vertical aspect ratio (old standard).
486 = Intel 80486 processors, also 80486 (DX/DX2/DX4).
4D = Quad (Four, 4) Dimensional spatial (voluminal) representation: x, y, z + w axes coordinates.
4G = 4th (Fourth) Generation digital broadband/telecommunication/wireless technology standard (4-4.9 GHz frequency band, up to 10 Gb/sec data rate) (3GPP).
4K = 4096x3112 (cinema UHD) and 3840x2160 (displays, monitors, TV UHD) screen resolution.
4X = EXplore, eXpand, eXploit and eXterminate game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
512-bit = 512 b (bits) wide (computer hardware + software architecture + instructions set).
586 = Intel 80586 processors, also 80586 (Pentium/Pentium Pro).
5G = 5th (Fifth) Generation digital broadband/telecommunication/wireless technology standard (5-5.25 GHz frequency band, up to 30 Gb/sec data rate) (3GPP).
5K = 5120x3200 (cinema EHD) and 5120x2880 (displays, monitors, TV EHD) screen resolution.
64-bit = 64 b (bits) wide (computer hardware + software architecture + instructions set).
686 = Intel 80686 processors, also 80686 (Pentium II/III/IV).
6DOF = Six (6) Degrees Of Freedom (motion, direction + orientation in 3D space).
6G = 6th (Sixth) Generation digital broadband/telecommunication/wireless technology standard (30 GHz-3 THz frequency band, up to 1 Tb/sec data rate) (3GPP).
6K = 6144x3240 (cinema PHD) and 6144x3160 (displays, monitors, TV PHD) screen resolution.
720i = 1280x720 interlaced screen resolution (displays, monitors, HDTV).
720p = 1280x720 progressive scan screen resolution (displays, monitors, HDTV).
7-Zip = 7-Zip (compressed archive) file type + format, also 7Z (.7Z) (7-Zip).
7Z = 7-Zip (compressed archive) file type + format, also 7-Zip (.7Z) (7-Zip).
802 = Family of wired + wireless LAN/MAN/PAN/WAN devices connection interface networking standards, specifications + protocols (IEEE).
802.11 = Wi-Fi + mesh (long range wireless LAN/MAN/PAN/WAN) connection interface networking specifications (IEEE).
802.11p = WAVE (vehicular wireless networks) connection interface networking specifications (IEEE).
802.15 = Wireless (MAN/PAN/WAN/WSN) specialty connection interface networking specifications (IEEE).
802.15.1 = Bluetooth (short range wireless LAN) devices connection interface networking specifications (IEEE).
802.15.4 = LR-WPAN/Zigbee (short range wireless LAN) devices/sensors connection interface networking specifications (IEEE).
802.15.5 = Mesh (wired + wireless MAN/PAN/WAN) connectivity devices/nodes connection interface networking specifications (IEEE).
802.15.6 = Wireless (short range BAN/BSN/MBAN/WBAN) wearable devices/sensors connection interface networking specifications (IEEE).
802.15.7 = Visible light (wireless MAN/PAN/WAN) communication devices connection interface networking specifications (IEEE).
802.18 = Radio Regulatory TAG (long range wireless LAN/MAN/PAN/WAN) connection interface networking specifications (IEEE).
802.1X = Port based Network Access Control (wired + wireless LAN/MAN/PAN/WAN/WLAN) connection interface networking specifications (IEEE).
802.3 = Ethernet (wired LAN/MAN/PAN/WAN) connection interface networking specifications (IEEE).
80286 = Intel 80286 processors, also 286.
80386 = Intel 80386 processors, also 386 (SX/DX).
80486 = Intel 80486 processors, also 486 (DX/DX2/DX4).
80586 = Intel 80586 processors, also 586 (Pentium/Pentium Pro).
80686 = Intel 80686 processors, also 686 (Pentium II/III/IV).
8086 = Intel 8086 processors (first generation).
80X86 = Intel 32-bit (x86) processors, also 86, also x86 (32-bit compatible CPU + instructions set).
80X87 = Intel 32-bit (x86) X87 FPU mathematical coprocessor, also 87, also X87 (32-bit compatible CPU + instructions set).
86 = Intel 32-bit (x86) processors, also 80X86, also x86 (32-bit compatible CPU + instructions set).
87 = Intel 32-bit (x86) X87 FPU mathematical coprocessor, also 80X87, also X87 (32-bit compatible CPU + instructions set).
8K = 8192x5120 (cinema FHD) and 7680x4320 (displays, monitors, TV FHD) screen resolution.
9x = Windows 95, 95a OSR1, 95B OSR 2.0, 95B OSR 2.1, 95C OSR 2.5, 98, 98 SP1, 98 SE(U) + ME (Millennium Edition) Operating Systems (OSes) (Microsoft).
95 = Windows 95/95a OSR1/95B OSR 2.0/95B OSR 2.1/95C OSR 2.5 (Microsoft).
98 = Windows 98/98 SP1/98 SE(U) (Microsoft).
A2A = Analog to Analog (signal conversion/modulation technology).
A2D = Analog to Digital (signal conversion/modulation technology).
A3D = Aureal 3D surround sound technology.
AA = Anti-Aliasing edge smoothing technology (3D imaging/motion/photo/video).
AAA = Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (computer security).
AAAS = American Association for the Advancement of Science.
AAC = Advanced Audio Coding (Codec) (enhanced MPEG-4 encoding).
AAC (2) = Advanced Audio Coding (Codec) file type + format (.AAC).
AAD = Additional Authenticated Data (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
AAF = Anti Aliasing optical blur Filter, also Optical Low Pass Filter (digital cinematography/photography/videography camera/recorder, optical element, lens).
AAF (2) = Advanced Authoring Format file type + format (.AAF) (Microsoft video).
AB = Bachelor of Arts (LA: Baccalaureus Artium), also BA, also BAc, also AcB (undergraduate level academic degree).
ABF = Auto(matic) Back Focus (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, recorder, optical element, lens).
ABI = Application Binary Interface (computer/device software programming).
ABM = Agent Based Model (complex, multiagent systems computational prediction, simulation).
ABS = Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic copolymer).
ABWR = Advanced Boiling Water cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
A/C = Alternating Current, also AC (cyclical sine wave reversible/variable electrical current).
AC = Alternating Current, also A/C (cyclical sine wave reversible/variable electrical current).
AC (2) = Artificial (digital, machine, synthetic) Consciousness, also DC, also MC, also SC (human made organized neural construct).
AC-3 = Advanced Codec (Audio Coding) 3 Dolby Digital 5.1 (5 + 1 = 6 channels) sound technology (3D spatial audio), also AC3 (ATSC).
AC3 = Advanced Codec (Audio Coding) 3 Dolby Digital 5.1 (5 + 1 = 6 channels) sound technology (3D spatial audio), also AC-3 (ATSC).
AC3 (2) = Advanced Codec (Audio Coding) 3 file type + format (.AC3).
AC'97 = Audio Codec 1997 component specification (Intel).
AcB = Bachelor of Arts (LA: Baccalaureus Artium), also BA, also BAc, also AB (undergraduate level academic degree).
ACC = Adaptive Cruise Control system (vehicle electronic technology).
ACE = Arbitrary Code Execution vulnerability (computer security).
ACE (2) = Archive Compressed Extension file type + format (.ACE) (WinACE).
ACK = ACKnowledgement signal (computer hardware, networking, telecommunications).
ACL = Association for Computational Linguistics.
ACL (2) = Access Control List (Microsoft Windows NTx OSes running on NTFS).
ACLU = American Civil Liberties Union.
ACM = Association for Computing Machinery.
ACO = AreoCentric (Mars) Orbit (cosmology).
ACPI = Advanced Configuration Power Interface.
ACS = Astronomical Coordinate System (cosmology).
ACW = AntiClockWise rotation/revolution motion, also CCW (clock hands opposite direction/sense).
A/D = Analog to Digital converter, also ADC, also A-to-D (electronics, signal conversion/modulation technology).
AD = Anno Domini (LA), year of the lord/christian god (former convention), replaced by CE (Common Era), also EV (LA: Era Vulgaris) (Gregorian solar calendar year notation).
AD (2) = Associated Data (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
ADC = Analog to Digital Converter, also A/D, also A-to-D (electronics, signal conversion/modulation technology).
ADAS = Advanced Driver Assistance System (vehicle safe operation electronic technology).
ADM = Auto(matic) Dynamic Metering (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, recorder, optical element, lens) (Olympus).
aDNS = Anycast Domain Name System UDP protocol (networking: each IP can be routed/resolved to any number of DNS servers).
ADPCM = Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation electronics standard.
ADSL = Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line modem technology (1.1 MHz, 4 Mb/sec).
ADSL2+ = Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line version 2+ modem technology (2.2 MHz, 24 Mb/sec).
ADVD = Audio Digital Versatile (Video) Disc.
Adware = Ad(vertising) software (unsolicited, unwanted, dishonest, false, fraudulent, illegal, abusive, deceptive, misleading, disguised, malicious).
AE = Authenticated Encryption (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
AEAD = Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
AEB = Autonomous Emergency Braking (vehicle safe operation electronic technology).
AEBS = Advanced (Automated) Emergency Braking System (vehicle safe operation electronic technology).
AES = Advanced Encryption Standard (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
AESA = Active Electronically Scanned Array (computer controlled phased array antenna).
AES-GCM-SIV = Advanced Encryption Standard Galois Counter Mode Synthetic Initialization Vector (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
AEV = Ante Era Vulgaris (LA), also BCE (Before the Common Era) (Gregorian solar calendar year notation).
AF = Auto(matic) Focus (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, recorder, optical element, lens).
AFAIA = As Far As I'm Aware.
AFAIC = As Far As I'm Concerned.
AFAIK = As Far As I know.
AFC = Away From Computer (Controller).
AFFS = Amiga Fast File System, also FFS (Amiga OS).
AFK = Away From Keyboard.
AFM = Atomic Force Microscope.
AFO = Away From Office.
AFP = Away From Phone.
AFP (2) = Apple Filing Protocol (Apple).
AFR = Alternate Frame Rendering (ATI Rage Fury MAXX).
AFRC = Armstrong Flight Research Center (NASA space field center, USA).
AFT = Authenticated Firewall Traversal (networking protocol application support layer).
AFW = Away From Work.
AGI = Artificial General(ized) Intelligence (hypothetical autonomous intelligent agent/computer/machine theoretically capable of attaining/equalling/surpassing human capabilities).
AGN = Active Galactic Nucleus (cosmology).
AGP = Accelerated Graphics Port technology (Intel).
AGP-1x = Accelerated Graphics Port technology 1st generation (AGP 1.0): 266 MB/sec bandwidth (Intel).
AGP-2x = Accelerated Graphics Port technology 2nd generation using sidebands (AGP 2.0): 533 MB/sec bandwidth (Intel).
AGP-4x = Accelerated Graphics Port technology 3nd generation using fast writes (AGP 3.0): 1.07 GB/sec bandwidth (Intel).
AGP-8x = Accelerated Graphics Port technology 4th generation (AGP 4.0): 2.14 GB/sec bandwidth (Intel).
AGRAS = AntiGlare antiReflection AntiStatic protective CRT display/monitor/screen treatment.
AGT = Algorithmic Game Theory (mathematics + computer science).
AHA = Avoid Hasty Abstractions (computer/device software design principle).
AHCI = Advanced Host Controller Interface (SATA controllers).
AHR = Aqueous Homogeneous cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
AHWR = Advanced Heavy Water cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
A.I. = Artificial Intelligence, also AI (computer/machine hardware + software programmed + trained synthetic alteration, automation, compilation, creation, distortion, distribution, exploitation, imitation, manipulation, prediction, processing, recognition, simulation of human behavior, decision, interaction, knowledge, learning, reaction, reasoning based mostly on digital data, information + multimedia: audio, data, imagery, text, video).
AI = Artificial Intelligence, also A.I. (computer/machine hardware + software programmed + trained synthetic alteration, automation, compilation, creation, distortion, distribution, exploitation, imitation, manipulation, prediction, processing, recognition, simulation of human behavior, decision, interaction, knowledge, learning, reaction, reasoning based mostly on digital data, information + multimedia: audio, data, imagery, text, video).
AIA = Artificial Intelligence (virtual) Assistant, also VA (computer/device software agent).
AIDC = Automatic Identification and Data Capture (electronics).
AIE = Agence Internationale de l'Énergie (FR), also IEA (International Energy Agency).
AIEA = Agence Internationale de l'Énergie Atomique (FR), also IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
AIFF = Audio Interchange File Format lossless uncompressed audio file type + format (.aif, .aiff) (Apple).
AIS = Artificial Immune System (computer/machine learning).
AIT = Advanced Intelligent Tape (Sony).
AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (transfer) (web/WWW design technology).
a.k.a. = Also known as, also aka, also AKA.
aka = Also known as, also a.k.a., also AKA.
AKA (2) = Also Known As, also a.k.a., also aka.
AL = Apache License (computer/device software) (ASF).
ALDC = Adaptive Lossless Data Compression (IBM).
ALMA = Atacama Large Millimeter Array (astronomical observatory complex) (NRAO/ESO).
Alt = Alternate character, also alt char (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player video gaming).
Alt char = Alternate character, also alt (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player video gaming).
ALU = Arithmetic Logic Unit (computer, coprocessor, CPU architecture + instructions set).
A.M. = Ante Meridiem (LA) time convention, also AM (before midday, before 12:00:00 o'clock noon).
AM = Ante Meridiem (LA) time convention, also A.M. (before midday, before 12:00:00 o'clock noon).
AM (2) = Amplitude Modulation radio frequency waves with low audio fidelity (long, medium + short frequency spectra/ranges).
AM (3) = Master of Arts (LA: Magister Artium), also MA (graduate level academic degree).
AMA = Ask Me Anything.
AMD = Advanced Micro Devices.
AMD64 = Intel 64-bit (x64) processors, also Intel 64, also x64, also x86-64 (64-bit compatible CPU + instructions set).
AMEL = Active Matrix ElectroLuminescence (display/monitor/screen).
AmI = Ambient Intelligence (computing, electronics, telecommunications).
AMI (2) = American Megatrends Incorporated.
AMOLED = Active Matrix Polymer Organic Light Emitting Diode display/monitor/screen (Samsung).
AMP = Asymmetric MultiProcessing technology, also ASMP (computing).
AMP (2) = Accelerated Mobile (cellular) Pages (HTML framework).
AMR = Audio Modem Riser slot (Intel Pentium III/IV 8XX chipsets).
AMTSO = Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization.
AMV = Actions Media Video video file type + format (.AMV) (Actions Semiconductor/ALi).
AMV (2) = Animated/Anime/Animation Music Video.
ANC = Active Noise Control (Cancellation), also ANR, also NC (analog/digital audio artifacts/static filtering/removal).
AND = Paired AND +/- NO AND digital logic gate (nonvolatile memory) (electronics).
Android = Android cellular/mobile/portable device/electronics open source operating system based on modified open source Linux (Google).
ANDSF = Access Network Discovery and Selection Function (wireless telecommunications technology).
ANFIS = Adaptive Neuro (Network based) Fuzzy Inference System (artificial neural network).
ANI = Windows ANImated cursor graphic file type + format (.ANI) (Microsoft).
ANN = Artificial (biological, synthetic) Neural Net(work), also NN (artificial intelligence).
ANR = Active Noise Reduction, also ANC, also NC (analog/digital audio artifacts/static filtering/removal).
ANSI = American National Standards Institute (USA).
ANT = Algorithmic (Computational) Number Theory, also CNT (mathematics + computer science).
AOD = Advanced Optical Disc technology (Toshiba/NEC).
AOFS = Amiga Old File System, also OFS (Amiga OS).
AOL = America OnLine.
AOMedia = Alliance for Open Media.
AOT = Ahead Of Time compilation (compiling before execution) (computer programming).
APG = Action Playing Game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
API = Association Phonétique Internationale (FR), also IPA (International Phonetic Association).
API (2) = Application Programming Interface (computer programming).
APIC = Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller.
APM = Advanced Power Management.
APN = Access Point Name (wireless computer networking).
App = Computer, device, cellular/mobile, machine, portable, web/WWW software app(lication)/program/utility.
APRS = Automatic Packet Reporting System (radio/GPS locator device).
APS = Active Pixel Sensor (active transistors photodetection image sensor).
APS-C = Advanced Photo System Type C image sensor format (25x16 mm).
APSK = Amplitude and Phase Shift Keying (digital telecommunications).
APU = Accelerated Processing Unit (AMD/AMD64 Athlon/Brazos/Fusion/Kabini/Kaveri/Llano/Ryzen/Temash/Trinity families 2D/3D video display/monitor/screen chipset).
AR = AntiReflective (AntiReflection), antiglare protective optical coating (cinematography/photography/videography optical element, lens).
AR (2) = Augmented Reality (computer/machine generated enhanced digital interactive simulated reality environment/experience).
ARAG = AntiReflection AntiGlare protective CRT display/monitor/screen treatment.
ARAS = AntiReflection AntiStatic protective CRT display/monitor/screen treatment.
ARC = Ames Research Center (NASA space field center, USA).
ARG = Alternate Reality Game (interactive, networked, multimedia/transmedia computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
ARM = Advanced (Acorn) RISC Machines (computer architecture).
ARP = Address Resolution Protocol (networking technology).
ARP (2) = Action Role Playing game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
ARPANET = Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (internet forerunner) (USA).
ARPG = Action Role Playing Game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
ARTS = Action Real Time Strategy game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
ASA = Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic UV resistant plastic copolymer).
ASA (2) = Former American Standards Association celluloid film/electronic sensor sensitivity to light numerical scale (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, recorder).
AsAP = Asynchronous Array of simple Processors (parallel computing).
ASAP (2) = As Soon As Possible.
ASC = Active Signal Correction technology (Sony CRT display/monitor/screen).
ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
ASE = Agence Spatiale Européenne (FR), also ESA (European Space Agency) (EU|UE).
ASF = Apache Software Foundation.
ASF (2) = Advanced Streaming Format file type + format (.ASF) (Microsoft NetShow/DirectVideo).
ASIC = Application Specific Integrated Circuit.
ASK = Amplitude Shift Keying (digital communications).
ASLR = Address Space Layout Randomization (computer security randomization algorithm).
ASMP = ASymmetric MultiProcessing technology, also AMP (computing).
ASO = AreoStationary (Mars) Orbit (cosmology).
ASO (2) = AreoSynchronous (Mars) Orbit (cosmology).
ASP = Angle Sensitive Pixel (CMOS image sensor).
ASP (2) = Application Service Provider.
ASP (3) = Active Server Page (Microsoft).
ASP (4) = Average Selling Price.
ASP (5) = Advanced Sound Processor (Creative Labs).
ASP (6) = Answer Set Programming (computer/device software).
ASPI = Advanced SCSI Programming Interface.
asRNA = Antisense RNA (hybridized single stranded RNA with complementary protein coding mRNA biological process).
ASS = Advanced Sub Station alpha (ANSI/Unicode/UTF-8) subtitles file type + format (.ASS).
ASV = Autonomous Surface Vehicle (Vessel).
ASVD = Analog Simultaneous Voice and Data.
Async SRAM = Asynchronous Static Random Access Memory (CPU L2 cache).
AT = Advanced Technology (motherboard form factor).
AT (2) = Authenticated Transfer protocol (decentralized, open source networking technology) (Bluesky).
ATA = Advanced Technology Attachment technology (ANSI for Integrated Drive Electronics).
ATA/33 = Ultra ATA/Ultra DMA 33.33 MB/sec tranfer rate (EIDE/ATA hard disk controller/drive technology).
ATA/66 = Ultra ATA/Ultra DMA 66.66 MB/sec tranfer rate (EIDE/ATA hard disk controller/drive technology).
ATA/100 = Ultra ATA/Ultra DMA 100 MB/sec tranfer rate (EIDE/ATA hard disk controller/drive technology).
ATA/133 = Ultra ATA/Ultra DMA 133.33 MB/sec tranfer rate (EIDE/ATA hard disk controller/drive technology).
ATAPI = Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface.
ATB = Active Time Battle game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
ATC = Air Traffic Control.
Athlon = AMD Athlon K7 CPU.
ATI = ATI Technologies Inc.
ATM = Adobe Type Manager.
ATM (2) = Asynchronous Transfer Mode (networking).
ATN = Augmented Transition Network (computational linguistics).
A-to-D = Analog to Digital converter, also A/D, also ADC (electronics, signal conversion/modulation technology).
ATSC = Advanced Television Systems Committee cable/satellite/terrestrial HDTV broadcast standards (North + South America + Asian Pacific).
ATSC 2.0 = Advanced Television Systems Committee revision 2.0 cable/satellite/terrestrial HDTV broadcast standards (North + South America + Asian Pacific).
ATSC 3.0 = Advanced Television Systems Committee revision 3.0 cable/satellite/terrestrial HDTV broadcast standards (North + South America + Asian Pacific).
ATSC-M/H = Advanced Television Systems Committee Mobile (cellular) / Hanheld cable/satellite/terrestrial HDTV broadcast standards (North + South America + Asian Pacific).
ATV = Analog Broadcast TeleVision (old TV standard).
ATV (2) = Advanced Broadcast TeleVision (DTV, HDTV standard).
ATX = Advanced Technology eXtended (motherboard form factor).
au = Astronomical unit of length measurement = Earth - Sun distance: 1 au = 149597870700 m = 8.3 light minutes, also AU (cosmology).
AU (2) = Astronomical Unit of length measurement = Earth - Sun distance: 1 AU = 149597870700 m = 8.3 light minutes, also au (cosmology).
AU (3) = AUdio file type + format (.AU).
AuC = Authentication Center (wireless telecommunications SIM unique identifier).
AUD = AUDio file type + format (.AUD).
Audiocast = Audio broadcast (spontaneous/scripted live/recorded distributed/published/shared/streamed/transmitted audio/data/text educational/entertaining/informative course/documentary/event/film/presentation/program).
Audiolog = Audio log educational, entertaining, informational internet/online/WWW document/page/publication/site.
AUI = Adaptive User Interface (adaptable/alterable/upgradable to context/interaction/interdependence/need/preference/requirement/update).
AUTOEXEC.BAT = AUTOmatically EXECuted BATch operating system configuration file (DOS, Microsoft MS-DOS + Windows 9x/NTx).
Auto-HUD = Automotive Head(s) Up Display (vehicle vision system).
AutoML = Automated Machine Learning (computer learning) (artificial intelligence).
AUV = Autonomous Underwater (Undersea) Vehicle.
AUX = AUXiliary (computer/device/electronics/hardware configurable serial port).
AV = Autonomous Vehicle (automated/robotic, driverless/self driving, and/or remotely controlled/operated).
AV (2) = Augmented Virtuality (convergence/hybridazation/merging of computer/machine generated enhanced digital interactive augmented, simulated + virtual reality environment/experience).
A/V = Audio / Video (AudioVisual) (electronics, multimedia).
AV1 = AOMedia Video 1 video coding (codec)/compression file type + format (.AV1) (AOMedia).
Avatar = 3D/graphical/pictorial (icon, image, logo, photo) interpretation/representation/suggestion/symbol of character, member, persona, player, user [internet/online communication, gaming, (social) media, multimedia].
AVC = Advanced Video Coding (Codec) H.264/AVC video compression standard, also H.264, also X.264 (ITU/ISO|OIN/MPEG).
AVC1 = Advanced Video Coding (Codec) 1 H.264/AVC1 video compression standard, also H.264, also X.264 (ITU/ISO|OIN/MPEG).
AVI = Audio Video Interleave file type + format (.AVI) (Microsoft).
AVIF = AV1 Image File type + format (.avif) based on AOMedia Video 1 video coding (codec)/compression (AOMedia).
AVoD = Advertising Video on Demand (promotional based multimedia edutainment/entertainment/infotainment broadcast/distribution/streaming/transmission platform/service).
AVX = Advanced Vector 128-bit eXtensions SIMD instruction set (built into the CPU) (AMD/Intel).
AVX2 = Advanced Vector 256-bit eXtensions 2.0 SIMD instruction set (built into the CPU) (AMD/Intel).
AVX-512 = Advanced Vector 512-bit eXtensions SIMD instruction set (built into the CPU) (AMD/Intel).
AWR = Active Wide Range playback system (Toshiba CD-ROM).
AXCEL216 = Packard Bell AXCEL216 386/SX 25 MHz Intel CPU [my first PC 😉 + my 1st internet nickname].
AYBABTU = All Your Base Are Belong To Us (Zero Wing platform game opening).
b = bit (binary digit): unit of digital information: 1 bit = 0 or 1 = true or false = yes or no = on or off = + or - (digital communications, computing) (IEC|CEI/IEEE).
B (2) = Byte (Binary octet): unit of digital data: 1 Byte = 8 bits = 0-7 (digital communications, computing) (IEC|CEI/IEEE).
B2B = Business to Business, also BtoB.
B2C = Business to Consumer, also BtoC.
B2M = Business to Market, also BtoM.
B2P = Buy to Play game (computer/console/online/platform/video gaming).
B4 = Before.
BA = Bachelor of Arts (LA: Baccalaureus Artium), also BAc, also AB, also AcB (undergraduate level academic degree).
BAc = Bachelor of Arts (LA: Baccalaureus Artium), also BA, also AB, also AcB (undergraduate level academic degree).
BAN = Body Area Network.
BASIC = Beginners' All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code high level general purpose language (computer/machine programming/scripting).
BAT = BATch program script text/ASCII/Unicode file type + format (.BAT) (Microsoft DOS/MS-DOS + Windows).
Baud = Modem line (carrier) signaling high/low events/shifts per second.
BBS = Bulletin Board System, also CBBS.
b/c = Because.
BC = Before Christ (LA: Ante Christum) (former convention), replaced by AEV (LA: Ante Era Vulgaris), also BCE (Before the Common Era) (Gregorian solar calendar year notation).
BCC = Blind Carbon Copy (document, duplicate, e-mail, photo, scanned copy, clone).
BCD = Binary Coded Decimal interchange code, also BCDIC (6-bit encoding) (IBM).
BCDIC = Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code, also BCD (6-bit encoding) (IBM).
BCE = Before the Common Era (LA: Ante Era Vulgaris), also AEV (Gregorian solar calendar year notation).
BCI = Brain Computer Interface, also BMI (interconnected/networked device/machine/electronics/peripheral + human designed electrodes interaction).
BCL = Base Class Library (computer programming).
BC/P = Birefringent Crystal Polarizer optical (crystal, glass) filter (interferometry/microscopy/spectroscopy optical element, lens).
BD = Blu-Ray Digital Versatile Disc technology, also Blu-ray (Sony/Philips/Hitachi/Sharp/Samsung).
BDA = BIOS Data Area.
BDA (2) = Blu-Ray Disc Association.
BDD = Behavior Driven Development (computer/device software design principle).
BD-R = Blu-Ray Disc Recordable Media technology (Sony/Philips/Hitachi/Sharp/Samsung).
BD-RE = Blu-Ray Disc Rewritable Media technology (Sony/Philips/Hitachi/Sharp/Samsung).
BD-ROM = Blu-Ray Disc Read Only Media technology (Sony/Philips/Hitachi/Sharp/Samsung).
BDUF = Big Design Up Front (computer/device software design principle).
BDXL = High Capacity Recordable and Rewritable Blu-Ray Disc [triple (100 GB) or quadruple (128 GB) layer].
BEDO = Burst Extended Data Out (DRAM).
BEEP = Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol (network application protocols framework).
BeFS = Be File System, also BFS (BeOS).
BeiDou = BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (China).
Bel = Unit of acoustic/sound level/pressure/power: 1 Bel = 10 dB (deciBels).
BEOL = Back End Of Line (electronic integrated circuit electrical connection).
BER = Bit Error Rate (digital transmission, numerical).
BER (2) = Bit Error Ratio (digital transmission, percentage).
BEV = Battery (powered) Electric Vehicle.
BFS = Be File System, also BeFS (BeOS).
BFV = Bi-Fuel (multifuel) (powered) Vehicle.
BGA = Ball Grid Array (242 pin Intel CPU).
BGM = BackGround Music (from online, streaming, television, theatrical, video documentary, film, program, series).
BGP = Border Gateway Protocol (path vector exchange routing + reachability networking standard).
BI = Biological (natural) Intelligence, also NI (characteristic to biological/natural life forms, as opposed to artificial/computer/machine/synthetic intelligence).
BIC-TCP = Binary Increase Congestion Transmission Control Protocol (NCSU).
BIF = Binary Image Format file type + format (.BIF).
BINHEX = BINary HEXadecimal (BINary to ASCII data conversion).
BIO = Built In (planned, predetermined, premature) Obsolescence, artificially/purposely limited/shortened design/life (merchandising/product/service).
BIOS = Basic Input Output System.
BIPM = Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (FR), also IBWM (International Bureau of Weights and Measures).
BISDN = Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (high speed telecommunications standards) (ITU).
BJT = Bipolar Junction Transistor (electronics).
BL = BSD License (computer/device software) (BSD).
BLE = Bluetooth Low Energy (short range wireless data exchange standard).
Blog = WeB log educational, entertaining, informational internet/online/WWW document/page/publication/site, also weblog.
BLOS = Below Line Of Sight (radio communication).
BLP = Bit Level Parallelism (parallel computing).
BLS = Boneh Lynn Shacham cryptographic authentication bilinear pairing signature encryption algorithm (computer security).
Blu-Ray = Blu-Ray Digital Versatile Disc technology, also BD (Sony/Philips/Hitachi/Sharp/Samsung).
BMI = Brain Machine Interface, also BCI (interconnected/networked computer/device/electronics/peripheral + human designed electrodes interaction).
BMJ = The British Medical Journal (UK).
BMP = RGB/RLE encoded BitMap Picture file type + format (.BMP) (Microsoft Windows).
BMR = Ballistic Magneto-Resistive effect (Hewlett Packard/IBM/Siemens Hard Disk Drive technology).
BNN = Biological Neural network (natural intelligence).
BOM = Byte Order Mark non-printing character/code (HTML, text processing, digital typesetting, computer programming) (Unicode).
BoM (2) = Bill of Material (manufacturer cost).
Botnet = Robot network (group/system of internet connected computers/devices used to peform harmful, illegal, malicious internet/network attacks, to copy/delete/modify/steal data, distribute spam, disturb/interrupt/sabotage/slow down/stop normal operation, install malware/spyware/trackware, allow attacker/unauthorized user to access, alter, control, infiltrate, manipulate target computer/device/server, its connection, data, resources).
BPB = BIOS Parameter Block (Microsoft MS-DOS/Windows 9x/ME, DOS, OS/2 FAT/FAT16/FAT32).
BPI = Baseline Privacy Interface (DOCSIS encrypted communication specifications).
BPL = Broadband over Power Line communication technology (networking/internet digital data transmission).
BPOV = Biased Point Of View (dishonest, distorted, fictional, incomplete, nonfactual, opinionated, partial, partisan, prejudiced, subjective perspective/viewpoint).
bpp = bits per pixel.
BPP (2) = Binary Packet Protocol (SSH cryptographic encrypted network).
BPR = Bit Patterned Recording hard disk drive (Toshiba).
bps = bits per second (b/sec).
Bps (2) = Bytes per second (B/sec).
BRB = Be Right Back.
BR/EDR = Bluetooth (basic) Rate/Enhanced Data Rate (short range wireless data exchange standard).
Broadcast = Spontaneous/scripted live/recorded audio/data/text/video announcement/documentary/event/film/information/presentation/program distributed/shared/streamed/transmitted across multiple channels, media, networks, services.
BRS = Broadband Radio Service.
BS = Bachelor of Science (LA: Scientiae Baccalaureus), also BSc, also SB, also ScB (undergraduate level academic degree).
BSB = Back Side Bus (CPU to RAM motherboard bus).
BSc = Bachelor of Science (LA: Scientiae Baccalaureus), also BS, also SB, also ScB (undergraduate level academic degree).
BSD = Berkeley Software Distribution [UNIX like GPL (free, open source) Operating System].
BSI = BackSide Illuminated sensor (digital cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, recorder).
BSN = Body Sensor Network.
BSoD = Blue Screen of Death [Microsoft Windows most dreaded "feature" 😎].
BSP = Beam Splitting Polarizer optical (crystal) filter (cinematography/interferometry/microscopy/photography/spectroscopy/videography optical element, lens).
BSP (2) = Base Service Provider Windows Sockets (Winsock) API.
BSS = Basic Service Set identifier, also BSSID (wireless LAN standard for devices sharing same network).
BSS (2) = Base Station Subsystem (wireless telecommunications).
BSSID = Basic Service Set IDentifier, also BSS (wireless LAN standard for devices sharing same network).
BTAIM = Be That As It May.
BTH = Beyond the Horizon Radar.
BTL = Behind The Lens metering (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, recorder, optical element, lens) (Pentax).
BtoB = Business to Business, also B2B.
BtoC = Business to Consumer, also B2C.
BtoM = Business to Market, also B2M.
BtP = Buy to Play game (computer/console/online/platform/video gaming).
BTS = Behind The Scenes.
BTW = By The Way.
BTX = Balanced Technology EXtended (motherboard form factor).
Bus = Binary data/communication/transfer gateway/interface/pathway/system between computer/device/electronics hardware modules: CPU, chipset, GPU/graphics, memory/RAM, I/O, peripheral, etc.
BVLOS = Beyond Visual Line of Sight.
BWL = Bursting With Laughter.
BWR = Boiling Water cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
BYOD = Bring Your Own.
BYOD = Bring Your Own Device.
°C = Degrees Celsius, also C (centigrade temperature scale measurement unit).
c = Speed of light (in vacuum) numerical value constant (from LA: celerity) = 299792.458 km/sec [E=mxc2 : kinetic energy (E) equals (=) rest mass (m) multiplied by (x) speed of light squared (c2) = Albert Einstein's mass energy equivalence equation].
C (2) = Atomic Carbon (Z=6 protons, tetravalent nonmetal chemical element, 12C = stable inorganic solid isotope at standard conditions).
C (2) = Degrees Celsius, also °C (centigrade temperature scale measurement unit).
C (3) = C high level general purpose computer programming language (IEC|CEI/ISO|OIN).
C++ = C + (plus) + (plus) high level general purpose computer programming language, also CPP (IEC|CEI/ISO|OIN).
C2B = Consumer to Business, also CtoB.
C2C = Controller to Controller.
C2C (2) = Consumer to Consumer, also CtoC.
C2M = Consumer to Market, also CtoM.
C2P = Controller to Processor.
C2PA = Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (Adobe/BBC/Intel/Microsoft/Truepic).
CA = Confidentiality Agreement, also CDA, also NDA, also PIA, also SA (legally binding restrictive contract in certain countries/nations/sovereignties/states/territories).
CaaS = Computing as a Service [on demand via local thin client (bare bones operating system) + remote central host (internet/network cloud server)].
CAB = CABinet lossless data compression file type + format (.CAB) (Microsoft).
CACGS = Computer Assisted Carrier Guidance System for unmanned/uncrewed vehicles.
CAD = Computer Aided Design (Drafting).
CADD = Computer Aided Design and Drafting.
CAESAR = Clean And Environmentally Safe Advanced Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
CAGD = Computer Aided Geometric Design (Drafting).
CAI = Computer Aided (Assisted) language Instruction, also CAL, also CALI, also CALL (computer science, education).
CAI (2) = Content Authenticity Initiative (Adobe/New York Times).
CAI (3) = Conversational Artificial Intelligence (computer/machine hardware + software programmed + trained for synthetic learning, processing, reacting, reasoning, recognition, response, understanding based on communication + interaction with humans by using digital data, information + multimedia: audio, data, imagery, text, video).
CAL = Computer Assisted (Aided) Language learning, also CAI, also CALI, also CALL (computer science, education).
CALI = Computer Aided (Assisted) Language Instruction, also CAI, also CAL, also CALL (computer science, education).
CALL = Computer Assisted (Aided) Language Learning, also CAI, also CAL, also CALI (computer science, education).
CAM = Computer Aided Manufacturing (Modeling, Machining).
CAMM = Compression Attached Memory Module (Dell/JEDEC).
CAMM2 = Compression Attached Memory Module 2 (2nd generation) (JEDEC).
CAN = Controller Area Network (array of microcontrollers).
CAN (2) = Campus Area Network.
CAPTCHA = Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Human Apart (computing test for humans).
CAPWAP = Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points protocol standard (computer networking, telecommunications) (IETF).
CAS = Column Access Strobe.
CAS (2) = Collision (pre-crash) Avoidance System (vehicle safe operation electronic technology).
Cas9 = CRISPR associated protein 9, formerly Cas5, Csn1, Csx12 (enzyme with immunological defensive properties against DNA viruses + plasmids).
Catfishing = Catfish chase other fish species if bundled together, fake, fictitious, stolen digital, internet/online, legal, physical identity/impersonation/persona (with abusive, deceptive, disguised, dishonest, fraudulent, harmful, illegal, malicious, misleading intent/purpose).
CATOBAR = Catapult Assisted Take Off But (Barrier) Arrested Recovery aircraft, vehicle.
CATOVL = Catapult Assisted Take Off and Vertical Landing aircraft, vehicle.
CATV = CAble TeleVision (analog/digital video/audio signal transmitted through coaxial/network/optical cable or wireless).
CAutoD = Computer Automated Design (device/electronics/machine optimization).
CAV = Constant Angular Velocity (Compact Disc).
CB7 = Comic Book reader sequential image viewer compressed archive 7-Zip file type + format (.7Z, .CB7) (CDisplay).
CBA = Comic Book reader sequential image viewer compressed archive ACE file type + format (.ACE, .CBA) (CDisplay).
CBBS = Computer Bulletin Board System, also BBS.
CBC = Cipher Block Chaining mode (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
CBC-MAC = Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
CBR = Cosmic Background Radiation (Rays) (cosmology).
CBR (2) = Citizen(s) Band Radio (2 way radio transceiver + spectra/ranges).
CBR (3) = Comic Book reader sequential image viewer compressed archive RAR file type + format (.CBR, .RAR) (CDisplay).
CBR (4) = Case Based Reasoning (artificial intelligence).
CBT = Comic Book reader sequential image viewer compressed archive TAR file type + format (.CBT, .TAR) (CDisplay).
CBZ = Comic Book reader sequential image viewer compressed archive ZIP file type + format (.CBZ, .ZIP) (CDisplay).
CC = Carbon Copy (document, duplicate, e-mail, photo, scanned copy, clone).
CC (2) = Creative Commons.
CC (3) = Closed Captioning (captions) and subtitling (subtitles) (video broadcast/distribution/sharing/transmission delayed/live/synchronized text/graphics transcription/translation overlaid display of audio).
CCD = Charge Coupled Device (light/photo sensitive digital capacitive sensor).
CCFB = Cold Cathode Fluorescent Backlighting (LCD screen).
CCFL = Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lighting (LCD screen).
CCG = Collectible (trading) Card Game (board/card/role playing gaming).
CCITT = Commité Consultatif International du Télégraphe et Téléphonie (FR), also ITTCC (International Telegraph and Telephony Consultative Committee).
CCM = Counter (CTR) mode with CBC-MAC (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
CCMP = Counter (CTR) mode with CBC-MAC Protocol (WPA cryptographic encryption).
CCO = CronoCentric (Saturn) Orbit (cosmology).
CCO (2) = CytheroCentric (Venus) Orbit (cosmology).
CCS = Celestial Coordinate System (cosmology).
CCT = Computational Complexity Theory (mathematics + computer science).
ccTLD = Country code Top Level Domain (global internet country/nation/sovereignty/state/territory 2 letter DNS categories extension unique indentifier suffixes) (IANA/ISO|OIN).
CCTV = Closed Circuit TeleVision (video surveillance).
CCW = CounterClockWise rotation/revolution motion, also ACW (clock hands opposite direction/sense).
CD = Compact Disc.
CD-DA = Compact Disc Digital Audio.
CDA = Confidential Disclosure Agreement, also CA, also NDA, also PIA, also SA (legally binding restrictive contract in certain countries/nations/sovereignties/states/territories).
CDAF = Contrast Detection Auto(matic) Focus (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, optical element, recorder, lens).
CDFS = CD-ROM File System (data CD).
CD-I = Compact Disc Interactive.
CDM = Content Decryption Module (W3C).
CDMA = Code Division Multiple Access (telecommunications standards) (3GPP).
CDN = Content Delivery (Distribution) Network (networked 3rd party/cross-site/external/federated/outsourced data/proxy center/cloud/server).
CDO = Cambridge Dictionaries Online.
CDR = CorelDRAW! image file type + format (.CDR).
CDRAM = Cache Dynamic Random Access Memory.
CD-R = Compact Disc Recorder.
CD-RAM = Compact Disc Rewritable Access Media.
CD-ROM = Compact Disc Read Only Media.
CD-ROM/XA = Compact Disc Read Only Media EXtended Architecture (Sony/Philips/Microsoft).
CDR-ROM = Compact Disc Recorder and Read Only Media (ODC).
CD-RW = Compact Disc ReWritable.
CDN = Content Delivery (Distribution) Network (networked proxy servers and data centers).
CDSCC = Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex (NASA space communications complex, USA/Australia).
CDSL = Consumer Digital Subscriber Line modem technology (Rockwell).
CE = Common Era (LA: Era Vulgaris), also EV (Gregorian solar calendar year notation).
CEI = Commission Électrotechnique Internationale, also IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission).
Celeron = Intel Pentium II/III/IV Celeron CPU families (80686).
CEPT = European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations.
CERN = Conseil Européen pour Recherche Nucléaire (FR), also EONR (European Organization for Nuclear Research).
.cern = CERN|EONR designated gTLD global internet DNS category extension unique indentifier suffix (IANA/ISO|OIN).
CERT = Computer Emergency Response Team.
CF = CompactFlash PATA 166 MB/sec memory mass storage removable media cards (SanDisk).
CFA = CompactFlash Association.
CFast = CompactFast SATA 300-600 MB/sec memory mass storage removable media cards (CompactFlash Association).
CFB = Cipher FeedBack mode (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
CFC = ChloroFluoroCarbon (volatile halogenated hydrocarbons).
CFe = CompactFlash Express, also CFx PCIe 3.0 and NVMe 1 GB/sec memory mass storage removable media cards, also CFexpress (CFA).
CFexpress = CompactFlash Express, also CFe, also CFx PCIe 3.0 and NVMe 1 GB/sec memory mass storage removable media cards (CFA).
CFF = Compact Form Factor (motherboard form factor).
CFI = Center for Inquiry debunks, exposes + fact checks conspiracies, faith based, fictional, mystical, speculative claims, paranormal, pseudoscience, supranatural.
CFL = Compact (Chloro) Fluorescent Lamp (Light) {Argon + Mercury [Hg] vapor mixture + Phosphor coating}.
CFML = ColdFusion Markup Language (computer/machine programming/scripting) (Adobe).
CFx = CompactFlash Express, also CFe PCIe 3.0 and NVMe 1 GB/sec memory mass storage removable media cards, also CFexpress (CFA).
CG = Computer (generated) Graphics (imagery).
CGA = Color Graphics Adapter old computer display/monitor/screen standard (640x200 pixels, 200p) (IBM).
CGI = Computer Generated Image (Imagery).
CGI (2) = Common Gateway Interface (HTTP/HTTPS web server + application communication + interaction standard).
CGM = CircumGalactic Medium (cosmology).
CGM (2) = Computer Graphics Metafile file type + format (.CGM).
CGN = Carrier Grade Network address translation, also CGNAT, also LSN (service provider networking technology).
CGNAT = Carrier Grade Network Address Translation, also CGN, also LSN (service provider networking technology).
cgs = Centimeter (length) gram (weight) second (time) international metric system of units measurement standard, also CGS (BIPM|IBWM).
CGS (2) = Centimeter (length) Gram (weight) Second (time) international metric system of units measurement standard, also cgs (BIPM|IBWM).
CH4 = Molecular Carbon tetrahydride composed of 1 Carbon atom + 4 Hydrogen atoms (methane = stable organic natural gas at standard conditions; Z=6 protons, C = tetravalent nonmetal chemical element; Z=1 proton, H = monovalent nonmetal chemical element).
CHAP = Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (computer communications cryptographic verification).
Checksum = Fixed size data (hash sum) algorithm digital signature scheme (cryptography encryption system).
CHF = Cryptographic Hash Function (arbitrary fixed size binary to binary string algorithm) (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
Chess = Turn based abstract strategy board game for 2 opposite human/computer (machine) players (black + white) played by internationally standardized rules on an 8x8 grid board with 64 squares of alternating colors. Each player controls + moves 16 pieces with specific characteristics, functions + moving patterns with the end goal to checkmate the opponent.
CHM = Compiled HTML Help (Microsoft Windows 95/newer + Internet Explorer 5/newer).
CHS = Cylinder/Head/Sector (hard disk).
CI = Computational Intelligence (computer/machine hardware + software programmed + trained synthetic alteration, automation, compilation, creation, distortion, distribution, exploitation, imitation, manipulation, prediction, processing, recognition, simulation of human behavior, decision, interaction, knowledge, learning, reaction, reasoning based mostly on digital data, information + multimedia: audio, data, imagery, text, video).
CID = Content (addressed) IDentifier specification (IPFS self describing binary format for distributed systems).
CIDR = Classless Inter Domain Routing (IP address allocation + routing method) (IETF).
CIFS = Common Internet File System.
CIJ = Cour Internationale de Justice (FR), also ICJ (International Court of Justice) [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
CIM = Computer Integrated Manufacturing (machining, automation).
CIPA = Camera & Imaging Products Association (Japan).
CIPM = Comité International des Poids et Mesures, also ICWM (International Committee for Weights and Measures) (BIPM|IBWM).
CIRB = Cosmic InfraRed Background radiation (1.25-240 µm wavelength) (cosmology).
CIRC = Centre International de Recherche sur le Cancer (FR), also IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) [OMS|WGO|WHO, ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
CIS = Conseil International des Sciences (FR), also ISC (International Science Council).
CISA = Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (USA).
CISC = Complex Instruction Set Computing (computer + CPU architecture).
CL = Computational linguistics (interdisciplinary academic study field).
CL (2) = Creative Labs.
Clang = C, C++, Objective-C + Objective-C++ compiler front end and OpenMP, OpenCL, RenderScript, CUDA, SYCL + HIP framework (computer programming).
Clearnet = Publicly accessible indexable (indexed) part of the internet/Web/WWW, also Lightnet, also Surface Web, also Visible Web.
CLI = Command Line Interface (text based computer/device environment/platform/system API).
CLI (2) = Common Language Infrastructure specification + standard (computer programming) (ECMA/IEC|CEI/ISO|OIN/Microsoft).
Client = Hardware (computer, device, terminal) and/or software (application, program, resource) interconnected/interlinked/networked to and relying on mainframe/server, and designated/programmed to exchange data/information/resources/services communicated/provided/shared by mainframe(s)/server(s) and/or other client(s), based on request-response model (client-server networking).
CLNS = ConnectionLess mode Network Service (OSI layer protocol) (ITU).
CLP = Windows CLiPboard bitmap file type + format (.CLP) (Microsoft).
CLR = Common Language Runtime (.NET Framework Virtual Machine component) (computer programming) (Microsoft Windows).
CLT = Computational Learning Theory (computer science, artificial intelligence).
CLV = Constant Linear Velocity (Compact Disc).
CM = Counter Mode, also CTR mode, also ICM mode, also SIC mode (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
CMAF = Common Media Application Format (multimedia TTML based HTML5 synchronized/timed text/graphics captioning/subtitling) (W3C/MPEG).
CMB = Cosmic Microwave Background radiation, also CMBR (1.063 mm peak wavelength) (cosmology).
CMBR = Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, also CMB (1.063 mm peak wavelength) (cosmology).
CMC = Computer Mediated Communication (human communication through electronic devices).
CMC (2) = Certificate Management over CMS (IETF).
CMD = DOS console CoMmanD line program script text/ASCII/Unicode file type + format (.CMD) (Microsoft Windows NTx).
CME = Coronal Mass Ejection (cosmology).
CMO = Central Massive Object (cosmology).
CMOS = Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor manufacturing process.
CMOS 7S = CMOS 7S manufacturing process (IBM).
CMOS-SOS = CMOS Silicon On Sapphire manufacturing process.
CMP = Chip MultiProcessing (more than 1 CPU per chip) (computing).
CMP (2) = Certificate Management Protocol (IETF).
CMS = Collision (pre-crash) Mitigation System (vehicle safe operation electronic technology).
CMS (2) = ColorSync color Management System (Apple).
CMS (3) = Content Management System.
CMS (4) = Cryptographic Message Syntax (message encryption) (IETF).
CMY = Cyan Magenta Yellow subtractive primary colors (hues) combination encoding model (computer/printing graphics, photography).
CMYK = Cyan Magenta Yellow blacK subtractive primary colors (hues) combination encoding model (computer/printing graphics, photography).
CNC = Computer Numerical Control (machining, automation).
CNN = Convolutional Neural Network (artificial intelligence).
CNO = Cis Neptunian Object (cosmology).
CNR = Communication and Networking Riser specification (Intel Pentium III/IV chipsets).
CNT = Computational (Algorithmic) Number Theory, also ANT (mathematics + computer science).
CO = Molecular Carbon monoxide composed of 1 Carbon atom + 1 Oxygen atom (stable inorganic gas at standard conditions; Z=6 protons, C = tetravalent nonmetal chemical element; Z=8 protons, O = bivalent nonmetal chemical element).
CO2 = Molecular Carbon dioxide composed of 2 Carbon atoms + 1 Oxygen atom (stable inorganic gas at standard conditions; Z=6 protons, C = tetravalent nonmetal chemical element; Z=8 protons, O = bivalent nonmetal chemical element).
CO2-e = Carbon diOxide (CO2) equivalent, also CO2e, also CO2-eq (greenhouse gases global climate effects unit of measurement).
CO2e = Carbon diOxide (CO2) equivalent, also CO2-e, also CO2-eq (greenhouse gases global climate effects unit of measurement).
CO2-eq = Carbon diOxide (CO2) equivalent, also CO2-e, also CO2e (greenhouse gases global climate effects unit of measurement).
COA = Certificate Of Authenticity (Microsoft OEM OS + software).
Coax = Coaxial cable.
COBOL = COmmon Business Oriented Language (computer/machine programming/scripting).
CODAR = Coastal Ocean Dynamics Applications Radar.
CODEC = Digital video COmpressor and DECompressor (Intel Indeo).
COFF = Common Object File Format (UNIX 32-bit + 64-bit).
COM = COMmunication (computer/device/electronics/hardware configurable serial port).
COM (2) = COMmand binary executable file type + format (.COM) (CP/M/DOS/MS-DOS/MSX-DOS/SCP/VAX/Windows 16-bit).
COM (3) = Component Object Model (binary interface standard) (Microsoft).
COMINT = COMmunications INTelligence (gather, decrypt, analyze, integrate, exploit management).
Computer = Electronic machine/system (hardware accessories, auxiliaries, components, devices, equipment, extensions, peripherals) programmed (interface, operating environment/system, software) + designed to perform various functions, operations, tasks.
CON = CONsole (computer/device/electronics/hardware configurable display/monitor/screen port).
CONFIG.SYS = CONFIGuration SYStem operating system configuration file (DOS, Microsoft MS-DOS + Windows 9x/NTx).
CONS = Connection Oriented Network Service (OSI layer protocol) (ITU).
Co-op = Cooperative (video) game (play) (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
CORBA = Common Object Request Broker Architecture standard (computer/device software) (OMG).
Core = Intel Core CPU family (x86 Yonah Pentium + Celeron).
Core 2 = Intel Core 2 CPU family (x86 + x64 Merom/Conroe/Allendale/Penryn/Wolfdale Pentium + Celeron).
Core i3 = Intel Core i3 CPU family, also i3 (x86 + x64 Nehalem/Clarkdale/Arrandale).
Core i5 = Intel Core i5 CPU family, also i5 (x86 + x64 Nehalem/Lynnfield/Clarkdale/Arrandale).
Core i7 = Intel Core i7 CPU family, also i7 (x86 + x64 Bloomfield/Lynnfield/Clarksfield/Arrandale/Gulftown/Nehalem/Westmere/Sandy).
Core i9 = Intel Core i9 CPU family, also i9 (x86 + x64 Skylake/Coffee Lake/Cascade Lake/Comet Lake).
Coronavirus = Group of related positive sense single stranded RNA with helical symmetry nucleocapsid viruses contagious to mammals (including humans) and birds responsible for transmissible infectious respiratory illnesses. STØP  CoronaVirus  C❂VID-19
CORP = Competitive Online Role Playing game, also CORPG (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
CORPG = Competitive Online Role Playing Game, also CORP (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
CORS = Cross Origin Resource Sharing mechanism (HTTP header request attribute) (WHATWG).
CoS = Class of Service.
COTS = Commercial(ly available) Off The Shelf (merchandising/product/service built in feature/functionality).
COVID-19 = COronaVIrus Disease 2019, also 2019-nCoV (airborne transmissible contagious infectious respiratory illness caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus). STØP  CoronaVirus  C❂VID-19
CPI = Cour Pénale Internationale (FR), also ICC (International Criminal Court) [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
CPI (2) = Crash Position Indicator (radio/GPS locator device).
CPL = Circular Polarizer Lens optical filter (cinematography/photography/videography optical element, lens).
CPM = Continuous Phase Modulation (digital communications).
CPP = C + (plus) + (plus) high level general purpose computer programming language, also C++ (IEC|CEI/ISO|OIN).
CPRNG = Cryptographic PseudoRandom Number Generator, also CSPRNG, also GRNG (dedicated computational algorithm for indeterminate/unpredictable randomized sequence of characters/letters/numbers/symbols practically impossible to determine/model/imitate/predict).
cps = (Clock) Cycles per second (frequency measurement unit, also Hertz): 1 cps = 1 Hz.
cps (2) = Characters per second.
CPT = Corel Photo Paint image file type + format (.CPT).
CPU = Central Processing Unit (computer/electronic device processor).
CR = Carriage Return control character sequence (text/ASCII/ANSI/EBCDIC/Unicode).
CRC = Cyclic(al) Redundancy Check (digital data error detection/correction code).
CRDT = Conflict free Replicated Data Type (automatic, independent, concurrent, converging, sychronizing, updating information structures across multiple computers, networks).
CRISPR = Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (bacteriophages infected prokaryotes DNA sequences) (genetic engineering).
CRISPR-Cas9 = CRISPR associated protein 9 DNA sequencing genome (gene) editing technology (genetic engineering).
CR+LF = Carriage Return + Line Feed control character sequence, also CRLF (text/ASCII/ANSI/EBCDIC/Unicode).
CRLF = Carriage Return Line Feed control character sequence, also CR+LF (text/ASCII/ANSI/EBCDIC/Unicode).
CRNG = Cryptographic Random Number Generator, also CPRNG, also GSPRNG (dedicated computational algorithm for indeterminate/unpredictable randomized sequence of characters/letters/numbers/symbols practically impossible to determine/model/imitate/predict).
CRPG = Computer Role Playing Game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
CRT = Cathode Ray Tube.
CRUD = Create, Read, Update, Delete (computer/device software design principle).
CS = Computational (Computing) Science, also SC.
CS (2) = CompuServe.
CSA = Canadian Space Agency (Canada).
CSA (2) = Cloud Security Alliance.
CSC = Compact System photographic imaging + video Camera.
CSD = Circuit Switched Data transmission (digital communications).
CSDHLF = Convention de Sauvegarde des Droits de l'Homme et des Libertés Fondamentales (FR), also ECHR (European Convention on Human Rights).
CSE = Client Side Encryption (sender side cryptography technology).
CSE (2) = Programmable Custom Search Engine (Google Search).
CSFB = Circuit Switched FallBack (wireless telecommunications technology).
CSI = Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, formerly Committee for The Scientific Investigation of Claims of The Paranormal (CSICOP).
CSL = Can't Stop Laughing.
CSLIP = Compressed Serial Line Internet Protocol (networking).
CSO = CronoStationary (Saturn) Orbit (cosmology).
CSO (2) = CronoSynchronous (Saturn) Orbit (cosmology).
CSO (3) = CytheroStationary (Venus) Orbit (cosmology).
CSO (4) = CytheroSynchronous (Venus) Orbit (cosmology).
CSP = Cryptographic Service Provider.
CSP (2) = Content Security Policy HTTP computer security standard (W3C).
CSPRNG = Cryptographically Secure PseudoRandom Number Generator, also CPRNG, also GRNG (dedicated computational algorithm for indeterminate/unpredictable randomized sequence of characters/letters/numbers/symbols practically impossible to determine/model/imitate/predict).
CSR = Client Side Rendering (user web browser compatibility, interpretability).
CSRF = Cross Site Request Forgery, also XSRF (1/single click malicious HTTP 3rd party/external/federated/outsourced attack, exploit, query, request, session riding method).
CSS = Chirp Spread Spectrum (digital telecommunications).
CSS (2) = Cascading Style Sheets HTML specifications (W3C).
CSS1 = Cascading Style Sheets mechanism level 1 (W3C).
CSS2 = Cascading Style Sheets mechanism level 2 (W3C).
CSS3 = Cascading Style Sheets mechanism level 3 (W3C).
CSUI = Context Sensitive User Interface (adaptable/alterable/upgradable to interaction/interdependence).
CSV = Comma Separated Values tabular data text/ASCII file type + format (.CSV).
CTAP = Client To Authenticator Protocol specification (authenticated cryptographic encryption) (FIDO).
CTBTO = Comprehensive nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization preparatory commission [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
CTC = Click To Call (Click To Chat) (web/WWW based communications).
CTD = Click To Dial (web/WWW based communications).
CTFE = ChloroTriFluoroEthylene (synthetic liquid chlorofluorocarbon).
CTI = Cyber Threat Intelligence.
CtoB = Consumer to Business, also C2B.
CtoC = Consumer to Consumer, also C2C.
CTOL = Conventional Take Off and Landing aircraft, vehicle.
CtoM = Consumer to Market, also C2M.
CTOVL = Conventional Take Off and Vertical Landing aircraft, vehicle.
CTR = CounTeR mode, also CT mode, also ICM, also SIC mode (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
CTS = Common Type System (Microsoft .NET Framework).
CTT = Click To Text (web/WWW based communications).
CTV = Connected TV (direct to online/internet multimedia distribution/streaming platform/service).
CUDA = Compute Unified Device Architecture (NVidia parallel computing architecture, platform + API).
CUI = Composite User Interfaces (interconnected/networked hybrid computer/device/electronics/peripheral + human electrodes/senses interaction).
CUI (2) = Conversational User Interface (computer/device environment/platform/system API).
CULTINT = CULTural INTelligence (gather, decrypt, analyze, integrate, exploit management).
CUR = Windows static CURsor graphic file type + format (.CUR) (Microsoft).
CUT = Dr. Halo graphic/image file type + format (.CUT).
CUVB = Cosmic UltraViolet Background radiation, also UVB (1000-3000 Å wavelength range) (cosmology).
C.V. = Curriculum Vitae (course of life) (LA) short summary of a person's career (accomplishments, background, experience, expertise, skills), qualifications and education, also CV, also résumé (summary, brief) (FR).
CV = Curriculum Vitae (course of life) (LA) short summary of a person's career (accomplishments, background, experience, expertise, skills), qualifications and education, also C.V., also résumé (summary, brief) (FR).
C-V2X = Cellular (mobile) Vehicle to everything (wireless transport + traffic management communication technologies) (3GPP).
CVS = Concurrent Versioning System (computer/device software design principle).
CW = ClockWise rotation/revolution motion (clock hands same direction/sense).
CWR = Continuous Wave Radar.
Cybercast = Cyberspace broadcast (spontaneous/scripted live/recorded distributed/shared/streamed/transmitted digital audio/data/text/video educational/entertaining/informative course/documentary/event/film/presentation/program).
CYBERINT = CYBER INTelligence, also CYBINT (gather, decrypt, analyze, integrate, exploit management).
CYBINT = CYBer INTelligence, also CYBERINT (gather, decrypt, analyze, integrate, exploit management).
D2A = Digital to Analog (signal conversion/modulation technology).
D2C = Direct to Consumer, also DTC.
D2D = Device to Device (communications, networking).
D2D (2) = Disk to Disk (data backup/cloning technology).
D2D (3) = Digital to Digital (signal conversion/modulation technology).
D2D (4) = Direct to Disk (recording/playback technology).
D3D = DirectX 3D APIs (Microsoft Windows 95/newer).
D&D = Dungeons & Dragons game, also DnD (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
DaaS = Desktop as a Service [on demand via local thin client (bare bones operating system) + remote central host (internet/network cloud server)].
DAC = Digital to Analog Converter (signal conversion/modulation technology).
DAI = Distributed (Decentralized) Artificial Intelligence.
DAISY = Digital Accessible Information SYstem (digital + computerized/digitized material technical standard) (ANSI/NISO).
DAMP = Don't Abstract Methods Prematurely or Descriptive And Meaningful Phrases (computer/device software design principle).
DANE = DNS based Authentication of Named Entities (DNSSEC internet/networking SSL/TLS security protocol).
Darknet = Publicly inaccessible anonymous, hidden, invisible, nonindexable (nonindexed) security protected authorization/identifier/passcode/passkey/password and/or customized/specific communication configuration/protocol/software accessible overlay network part of the internet/Web/WWW, also Dark Web.
Dark Web = Publicly inaccessible anonymous, hidden, invisible, nonindexable (nonindexed) security protected authorization/identifier/passcode/passkey/password and/or customized/specific communication configuration/protocol/software accessible overlay network part of the internet/Web/WWW, also Darknet.
DARPA = Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DOD, USA).
DAT = Digital Audio magnetic Tape.
DAW = Digital Audio Workstation (electronic integrated/stand alone hardware computer/device and/or software application/program dedicated for creating, editing, mixing, producing, recording audio files).
dB = deciBel: 10 dB = 1 Bel.
DBA = Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (digital communications).
DbaaS = Database as a Service [on demand via local thin client (bare bones operating system) + remote central host (internet/network cloud server)].
DBMT = Dictionary Based Machine Translation (computational linguistics).
DBN = Deep Belief Network (artificial intelligence).
DBS = Digital Broadcasting System.
DBS (2) = Direct Broadcast Satellite (digital video/audio signal transmitted through geostationary orbiting satellite).
D/C = Direct Current, also DC (invariable continuous unidirectional electrical current).
DC = Direct Current, also D/C (invariable continuous unidirectional electrical current).
DC (2) = Digital (artificial, machine, synthetic) Consciousness, also AC, also MC, also SC (human made organized neural construct).
DCCP = Datagram Congestion Control messaging Protocol (computer networking, telecommunications) (IETF).
DCDM = Digital Cinema Initiative Distribution Master (DCI).
DCE = Distributed Computing Environment networking software system (computer programming) (Apollo/IBM/DEC).
DCE (2) = Data Communications Equipment (modem to modem speed).
DCE/RPC = Distributed Computing Environment/Remote Procedure Calls (computer programming).
DCF = Design rule for Camera File system standard (JEITA).
DCH = Declarative Componentized Hardware drivers (Microsoft Windows 10/newer UWP compatible apps).
DCI = Digital Cinema Initiatives.
DCI-P3 = Digital Cinema Initiatives Protocol 3 wide gamut color space profile (cinematography/videography, device/display/monitor/screen) (DCI/ICC/SMPTE).
DCOM = Distributed Component Object Model networked software communication (Microsoft).
DCSS = Digital Cinema System Specification (DCI).
DCPA = Dimethyl tetraChloroterePhthAlate (EU|UE banned synthetic solid organochloride with herbicidal properties).
DCTCP = Data Center TCP (networking congestion control) (IETF).
DD+ = Dolby Digital plus Dolby Digital 5.1 (5 + 1 = 6 channels) sound technology, also DDP, also EAC3 (3D spatial audio) (ATSC).
DD-CD = Double Density Compact Disc: 1.3 GB (Sony).
DD-R = Double Density Compact Disc Recorder (Sony).
DD-ROM = Double Density Compact Disc Read Only Media (Sony).
DD-RW = Double Density Compact Disc Rewritable (Sony).
DDC = Display Data Channel.
DDE = Dynamic Data Exchange.
DDF = Diamond Directive File type + format (.DDF) (Windows Setup CAB/IEAK developer kit) (Microsoft). IEAK
DDK = Driver Developers Kit (computer programming).
DDL = Data Definition (Description) Language (indexed/relational database management syntax).
DDMA = Distributed Direct Memory Access technology.
DDNS = Dynamic DNS (DNS automatic updating method).
DDoS = Distributed Denial of Service (malicious network cyberattack).
DDP = Dolby Digital Plus Dolby Digital 5.1 (5 + 1 = 6 channels) sound technology, also DD+, also EAC3 (3D spatial audio) (ATSC).
DDR = Direct to Disk Recording (Recorder) (digital audio/imaging/video).
DDR (2) = Double Data Rate synchronous dynamic random access memory, also DDR-SDRAM (Dell/JEDEC).
DDR-SDRAM = Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory, also DDR (Dell/JEDEC).
DDR2-SDRAM = Double Data Rate 2 (2nd generation) Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (Dell/JEDEC).
DDR3-SDRAM = Double Data Rate 3 (3rd generation) Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (Dell/JEDEC).
DDR4-SDRAM = Double Data Rate 4 (4th generation) Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (Dell/JEDEC).
DDR5-SDRAM = Double Data Rate 5 (5th generation) Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (Dell/JEDEC).
DDS = Data Distribution Service standard (computer/device software) (OMG).
DDSS = Dolby Digital Surround Sound Advanced Codec 3 5.1 (5 + 1 = 6 channels) sound technology (3D spatial audio) (ATSC).
DDT = DichloroDiphenylTrichloroethane (banned synthetic solid organochloride with insecticidal properties).
DEAI = Diversity, Equity (Equality), Access and Inclusion, also DEI, also DEIA, also DEIB, also EDI, also EDIJ, also IDEA, also JEDI (equal, equitable, fair, impartial, same acknowledgment, participation, promotion, compensation, respect, support, treatment for all people regardless of belief, class, culture, ethnicity, faith, gender, opinion, orientation, sex, status, etc).
DEC = Digital Equipment Corporation.
Deep Web = Publicly inaccessible anonymous, hidden, invisible, nonindexable (nonindexed), enrollment/membership/paywall/service/subscription based confidential/exclusive/identifiable/personal/private/privileged/secret security protected authorization/identifier/passcode/passkey/password accessible part of the internet/Web/WWW.
DEI = Diversity, Equity (Equality) and Inclusion, also DEAI, also DEIA, also DEIB, also EDI, also EDIJ, also IDEA, also JEDI (equal, equitable, fair, impartial, same acknowledgment, participation, promotion, compensation, respect, support, treatment for all people regardless of belief, class, culture, ethnicity, faith, gender, opinion, orientation, sex, status, etc).
DEIA = Diversity, Equity (Equality), Inclusion and Access, also DEAI, also DEI, also DEIB, also EDI, also EDIJ, also IDEA, also JEDI (equal, equitable, fair, impartial, same acknowledgment, participation, promotion, compensation, respect, support, treatment for all people regardless of belief, class, culture, ethnicity, faith, gender, opinion, orientation, sex, status, etc).
DEIB = Diversity, Equity (Equality), Inclusion and Belonging, also DEAI, also DEI, also DEIA, also EDI, also EDIJ, also IDEA, also JEDI (equal, equitable, fair, impartial, same acknowledgment, participation, promotion, compensation, respect, support, treatment for all people regardless of belief, class, culture, ethnicity, faith, gender, opinion, orientation, sex, status, etc).
DEK = Data Encryption Key.
DEP = Data Execution Prevention [executable (.EXE) space protection] (Microsoft).
DES = Data Encryption Standard.
Device = Accessory, appliance, auxiliary, component, equipment, extension, peripheral input/output electronics/hardware connected to + controlled by computer(s) + designed to perform different/separate/various functions, operations, tasks.
DFS = Distributed File System used by Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) (Apollo/IBM/DEC).
DFXP = Distribution Format Exchange Profile standard, also TTML (multimedia synchronized/timed text/graphics captioning/subtitling) (W3C/SMPTE).
DGN = DesiGN graphics + and metadata file type + format (.DGN) (Intergraph).
DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (networking).
DHCPv4 = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol version 4 (IPv4 networking).
DHCPv6 = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol version 6 (IPv6 networking).
DHMO = DiHydrogen MonOxide, used as parody 😉 [ρ=1 g/cm3 (g/ml), pure molecular water = composed of 2 Hydrogen atoms + 1 Oxygen atom, neutral stable inorganic liquid at standard conditions].
DHS = Dedicated Hosting Service, also MHS (exclusive internet/network hosting).
DHT = Distributed Hash Table (decentralized scalable data storage and lookup system based on unique key-value pairs).
DHTML = Dynamic HyperText Markup Language (W3C).
DIA = Direct Internet Access (dedicated connection, consistent bandwidth).
DIB = RGB/RLE encoded Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap.
DIB (2) = Dual Independent Bus architecture (Intel Pentium Pro/II/III/IV).
DID = Decentralized IDentifier unique 16-byte (128-bit) encrypted integer reference label (IEC|CEI/IETF/ISO|OIN/TOG software + hardware identification standard).
DID (2) = Direct Inward Dial (instant redirection telephone service).
DIE = Duplication Is Evil (computer/device software design principle).
DIFx = Driver Install Frameworks technology (Microsoft).
DIG = Digital Imaging Group (now I3A).
DIMM = Dual In-line Memory Module (electronic integrated circuit technology).
DIN = Deutsches Institut für Normung (DE) (German Institute for Standards).
DIP = Dual In-line Package (electronic integrated circuit/component packaging method).
DIP (2) = Dependency Inversion Principle (computer/device software design principle).
DirectSR = Direct Super Resolution graphics/imaging upscaling technology + programming API (Microsoft).
DIRID = DIRectory IDentifier unique 16-byte (128-bit) encrypted integer reference label (IEC|CEI/IETF/ISO|OIN/TOG software + hardware identification standard).
DisplayID = Digital display/monitor/screen data structure description, also EDID (VESA standard).
DisplayPort = Digital display interface, also DP (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DisplayPort 1.1 = Digital display interface version 1.1, also DP 1.1 (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DisplayPort 1.2 = Digital display interface version 1.2, also DP 1.2 (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DisplayPort 1.2a = Digital display interface version 1.2a, also DP 1.2a (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DisplayPort 1.3 = Digital display interface version 1.3, also DP 1.3 (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DisplayPort 1.4 = Digital display interface version 1.4, also DP 1.4 (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DisplayPort 1.4a = Digital display interface version 1.4a, also DP 1.4a (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DisplayPort 2.0 = Digital display interface version 2.0, also DP 2.0 (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DisplayPort 2.1 = Digital display interface version 2.1, also DP 2.1 (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DisplayPort 2.1a = Digital display interface version 2.1a, also DP 2.1a (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
divx = Digital Video eXpress file type + format (.DIV, .divx, .DVX).
DivX (2) = Digital Video eXpress audio/video encoder/decoder technology.
DIVX (3) = DIgital Video eXpress (discontinued CD/DVD technology).
DIY = Do It Yourself (non professional creating, designing, building, modifying, customizing, improving, upgrading, maintaining, repairing by oneself using mass produced tools and materials).
D/L = DownLoad(s) (DownLoading, DownLoaded).
DL = Dynamically Loadable (Loaded) library (computer/device software programming).
DL (2) = Deep Learning (computer/machine hardware + software programmed + trained synthetic alteration, automation, compilation, creation, distortion, distribution, exploitation, imitation, manipulation, prediction, processing, recognition, simulation of human behavior, decision, interaction, knowledge, learning, reaction, reasoning based mostly on digital data, information + multimedia: audio, data, imagery, text, video).
DL (3) = Down Low.
DLC = Data Link Control (networking layer protocol).
DLC (2) = DownLoadable Content (computer/console/online/platform/video gaming).
DLC (3) = Discrete Logarithm Cryptography (authenticated encryption method).
DLED = Direct (lit) Light Emitting Diode display/monitor/screen.
DLL = Data Link Layer (OSI digital transmission protocol).
DLL (2) = DownLoadable Level (computer/console/online/platform/video gaming).
DLL (3) = Dynamic Link Library (Microsoft Windows).
DLNA = Digital Living Network Alliance multimedia devices digital media sharing interoperability (Microsoft/Hewlett Packard/Sony/Nokia/Philips/Cisco/Toshiba/Samsung).
DLP = Digital Light Processing technology, also DMD (Texas Instruments).
DLP (2) = Deep Learning Processor (computer/machine learning device/electronics hardware accelerator).
DLS = DownLoadable Sounds technology (PCI MIDI).
DLSS = Deep Learning Super Sampling graphics/imaging upscaling technology + programming API (NVidia).
DM = Direct Message (Messaging).
DMA = Direct Memory Access.
DMD = Digital Micromirror Device, also DLP (Texas Instruments).
DME = Distance Measuring Equipment (radio/GPS navigation technology).
DME (2) = Direct Memory Execution (Intel I-740).
DMF = Distribution Media Format: high density floppy disk (Microsoft).
DMI = Desktop Management Interface.
DMT = Discrete MultiTone modulation broadcast/fiber optic/telecommunications technologies.
DMTF = Desktop Management Task Force.
DMX = DeMultipleXer (DeMultipleXor) (DeMuXer) (analog/digital simplex input to multiplex output converter/selector).
DNA = DeoxyriboNucleic Acid (double helix chained polynucleotide essential polymer carrier of replicable biological genetic instructions characteristic to all known life forms).
DNA (2) = Distributed interNet Applications architecture (Microsoft Windows).
DNC = Direct Numerical Control (machining, automation).
DnD = Dungeons and Dragons game, also D&D (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
DNG = Digital NeGative Adobe RAW image type + format (.DNG) based on TIFF 6.0 standard.
DNINT = Digital Network INTelligence (gather, decrypt, analyze, integrate, exploit management).
DNN = Deep Neural Network (artificial intelligence).
DNR = Dynamic Noise Reduction (analog/digital 3D/audio/communications/imaging/video artifacts/static filtering/removal) (National Semiconductor).
DNS = Domain Name System (or Service) (internet/networking DN ➜ IP translator system).
DNS-SD = Domain Name System based Service Discovery (networking).
DNSSEC = Domain Name System SECurity extensions (networking secure extensions specifications) (IETF).
DNT = Do Not Track (internet privacy request/signal standard).
DO = Dissolved molecular Oxygen [O2] (Oxygen concentration in aquatic/liquid medium).
DOAJ = Directory of Open Access Journals.
DOC = DOCument binary proprietary file type + format (.DOC) (Office, Word + alternative/similar software prior to 2003).
DocBook = Semantic markup language + document file type + format (.DBK) (OASIS).
DOCSIS = Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification standards (ITU).
DOCTYPE = DOCument TYPE declaration (markup language family framework) (ISO|OIN/W3C).
Docu = Documentary (factual/non-fictional broadcast/cinematographic/distributed/shared/streamed/transmitted educational/entertaining/informative spontaneous/scripted live/recorded audio/data/text/video film/episode/event/presentation/program/series/short/show/special).
Docuchannel = Documentary broadcast/distributing/sharing/streaming/transmitted channel (broadcaster, distributer, network, provider, service, station, transmitter).
Docudrama = Documentary drama.
Docufiction = Documentary fiction.
Docufilm = Documentary film/short/special (factual/non-fictional broadcast/cinematographic/distributed/shared/streamed/transmitted educational/entertaining/informative spontaneous/scripted live/recorded audio/data/text/video).
Docuseries = Documentary episode/event/presentation/program/series/show/special (factual/non-fictional broadcast/distributed/shared/streamed/transmitted educational/entertaining/informative spontaneous/scripted live/recorded audio/data/text/video).
DOCX = XML based DOCument eXtended file type + format (.docx) (Office, Word + alternative/similar software 2007 and newer).
DOF = Depth Of Field (3D cinematography/photography/videography).
DoH = DNS over HTTPS networking security protocol.
DOI = Digital Object Identifier (persistent global unique identifier symbology) (ISNI/ISO|OIN).
DOM = Document Object Model (W3C).
DoQ = DNS over QUIC (Quick UDP) networking security protocol.
DOS = Disk Operating System (text based command line console).
DoS (2) = Denial of Service (malicious network cyberattack).
DoT = DNS over TLS networking security protocol.
DP = Digital display interface, also DisplayPort (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DP 1.1 = Digital display interface version 1.1, also DisplayPort 1.1 (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DP 1.2 = Digital display interface version 1.2, also DisplayPort 1.2 (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DP 1.2a = Digital display interface version 1.2a, also DisplayPort 1.2a (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DP 1.3 = Digital display interface version 1.3, also DisplayPort 1.3 (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DP 1.4 = Digital display interface version 1.4, also DisplayPort 1.4 (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DP 1.4a = Digital display interface version 1.4a, also DisplayPort 1.4a (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DP 2.0 = Digital display interface version 2.0, also DisplayPort 2.0 (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DP 2.1 = Digital display interface version 2.1, also DisplayPort 2.1 (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DP 2.1a = Digital display interface version 2.1a, also DisplayPort 2.1a (audio, text + video connector) (VESA).
DPB = Drive Parameter Block (Microsoft MS-DOS/Windows 9x/ME, DOS, OS/2 FAT/FAT16/FAT32).
dpcm = Dots per centimeter (digitizing/electronic image/video device/display spatial measured density).
DPF = Dynamic Packet Filtering (stateful packet inspection), also SPI (internet/network dynamic filtering/firewall).
DPhil = Doctor of Philosophy (LA: Philosophiae Doctor), also PhD, also Ph.D. (highest level academic degree).
dpi = Dots per inch, also DPI (1 inch = 2.54 cm) (digitizing/electronic image/video device/display spatial measured density).
DPI (2) = Dots per inch, also dpi (1 inch = 2.54 cm) (digitizing/electronic image/video device/display spatial measured density).
DPI (3) = Deep Packet Inspection (networking data processing/verification).
DPLSS = Dolby Pro Logic Surround Sound 4.1 (4 + 1 = 5 channels) sound technology (3D spatial audio).
DPMA = Dynamic Power Management Architecture (Intel PCI/AGP chipsets).
DPMI = DOS Protected Mode Interface.
DPMS = Display Power Management video Signaling (VESA).
DPWS = Devices Profile for Web Services (OASIS).
DRAM = Dynamic Random Access Memory.
DRBG = Deterministic Random Bit Generator, also PRNG (predetermined algorithm for random like sequence of characters/letters/numbers/symbols practically impossible to determine/model/imitate/predict).
DR-DOS = DeviceLogics (Caldera Digital Research) Disk Operating System (text based command line console).
Drive-TIP = Drive Temperature Indicator Processor (IBM hard drive).
DRL = Deep Reinforcement Learning (artificial intelligence).
DRM = Digital Rights Management technologies (customer disruptive/inconvenient restricted access to copy protected digital content, information, product, service, software, multimedia).
DRO = Distant Retrograde Orbit (cosmology).
DRP = Distribution and Replication Protocol (networking).
DRW = Micrografx DRaW image file type + format (.drw).
DRY = Don't Repeat Yourself (computer/device software design principle).
DS3D = DirectSound 3D API (Microsoft Windows 95/newer).
DSA = Digital Signature Algorithm (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
DSC = Digital Servo Control (Toshiba CD-ROM).
DSD = Direct Stream Digital pulse density modulation encoding (Sony/Philips).
DS/DD = Double Sided Double Density (floppy disk technology: 720 KB).
DSDL = Document Schema Definition Languages specifications (markup language family framework) (IEC|CEI/ISO|OIN).
DS/HD = Double Sided High Density (floppy disk technology: 1.44 MB).
DSL = Digital Subscriber Line modem technology.
DSL (2) = Domain Specific Language (specialized computer programming).
DSLM = Digital Single Lens Mirrorless photographic imaging + video camera, also MILC (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, recorder).
DSLR = Digital Single Lens Reflex photographic imaging + video camera (mirror prism cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, recorder).
DSN = Deep Space Network (NASA worldwide facilities network, USA/Spain/Australia).
DSO = Deep Sky Object (cosmology).
DSP = Digital Signal Processor.
DSP (2) = Delivery Service Partner (OEM).
DSRC = Dedicated Short Range Communications (direct wireless technology) (IEEE).
dsRNA = Double stranded RiboNucleic Acid genomic virus (polyphyletic virus group).
DSS = Digital Satellite System.
DSS (2) = Digital Signature Standard certificate.
DSSS = Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (digital communications).
DST = Daylight Saving Time (warm season temporary clock advancement).
DSVD = Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data.
DSX = Dual SimpleX (bidirectional one direction at a time broadcast/radio/telephone telecommunications) (ITU).
DTB = Digital Talking Book (digital + computerized/digitized audio material technical standard).
DTBook = DAISY Digital Talking Book markup language based document file type + format (ANSI/NISO).
DTC = Direct To Consumer, also D2C.
DTD = Document Type Definition (markup language family specification) (ISO|OIN/W3C).
DtD (2) = Direct to Disc (film, streaming, television, video).
DTDMA = Dynamic Time Division Multiple Access (digital communications).
DTE = Data Terminal Equipment (modem to computer speed).
DTE (2) = Direct To Edit (digital audio/imaging/video direct to disk recording method).
DTF = Distributed Terascale Facility high speed TeraGrid network (IBM/Qwest/Intel).
DTL = Diode Transistor Logic (electronics).
DTLS = Datagram Transport Layer Security protocol (computer networking, telecommunications) (IETF).
DTP = DeskTop (computer/electronic document) Publishing.
DTR = Data Transfer Rate (throughput).
DTR (2) = Discrete Track Recording (Toshiba hard disk).
DTR (3) = Desktop Replacement Computer.
DTS = Digital Theater Systems discrete Dolby Digital 5.1 (5 + 1 = 6 channels) surround sound technology (3D spatial audio).
DTS-ES = Digital Theater Systems Extended Surround discrete Dolby Digital 6.1 (6 + 1 = 7 channels) surround sound technology (3D spatial audio).
DTS-HD = Digital Theater Systems High Definition discrete Dolby Digital 7.1 (7 + 1 = 8 channels) surround sound technology (3D spatial audio).
DTT = Digital Terrestrial Television, also DTTB, also DTTV.
DTTB = Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting, also DTT, also DTTV.
D-TTL = Digital Through The Lens (flash) metering (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, optical element, recorder, lens) (Nikon).
DTTV = Digital Terrestrial TeleVision, also DTT, also DTTB.
DTV = DeskTop Video.
DTV (2) = Digital TeleVision.
DtV (3) = Direct to Video (film, streaming, television, video).
DualDisc = Digital Versatile Disc (audio) + Compact Disc two sided (hybrid) (Sony).
DUN = Dial-Up Networking (Microsoft Windows).
DVB = Digital Video Broadcasting (European standard) (ETSI|IENT).
DVB-C = Digital Video Broadcasting Cable (European standard) (ETSI|IENT).
DVB-C2 = Digital Video Broadcasting Cable second generation (2) (European standard) (ETSI|IENT).
DVB-H = Digital Video Broadcasting Handheld (mobile) (European standard) (ETSI|IENT).
DVB-I = Digital Video Broadcasting and Internet media streaming (European standard) (ETSI|IENT).
DVB-IPDC = Digital Video Broadcasting for IP Data Casting (European standard) (ETSI|IENT).
DVB-MC = Digital Video Broadcasting Multipoint distribution Cable delivery (European standard) (ETSI|IENT).
DVB-MS = Digital Video Broadcasting Multipoint distribution Satellite delivery (European standard) (ETSI|IENT).
DVB-NGH = Digital Video Broadcasting Next Generation Handheld (mobile) (European standard) (ETSI|IENT).
DVB-S = Digital Video Broadcasting Satellite (European standard) (ETSI|IENT).
DVB-S2 = Digital Video Broadcasting Satellite second generation (2) (European standard) (ETSI|IENT).
DVB-S2X = Digital Video Broadcasting Satellite second generation (2) eXtension (European standard) (ETSI|IENT).
DVB-SH = Digital Video Broadcasting Satellite Handheld (mobile) (European standard) (ETSI|IENT).
DVB-T = Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial (European standard) (ETSI|IENT).
DVB-T2 = Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial second generation (2) (European standard) (ETSI|IENT).
DVD = Digital Versatile (Video) Disc.
DVD-2 = Second (2nd) generation Digital Versatile (Video) Disc.
DVD-A = Digital Versatile Disc Audio.
DVD-R = Digital Versatile (Video) Disc Recordable 4.7 GB (Hitachi/NEC/Pioneer/Samsung/Sharp).
DVD-RAM = Digital Versatile (Video) Disc Rewritable Access Media.
DVD-ROM = Digital Versatile (Video) Disc Read Only Media.
DVD-RW = Digital Versatile (Video) Disc ReWritable 4.7 GB (Hitachi/NEC/Pioneer/Samsung/Sharp).
DVD+R = Digital Versatile (Video) Disc Recordable 4.7 GB (Philips/Mitsubishi/Sony/Ricoh/Yamaha).
DVD+RW = Digital Versatile (Video) Disc ReWritable 4.7 GB (Philips/Mitsubishi/Sony/Ricoh/Yamaha).
DVD+R DL = Digital Versatile (Video) Disc ReWritable Double Layer 8.5 GB (Philips/Mitsubishi).
DVI = Digital Visual Interface (DDWG).
DVI (2) = Digital Video Interactive (Intel).
DVR = Digital Video Recorder.
DVVD = Direct View Video Display (CRT/LCD/LED/TV display/monitor/screen).
DWG = DraWinG 2D/3D design data + metadata file type + format (.DWG) (AutoDesk).
DWPD = Device/Drive Writes Per Day (nonvolatile memory mass storage media life expectancy).
DX = DupleX, also FDX (simultaneous bidirectional broadcast/radio/telephone telecommunications) (ITU).
DX (2) = X86 Intel CPU with FPU (386/DX, 486/DX).
DX (3) = DirectX APIs (Microsoft Windows 95/newer).
DX3D = DirectX 3D APIs (Microsoft Windows 95/newer).
DXF = AutoDesk 3D CAD(D) graphic/image File type + format (.DXF).
DXR2 = Dynamic eXtended Resolution 2 technology (Creative Labs DVD).
DXTC = S3 Direct3D Texture Compression APIs (S3 Savage3D/2000).
DXVA = DirectX Video Acceleration hardware video decoding (Microsoft Windows 98/newer).
DYK = Did You Know?
E = Total kinetic Energy (of a system) numerical value [E=mxc2 : kinetic energy (E) equals (=) rest mass (m) multiplied by (x) speed of light squared (c2) = Albert Einstein's mass energy equivalence equation].
E2EE = End to End Encryption (both ends encrypted communication system).
E2PROM = Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory, also EEPROM.
EaaS = Everything as a Service, also XaaS [on demand via local thin client (bare bones operating system) + remote central host (internet/network cloud server)].
EAC3 = Enhanced Advanced Codec (Audio Coding) 3 Dolby Digital 5.1 (5 + 1 = 6 channels) sound technology, also DD+, also DDP (3D spatial audio) (ATSC).
EAC3 (2) = Enhanced Advanced Codec (Audio Coding) 3 file type + format (.EAC, .eac3).
EAMR = Energy Assisted Magnetic Recording hard disk drive (Western Digital).
EAN = European Article Number (scannable digital barcode unique identifier symbology).
EAP = Extensible Authentication Protocol (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
EAP-AKA = Extensible Authentication Protocol Authentication and Key Agreement (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
EAP-AKA' = Extensible Authentication Protocol Authentication and Key Agreement prime (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
EAP-EKE = Extensible Authentication Protocol Encrypted Key Exchange (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
EAP-FAST = Extensible Authentication Protocol Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
EAP-GTC = Extensible Authentication Protocol Generic Token Card (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
EAP-IKEv2 = Extensible Authentication Protocol Internet Key Exchange version 2 (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
EAP-MD5 = Extensible Authentication Protocol Message Digest algorithm 5 (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
EAP-NOOB = Extensible Authentication Protocol Nimble Out Of Band (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
EAP-POTP = Extensible Authentication Protocol Protected One Time Password (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
EAP-PSK = Extensible Authentication Protocol Pre-Shared Key (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
EAP-PWD = Extensible Authentication Protocol PassWorD (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
EAP-SIM = Extensible Authentication Protocol Subscriber Identity Module (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
EAP-TLS = Extensible Authentication Protocol Transport Layer Security (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
EAP-TTLS = Extensible Authentication Protocol Tunneled Transport Layer Security (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
e-Auth = Electronic (digital) Authentication, also e-Authentication, also eAuth, also eAuthentication (cryptographic encrypted confidential, protected, secure authorization, certification + identification).
eAuth = Electronic (digital) Authentication, also e-Auth, also e-Authentication, also eAuthentication (cryptographic encrypted confidential, protected, secure authorization, certification + identification).
e-Authentication = Electronic (digital) Authentication, also e-Auth, also eAuth, also eAuthentication (cryptographic encrypted confidential, protected, secure authorization, certification + identification).
eAuthentication = Electronic (digital) Authentication, also e-Auth, also e-Authentication, also eAuth (cryptographic encrypted confidential, protected, secure authorization, certification + identification).
EAX = Environmental Audio EXtensions (Creative Labs Live!/Audigy/Extigy/X-Fi DirectSound 3D surround sound APIs).
Eb = Exabit (1 Eb = 1000 Petabits = 1000000 Terabits) (multiple of bit).
EB (2) = Exabyte (1 EB = 1024 PetaBytes = 1048576 TeraBytes) (multiple of Byte).
EBCDIC = Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (8-bit character encoding) (IBM).
EBDA = Extended BIOS Data Area.
eBGP = Exterior (External) Border Gateway Protocol, also EBGP (path vector exchange routing + reachability internet networking standard).
EBGP = Exterior (External) Border Gateway Protocol, also eBGP (path vector exchange routing + reachability internet networking standard).
EBIOS = Extended Basic Input/Output System.
EBML = Extensible Binary Meta Language (binary equivalent to XML).
EBMT = Example Based Machine Translation (computational linguistics).
e-Book = Electronic Book, also eBook (digital or converted/copied from analog file/publication).
eBook = Electronic Book, also e-Book (digital or converted/copied from analog file/publication).
EBPB = Extended BIOS Parameter Block (Microsoft Windows 9x/ME, OS/2 FAT32).
EBR = Extended Boot Record (HDD/SSD/NVMe/nonvolatile memory mass storage media partition table layout for drives/partitions/volumes > 2 TB).
ECAD = Electronic Computer Aided Design (integrated circuit).
ECB = Electronic CodeBook mode algorithm (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
ECC = Error Correction (Correcting) Code (verification method).
ECC (2) = Elliptic Curve Cryptography (authenticated encryption method).
ECDSA = Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm 256-bit digital signature scheme (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
ECHR = European Convention on Human Rights, also CSDHLF (FR: Convention de Sauvegarde des Droits de l'Homme et des Libertés Fondamentales).
ECHS = Enhanced Cylinder/Head/Sector (hard drive > 1024 cylinders).
ECMA = European Computer Manufacturers Association.
ECMAScript = ECMA JavaScript programming language standard (ECMA-262).
ECN = Explicit Congestion Notification (TCP/IP protocol extension) (IETF).
ECP = Extended Capability Port (computer/device/electronics/hardware configurable parallel printer port).
ECS = Equatorial Coordinate System (cosmology).
ECTFE = EthyleneChloroTriFluoroEthylene (synthetic solid organofluorine).
ED = EnDing (afterword, closing, epilogue, finishing, stopping, terminating bit, credits, element, passage, portion, section, segment).
EDA = Electronic Design Automation (integrated circuit/component).
EDAC = Error Detection And Correction (computer science + communications).
EDC = Error Detection Code.
EdDSA = Edwards curve Digital Signature Algorithm 256-bit/512-bit digital signature scheme (cryptography encryption system).
EDGE = Explicit Data Graphic Execution architecture (IBM CPU).
EDGE (2) = Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution, also EGPRS, also 2.75G (digital communications) (ETSI|IENT).
EDI = Electronic Data Interchange (information exchange standards).
EDI (2) = Equality (Equity), Diversity and Inclusion, also DEAI, also DEI, also DEIA, also DEIB, also EDIJ, also IDEA, also JEDI (equal, equitable, fair, impartial, same acknowledgment, participation, promotion, compensation, respect, support, treatment for all people regardless of belief, class, culture, ethnicity, faith, gender, opinion, orientation, sex, status, etc).
EDID = Extended Display Identification Data standard, also DisplayID (VESA).
EDIJ = Equity (Equality), Diversity, Inclusion and Justice, also DEAI, also DEI, also DEIA, also DEIB, also EDI, also IDEA, also JEDI (equal, equitable, fair, impartial, same acknowledgment, participation, promotion, compensation, respect, support, treatment for all people regardless of belief, class, culture, ethnicity, faith, gender, opinion, orientation, sex, status, etc).
EDO = Extended Data Out (DRAM).
e-Doc = Electronic Document, also eDoc (digital or converted/copied from analog file/publication).
eDoc = Electronic Document, also e-Doc (digital or converted/copied from analog file/publication).
EDRAM = Enhanced Dynamic Random Access Memory.
eDRAM (2) = Embedded Dynamic Random Access Memory.
EDU = EDUcation, EDUcation(al)/academic/instructional/learning/pedagogic/scholastic/teaching (related) discipline, entity, establishment, subject, system.
EDU (2) = Education(al) Development Unit.
.edu = Education(al)/academic/instructional/learning/pedagogic/scholastic/teaching (related) discipline, entity, establishment, subject, system sTLD global internet DNS category extension unique indentifier suffix (IANA/ISO|OIN).
Educast = Education(al) broadcast (spontaneous/scripted live/recorded distributed/published/shared/streamed/transmitted audio/data/text/video educational/entertaining/informative course/documentary/event/film/presentation/program).
Edumedia = Education(al) (multi)media (data, edutainment, facts, information, knowledge communication, content, distribution, environment, platform, sharing, streaming, transmission).
Eduvid = Education(al) video (spontaneous/scripted live/recorded distributed/published/shared/streamed/transmitted audio/data/text/video educational/entertaining/informative course/documentary/event/film/presentation/program).
EECS = Enhanced Elliptical Correction System (Sony CRT).
EEPROM = Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory, also E2PROM.
EFF = Electronic Frontier Foundation (international non profit digital rights group).
EFI = Extensible Firmware Interface computer/device BIOS technology (Intel).
EFVS = Enhanced Flight Vision System, also EVS (airborne/avionics).
e.g. = Exempli gratia (LA) = for example (for instance, example given) (EN).
EGA = Extended Graphics Adapter old computer display/monitor/screen standard (640x350 pixels, 350p) (IBM).
EGPRS = Enhanced General Packet Radio Service, also EDGE (digital communications) (ETSI|IENT).
eGPU = External Graphics Processing Unit controller enclosure (Thunderbolt/ExpressCard interface).
EHD = Expert High Definition, also Expert HD, also 5K (digital TV standard: 2880 lines).
EHF = Extremely High Frequency (millimeter band) radio wave bands 30-300 GHz (ITU).
EI = Emotional Intelligence (ability to perceive, use, understand, manage + handle human emotions).
EIA = Electronics Industries Association.
EICA = Enhanced Intellight Cooler Architecture.
EICT = Electronic(s,) Information, Communication + Technology.
EIDE = Enhanced Integrated Device Electronics (Hard Disk Drive interface).
EIGRP = Enhanced Interior (Internal) Gateway Routing Protocol (advanced distance vector exchange networking standard) (Cisco).
EIR = Equipment Identity Register system (wireless telecommunications unique identifier).
EIS = Electronic Image Stabilization technology (digital cinematography/photography/videography).
EISA = Extended Industry Standard Architecture (IBM/Intel PC clones 32-bit internal bus).
EISCA = Enhanced Intelligent System Cooler Architecture (CPU heatsink).
EL = ElectroLuminescence (display/monitor/screen).
ELB = Emergency Locator Beacon, also ELT (radio/GPS location device).
ELD = ElectroLuminescent Diode, also LED [invisible (IR, UV)/visible light emmiting semiconductor].
ELD (2) = ElectroLuminescent Display (monitor/screen).
Electronics = Commercial/consumer/home/user electronic accessory, appliance, auxiliary, component, computer, device, equipment, peripheral, product.
ELED = Edge (lit) Light Emitting Diode display/monitor/screen.
ELF = Extremely Low Frequency (kilometer band) radio wave bands 3-30 Hz (ITU).
ELF (2) = Executable (Extensible) and Linkable file Format (UNIX/Linux/BSD/Solaris 32-bit).
ELINT = ELectronic INTelligence (gather, decrypt, analyze, integrate, exploit management).
ELT = Emergency Locator Transmitter, also ELB (radio/GPS location device).
ELT (2) = Extremely Large Telescope (astronomical observatory complex) (ESO).
E&M = Encrypt and MAC (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
EM = ElectroMagnetic (energy, field, frequency, oscillation, pulse, radiation, spectrum, wave).
EM64T = Extended Memory 64-bit Technology (Intel 64-bit CPU).
e-Mag = Electronic Magazine, also eMag (digital or converted/copied from analog periodical file/publication).
eMag = Electronic Magazine, also e-Mag (digital or converted/copied from analog periodical file/publication).
E-mail = Electronic mail, also email.
Email = Electronic mail, also e-mail.
EMB = Extended Memory Block.
EMBM = Environment Mapped Bump Mapping (Matrox G400/G800 3D chipsets).
EMBR = Extended Master Boot Record (HDD/SSD/NVMe/nonvolatile memory mass storage media partition table layout for drives/partitions/volumes > 2 TB).
EMC = ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (limitation of electromagnetic energy unintentional effects).
EME = Encrypted Media Extensions specification (W3C).
EMF = ElectroMagnetic Field.
EMI = ElectroMagnetic Interference.
EMM = Expanded Memory Manager (DOS/MS-DOS/Windows/WfWG) (Microsoft).
EMM (2) = EPS Mobility Management protocol (telecommunications technology).
EMM386 = 386 Expanded Memory Manager (EMM386.EXE) (DOS/MS-DOS/Windows/WfWG) (Microsoft).
eMMC = Embedded MultiMediaCard nonvolatile memory mass storage media standard.
Emoji = E (JA: picture) moji (JA: character), emotag, emote, emoticon (ideogram, logogram, picon, pictograf, pictogram, smiley) graphical/pictorial (icon, image, logo) interpretation/representation/suggestion/symbol [internet/online communication, gaming, (social) media, multimedia].
Emotag = Emotion(al) tag, emoticon (ideogram, logogram, picon, pictograf, pictogram, smiley) graphical/pictorial (icon, image, logo) interpretation/representation/suggestion/symbol (internet/online/WWW mock HTML tag).
Emote = Express(ion of) emotion, emoji, emoticon, emotag (ideogram, logogram, picon, pictograf, pictogram, smiley) graphical/pictorial (icon, image, logo) interpretation/representation/suggestion/symbol [internet/online communication, gaming, (social) media, multimedia].
Emoticon = Emotion(al) icon (emoji, emote, icon, image, logo, text) graphical/pictorial interpretation/representation/suggestion/symbol of facial disposition/emotion/expression [internet/online communication, gaming, (social) media, multimedia].
EMP = ElectroMagnetic Pulse, also TED (brief burst of electromagnetic energy).
EMR = ElectroMagnetic Radiation (synchronized oscillations of electric and magnetic fields/waves of different wavelengths).
EMS = ElectroMagnetic Spectrum (range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation/waves with different wavelengths).
EMS (2) = Expanded Memory Specifications (DOS/MS-DOS/Windows/WfWG) (Microsoft).
ENIAC = Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (world first digital software programmable electronic computer) (USA).
ENOR = Exclusive NOR (NOT +/- NOT OR) digital logic gate, also EXNOR, also NXOR, also XAND, also XNOR (nonvolatile memory) (electronics).
ENP = Explained Normal Phenomenon (identified, known aerial object or phenomenon).
EoA = Ethernet over ADSL (digital subscriber service over telephone line).
EoC = Ethernet over Coax (digital subscriber service over coaxial cable).
EOD = End Of Data (computing).
EOD (2) = End Of Day.
EOF = End Of File control character sequence (text/ASCII/ANSI/EBCDIC/Unicode).
EOL = End Of Line control character sequence (text/ASCII/ANSI/EBCDIC/Unicode).
EOL (2) = End Of Life (merchandising/product/service).
EOM = End Of Message (digital communications convention) (e-mail).
EONR = European Organization for Nuclear Research, also CERN (FR: Conseil Européen pour Recherche Nucléaire).
EOR = Exclusive OR, also EXOR, also XOR (nonvolatile memory) (electronics).
EOS = End Of Sale (merchandising/product/service).
EOT = End Of Transmission (digital communications convention) (UNIX).
EOT (2) = Embedded OpenType font type + format (.EOT) (Microsoft).
EOT (3) = End Of Time (Term).
EOTF = Electro-Optical Transfer Function of periodic sine wave pattern of light projected through optical system.
EP = Extended Play vinyl disc/record (33+⅓ or 45 rpm, Ø = 10/12 in = 25/30 cm, full size, medium capacity analog sound gramophone/phonograph/record player storage medium).
EPA = Environmental Protection Agency (USA).
EPBR = Extended Partition Boot Record (HDD/SSD/NVMe/nonvolatile memory mass storage media partition table layout for drives/partitions/volumes > 2 TB).
EPC = Evolved by Packet Core (telecommunications technology).
ePDG = Evolved Packet Data Gateway protocols (wireless telecommunications).
EPDM = Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer rubber (semisynthetic/synthetic organic elastomeric plastic monomer).
EPIC = Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing (Intel Itanium 2 CPU).
EPIRB = Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (wave based transceiver locator device).
EPL = Ethernet Private Line (point to point digital subscriber service).
EPL (2) = Eclipse Public License (computer/device software) (Eclipse).
ePMR = Energy Assisted Perpendicular Magnetic Recording hard disk drive (Western Digital).
EPN = Enterprise Private Network.
EPP = Enhanced Parallel Port (computer/device/electronics/hardware configurable parallel printer port).
EPR = Ethylene Propylene Rubber (semisynthetic/synthetic organic plastic copolymer).
e-Print = Electronic Print, also ePrint (digital or converted/copied from analog file/publication cellular/mobile/portable/wired/wireless computer technology).
ePrint = Electronic Print, also e-Print (digital or converted/copied from analog file/publication cellular/mobile/portable/wired/wireless computer technology).
EPROM = Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.
EPS = Encapsulated PostScript file type + format (.EPS).
EPS (2) = Evolved Packet System (telecommunications technology).
ePub = Electronic Publication file type + format (.epub).
EQ = Emotional Quotient (emotional intelligence trait model).
e-Reader = Electronic Book Reader, also eReader (software program, cellular/mobile/portable electronic device).
eReader = Electronic Book Reader, also e-Reader (software program, cellular/mobile/portable electronic device).
ERIC = Education Resources Information Center (USA).
ESA = European Space Agency, also ASE (FR: Agence Spatiale Européenne) (EU|UE).
eSATA = External Serial Advanced Technology Attachment Disk Drive.
eSATAp = Power over eSATA (external SATA computer/device electric power port interface connector).
ESCD = Extended System Configuration Data (ROM BIOS).
ESD = ElectroStatic Discharge.
ESDI = Enhanced System Device Interface (hard disk).
ESDRAM = Enhanced Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory.
ESM = EPS Session Management protocol (telecommunications technology).
ESNI = Encrypted Server Name Indication (secure TLS computer networking protocol extension).
ESO = European Southern Observatory (network of astronomical observatory complexes) (EU|UE).
ESP = E-mail Service Provider.
ESP (2) = ExtraSensory Perception game (problem/task solving human based computation).
eSRAM = Embedded Static Random Access Memory.
ESRL = Earth System Research Laboratories (NOAA, USA).
ESS = Extended Service Set identifier (wireless LAN standard for devices sharing same network).
ETA = Estimated (Estimating) Time of Arrival (to Arrive).
ETC = Estimated (Estimating) Time of Completion (to Complete).
etc. = Et cetera (LA) = and the others (and other things, and the rest) (EN).
ETD = Estimated (Estimating) Time of Departure (Delivery) [to Depart (Deliver)].
ETFE = Ethylene TetraFluoroEthylene (synthetic solid organofluorine).
Ethernet = Array of organized wired computer/device LAN/MAN/PAN/WAN networking systems + technologies consisting of standards, protocols, devices + connection methods (Xerox).
ETL = Extract, Transform, Load (computer/device software design principle).
EtM = Encrypt then MAC (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
ETSI = European Telecommunications Standards Institute, also IENT (FR: Institut Européen des Normes de Télécommunications) (EU|UE).
e-TTL = Evaluative Through The Lens (flash) metering (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, optical element, recorder, lens) (Canon).
EU = European Union, also UE (Union Européenne).
eUFS = Embedded Universal Flash Storage flash memory storage technology (Samsung).
EULA = End User License Agreement (Microsoft).
EUV = Cosmic Extreme UltraViolet background radiation (100-1000 Å wavelength) (cosmology).
EUV (2) = Extreme UltraViolet lithography (micro electronics).
EV = Era Vulgaris (LA), also CE (Common Era) (Gregorian solar calendar year notation).
EV (2) = Electric (powered) Vehicle.
EVA = Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (semisynthetic/synthetic organic elastomeric plastic polymer).
EVC = Ethernet Virtual Connection (multiple associated lines digital subscriber service).
EVD = Electronic Visual Display (digital monitor/screen).
EVD (2) = Enhanced Versatile (Video) Disc (China).
EVF = Electronic ViewFinder previews image directly through device sensor, same as captured frame (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, recorder).
EVIL = Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens photographic imaging + video camera (digital mirrorless cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, recorder).
EVLOS = Extended Visual Line of Sight.
EVPL = Ethernet Virtual Private Line (multiple associated EVC digital subscriber service).
EVR = Enhanced Video Renderer hardware based video decoding (Microsoft Windows Vista/newer).
EVS = Enhanced Vision System, also EFVS (airborne/avionics).
eVTOL = Electric Vertical Take Off and Landing aircraft, vehicle.
EXE = Binary EXEcutable file type + format (.EXE) (Microsoft/OS/2).
exFAT = Extended File Allocation Table 64-bit (HDD, SSD, NVMe, nonvolatile memory mass storage media).
EXIF = EXchangeable Image File digital metadata standard (JEITA/CIPA).
EXNOR = Exclusive NOR (NOT +/- NOT OR) digital logic gate, also ENOR, also NXOR, also XAND, also XNOR (nonvolatile memory) (electronics).
EXOR = Exclusive OR, also EOR, also XOR (nonvolatile memory) (electronics).
exRNA = Extracellular RiboNucleic Acid (RNA molecule existent outside transcription cell).
ext = Linux extended File System (old standard).
ext2 = Linux extended File System version 2.0 standard.
e-Zine = Electronic magaZine, also eZine (digital only periodical publication).
eZine = Electronical magaZine, also e-Zine (digital only periodical publication).
ƒ = Focal length (opening) [ƒ] ÷ clear/sharp aperture diameter [Ø] = optical system light gathering ability value, also ƒ-number, also ƒ-ratio, also ƒ-stop (cinema/photographic/video camera/recorder, optical element, lens).
°F = Degrees Fahrenheit, also F (imperial temperature scale measurement unit).
F = Degrees Fahrenheit, also °F (imperial temperature scale measurement unit).
F2F = Friend to Friend (data sharing network).
F2F (2) = Face To Face, also FTF.
F2P = Free to Play game (computer/console/online/platform/video gaming).
FaaS = Function as a Service [on demand via local thin client (bare bones operating system) + remote central host (internet/network cloud server)].
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions.
FAO = Food and Agriculture Organization [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
FAST = Five hundred meter (500 m) Aperture Spherical Telescope (astronomical observational instrument) (China).
Fast SCSI = Fast SCSI parallel interface technology (10 MB/sec transfer rate) (INCITS).
Fast Wide SCSI = Fast Wide SCSI parallel interface technology (20 MB/sec transfer rate) (INCITS).
FAT = File Allocation Table disk File System (Microsoft).
FAT12 = File Allocation Table 12-bit (MS-DOS 3.0x/4.0x) (Microsoft).
FAT16 = File Allocation Table 16-bit (MS-DOS 5.00/6.xx) (Microsoft).
FAT32 = File Allocation Table 32-bit (Windows 95B/newer) (Microsoft).
FATA = Fibre Attached Technology Adapted Hard Disk Drive interface (Seagate/Hewlett Packard).
FATX = File Allocation Table (Xbox) eXtended (Xbox) (Microsoft).
FATX16 = File Allocation Table (Xbox) eXtended 16-bit (Xbox) (Microsoft).
FATX32 = File Allocation Table (Xbox) eXtended 32-bit (Xbox) (Microsoft).
FB-DIMM = Fully Buffered Dual In-line Memory Module (electronic integrated circuit technology).
FBR = Fast Breeder cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
FBSA = PerFluoroButane SulfonAmide (synthetic solid fluorocarbon).
FC-AL = Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop (Ultra Fast SCSI).
FCBS = File Control BlockS (Microsoft MS-DOS internal CONFIG.SYS command).
FCC = Federal Communications Commission (USA).
FCEV = Fuel Cell Electric (powered) Vehicle, also FCV.
FCL = Framework Class Library (.NET Framework component) (computer programming) (Microsoft Windows).
FC-PGA = Flip Chip Pin Grid Array package (Intel Pentium III/IV CPU).
FC-PH = Fibre Channel PHysical and signaling interface (SCSI-3) (INCITS).
FCV = Fuel Cell electric (powered) Vehicle, also FCEV.
FCW = Forward Collision (pre-crash) Warning system (vehicle safe operation electronic technology).
FD = Floppy Disk.
FDB = Fully Buffered DIMM Dynamic Random Access Memory technology (Intel Blackford Pentium IV chipsets).
FDC = Floppy Drive Controller.
FDD = Frequency Division Duplexing (different frequencies one at a time bidirectional broadcast/radio telecommunications).
FDD (2) = Floppy Disk Drive.
FDDI = Fiber Distributed Data Interface.
FDH = Full Domain Hash (RSA based cryptographic authentication randomized encryption algorithm) (computer security).
FDM = Frequency Division Multiplexing (different frequencies simultaneous bidirectional broadcast/radio telecommunications) (MBOA).
FDX = Full DupleX, also DX (simultaneous bidirectional broadcast/radio/telephone telecommunications) (ITU).
FEC = Forward Error Correction (error control method).
FED = Field Emission Display.
Feedback = Feed (whatever has been sent) back into it(self) [cause + effect based chain/loop process, dynamic system (internal) adaptive reaction/reply/response to (external) variable changes/signals/stimuli] (complex systems).
FEL = Free Electron LASER (coherent electromagnetic wave beam technology).
FEOL = Front End Of Line (electronic integrated circuit electrical connection).
FERAM = FerroElectric Dynamic Random Access Memory (Infineon/Toshiba).
FET = Field Effect Transistor (electronics).
FF = Form Feed control character sequence (text/ASCII/ANSI/EBCDIC/Unicode).
FF (2) = Front Focus (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, recorder, optical element, lens).
FFC = Flat Field Correction, also NUC (infrared/IR/thermal video camera/recorder artifacts/noise/static filtering/removal).
FFNN = Feed Forward Neural Network (artificial intelligence).
FFRP = Free Form (FreeForm) Role Playing game, also FRP (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming + interactive literature).
FFS = Fast File System, also AFFS (Amiga OS).
FFV = Flexible (alternative dual) Fuel (powered) Vehicle.
FGFET = Floating Gate Field Effect Transistor (electronics).
FGMOS = Floating Gate Metal Oxide Semiconductor (electronics).
FHD = Full High Definition, also Full HD, also 8K (digital TV standard: 4320 lines).
FHSS = Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (digital communications).
FIDO = Fast IDentity Online alliance (digital authentication standards + technologies).
FIDO 2.0 = Fast IDentity Online version 2.0 specification, also FIDO2 (authenticated cryptographic encryption) (FIDO/W3C).
FIDO2 = Fast IDentity Online version 2 specification, also FIDO 2.0 (authenticated cryptographic encryption) (FIDO/W3C).
FIFO = First In First Out.
FIFY = Fixed It For You, also FTFY.
Fingerprinting = Digital, internet/online/remote (unique) device/machine, personal/private identity/user data/information collection, identification, surveillance, tracking for abusive, deceptive, disguised, dishonest, fraudulent, harmful, illegal, malicious, misleading, profitable, spying intent/purpose.
FININT = FINancial INTelligence (gather, decrypt, analyze, integrate, exploit management).
Firewall = Host/network computer hardware/software security barrier system designed to control, filter, manage + monitor incoming (inbound) + outgoing (outbound) internet/network traffic based on specific custom configured + predetermined allow + block set of rules.
FLAC = Free Lossless Audio Codec (compressed audio without loss of quality).
FLAC (2) = Free Lossless Audio Codec file type + format (.flac, .fla).
F/LOSS = Free/Libre and Open Source Software, also FLOSS.
FLOSS = Free/Libre and Open Source Software, also F/LOSS.
FLT = Formal Language Theory (mathematical computational standards).
FM = Frequency Modulation radio frequency waves with high audio fidelity (high, very high + ultra high + super high frequency spectra/ranges).
FMA = Fused Multiply Add floating point operations SSE instruction set extensions (AMD + Intel CPU families).
FMA3 = Fused Multiply Add floating point operations SSE instruction set extensions 3 operand form (AMD Bulldozer/newer + Intel Broadwell/Haswell/newer CPU families).
FMA4 = Fused Multiply Add floating point operations SSE instruction set extensions 4 operand form (AMD Excavator/Steamroller/Piledriver/newer CPU families).
FMAC = Fused Multiply ACcumulate floating point operations (auxiliary) (micro)processor hardware unit (computer programming).
FM-CW = Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave radar.
FMD = Fluorescent Multilayer Disc optical technology (Constellation 3D).
FMD-ROM = Fluorescent Multilayer Disc Read Only Media (Constellation 3D 140 GB CD-ROM).
FMS = Flexible Manufacturing System (machining, automation).
FMV = Full Motion Video.
FN = Forced Narrative subtitling (subtitles) (video broadcast/distribution/sharing/transmission delayed/live/synchronized clarification/explanation/meaning text/graphics transcription/translation overlaid display of audio).
ƒ-number = Focal length (opening) [ƒ] ÷ clear/sharp aperture diameter [Ø] = optical system light gathering ability value, also ƒ, also ƒ-ratio, also ƒ-stop (cinema/photographic/video camera/recorder, optical element, lens).
FoS = FTP over SSH networking security protocol.
F/OSS = Free and Open Source Software, also FOSS.
FOSS = Free and Open Source Software, also F/OSS.
FOTA = Firmware Over The Air programming technology (telecommunications).
FOV = Field Of View (cinematography/photography/videography).
FP = Flash Photography (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, flash, optical element, recorder, lens).
FPD = Flat Panel Display.
FPE = File Protection Error.
FPGA = Field Programmable Gate Array (electronic integrated circuit module technology).
FPM = Fast Page Mode (DRAM).
fps = frames per second.
FPS (2) = First Person Shooter game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
FPTV = Front Projection TeleVision (TV display/monitor/screen).
FPVD = Front Projection Video Display (TV display/monitor/screen).
FPU = Floating Point Unit (coprocessor).
FQDN = Fully Qualified (absolute) Domain Name (domain location + labeling in DNS tree hierarchy).
FRAM = Ferroelectric Random Access Memory.
Frame-buffer = First (1st) + second (2nd) dimensions = height + width/x + y axes memory (2D video).
ƒ-ratio = Focal length (opening) [ƒ] ÷ clear/sharp aperture diameter [Ø] = optical system light gathering ability value, also ƒ, also ƒ-number, also ƒ-stop (cinema/photographic/video camera/recorder, optical element, lens).
FRP = Free form (Freeform) Role Playing game, also FFRP (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming + interactive literature).
FS = Forward Secrecy (cryptographic encrypted internet/network communication).
FSA = Finite State Automaton, also FSM (computational model).
FSAA = Full Screen Anti-Aliasing edge smoothing (3D imaging/motion/photo/video).
FSB = Front Side Bus (CPU to I/O motherboard bus).
FSF = Free Software Foundation (GNU).
FSM = Finite State Machine, also FSA (computational model).
FSO = Free Space Optical communication technology (telecommunications).
FSR = FidelityFX Super Resolution graphics/imaging upscaling technology + programming API (AMD).
ƒ-stop = Focal length (opening) [ƒ] ÷ clear/sharp aperture diameter [Ø] = optical system light gathering ability value, also ƒ, also ƒ-number, also ƒ-ratio (cinema/photographic/video camera/recorder, optical element, lens).
FTF = Face To Face, also F2F.
FTFY = Fixed That For You, also FIFY.
FTL = Faster Than Light (supraluminal, superlumic, supralight) information/matter speed of travel (speculative conjectural hypothesis which violates established physics laws, also science fiction trope).
FTOH = FluoroTelomer alcohol (OH-) (synthetic volatile fluorocarbon oligomer).
FTP = File Transfer Protocol server client communications standard (ftp:).
FtP (2) = Free to Play game (computer/console/online/platform/video gaming).
FTPS = File Transfer Protocol Secure server client communications standard (ftps:) (SSL + TLS technologies).
Full-Duplex = Two way modem communication protocol (echo-plex).
FUV = Cosmic Far UltraViolet background radiation (1000-3000 Å wavelength) (cosmology).
FvF = Faction versus Faction (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
FX = Special effect(s), also SFX (visual arts, computing, gaming).
FXT1 = Advanced Texture Compression technology (3dfx Voodoo4/5/6 3D video).
FYC = For Your Comment(s).
FYC (2) = For Your Consideration.
FYI = For Your Information.
g = Gravity (Gravitational) force of planet Earth [gn value: g=9.80665 m/sec2] (nominal terrestrial gravitational acceleration force per unit of mass equivalent, measurement of constant unit of standard gravity in vacuum on the surface at 0 meters orthometric altitude/elevation/height, a.k.a. mean ocean/sea level).
G (2) = Universal Gravitational constant (gravitational force empirical physical constant).
G2G = Got to Go, also GTG.
G2R = Got to Run, also GTR.
g-force = Gravity (Gravitational) force [gn measured in m/sec2] (nominal gravitational acceleration force per unit of mass equivalent, measurement of constant unit of standard gravity in vacuum).
GAI = Generative Artificial Intelligence, also GenAI (computer/machine hardware + software programmed + trained synthetic alteration, automation, compilation, creation, distortion, distribution, exploitation, imitation, manipulation, prediction, processing, recognition, simulation of human behavior, decision, interaction, knowledge, learning, reaction, reasoning based mostly on digital data, information + multimedia: audio, data, imagery, text, video).
Galileo = Galileo Global Navigation Satellite System (EU|UE).
GALS = Globally Synchronous Locally Synchronous (electronic circuit).
Game = Conventionally predetermined, organized + structured type of entertaining, educational, competitive, psychological, simulational, sportive play and/or sport defined + categorized by challenge, goals, interaction, luck, methods, result, rules, outcome, skills, strategy.
GART = Graphics Address (Aperture) Remapping Table, also GTT (AGP + PCIe graphics/video card/controller).
GASER = Gravitational Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, also GLASER (hypothetical coherent graviton beam technology).
GAST = Global Average Surface Temperature, also GMST, also GST.
GAW = Generative Audio Workstation (Digital Audio Workstation using Generative Artificial Intelligence).
Gb = Gigabit (1 Gb = 1000 Megabits = 1000000 Kilobits) (multiple of bit).
GB (2) = GigaByte (1 GB = 1024 MegaBytes = 1048576 KiloBytes) (multiple of Byte).
GBG = Geo(Location) Based (enabled) Game, also LBG, also LEG (GPS tracking + navigation computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
Gbps = Gigabits per second (Gb/sec).
GBps (2) = GigaBytes per second (GB/sec).
GBT = Green Bank Telescope (astronomical observatory complex) (NRAO).
GCAR = Ground Control Approach Radar.
GCC = GNU Compiler Collection (multiplatform optimizing compiler) (computer programming) (Linux).
GCM = Galois Counter Mode algorithm (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
GCO = GalactoCentric Orbit (cosmology).
GCO (2) = GeoCentric (Earth) Orbit (cosmology).
GCR = Galactic Cosmic Radiation (Rays) (cosmology).
GCR (2) = Gas Cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
GCT = Geocentric Coordinate Time, also TCG (FR: Temps Coordonnée Géocentrique) (IAU|UAI).
GDC = Graphics Display Controller (computing/gaming graphics/video signal generator component/device).
GDDR = Graphics Double Data Rate Random Access Memory (NVidia).
GDDR-II = Graphics Double Data Rate Random Access Memory 2nd generation (NVidia GeForceFX).
GDDR-III = Graphics Double Data Rate Random Access Memory 3rd generation (ATI Radeon 9500/9700/9900).
GDDR4 = Graphics Double Data Rate 4 (4th generation) Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (Samsung).
GDDR5 = Graphics Double Data Rate 5 (5th generation) Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (Samsung).
GDDR5X = Graphics Double Data Rate 5 (5th generation) enhanced Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (Samsung).
GDI = Graphics Device Interface (Microsoft Windows).
GDOI = Group Domain Of Interpretation (key management cryptographic protocol) (IETF).
GDR-SDRAM = Gigabyte Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory.
GDSCC = Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex (NASA ground station, USA).
GEM = GEM image file type + format (.GEM) (Ventura).
GenAI = Generative Artificial Intelligence, also GAI (computer/machine hardware + software programmed + trained synthetic alteration, automation, compilation, creation, distortion, distribution, exploitation, imitation, manipulation, prediction, processing, recognition, simulation of human behavior, decision, interaction, knowledge, learning, reaction, reasoning based mostly on digital data, information + multimedia: audio, data, imagery, text, video).
GEO = Geostationary (Earth) Equatorial Orbit (cosmology).
GEO (2) = Geosynchronous (Earth) Equatorial Orbit (cosmology).
GEOINT = GEOspatial INTelligence (gather, decrypt, analyze, integrate, exploit management).
GFR = Gas Fast cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
gfx = Graphics special effect(s).
GGSN = Gateway GPRS Support Node (wireless telecommunications).
GHG = GreenHouse Gas(es) (greenhouse effect: infrared radiant thermal energy absorbent, heat trapping atmospheric gases + vapors).
GIF = Graphics Interchange Format file type + format (.GIF) (CompuServe).
GIGO = Garbage In, Garbage Out, also RIRO (computer/device software design principle).
GIS = Geographic Information System (computerized geographic data).
GISS = Goddard Institute for Space Studies (NASA interdisciplinary research institute, USA).
GLASER = Gravitational LASER, also GASER (hypothetical amplification by stimulated emission of coherent graviton radiation beam technology).
Glide = 3dfx Voodoo family proprietary 3D APIs.
G.Lite = G.992.2 1.4 Mb/sec Digital Subscriber Line ADSL modem technology (ITU).
GLONASS = Global Navigation Satellite System (Russia).
GM = General MIDI technology.
GM (2) = GameMaster or Game Master or Game Moderator (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
GMAC = Galois Message Authentication Code (cryptographic encryption).
GMDSS = Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (international automated emergency signal communication system).
GML = Geography Markup Language (OGC).
GMO = Genetically Modified Organism (genetic engineering).
GMR = Graphite Moderated cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
GMR (2) = Giant Magneto-Resistive effect (IBM hard drive technology).
G-MSC = Gateway Mobile (cellular) Switching Center, also GMSC (wireless telecommunications).
GMSC = Gateway Mobile (cellular) Switching Center, also G-MSC (wireless telecommunications).
GMST = Global Mean Surface Temperature, also GAST, also GST.
GMT = Greenwich Mean Time, renamed UTC (London, United Kingdom mean solar time, former international time standard).
GMV = Game/Gaming Music Video.
Gn = Guide number, also GN (photographic flash full power brightness/intensity measurement/rating using standard parameters/variables).
GN (2) = Guide Number, also Gn (photographic flash full power brightness/intensity measurement/rating using standard parameters/variables).
GND = Graduated Neutral Density optical filter (digital cinematography/photography/videography optical element, lens).
GNSS = Global Navigation Satellite System.
GNU = GNU's Not UNIX (UNIX like Operating System + free software collection).
GOOGLE = Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth (derived from googol) (Google).
googol = 10 duotrigintillion = 10100 [decimal notation: 1 followed by 100 zeroes (0)] (very large positive integer number).
GPC = Global Privacy Control (internet privacy request/signal standard).
GPF = General Protection Fault (Microsoft Windows).
GPGP = General Purpose computing Graphics Processing unit, also GPGPU (NVidia).
GPGPU = General Purpose computing Graphics Processing Unit, also GPGP (NVidia).
GPL = General Purpose Language (multidomain broad application computer programming).
GPL (2) = General Public License (computer/device software) (GNU).
GPLv2 = General Public License v2 (computer/device software) (GNU).
GPLv3 = General Public License v3 (computer/device software) (GNU).
GPR = Ground Penetrating (Penetration) Radar.
GPRS = General Packet Radio Service, also 2.5G (digital communications) (ETSI|IENT).
GPS = Global Positioning System (satellite based radio navigation system) (USA).
GPT = GUID Partition Table (HDD/SSD/NVMe/nonvolatile memory mass storage media partition table layout).
GPT (2) = Generative Pre-trained Transformer computer/machine learning algorithm (computational linguistics, computerized predictive LLM) (OpenAI).
GPU = Graphics Processing Unit (NVidia GeForce/Quadro/Titan families 2D/3D video display/monitor/screen chipset).
GRASER = Gamma Ray lASER (hypothetical coherent strong radiation beam technology).
GRASP = General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns (computer/device software design principle).
GRB = Gamma Ray Burst (cosmology).
GRC = Glenn Research Center (NASA space research field center, USA).
grTLD = Generic restricted Top Level (root) Domain (global internet DNS categories extension unique indentifier suffixes) (IANA/ISO|OIN).
GSFC = Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA space complex, USA).
GSM = Global System for Mobile (cellular) Communications (digital communications) (ETSI|IENT).
GSN = GPRS Support Node (wireless telecommunications).
GSO = GeoStationary (Earth) Orbit (cosmology).
GSO (2) = GeoSynchronous (Earth) Orbit (cosmology).
GST = Global Surface Temperature, also GAST, also GMST.
GTG = Got to Go, also G2G.
GTIN = Global Trade Item Number (scannable digital barcode unique identifier symbology).
gTLD = Generic Top Level Domain (global internet DNS categories extension unique indentifier suffixes) (IANA/ISO|OIN).
GTMHR = Gas Turbine Modular Helium cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
GTO = Geostationary (Earth) Transfer Orbit (cosmology).
GTO (2) = Geosynchronous (Earth) Transfer Orbit (cosmology).
GTP = GPRS Tunnelling Protocol (telecommunications technology standard).
GTR = Got to Run, also G2R.
GTS = Geologic(al) Time Scale (Earth rock record chronological dating system) (IUGS|UISG).
GTS (2) = Giga Texel Shader (NVidia GeForce2/newer 3D technology).
GTT = Graphics Translation Table, also GART (AGP + PCIe graphics/video card/controller).
GUI = Graphical User Interface [2D (flat)/3D (spatial) computer/device environment/platform/system API].
GUID = Globally Unique IDentifier unique 16-byte (128-bit) encrypted integer reference label (IEC|CEI/IETF/ISO|OIN/TOG software + hardware identification standard).
GvG = Group versus Group (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
GvG (2) = Guild versus Guild (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
GVIF = Gigabit Video InterFace (Sony LCD).
GVS = (Open) Gemini Visual System, also OpenGVS (computer programming 3D graphics + video architecture layout + API) (3D Perception).
GWP = Global Warming Potential index (atmospheric infrared radiant thermal energy absorbtion unit of measurement).
H = Atomic Hydrogen (Z=1 proton, monovalent nonmetal, lightest + most abundant chemical element, H2 = stable inorganic molecular gas at standard conditions).
H2 = Molecular Hydrogen composed of 2 Hydrogen atoms (stable inorganic gas at standard conditions, Z=1 proton, H = monovalent nonmetal, lightest + most abundant chemical element).
H.263 = H.263/VC video compression standard (ITU/ISO|OIN/MPEG).
H.264 = H.264/AVC video compression standard, also AVC, also X.264 (ITU/ISO|OIN/MPEG).
H.265 = H.265/HEVC video compression standard, also HEVC, also X.265 (ITU/ISO|OIN/MPEG).
H.266 = H.266/VVC video compression standard, also VVC, also X.266 (Fraunhofer/ITU/ISO|OIN/MPEG).
H2O = Molecular (di)Hydrogen (mon)oxide composed of 2 Hydrogen atoms + 1 Oxygen atom [ρ=1 g/cm3 (g/ml), pure molecular water = neutral stable inorganic liquid at standard conditions; Z=1 proton, H = monovalent nonmetal chemical element; Z=8 protons, O = bivalent nonmetal chemical element].
HAHO = High Altitude High Opening (airborne parachute jump).
HAL = Hardware Abstraction Layer (Microsoft Direct3D virtual 3D video accelerator interface APIs).
HALE = High Altitude Long Endurance (aerial aircraft/vehicle).
Half-Duplex = One way modem communication protocol (simplex or local echo).
HAN = Home Area Network.
HALO = High Altitude Low Opening (airborne parachute jump).
HAMR = Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording hard disk drive (Seagate).
Hardware = Physical internal + external components/parts of a computer/electronic device controlled/directed/managed by software + designed to perform different/separate/various functions, operations, tasks.
HART = Highway Addressable Remote Transducer protocol (transport + traffic management sensor networking technology).
HAVi = Home Audio Video interoperability (entertainment APIs).
HbbTV = Hybrid broadcast broadband TeleVision standard (ETSI|IENT).
HBC = Hash Based Cryptography (authenticated encryption method).
HBM = High Bandwidth Memory 1st generation (128 GB/sec bandwidth) (AMD/Hynix).
HBM-PIM = High Bandwidth Memory with Processing In Memory (2 TB/sec bandwidth) (Samsung).
HBM2 = High Bandwidth Memory 2nd generation (256 GB/sec bandwidth) (AMD/Hynix).
HBM2e = High Bandwidth Memory 2nd generation evolutionary (410 GB/sec bandwidth) (Samsung/Hynix).
HBM3 = High Bandwidth Memory 3rd generation (820 GB/sec bandwidth) (AMD/Hynix).
HBM3 Gen2 = High Bandwidth Memory 3rd generation Generation 2 (1.2 TB/sec bandwidth) (Micron).
HBM3e = High Bandwidth Memory 3rd generation evolutionary (1 TB/sec bandwidth) (AMD/Hynix).
HBP = Human Brain Project.
HCD = Hyper CD-ROM 1 PB multilayer 3D optical compact disc (Storex).
HCFC = HydroChloroFluoroCarbon (volatile halogenated hydrocarbons).
HCO = HadeoCentric (Pluto) Orbit (cosmology).
HCO (2) = HelioCentric (solar) Orbit (cosmology).
HCO (3) = HermeoCentric (Mercury) Orbit (cosmology).
HCoV-19 = Human CoronaVirus 2019, also SARS-CoV-2, also 2019-nCoV (coronavirus strain responsible for COVID-19 airborne transmissible contagious infectious respiratory illness). STØP  CoronaVirus  C❂VID-19
HD = Hard Disk (Drive).
HD (2) = High Definition.
HDA = High reliability Hard Disk Assembly.
HD Audio = High Definition Audio (Intel).
HD VMD = High Definition Versatile Multilayer Disc technology (New Medium Enterprises).
HD-BURN = 1.4 GB CD-R/CD-RW technology (Sanyo).
HD-DVD = High Definition Digital Versatile Disc discontinued technology (Toshiba/NEC/Sanyo/Memory-Tech).
HDC = Hard Disk Controller.
HDCP = High bandwidth Digital Content Protection (Intel/Silicon Image).
HDD = Hard Disk Drive.
HDLC = High Level Data Link Control (synchronous networking layer protocol) (ISO|OIN).
HDMI = High Definition Multimedia Interface digital surround audio, text + video interface (Hitachi/Matsushita/Philips/Sony/RCA/Toshiba).
HDMV = High Definition MoVie mode technology (BD/BD-ROM/UHD).
HDPE = High Density PolyEthylene, also PE-HD (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
HD-PLC = High Definition Power Line Communication (Carrier) technology (networking/internet digital data transmission).
HDR = High (expanded, extended, increased, wide) Dynamic Range 8 bits/sample (8-bit) audio + visual audio/imaging/motion/photo/video standard (analog + digital acoustics/cinematography/photography/videography).
HDR (2) = High (expanded, extended, increased, wide) Dynamic Range image/photo obtained by combining multiple same subject different exposures/parameters frames (digital cinematography/photography/videography).
HDR (3) = Hard Disk Recorder (digital audio/imaging/video hardware/software system).
HDR10 = High Dynamic Range 10 media profile 10 bits/sample (10-bit) color depth (digital acoustics/cinematography/photography/videography).
HDR10+ = High Dynamic Range 10 Plus media profile 10 bits/sample (10-bit) color depth + dynamic metadata (digital acoustics/cinematography/photography/videography).
HD-ROM = High Definition Read Only Media (Norsam Technology).
HDRR = High (expanded, extended, increased, wide) Dynamic Range real time Rendering of virtual environments (digital + 3D audio, imaging, motion + video).
HD-SDI = High Definition Serial Digital Interface.
HDSL = High bit rate Digital Subscriber Line modem technology.
HD-SLR = High Definition Digital Single Lens Reflex photographic imaging + video camera with HD video recording.
HDSS = Holographic Data Storage System (IBM).
HDTV = High Definition TeleVision (digital TV standard: 1200 lines).
HDVD = High Definition Digital Video Disc (Sonic/Ravisent).
HDVP = High Definition Video Processor (NVidia GeForce2/3/4/FX 3D video chipsets).
HDX = Half DupleX (semiduplex) (one at a time bidirectional broadcast/radio/telephone telecommunications) (ITU).
HEDT = High End DeskTop high performance personal computers (Intel).
HEIF = High Efficiency Image File type + format (.heif) based on H.265/HEVC video compression standard (ITU/ISO|OIN/MPEG).
HEL = Hardware Emulation Layer (Microsoft Direct3D virtual 3D video rasterization device).
HEO = Highly Elliptical Orbit (cosmology).
HEO (2) = High Earth geocentric Orbit: > 35786 km altitude + > 24 hours/orbital period (cosmology).
HEV = High Efficiency Video (coding) H.265/HEVC video compression standard, also H.265, also X.265 (ITU/ISO|OIN/MPEG).
HEV (2) = Hybrid Electric (powered) Vehicle.
HEV1 = High Efficiency Video (coding) 1 H.265/HEVC video compression standard, also H.265, also X.265 (ITU/ISO|OIN/MPEG).
HEVC = High Efficiency Video Coding (Codec) H.265/HEVC video compression standard, also H.265, also X.265 (ITU/ISO|OIN/MPEG).
HF = High Frequency (decameter band) radio wave bands 3-30 MHz, also SW (ITU).
HFA = HexaFluoroAcetone (synthetic volatile ketone).
HFC = HydroFluoroCarbon (synthetic volatile halogenated organofluorines).
HFC (2) = Hybrid Fiber Coaxial cable system.
HFE = HydroFluoroEther (synthetic volatile halogenated hydrofluorocarbons).
HFPO = HexaFluoroPropylene Oxide (synthetic volatile organofluorine).
HFPO-DA = HexaFluoroPropylene Oxide Dimer Acid (synthetic volatile organofluorine).
HFS = Hierarchical File System (MacOS CD-ROM).
HGL = Hewlett Packard Graphics Language image file type + format (.HGL).
HHS = United States Department of Health and Human Services (USA).
HI = Human Intelligence [intellectual capabilities + capacities characteristic to human species (homo sapiens sapiens) for abductivity, abstractization, adaptability, awareness, cognitivity, complexity, communicativity, conceptualization, concretization, decision making, deductivity, determinativity, empathetic abilities, inductivity, ingenuity, innovativity, inventivity, learning, logicalization, memorization, planning, predictability, problem solving, rationalization, reasoning].
Hi10P = High 10 Profile 10 bits/sample (10-bit) H.264 video compression standard (ITU).
HID = Human Interface Device (interconnected/networked computer/device input/output electronics/peripheral).
HiDef = High Definition 24 frames/sec progressive video (Sony/Panasonic) (also 24p).
HIDS = Host based Intrusion Detection System used by IDS/IPS (computer security).
HiFD = High density 200 MB Floppy Disk Drive technology (Sony/Fuji).
Hi-Fi = High Fidelity, also HiFi (superior quality audio/music reproduction technology).
HiFi = High Fidelity, also Hi-Fi (superior quality audio/music reproduction technology).
HIMEM = HIgh/extended MEMory manager (HIMEM.SYS) (DOS/MS-DOS/Windows/WfWG) (Microsoft).
HiperMAN = High performance radio Metropolitan Area Network (ETSI|IENT).
HIPPI = HIgh Performance Parallel Interface (X3T9.3 technology) (ANSI).
HIPS = Host based Intrusion Prevention Systems (computer security monitoring).
HIS = Hybrid Image Stabilization (EIS + OIS) technology (digital cinematography/photography/videography).
HLG = Hybrid Log Gamma non linear optical imaging/video transfer function (High Dynamic Range standard) (BBC/NHK).
HLLV = Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle (spacecraft).
HLR = Home Location Register system (wireless telecommunications).
HLSL = High Level Shader Language (Microsoft DirectX 9 programming).
HKMG = High K Metal Gate dielectric transistor technology (electronics) (Intel).
HMA = High Memory Area.
HMAC = Hash based Message Authentication Code (computer/information security).
HMC = Hybrid Memory Cube Random Access Memory interface (Samsung/Micron).
HMC-DRAM = Hybrid Memory Cube Dynamic Random Access Memory (Samsung/Micron/Altera).
HMD = Head Mount(ed) Display, also HUD (airborne/avionics, augmented/simulated/virtual reality).
HMI = Human Machine Interface (interconnected/networked computer/device input/output electronics/peripheral).
HnS = Hack and Slash (Slay) game, also H&S (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
Hostname = IP address (DNS domain name) + label assigned to (host, local) computer/device connected to internet/network (networking) (IANA).
hosts = Computer/device operating system text/ASCII/Unicode configurable/editable file without extension that maps hostnames to IP addresses providing static DNS hostname resolution, also HOSTS (networking). MDGx HOSTS
HOSTS (2) = Computer/device operating system text/ASCII/Unicode configurable/editable file without extension that maps hostnames to IP addresses providing static DNS hostname resolution, also hosts (networking). MDGx HOSTS
HP = Hewlett Packard.
HPBX = Hosted Private Branch Exchange (telephony switching system).
HPC = High Performance Computing.
HPC (2) = Handheld Personal Computer.
HPCR = High Power Channel cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
HPFS = High Performance File System (OS/2).
HPM = Hydrogen Moderated self regulating Module (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
HPR = Heat Pipe cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
HPT = Hard Privacy (enhancing) Technologies (confidential/personal data protection/security principles).
HPTC = High Performance Technical Computing.
HRC = Horizontal Redundancy Check (computer science + communications).
HRG = Hybrid Reality Game, also MRG (existent/physical/real + digital/fictitious/represented/virtual environments computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
HRNG = Hardware (physical) Random Number Generator, also NRBG, also TRNG (algorithm for true indeterminate/unpredictable randomized sequence of characters/letters/numbers/symbols practically impossible to determine/model/imitate/predict).
H&S = Hack & Slash (Slay) game, also HnS (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
HSDRAM = High Speed Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory.
HSF = Heat Sink and Fan combo (computer/electronics components cooling system).
HSI = High Speed Interconnect (CERN|EONR).
HSL = Hue Saturation Lightness additive primary colors (hues) combination encoding model (computer/printing graphics, photography) (OpenGL/PNG/W3C).
HSLA = Hue Saturation Lightness Alpha additive primary colors (hues) + alpha (transparency) channel combination encoding model (computer/printing graphics, photography) (OpenGL/PNG/W3C).
HSM = Hardware Security Module (authentication + cryptography computing accessory/component/device/equipment).
HSO = HadeoStationary (Pluto) Orbit (cosmology).
HSO (2) = HadeoSynchronous (Pluto) Orbit (cosmology).
HSO (3) = HelioStationary (solar) Orbit (cosmology).
HSO (4) = HelioSynchronous (solar) Orbit (cosmology).
HSO (5) = HermeoStationary (Mercury) Orbit (cosmology).
HSO (6) = HermeoSynchronous (Mercury) Orbit (cosmology).
HSO (7) = Herschel Space Observatory (former astronomical observational instrument) (ASE|ESA).
HSR = Hidden Surface Removal 3D polygon rendering (NVidia GeForce2/newer + 3dfx Voodoo5/6 3D video).
HSS = High Speed Sync(hronization), also Auto FP (Flash Photography) mode (Nikon) (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, flash, optical element, recorder, lens).
HSS (2) = Home Subscriber Server (wireless telecommunications).
HST = Hubble Space Telescope (astronomical observational instrument) (NASA).
HSTS = HTTP Strict Transport Security (SSL + TLS HTTPS protocol standard) (IETF).
HT = Handheld Transceiver (portable 2 way radio).
HT (2) = Bidirectional parallel/serial I/O bus architecture: 64-bit, 133/266 MHz, 6.4 GB/sec, also HyperTransport (AMD).
HTA = HyperText (HTML) Application (Windows 95/newer + Internet Explorer 5/newer) (Microsoft).
HTC = HTML Component file type + format (.HTC) (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
HTGR = High Temperature Gas cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
HTH = Hope This Helps, also Here (Happy) To Help.
HTHL = Horizontal Take off and Horizontal Landing aircraft, spacecraft, vehicle.
HTIB = Home Theater In a Box (interconnected all-in-one/bundled/integrated combination/set/package audio/video electronics).
HTL = HTML Template Language file type + format (.HTL) (Adobe).
HTM = HTML document file type + format (.HTM, .html), also HTML (W3C).
HTML = HyperText Markup Language Web/WWW document standard (W3C).
HTML (2) = HTML document file type + format (.HTM, .html), also HTM (W3C).
HTML 4.01 = HyperText Markup Language 4.01 Web/WWW document standard (W3C).
HTML5 = HyperText Markup Language 5.0 Web/WWW document standard (W3C).
HTOVL = Horizontal Take off and Vertical Landing aircraft, spacecraft, vehicle.
HTPC = Home Theater Personal Computer.
HTT = HyperText (HTML) Template (Windows 95/newer + Internet Explorer 5/newer) (Microsoft).
HTTP = HyperText Transfer Protocol half duplex computer communications standard (http:) (internet/WWW application layer protocol) (IETF/W3C).
HTTP/0.9 = HyperText Transfer Protocol version 0.9 computer communications standard (http:) (internet/WWW application layer protocol) (IETF/W3C).
HTTP/1.0 = HyperText Transfer Protocol version 1.0 computer communications standard (http:) (internet/WWW application layer protocol) (IETF/W3C).
HTTP/1.1 = HyperText Transfer Protocol version 1.1 computer communications standard (http:) (internet/WWW application layer protocol) (IETF/W3C).
HTTP/2 = HyperText Transfer Protocol version 2 computer communications standard (http:) (internet/WWW application layer protocol) (IETF/W3C).
HTTP/3 = HyperText Transfer Protocol version 3 computer communications standard (http:) (internet/WWW application layer protocol) (IETF/W3C).
HTTPS = HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure half duplex computer communications standard (https:) (internet/WWW application layer protocol using SSL + TLS technologies) (IETF/W3C).
HTVL = Horizontal Take off and Vertical Landing aircraft, spacecraft, vehicle.
HTX = HyperTransport eXpansion (AMD).
HUD = Head(s) Up Display, also HMD (airborne/avionics, augmented/simulated/virtual reality).
HUMINT = HUMan INTelligence (gather, decrypt, analyze, integrate, exploit management).
HVC = High (efficiency) Video Coding (Codec) H.265/HEVC video compression standard, also H.265, also X.265 (ITU/ISO|OIN/MPEG).
HVC1 = High (efficiency) Video Coding (Codec) 1 H.265/HEVC video compression standard, also H.265, also X.265 (ITU/ISO|OIN/MPEG).
HVD = High Voltage Differential electronics standard (SCSI-2).
HVD (2) = Holographic Versatile Disc technology 1 TB (Optware).
Hyperlink = Accessible digital (hypermedia, multimedia) anchor, link, reference, source to digital/digitized data content repository (audio, document, element, excerpt, file, fragment, image, message, post, publication, site, text, video, web page) (hypertext extension) (computing, internet, networking, online, web/WWW).
Hypermedia = Interactive nonlinear distribution/information/sharing medium (similar to multimedia), digital/digitized combination of different content: audio, data, images, hyperlink(s), information, media, text, video (hypertext extension) (computing, internet, networking, online, web/WWW).
Hypertext = Digital presentational content and/or text information/reference containing/integrating/linking to accessible (interactive) hyperlink(s) (computing, internet, networking, online, web/WWW).
HyperTransport = Bidirectional parallel/serial I/O bus architecture: 64-bit, 133/266 MHz, 6.4 GB/sec, also HT (AMD).
Hz = Hertz (frequency measurement unit, also clock speed): 1 Hz = 1 cps [(clock) cycle per second].
I2O = Intelligent Input/Output specification (Intel).
I2P = Invisible Internet Project (anonymous/pseudonymous mix network layer).
i3 = Intel Core i3 CPU family, also Core i3 (x86 + x64 Nehalem/Clarkdale/Arrandale).
i386 = Intel Architecture 32-bit (x86), also IA-32 (compatible 32-bit CPU + instructions set).
I3A = International Imaging Industry Association (DIG + PIMA).
i5 = Intel Core i5 CPU family, also Core i5 (x86 + x64 Nehalem/Lynnfield/Clarkdale/Arrandale).
i7 = Intel Core i7 CPU family, also Core i7 (x86 + x64 Bloomfield/Lynnfield/Clarksfield/Arrandale/Gulftown/Nehalem/Westmere/Sandy).
i9 = Intel Core i9 CPU family, also Core i9 (x86 + x64 Skylake/Coffee Lake/Cascade Lake/Comet Lake).
IA = Internet Archive (WayBack Machine) [largest archive/library/repository of free, open source + public digital + digitized collections, data, culture, information, internet/Web/WWW, material, multimedia (audio, data, imagery, text, video), software, etc].
IA (2) = Intelligent Agent (artificial intelligence).
IA-32 = Intel Architecture 32-bit (x86), also i386 (compatible 32-bit CPU + instructions set).
IA-64 = Intel Architecture 64-bit (Itanium) (Itanium 64-bit CPU + instructions set).
IaaS = Infrastructure as a Service [on demand via local thin client (bare bones operating system) + remote central host (internet/network cloud server)].
IAEA = International Atomic Energy Agency, also AIEA (FR: Agence Internationale de l'Énergie Atomique) [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
IAN = International Article Number (scannable digital barcode global unique identifier symbology).
IANA = Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.
IARC = International Agency for Research on Cancer, also CIRC (FR: Centre International de Recherche sur le Cancer) [OMS|WGO|WHO, ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
IAT = International Atomic Time, also TAI (FR: Temps Atomique International) (high precision atomic coordinate time standard) (IAU|UAI).
IATA = International Air Transport Association.
IAU = International Astronomical Union, also UAI (FR: Union Astronomique Internationale).
iBGP = Interior (Internal) Border Gateway Protocol, also IBGP (path vector exchange routing + reachability autonomous networking standard).
IBGP (2) = Interior (Internal) Border Gateway Protocol, also iBGP (path vector exchange routing + reachability autonomous networking standard).
IBIS = In Body Image Stabilization technology (digital cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, optical element, recorder, lens).
IBM = Individual Based Model (complex, multiagent systems computational prediction, simulation).
IBM (2) = International Business Machines.
IBRD = International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [WBG, ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
IBSS = Independent Basic Service Set identifier (wireless LAN standard for devices sharing same network).
IBWM = International Bureau of Weights and Measures, also BIPM (FR: Bureau International des Poids et Mesures).
IC = Integrated Circuit.
IC (2) = Interface Controller.
ICAM = Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing (machining, automation).
ICAMS = Interagency Council on Advancing Meteorological Services (NOAA, USA).
ICANN = Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
ICAO = International Civil Aviation Organization [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
ICC = International Criminal Court, also CPI (FR: Cour Pénale Internationale) [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
ICC (2) = International Color Consortium.
ICCID = Integrated Circuit Card IDentification (SIM card unique alphanumeric/numerical serial number).
ICD = Installable Client Driver (Microsoft 3D video).
ICE = Interactive Connectivity Establishment standard (peer to peer networking protocol + technology) (IETF).
ICE (2) = Internal Combustion Engine (motor).
ICJ = International Court of Justice, also CIJ (FR: Cour Internationale de Justice) [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
ICM = Integer Counter Mode, also CT mode, also CTR mode, also SIC mode (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
ICMP = Internet Control Message Protocol (networking).
ICMPv6 = Internet Control Message Protocol version 6 (networking).
ICMSR = International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR Convention) (IMO).
ICO = ICOn graphic/image file type + format (.ICO) (Microsoft Windows).
ICOADS = International Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set (NOAA, USA).
ICP = Internet Content Provider.
ICQ = I Seek You cross platform IM (Instant Messaging) + VoIP client software + service.
ICRS = International Celestial Reference System (international standard based on our solar system) (IAU|UAI).
ICS = Internet Connection Sharing.
ICT = Information and Communications Technology (unified, integrated digital data/information, telecommunications, computers, internet, networks, multimedia systems).
ICTP = International Center for Theoretical Physics [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
ICV = Internal Combustion (powered) Vehicle.
ICWM = International Committee for Weights and Measures, also CIPM (FR: Comité International des Poids et Mesures) (BIPM|IBWM).
ICYI = In Case You're Interested, also IYI.
ICYMI = In Case You Missed It, also IYMI.
IDA = International Development Association [WBG, ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
IDCT = Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (Digital Versatile Disc decoding).
IDE = Integrated Device (Drive) Electronics (Hard Disk Drive interface).
IDE (2) = Integrated Development Environment (computer/device software).
IDEA = Inclusion, Diversity, Equity (Equality) and Access, also DEAI, also DEI, also DEIA, also DEIB, also EDI, also EDIJ, also JEDI (equal, equitable, fair, impartial, same acknowledgment, participation, promotion, compensation, respect, support, treatment for all people regardless of belief, class, culture, ethnicity, faith, gender, opinion, orientation, sex, status, etc).
IDK = Internet Development Kit (computer programming).
IDK (2) = I Don't Know.
IDL = International Date Line (180° longitude meridian conventional calendar day boundary) (IERS).
IDM = Integrated Direct Metering (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, recorder, optical element, lens) (Leica/Pentax).
IDN = Internationalized Domain Name DNS internet labeling system (networking) (ICANN).
IDPS = Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, also IDS, also IPS (computer/device hardware/software internet/network security).
IDS = Intrusion Detection (prevention) System, also IDPS, also IPS (computer/device hardware/software internet/network security).
i.e. = Id est (LA) = that is (in other words, is equivalent) (EN).
IE = Internet Explorer web browser (IEXPLORE.EXE) (Microsoft). discontinued 
IEA = International Energy Agency, also AIE (FR: Agence Internationale de l'Énergie).
IEAK = Internet Explorer Administration Kit (Windows Setup IExpress developer kit) (Microsoft). IEAK
IEC = International Electrotechnical Commission, also CEI (FR: Commission Électrotechnique Internationale).
IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
IEEE 1394 = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers FireWire peripheral devices high performance serial bus technology.
IEEE Xplore = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Xplore.
IENT = Institut Européen des Normes de Télécommunications (FR), also ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) (EU|UE).
IERS = International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service.
IETF = Internet Engineering Task Force.
IFAD = International Fund for Agricultural Development [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
IFC = International Finance Corporation [WBG, ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
iFCP = Internet Fibre Channel Protocol (gateway to gateway TCP/IP network) (IETF).
IFF = Image File Format file type + format (.IFF) (Electronic Arts).
IFO = Identified Flying Object (explained, known, normal aerial object or phenomenon).
IFR = Integral Fast cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
IFS = Installable File System TCP/IP handles for Windows Sockets (Winsock) API.
IFSHLP.SYS = Installable File System HeLPer device driver (Microsoft Windows).
IGBT = Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (3 terminal power semiconductor device) (electronics).
IGFET = Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor (electronics).
IGMP = Internet Group Management Protocol (networking).
IGO = InterGovernmental Organization (multinational cooperative association/entity/union).
IGP = Interior (Internal) Gateway protocol, also IRP (networks gateway exchange).
iGPU = Integrated Graphics Processing Unit (built into CPU/motherboard).
IGRP = Interior (Internal) Gateway Routing Protocol (distance vector exchange networking standard) (Cisco).
IH-BD = Intra Hybrid Blu-Ray Disc: 1 BD-ROM (Blu-Ray Disc Read Only Media) layer + 1 BD-RE (Blu-Ray Disc Rewrite) layer [single layer (25 GB)].
IHS = Integrated Heat Spreader technology (Intel X3x chipsets).
IID = Interface unique IDentifier unique 16-byte (128-bit) encrypted integer reference label (IEC|CEI/IETF/ISO|OIN/TOG software + hardware identification standard).
IIM = Information Interchange Model old digital media file structure and metadata standard (IPTC).
IIRC = If I Recall (Remember) Correctly.
IKE = Internet Key Exchange protocol (IPsec security association authentication) (IETF).
IKEv1 = Internet Key Exchange protocol version 1 (IPsec security association authentication) (IETF).
IKEv2 = Internet Key Exchange protocol version 2 (IPsec security association authentication) (IETF).
ILC = Interchangeable Lens photographic imaging + video Camera (digital cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, recorder).
ILDC = Interchangeable Lens Digital photographic imaging + video Camera (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, recorder).
ILIS = In Lens Image Stabilization technology (digital cinematography/photography/videography optical element, lens).
ILO = International Labor Organization [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
ILP = Instruction Level Parallelism (parallel computing).
ILS = Instrument Landing System (precision radio navigation system).
IM = Instant Messaging (Message) (real time over internet/network text exchange/online chat technology).
IMA = Interactive Music Architecture (Microsoft).
IMAP = Internet Message Access Protocol (e-mail retrieval).
IMAP4 = Internet Message Access Protocol version 4 (e-mail retrieval).
IMCNS = IP Multimedia Core Network Subsystem, also IMS (telecommunication standard protocols) (3GPP/ETSI|IENT).
IMEI = International Mobile (cellular) Equipment Identity (wireless telecommunications unique numeric identifier).
IMF = International Monetary Fund [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
IMG = GEM Paint image file type + format (.IMG).
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion.
IMINT = IMagery INTelligence (gather, decrypt, analyze, integrate, exploit management).
i-MLSE = Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation evaluation index (Sony/Panasonic Blu-Ray Disc Drive technology).
IMO = International Maritime Organization [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
IMO (2) = In My Opinion.
IMPS = Instant Messaging and Presence Service specification (OMA SpecWorks).
IMS = IP Multimedia core network Subsystem, also IMCNS (telecommunication standard protocols) (3GPP/ETSI|IENT).
IMSC = Internet Media Subtitles and Captions profiles + formats (multimedia TTML based HTML5 synchronized/timed text/graphics captioning/subtitling) (W3C/SMPTE).
IMSI = International Mobile (cellular) Subscriber Identity (wireless digital communications network user unique 64-bit alphanumeric/numerical identifier).
IMT = International Mobile (cellular) Telecommunications (wireless digital communications) (ITU).
IMT (2) = Interlingual Machine Translation (computational linguistics).
iNAND = Integrated nonvolatile memory mass storage media embedded chip controller (SanDisk).
INCITS = InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards.
INF = INFormation file type + format (.INF) (Microsoft Windows). IEAK
Infomedia = Information(al) (multi)media (data, edutainment, facts, information, knowledge communication, content, distribution, environment, platform, sharing, streaming, transmission).
Infovid = Information(al) video (spontaneous/scripted live/recorded distributed/published/shared/streamed/transmitted audio/data/text/video educational/entertaining/informative course/documentary/event/film/presentation/program).
INFP = International Not For Profit organization, also INGO (independent advocacy, charitable/philanthropic, cultural, educational, informational, orientational, participatory, professional/trade, recreational, service providing, scientific, technical operational non governmental entity).
INGO = International Non Governmental Organization, also INFP (independent advocacy, charitable/philanthropic, cultural, educational, informational, orientational, participatory, professional/trade, recreational, service providing, scientific, technical operational non profit entity).
INSARAG = International Search and Rescue Advisory Group [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
INSIC = INformation Storage Industry Consortium.
Intel 64 = Intel 64-bit (x64) processors, also AMD64, also x64, also x86-64 (64-bit compatible CPU + instructions set).
Internet = Global system of interconnected/interlinked computer networks using specialized hardware, multiple technologies + common protocols to communicate, share data, information, multimedia among computers, devices, equipment, networks, peripherals.
InterNIC = Internet Network Information Center.
Intro = Introduction (beginning, commencement, prologue, foreword, initiating, opening, starting bit, credits, element, passage, portion, section, segment).
I/O = Input/Output.
IOM = International Organization for Migration [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
IOMMU = Input Output Memory Management Unit.
ION = Integrated On demand Network (Sprint FastBreak).
iOS = iPhone cellular/mobile/portable device/electronics proprietary operating system based on modified open source BSD (Darwin) and NeXTSTEP (Apple).
IoT = Internet of Things (interconnected/networked embedded devices, electronics, products, tools, vehicles).
IotD = Image of the Day.
IoV = Internet of Vehicles (transportation + traffic communication technologies) (IEEE).
IOW = In Other Words.
IP = Internet Protocol standard (internet, networking) (IEEE).
IP (2) = Ingress Protection code + rating system (IEC|CEI).
IP (3) = Intellectual Property.
IP address = Internet Protocol address (numerical label) standard (internet, networking) (IETF).
IPA = International Phonetic Association, also API (FR: Association Phonétique Internationale).
IPA (2) = International Phonetic Alphabet (LA script based phonetic notation alphabetic system) (API|IPA).
IPC = Inter Process Communication (environment/network/system data sharing management).
IPCC = Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
IPDC = Internet Protocol Device Control (VoIP communications specification) (Level 3).
IPF = Invalid Page Fault (Microsoft Windows).
IPFS = InterPlanetary File System protocol (decentralized digital, digitized + hypermedia content archiving, distribution, sharing + storage using CID).
IPM = InterPlanetary Medium (cosmology).
IPMI = Intelligent Platform Management Interface autonomous computer subsystem specifications (Intel).
IPPR = In Pipe Penetrating (Penetration) Radar.
IPS = Intrusion Prevention (detection) System, also IDPS, also IDS (computer/device hardware/software internet/network security).
IPS (2) = Indoor Positioning System (nearby networked + wireless computers + devices used for geolocation).
IPsec = Internet Protocol security (secure encrypted communication standard protocols) (IETF).
IPTC = International Press Telecommunications Council.
IPTV = Internet Protocol TeleVision standard (ETSI|IENT).
IPv4 = Internet Protocol version 4 address (numerical label) standard [RFC791, 4 sets of 8 bits/character (8-bit) 32-bit binary number: 0-255 range] (IETF).
IPv6 = Internet Protocol version 6 address (numerical label) standard (RFC1883, 128-bit hexadecimal binary number) (IETF).
IPX = Internetwork Packet EXchange (Novell Netware).
IPX/SPX = Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (Novell Netware).
IQ = Intelligence Quotient (standardized tests score estimative of mental intelligence levels).
IR = InfraRed light, also thermal radiation (invisible electromagnetic waves with wavelengths longer than visible light spectrum).
IRC = Internet Relay Chat network (group communication, data exchange, messaging).
IrCOMM = Infrared Communications Protocol specification (IrDA).
IrDA = Infrared Data Association.
IrFM = Infrared Financial Messaging protocol specification (IrDA).
IRIS = InfraRed Intrusion Sensor (electronic detection).
IRIS (2) = Internet Registry Information Service (client server protocol).
IRL = In Real Life.
IrLAN = Infrared Local Area Network protocol specification (IrDA).
IrLAP = Infrared Link Access Protocol specification (IrDA).
IrLMP = Infrared Link Management Protocol specification (IrDA).
IRM = International Reference Meridian, also PM (Prime Meridian) (0°/360° longitude meridian conventional calendar day boundary) (IERS).
IRNSS = Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (India).
IrOBEX = Infrared OBject EXchange protocol specification (IrDA/OMA SpecWorks).
IRP = Interior (Internal) Routing protocol, also IGP (networks gateway exchange).
IrPHY = Infrared PHYsical layer specification (IrDA).
IRQ = Interrupt ReQuest line (computer hardware, device, electronics).
IrSimple = Infrared Simple protocol specification (IrDA).
IrSimpleShot = Infrared Simple Shot protocol specification, also IrSS (IrDA).
IrSS = Infrared Simple Shot protocol specification, also IrSimpleShot (IrDA).
IRT = Spacelab InfraRed Telescope (astronomical observational instrument).
IS = Image Stabilization technology (digital cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, optical element, recorder, lens) (Canon/Olympus).
ISA = International Seabed Authority [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
ISA (2) = Industry Standard Architecture (IBM/Intel PC clones 16-bit internal bus).
ISA (3) = Instruction Set Architecture (computer processors + programming).
ISA (4) = International Standard Atmosphere measurement conditions (density, pressure, temperature + viscosity static atmospheric model) (ICAO/ISO|OIN).
ISAKMP = Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (security association and cryptographic keys authentication) (IETF).
ISBN = International Standard Book Number (scannable digital barcode global unique identifier symbology) (ISNI/ISO|OIN).
ISC = International Science Council, also CIS (FR: Conseil International des Sciences).
ISCED = International Standard Classification of EDucation [UNESCO, ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
iSCSI = Internet Small Computers System Interface protocol (IETF).
ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network (simultaneous digital audio, data + video telecommunications standards) (ITU).
ISEF = Instruction Set Extension Fabric (Stretch CPU).
ISF = Imaging Science Foundation (video display/monitor/screen technologies).
ISGPR = In Sewer Ground Penetrating (Penetration) Radar.
IS-IS = Intermediate System to Intermediate System, also ISIS (network routing protocol) (IEC|CEI/ISO|OIN).
ISIS = Intermediate System to Intermediate System, also IS-IS (network routing protocol) (IEC|CEI/ISO|OIN).
ISM = Industrial, Scientific + Medical reserved short range radio frequency bands (ITU).
ISM (2) = InterStellar Medium (cosmology).
ISMN = International Standard Music Number (scannable digital barcode global unique identifier symbology for notated music editions) (ISO|OIN).
ISN = Integrated Silicon Nanophotonics CMOS transistor technology (electronics) (IBM).
ISNI = International Standard Name Identifier (ISO|OIN certified global family of unique public works of multimedia identification standards).
iSNS = Internet Storage Name Service protocol (TCP/IP network iFCP gateway).
ISO = International Organization for Standardization, also OIN (FR: Organisation Internationale de Normalisation).
ISO (2) = Infrared Space Observatory (astronomical observational instrument).
ISO (3) = International Organization for Standardization celluloid film/electronic sensor sensitivity to light numerical scale standard (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, optical element, recorder, lens) (ISO|OIN).
ISO 9660 = International Organization for Standardization logical CD-ROM format standard (High Sierra/ISO|OIN).
ISP = Interface Segregation Principle (computer/device software design principle).
ISP (2) = Internet Service Provider.
ISR = Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (military strategy).
ISRC = International Standard Recording Code (global unique audio + video recording standard identifier symbology) (ISNI/ISO|OIN).
ISS = International Space Station habitable educational, exploratory + scientific research multimodular installation orbiting geocentric LEO: 408 km altitude + 90 min/orbital period (NASA/ASE|ESA/CSA/JAXA/Roscosmos).
ISSN = International Standard Serial Number (scannable digital barcode global unique identifier symbology) (ISNI/ISO|OIN).
ISTAR = Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (military strategy).
ISV = Independent Software Vendor.
ISWC = International Standard Musical Work Code (global unique audio/music media/works standard identifier symbology) (ISNI/ISO|OIN).
IT = Information Technology (digital communications, computers, networks + multimedia systems).
ITC = International Trade Center [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
ITER = International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, also RTEI (FR: Réacteur Thermonucléaire Expérimental International).
iTLD = Infrastructure (.arpa = address and routing parameter area) Top Level (root) Domain (global internet DNS category extension unique indentifier suffix) (IANA/ISO|OIN).
ITMaaS = Information Technology Management as a Service [on demand via local thin client (bare bones operating system) + remote central host (internet/network cloud server)].
ITS = Intelligent Transportation System (advanced transport + traffic management technologies).
ITTCC = International Telegraph and Telephony Consultative Committee, also CCITT (FR: Commité Consultatif International du Télégraphe et Téléphonie).
i-TTL = Intelligent Through The Lens (flash) metering (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, optical element, recorder, lens) (Nikon).
ITU = International Telecommunications Union, also UIT (FR: Union Internationale des Télécommunications) [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
ITX = Information Technology eXtended (motherboard form factor).
IUCN = International Union for Conservation of Nature, also UICN (FR: Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature).
IUGS = International Union of Geological Sciences, also UISG (FR: Union Internationale des Sciences Géologiques).
IUPAC = International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, also UICPA (FR: Union Internationale de Chimie Pure et Appliquée).
IVR = Interactive Voice Response (automated telephony system).
IWA = Integrated Windows Authentication (Microsoft Windows security protocols).
IYI = If You're Interested, also INYI.
IYMI = If You Missed It, also ICYMI.
JAMA = Journal of the American Medical Association (USA).
JAN = Japanese Article Number (scannable digital barcode unique identifier symbology).
JAR = Java ARchive file type + format (.JAR).
Java = High level general purpose object oriented computer programming language (Sun Microsystems/Oracle).
JavaScript = World Wide Web, HTML + CSS (object) based/oriented/targeted, also JS high level computer programming language (ECMA).
JAXA = Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency (Japan).
JCL = Java Class Library (Sun Microsystems/Oracle).
JDBC = Java DataBase Connectivity (Sun Microsystems/Oracle).
JDK = Java Developers Kit (Sun Microsystems/Oracle).
JEDEC = Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (USA).
JEDI = Justice, Equity (Equality), Diversity and Inclusion, also DEAI, also DEI, also DEIA, also DEIB, also EDI, also EDIJ, also IDEA (equal, equitable, fair, impartial, same acknowledgment, participation, promotion, compensation, respect, support, treatment for all people regardless of belief, class, culture, ethnicity, faith, gender, opinion, orientation, sex, status, etc).
JEITA = Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (Japan).
JFC = Java Foundation Classes (computer programming).
JFIF = JPEG File Interchange Format file type + format (.jfif) (JPEG).
JFS = Journaling File System (Linux OS).
JIF = JPEG Image File type + format (.JIF) (JPEG).
JIT = Just In Time compilation (compiling during execution) (computer programming).
JPEG = Joint Photographers Expert Group image file type + format (.jpeg) (JPEG).
JPG = Joint Photographers Expert Group image file type + format (.JPG) (JPEG).
JPL = Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA space research laboratories, USA).
JRE = Java Runtime Environment (Sun Microsystems/Oracle).
JRPG = Japanese Role Playing Game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
JRPVG = Japanese Role Playing Video Game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
JS = World Wide Web, HTML + CSS (object) based/oriented/targeted, also JavaScript high level computer programming language (ECMA).
JSC = Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (NASA space center, USA).
JSON = JavaScript Object Notation (JavaScript standard).
JSTOR = Journal STORage.
JVM = Java Virtual Machine (Microsoft Windows).
JWST = James Webb Space Telescope (astronomical observational instrument) (NASA).
°K = Degrees Kelvin, also K (absolute temperature scale measurement unit).
K = Degrees Kelvin, also °K (absolute temperature scale measurement unit).
K56flex = Lucent/Rockwell 56 kb/sec analog modem transfer technology.
KAGRA = Kamioka Gravitational Wave Detector (astronomical observational instrument) (NASA/ASE|ESA/JAXA).
Kb = Kilobit (1 Kb = 1000 bits) (multiple of bit).
KB (2) = KiloByte (1 KB = 1024 Bytes) (multiple of Byte).
KB (3) = Knowledge Base.
Kbps = Kilobits per second (Kb/sec).
KBps (2) = KiloBytes per second (KB/sec).
KBS = Knowledge Based System (computer programming).
KDC = Key Distribution Center (cryptographic key exchange cryptosystem) (computer security).
KHz = KiloHertz (1 KHz = 1000 Hz) (multiple of Hertz).
KINK = Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Keys protocol (IPsec security association authentication) (computer security) (IETF).
KISS = Keep It Simple, Stupid (design principle).
KJIVV = Katherine Johnson Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Facility (NASA safety facility, USA).
KML = Keyhole Markup Language XML notation standard (OGC).
KNI = Intel Pentium III/IV CPU MMX extensions (SSE/SSE2).
KPI = Key Performance Indicator.
KR2 = Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, also KR&R, also KRR (artificial intelligence).
KR&R = Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, also KR2, also KRR (artificial intelligence).
KRR = Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, also KR2, also KR&R (artificial intelligence).
KSC = John F. Kennedy Space Center (NASA spaceport complex, USA).
KUI = Kinetic User Interface (interconnected/networked computer/device/electronics/peripheral + human gesture/motion aware sensors/electrodes interaction/recognition).
L1 = Level 1 cache (on CPU).
L2 = Level 2 cache (off CPU).
L2R = Left to (2) Right (+ top to bottom) language/programming/script/system/text content/display/processing/reading/writing direction/mode, also LR-TB, also LTR, also TB-LR.
L2TP = Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (networking).
L3 = Level 3 cache (off CPU SMP).
L4S = Low Latency, Low Loss, Scalable throughput internet decongestion technology (Nokia).
LALE = Low Altitude Long Endurance (aerial aircraft/vehicle).
LALO = Low Altitude Low Opening (airborne parachute jump).
LAN = Local Area Network.
LAP = Link Access Protocol.
LAPM = Link Access Protocol for Modems.
LANGSEC = LANGuage theoretic SECurity method (computer security).
Laptop = Handheld/portable desktop computer/minicomputer/netbook/notebook which can be placed in the user's lap + powered by exchangeable/rechargeable D/C batteries + A/C electricity.
LaRC = Langley Research Center (NASA space research center, USA).
LARP = Live Action Role Playing game, also LARPG, also LRP (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming + interactive literature).
LARPG = Live Action Role Playing Game, also LARP, also LRP (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming + interactive literature).
LASER = Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (coherent monochromatic electromagnetic wave beam technology).
LBA = Logical Block Addressing (Hard Disk Drive access).
LBG = (Geo)Location Based (Enabled) Game, also GBG, also LEG (GPS tracking + navigation computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
LBM = DeLuxe Paint BitMap graphic/image file type + format (.LBM).
LBMT = Logic Based Machine Translation, also LMT (computational linguistics).
LBS = Location Based Service (GPS tracking + navigation).
LBS (2) = Language Based Security (computer security).
LCD = Liquid Crystal Display (digital display/monitor/screen).
LCoS = Liquid Crystal on Silicon (digital display/monitor/screen).
LDAP = Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (networking).
LDID = Link Directory IDentifier unique 16-byte (128-bit) encrypted integer reference label (IEC|CEI/IETF/ISO|OIN/TOG software + hardware identification standard).
LDIF = Lightweight Data Interchange Format (e-mail exchange technology).
LDPE = Low Density PolyEthylene, also PE-LD (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
LE = Linear Executable binary file type + format (DOS/MS-DOS/Windows/WfWG 3.xx/95/98/ME 16-bit + 32-bit) (Microsoft).
LEAP = Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
LED = Light Emitting Diode, also ELD [invisible (IR, UV)/visible light electroluminescent semiconductor].
LEG = (Geo)Location (based) Enabled Game, also GBG, also LBG (GPS tracking + navigation computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
LEO = Low Earth geocentric Orbit: 800 km altitude + 128 min/orbital period (cosmology).
LEP = Light Emitting Polymers technology (CDT monitor).
LF = Low Frequency (kilometer band) radio wave bands 30-300 KHz, also LW (ITU).
LF (2) = Line Feed control character sequence (text/ASCII/ANSI/EBCDIC/Unicode).
LFB = Linear Frame Buffer (2D video).
LFE = Low Frequency Effects bass subwoofer channel, part of digital surround sound (3D spatial audio).
LFN = Long File Name (maximum 247.8 = 256 total characters) (Microsoft Windows 32-bit + 64-bit).
LFO = Low Frequency Oscillator.
LFP = Lithium ion FerroPhosphate [Ferrum (Iron) Phosphate], also LiFePO4 rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/battery/cell.
LFR = Lead Fast cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
LFS = Local First Software, a.k.a. shrinkwrapped, also on-prem (installed, located + run on localized, privately owned computers/network).
LGPL = Lesser General Public License (computer/device software) (GNU).
LH = LoadHigh internal DOS command (Microsoft MS-DOS).
LHC = Large Hadron Collider (particle accelerator) (CERN|EONR).
LIB = Lithium ion rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/Battery/cell, also Li-ion.
LIDAR = Light (Laser) Imaging Detection And Ranging (distance measurement technology).
LiFePO4 = Lithium ion Ferrum (Iron) Phosphate (FerroPhosphate), also LFP rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/battery/cell.
Li-Fi = Light Fidelity wireless communication technology, also LiFi (IEEE).
LiFi = Light Fidelity wireless communication technology, also Li-Fi (IEEE).
Lightnet = Publicly accessible indexable (indexed) part of the internet/Web/WWW, also Clearnet, also Surface Web, also Visible Web.
LIGO = Laser Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory (astronomical observational instrument) (Caltech/MIT).
Li-ion = Lithium ion rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/battery/cell, also LIB.
LIM = Lotus, Intel and Microsoft expanded/extended memory specifications (DOS/MS-DOS).
LIMAD = LInear MAgnetic Drive speaker technology (Soundmatters).
Li-NCA = Lithium ion Nickel Cobalt Aluminium (Aluminum) oxide [LiNixCoyAlzO2], also LNCA, also NCA rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/battery/cell.
Li-NMC = Lithium ion Nickel Manganese (Manganum) [Mn] Cobalt oxide [LiNixMnyCo1-x-yO2], also LNMC, also NCM, also NMC rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/battery/cell.
Linux = Linus Torvalds' GPL (free, open source) Operating System based on UNIX OS.
LIP = Language Interface Pack (localized MUI add-on/skin for each supported language) (Microsoft).
Li-S = Lithium Sulfur (Sulphur) rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/battery/cell.
LIS = Language Independent Specification (computer programming).
LISA = Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (astronomical observational instrument) (ASE|ESA/NASA).
Livecast = Live broadcast (improvised/rehearsed/spontaneous distributed/published/shared/streamed/transmitted audio/data/text/video educational/entertaining/informative course/documentary/event/film/presentation/program).
LLC = Logical Link Control (sub)layer (computer communication protocol) (IEEE).
LLDP = Link Layer Discovery Protocol standard internet/networking protocol (IEEE).
LLDPE = Linear Low Density PolyEthylene (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
LLM = Large Language Model (computational linguistics, computerized predictive ANN).
LLTD = Link Layer Topology Discovery proprietary internet/networking protocol (Microsoft).
LLVM = Low Level Virtual Machine (multiplatform compiler and toolchain technologies) (computer programming).
LMAO = Laughing My Aṩṩ Off.
LMDS = Local Multipoint Distribution Service.
LMFBR = Liquid Metal Fast Breeder cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
LMFR = Liquid Metal Fast cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
LMGTFY = Let Me Google That For You.
LMR = Liquid Metal cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
LMT = Logic based Machine Translation, also LBMT (computational linguistics).
LNCA = Lithium ion Nickel Cobalt Aluminium (Aluminum) oxide [LiNixCoyAlzO2], also Li-NCA, also NCA rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/battery/cell.
lncRNA = Long non-coding RiboNucleic Acid (transcripted non-translated RNA molecule with > 200 nucleotides).
LNMC = Lithium ion Nickel Manganese (Manganum) [Mn] Cobalt oxide [LiNixMnyCo1-x-yO2], also Li-NMC, also NCM, also NMC rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/battery/cell.
.local = Reserved special use internet/network DNS category extension unique indentifier suffix (link local address) (IANA/ISO|OIN).
localhost = Local/Localhost hostname, currently/locally accessed (local) computer/device, also (reserved local loopback IPv4 address block) (networking) (IANA).
.localhost = Reserved special use internet/network DNS category extension unique indentifier suffix (loopback address) (IANA/ISO|OIN).
Lo-Fi = Low Fidelity, also LoFi, also Low-Fi, also LowFi (inferior quality audio/music reproduction technology).
LoFi = Low Fidelity, also Lo-Fi, also Low-Fi, also LowFi (inferior quality audio/music reproduction technology).
LOL = Laughing (Laugh) Out Loud.
LOLBin = Living Off the Land Binary, also LOLBins (cyberattack + malware fileless bypass/workaround technique).
LOLBin/Lib/Script = Living Off the Land Binaries, Libraries and Scripts (cyberattack + malware fileless bypass/workaround technique).
LOLBins = Living Off the Land Binaries, also LOLBin (cyberattack + malware fileless bypass/workaround technique).
LOS = Line Of Sight (radio communication).
LOTL = Living Off The Land (cyberattack + malware fileless bypass/workaround technique).
LOTS = Living Off Trusted Sites (cyberattack + malware fileless bypass/workaround technique).
Low-Fi = Low Fidelity, also Lo-Fi, also LoFi, also LowFi (inferior quality audio/music reproduction technology).
LowFi = Low Fidelity, also Lo-Fi, also LoFi, also Low-Fi (inferior quality audio/music reproduction technology).
LP = Long Play vinyl disc/record (33+⅓ rpm, Ø = 10/12 in = 25/30 cm, full size, regular capacity analog sound gramophone/phonograph/record player storage medium).
LPC = Low Pin Count interface specification (Intel).
LP-CAMM = Low Power Compression Attached Memory Module (JEDEC).
LP-CAMM2 = Low Power Compression Attached Memory Module 2 (2nd generation) (JEDEC).
LPD = Local Peer Discovery protocol (networking) (BEP-14).
LPDDR = Low Power Double Data Rate synchronous dynamic random access memory, also LPDDR-SDRAM (JEDEC).
LPDDR4 = Low Power Double Data Rate 4 (4th generation) SDRAM (JEDEC).
LPDDR4X = Low Power Double Data Rate 4 (4th generation) enhanced SDRAM (JEDEC).
LPDDR5 = Low Power Double Data Rate 5 (5th generation) SDRAM (JEDEC).
LPDDR5X = Low Power Double Data Rate 5 (5th generation) enhanced SDRAM (JEDEC).
LPDDR-SDRAM = Low Power Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory, also LPDDR (JEDEC).
LPL = Linear Polarizer Lens optical filter (cinematography/photography/videography optical element, lens).
LPO = Libration Point Orbit (cosmology).
LPT = Line PrinTer (computer/device/electronics/hardware configurable parallel printer port).
LPWA = Low Power Wide Area network, also LPWAN (WAN wireless telecommunication standard) (IEEE).
LPWAN = Low Power Wide Area Network, also LPWA (WAN wireless telecommunication standard) (IEEE).
LRC = Longitudinal Redundancy Check (computer science + communications).
LRP = Live Role Playing (game), also LARP, also LARPG (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming + interactive literature).
LRRA = Low Range Radio Altimeter.
LR-TB = Left to Right + Top to Bottom language/programming/script/system/text content/display/processing/reading/writing direction/mode, also L2R, also LTR, also TB-LR.
LR-WPAN = Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Network, also LRWPAN (IEEE).
LRWPAN = Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Network, also LR-WPAN (IEEE).
LS = Line Separator control character sequence (text/ASCII/ANSI/EBCDIC/Unicode).
LSAP = Local Service Access Point (OSI network endpoint labelling system) (IEC|CEI/IEEE).
LSC = Local SuperCluster (cosmology).
LSD = Local Service Discovery protocol (networking).
LSI = Large Scale Integration (electronic integrated circuit).
LSN = Large Scale Network address translation, also CGN, also CGNAT (service carrier/provider networking technology).
LSP = Liskov Substitution Principle (computer/device software design principle).
LSP (2) = Layered Service Provider Windows Sockets (Winsock) API.
LTO = Lunar Transfer orbit (cosmology).
LTO (2) = Linear Tape Open technology (IBM/Hewlett Packard/Seagate).
LTR = Left To Right (+ top to bottom) language/programming/script/system/text content/display/processing/reading/writing direction/mode, also L2R, also LR-TB, also TB-LR.
LVD = Low Voltage Differential electronics standard (ISO|OIN).
LVDS = Low Voltage Differential Signaling electronics standard (ISO|OIN).
LW = Low Wave (kilometer band) radio wave bands 30-300 KHz, also LF (ITU).
LWIR = Long Wave InfraRed band/spectrum, also WIR (invisible electromagnetic thermal radiation).
LWR = Light Water cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
LWS = Linear White Space, also LWSP (required, hard, fixed) non-printing character (HTML, text processing, digital typesetting, computer programming) (Unicode).
LWSP = Linear White SPace, also LWS (required, hard, fixed) non-printing character (HTML, text processing, digital typesetting, computer programming) (Unicode).
LX = Linear eXecutable binary file type + format (OS/2 2.0/newer 32-bit).
ly = light year = distance covered by moving object/(sub)particle at light speed [299792 km/sec] in vacuum in 1 Julian calendar year [9460000000000 km], also LY (cosmology).
LY = light year = distance covered by moving object/(sub)particle at light speed [299792 km/sec] in vacuum in 1 Julian calendar year [9460000000000 km], also ly (cosmology).
LZ77 = Lempel + Ziv 1977 lossless data compression algorithm.
LZMA = Lempel, Ziv + Markov lossless data chain compression Algorithm [7-Zip/7Z (.7Z) file type + format].
LZW = Lempel, Ziv + Welch lossless data compression algorithm [GIF (.GIF) graphic file type + format].
LZX = Lempel + Ziv eXtended lossless data compression algorithm [Microsoft CAB (.CAB) file type + format].
m = Physical mass (amount of matter) numerical value [E=mxc2 : kinetic energy (E) equals (=) rest mass (m) multiplied by (x) speed of light squared (c2) = Albert Einstein's mass energy equivalence equation].
M.2 = mSATA 2nd generation SSD interface standard, also SATA Express, also SATAe, also NGFF.
M.O. = Modus Operandi, also MO (method or procedure of operation or practice).
M2B = Market to Business, also MtoB.
M2C = Market to Consumer, also MtoC.
M2M = Machine to Machine (communication technologies).
M2M (2) = Market to Market, also MtoM.
MA = Master of Arts (LA: Magister Artium), also AM (graduate level academic degree).
MAC = Multiply ACcumulate floating point operations (auxiliary) (micro)processor hardware unit (computer programming).
MAC (2) = Media (Medium) Access Control address (networked hardware unique ID) (IEEE digital transmission layer standard).
MAC (3) = Message Authentication Code (computer/information security).
MAC (4) = MACintosh Paint graphic/image file type + format (.MAC).
MacOS = MacIntosh computers/devices proprietary Operating System based on modified open source BSD (Darwin) + NeXTSTEP (Apple).
MAD = Multiply ADd floating point operations (auxiliary) (micro)processor hardware unit (computer programming).
MAF = Michoud Assembly Facility (NASA space facility, USA).
MALE = Medium Altitude Long Endurance (aerial aircraft/vehicle).
MAL = Mobile (cellular) Assisted (Aided) Language learning, also MALL (online/remote computer science, education).
MALL = Mobile (cellular) Assisted (Aided) Language Learning, also MAL (online/remote computer science, education).
Malware = Malicious code/script/software (computer/digital viruses, worms, trojans, zombies, bots, spyware, ransomware).
MAMR = Microwave Assisted Magnetic Recording hard disk drive (Western Digital).
MAMV = Multiple Animated/Anime/Animation Music Video, also Multi-AMV.
MAN = Metropolitan Area Network.
MANET = Mobile (cellular) Ad Hoc Network (real time communication).
MAP = Maximum A Posteriori (unobservable probability distribution/model optimization statistical deduction) (computer/machine learning).
MAPI = Messaging Application Programming Interface (Microsoft e-mail).
MARKINT = MARKet INTelligence (gather, decrypt, analyze, integrate, exploit management).
MASER = Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (coherent electromagnetic wave beam technology).
MASINT = Measurement And Signature INTelligence (gather, decrypt, analyze, integrate, exploit management).
Mb = Megabit (1 Mb = 1000 Kilobits = 1000000 bits) (multiple of bit).
MB (2) = MegaByte (1 MB = 1024 KiloBytes = 1048576 Bytes) (multiple of Byte).
MBaaS = Mobile (cellular) Backend as a Service [on demand via local thin client (bare bones operating system) + remote central host (internet/network cloud server)].
MBAN = Medical Body Area network.
MBOA = MultiBand OFDM Alliance (UWB technologies).
Mbps = Megabits per second (Mb/sec).
MBps (2) = MegaBytes per second (MB/sec).
MBR = Master Boot Record (HDD/SSD/NVMe/nonvolatile memory mass storage media partition table layout for drives/partitions/volumes < 2 TB).
MBSS = Mesh Basic Service Set identifier (wireless LAN standard for devices sharing same network).
MC = Machine (artificial, digital, synthetic) Consciousness, also AC, also DC, also SC (human made organized neural construct).
MC (2) = Main Character (computer, platform, online film, gaming, streaming, television, video).
MCA = Multilink Channel Aggregation technology (Microsoft Windows).
MCD = Mini Client Driver (Microsoft 3D).
MCF = Multimedia Container Format specifications.
MCGA = Multi Color Graphics Adapter old computer display/monitor/screen standard (640x480 pixels, 480p) (IBM).
MCI = Media Control Interface.
MCP = Microsoft Certified Professional.
MD5 = Message Digest algorithm 5 128-bit encryption digital signature scheme (cryptography encryption system).
MDA = Modular Digital Architecture.
MDI = Multiple Document Interface.
mDNS = Multicast Domain Name System UDP protocol (networking: IPs can be routed/resolved to multiple small DNS nodes/servers/subnets).
MDPE = Medium Density PolyEthylene (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
MDRAM = Multibank Dynamic Random Access Memory (MoSys).
MDSCC = Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex (NASA space communications complex, USA/Spain).
ME = Windows ME (Millennium Edition) (Microsoft).
MEDINT = MEDical INTelligence (gather, decrypt, analyze, integrate, exploit management).
MEI = Mobile (cellular) Equipment Identity (wireless telecommunications unique numeric identifier).
Meme = Communication, distribution, imitation, interpretation, mimicry (mimetism, mimetics), replication, representation, suggestion, transmission of behavior, experience, gesture, humor, idea, imagery, myth, phenomenon, practice, ritual, speech, style, symbol, theme, viewpoint, writing eventually elevated to cultural/fashionable/popular/viral status via various mediums: internet, messaging, multimedia, online venues, press, printed media, radio, social media, television, word of mouth, etc.
MEO = Medium Earth geocentric Orbit: 2000-35786 km altitude + 2-24 hours/orbital period (cosmology).
MEP = Multiple Editor Project (creative shared multimedia).
Metroidvania = Metroid + Castlevania guided non-linearity and utility gated exploration and progression (action adventure computer/console/online/platform/video game subgenre) (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
MF = Medium Frequency (hectometer band) radio wave bands 300 KHz-3 MHz, also MW (ITU).
MFA = Multi Factor Authentication (electronic authentication method).
MFC = Microsoft Foundation Classes (C++ classes library).
MFI = Multiple Frames Interface (interconnected/networked digital display/monitor/screen + human interaction).
MGA = Monochrome Graphics Adapter old computer display/monitor/screen standard (IBM).
MGC = Media Gateway Controller.
MGCP = Media Gateway Control Protocol (traditional + hybrid VoIP telecommunications).
MHL = Mobile (cellular) High Definition Link mobile to audio/data/video interface (Nokia/Samsung/Silicon Image/Sony/Toshiba).
MHS = Managed Hosting Service, also DHS (dedicated internet/network hosting).
MHTML = MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate HyperText Markup Language Documents (W3C).
MHz = MegaHertz (1 MHz = 1000 KHz = 1000000 Hz) (multiple of Hertz).
mic = Microphone, also mike.
Micro-G = MicroGravity force [minuscule/near zero (0)/complete absence of apparent weight or weightlessness].
MicroRNA = Micro(scopic) RiboNucleic Acid, also miRNA (small single stranded non-coding RNA molecule).
MicroSD = Micro Secure Digital nonvolatile memory mass storage removable media card (SDA).
MIDI = Musical Instrument Digital Interface technology.
MIGFET = Multiple Independent Gate Field Effect Transistor (electronics) (Motorola).
mike = Microphone, also mic.
MILC = Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens photographic imaging + video Camera, also DSLM (digital cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, recorder).
MIMD = Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (parallel computing).
MIME = Multipurpose (Multipart) Internet Mail Extensions.
MIN = Mobile (cellular) subscription Identification Number, also MSIN (unique 10 digit numerical identifier).
MiniSD = Mini Secure Digital nonvolatile memory mass storage removable media card (SDA).
MIP = Multum In Parvum texture mapping (3D imaging/motion/photo/video).
MIPS = Millions of Instructions per Second (CPU).
MIR = Medium InfraRed band/spectrum, also MWIR (invisible electromagnetic thermal radiation).
miRNA = Micro(scopic) RiboNucleic Acid, also MicroRNA (small single stranded non-coding RNA molecule).
MISFET = Metal Insulator Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (electronics).
MIT = Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
MITM = Man (Machine) In The Middle malicious cyberattack (computer security + cryptography authentication).
MK3D = MatrosKa 3D stereoscopic video MMC file type + format (.mk3d).
MKA = MatrosKa Audio MMC file type + format (.MKA).
mks = Meter (length) kilogram (weight) second (time) international metric system of units measurement standard, also MKS (BIPM|IBWM).
MKS (2) = Meter (length) Kilogram (weight) Second (time) international metric system of units measurement standard, also mks (BIPM|IBWM).
MKS (3) = MatrosKa Subtitle MMC file type + format (.MKS).
MKV = MatrosKa Video MMC file type + format (.MKV).
ML = Machine Learning (computer learning designed to identify, understand, analyze + process data + information for decision making + prediction) (artificial intelligence).
ML (2) = MIT License (computer/device software) (MIT).
MLA = Modern Languages Association.
MLC = Multi (Two) Level Cell 2 bits/cell NAND nonvolatile memory mass storage media (Phase Change Memory) memory cell/element.
MLE = Maximum Likelihood Estimation (Estimate) (observable probability distribution/model optimization statistical deduction) (computer/machine learning).
MLLV = Medium Lift Launch Vehicle (spacecraft).
MLP = Mobile (cellular) Location Protocol specification (telecommunications) (3GPP/OMA SpecWorks).
MLP (2) = Multi Layer Perceptrons (artificial intelligence).
MLPPP = MultiLink Point to Point Protocol (communications).
ML-R = MultiLevel Compact Disc Recorder 2 GB (TDK).
ML-RW = MultiLevel Compact Disc ReWritable 2 GB (TDK).
MLSE = Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation (mathematical algorithm).
MLU = Mountain Locator Unit (radio/GPS location device).
MMA = MIDI Manufacturers Association.
MMAI = MultiModal Artificial Intelligence (combination of multiple data types for enhanced quality outcome).
MMC = MultiMediaCard nonvolatile memory mass storage removable media card standard (SDA).
MMC (2) = Matroska Multimedia Container (3D, attachment, audio, chapter, image, subtitle, tag, text, video information + tracks/streams encoded + embedded inside same/single playable media file).
MMC (3) = Microsoft Management Console command line interface administration tool (Windows NT4/newer) (Microsoft).
MMC (4) = Microsoft Management Console snap-in control precompiled script file type + format (.MMC) (Windows NT4/newer) (Microsoft).
MMDS = Multichannel Multipoint (Microwave) Distribution Service (System).
MME = Mobility Management Entity control node (wireless telecommunications).
MMI = Man Machine Interface (interconnected/networked computer/device/electronics/peripheral + human auditory/equilibria/gustatory/olfactory/tactile/visual sensorial interaction/recognition).
MMO = Massively Multiplayer Online game, also MMOG (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
MMOFPS = Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
MMOG = Massively Multiplayer Online Game, also MMO (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
MMORP = Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing game, also MMORPG (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
MMORPG = Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, also MMORP (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
MMORTS = Massively Multiplayer Online Real Time Strategy game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
MMR = Mean Motion Resonance (cosmology).
MMTel = MultiMedia Telephony service (real time telecommunication protocols standard) (3GPP/ETSI|IENT).
MMV = Manga Music Video.
MMVF = MultiMedia Video Format (NEC DVD).
MMX = MultiMedia eXtensions (Intel Pentium/Pentium Pro CPU instructions).
MMX2 = Intel Pentium II/III/IV CPU MultiMedia eXtensions 2nd generation (see KNI).
MNN = Modular Neural Network (artificial intelligence).
MNPI = Material Nonpublic Information (data) (biometrics, data, fingerprint, statistics) (information technology privacy + security).
MO = Modus Operandi, also M.O. (method or procedure of operation or practice).
MO (2) = Magneto-Optical (disk) drive.
MOBA = Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
Mockumentary = Mock(ing) (disguised, false, comedic, satirical) documentary.
Modem = MOdulator/DEModulator (data to analog/digital converter/transmitter/receiver electronic computer hardware device).
MODS = Multiplexed Optical Data Storage 1 TB CD/DVD technology (Imperial College London).
MOID = Minimum Orbit Intersection Distance (cosmology).
MOO = Multi User Dimension/Domain/Dungeon Object Oriented (gaming) system (gaming/virtual reality).
MOOC = Massive Online Open Course game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
MORP = Multiplayer Online Role Playing game, also MORPG (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
MORPG = Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, also MORP (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
MOS = Metal Oxide Semiconductor.
MOS (2) = Massive Online Serious game, also MOSG (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
MOS-FET = Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor, also MOSFET (electronics).
MOSFET = Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor, also MOS-FET (electronics).
MOSG = Massive Online Serious Game, also MOS (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
MotD = Message of the Day.
MOV = QuickTime MOVie file (Apple).
MP3 = MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 compression container file type + format (.MP3) (MPEG).
MP4 = MPEG-4 Part 14 digital multimedia container file type + format (.MP4) (MPEG).
MPC = Multimedia Personal Computer.
MPEG = Motion Picture Expert Group.
mpeg (2) = Motion picture expert group compressed image file type + format, also MPG (.mpeg, .MPG) (MPEG).
MPEG-1 = Motion Picture Expert Group v1 audio/data/video compression technology (MPEG).
MPEG-2 = Motion Picture Expert Group v2 audio/data/video compression technology (MPEG).
MPEG-4 = Motion Picture Expert Group v4 audio/data/video compression technology (MPEG).
MPEG-5 = Motion Picture Expert Group v5 audio/data/video compression technology (MPEG).
MPEG-7 = Motion Picture Expert Group v7 audio/data/video compression technology (MPEG).
MPEG-H = Motion Picture Expert Group H audio/image/video coding (codec), compression + transport technologies + standards (MPEG).
MPG = Motion Picture expert Group compressed image file type + format, also mpeg (.mpeg, .MPG) (MPEG).
MPGA = Micro Pin Grid Array (370 pin Intel CPU).
MPL = Mozilla Public License (computer/device software) (Mozilla).
MPLS = MultiProtocol Label Switching (digital communications networks routing).
MPM = Manufacturing Process Management (machining, automation).
MPP = Massively Parallel (Multi Purpose) Processor (parallel computing).
MPPA = Massively Parallel (Multi Purpose) Processor Array (parallel computing).
MPPT = Maximum Power Point Tracking, also PPT (variable electrical energy power source efficiency maximization).
MPR = Man Portable Radar.
µPS = Muometric Positioning System, also muPS (cosmic particle based wireless navigation system) (Japan).
MPX = MultiPleX (muxing) (simultaneous bidirectional broadcast/radio telecommunications) (ITU).
MQTT = Message Queue (Queuing) Telemetry Transport service (IEC|CEI/ISO|OIN).
MQTT-SN = Message Queue (Queuing) Telemetry Transport service for Sensor Networks.
MR = Magneto-Resistive head technology (Hard Disk Drive).
MR (2) = Mixed Reality (convergence/hybridazation/merging of interactive real world with computer/machine generated enhanced digital augmented, simulated + virtual reality environment/experience).
MRAM = Magneto-Resistive Random Access Memory (IBM/Infineon).
MRG = Mixed Reality Game, also HRG (existent/physical/real + digital/fictitious/represented/virtual environments computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
mRNA = Messenger RiboNucleic Acid (single stranded RNA corresponding to the genetic sequence of a gene used for inducing transcriptional gene activation through RNAa).
MRX = Magneto-Resistive EXtended head technology (IBM Hard Disk Drive).
µs = Microsecond (1/1000000 = 1 millionth of a second).
MS = Master of Science (LA: Scientiae Magistrum), also SM (graduate level academic degree).
MS (2) = MicroSoft.
MSC = Mobile (cellular) Switching Center (wireless telecommunications).
MSCS = Mobile (cellular) Switching Center Server (wireless telecommunications).
MS IE = MicroSoft Internet Explorer web browser (IEXPLORE.EXE). discontinued 
MS-DOS = MicroSoft Disk Operating System (text based command line console interface).
MSaaS = Managed Software as a Service [on demand via local thin client (bare bones operating system) + remote central host (internet/network cloud server)].
mSATA = Mobile (cellular) Serial Advanced Technology Attachment Disk Drive.
MSBE = Minimum SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) (intensity) with Biological Effect.
MSCDEX = MicroSoft Compact Disk EXtensions device driver (MSCDEX.EXE).
MSD = MicroSoft Diagnostics (MSD.EXE, WINMSD.EXE, MSINFO32.EXE) (MS-DOS/Windows).
MSE = Media Source Extensions specification (W3C).
MSFC = Marshall Space Flight Center (NASA space center, USA).
MSG = MeSsaGe, also MeSsaGing.
MSI = Medium Scale Integration (electronic integrated circuit).
MSIN = Mobile (cellular) Subscription Identification Number, also MIN (unique 10 digit numerical identifier).
MSISDN = Mobile (cellular) Services ISDN number (wireless telecommunications unique identifier).
MSKB = Former MicroSoft Knowledge Base (renamed Microsoft Support).
MSM = MainStream Media.
MSO = Multiple Service Operator [audio/voice (telephone), data (internet, network, streaming), video (television, conferencing) provider].
MSP = Managed Service Provider.
MSP (2) = MicroSoft Paint graphic/image file type + format (.MSP).
MSR = Molten Salt cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
MSRN = Mobile (cellular) Station Roaming Number (directory/routing telephone number) (wireless telecommunications).
MSRP = Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price.
MSS = Maximum Segment Size (internet protocol).
MSS (2) = Mobile (cellular) Switching Center (wireless telecommunications).
MSSR = Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar.
MSTO = Multi Stage To Orbit spacecraft, vehicle.
MSVC = MicroSoft Visual C++ (C, C++, C++/CLI + C++/CX compiler) (computer programming) (Microsoft).
MT = Machine Translation (computational linguistics).
MTBF = Mean Time Between Failures measured in hours (merchandising/product).
MtE = MAC then Encrypt (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
MTF = Modulation Transfer Function of periodic sine wave pattern of light projected through optical system.
MTFBWY = May The Force [Fourth (4th) (of May)] Be With You. 😉
MTO = Mars Transfer orbit (cosmology).
MtoB = Market to Business, also M2B.
MtoC = Market to Consumer, also M2C.
MTOM = Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (W3C).
MtoM (2) = Market to Market, also M2M.
MTP = Message Transfer Part (PST communication network) (ITU).
MTR = MultiTrack Recording (Recorder) (analog audio/imaging/video hardware/software system).
MTT = MultiTransaction Timer (PCI).
MTTF = Mean Time To Failure measured in hours (merchandising/product).
MTTR = Mean Time To Repair measured in hours (merchandising/product).
MTU = Maximum Transmission Unit (internet/networking protocol parameter).
MUD = Multi-User Dimension game, also Multi-User Domain game, also Multi-User Dungeon game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming, virtual reality).
MUI = Multimedia User Interface (interconnected/networked computer/device/electronics/peripheral + audio/data/text/video interaction).
MUI (2) = Multilingual User Interface (localized APIs for all supported languages) (Microsoft).
Multi-AMV = Multiple Animated/Anime/Animation Music Video, also MAMV.
Multicast = Group/multipoint/single point broadcast, communication, distribution, interactivity, sharing, streaming, transmission of analog/digital data, information, multimedia using broadcast/communication/transmission equipment + computer networks.
Multimedia = Broadcast, communication, distribution, interactivity, sharing, streaming, transmission of analog/digital combination of different content: audio, data, images, information, media, text, video using broadcast/transmission equipment + computer networks.
muPS = Muometric Positioning System, also µPS (cosmic particle based wireless navigation system) (Japan).
MUVE = Multi User Virtual Environment (space) (game) (gaming/virtual reality).
MUX = MUltipleXer (MUltipleXor) (MUXer) (analog/digital multiplex input to simplex output converter/selector).
MV = Music Video.
MVA = Multidomain Vertical Alignment technology (LCD screen).
MVC = Model View Controller (computer/device software GUI design principle).
MVG = Multiplayer Video Game (computer/console/online/platform/video gaming).
MVNA = Mobile (cellular) Virtual Network Aggregator (wireless telecommunication traffic provider).
MVNE = Mobile (cellular) Virtual Network Enabler (wireless telecommunication support provider).
MVNO = Mobile (cellular) Virtual Network Operator (wireless telecommunication service provider).
MVP = Minimum Viable Product (product/service development).
MVP (2) = Most Valuable Professional (Microsoft).
MW = Medium Wave (hectometer band) radio wave bands 300 KHz-3 MHz, also MF (ITU).
MWIR = Medium Wave InfraRed band/spectrum, also MIR (invisible electromagnetic thermal radiation).
MYOB = Mind Your Own Business.
MZ = Mark Zbikowski DOS binary executable file type + format (Microsoft DOS/MS-DOS 16-bit).
N = Atomic Nitrogen (Z=7 protons, trivalent nonmetal chemical element, N2 = stable inorganic molecular gas at standard conditions).
N100 = 100% (efficiency) Not oil resistant facial air purifying mask/respirator (high efficiency disposable/replaceable passive mechanical particulate filter).
N2 = Molecular Nitrogen composed of 2 Nitrogen atoms (stable inorganic gas at standard conditions, Z=7 protons, N = trivalent nonmetal chemical element).
N95 = 95% (efficiency) Not oil resistant facial air purifying mask/respirator (disposable/replaceable passive mechanical particulate filter).
N99 = 99% (efficiency) Not oil resistant facial air purifying mask/respirator (disposable/replaceable passive mechanical particulate filter).
NA = Numerical Aperture (optics physics).
NaaS = Network as a Service [on demand via local thin client (bare bones operating system) + remote central host (internet/network cloud server)].
NAC = Network Access Control (computer networking security technology).
NAC (2) = Network Admissions Control technology (Cisco).
NACK = Negative ACKnowledgement signal, also NAK (computer hardware, networking, telecommunications).
Na-ion = Natrium (Sodium) ion rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/battery/cell, also NIB, also SIB.
NAK = Negative AcKnowledgement signal, also NACK (computer hardware, networking, telecommunications).
NAND = Negated AND +/- NO AND digital logic gate (nonvolatile memory) (electronics).
NAP = National Academies Press (USA).
NAP (2) = Network Access Protection technology (Microsoft).
NAS = Network Attached Storage (file level networked data storage technology).
NaS (2) = Natrium (Sodium) Sulfur (Sulphur) molten salt rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/battery/cell.
NAS (3) = Non-Access Stratum protocols (wireless telecommunications standards).
NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA).
NAT = Network Address Translation (service carrier/provider networking technology).
NATF = Neil Armstrong Test Facility (NASA space simulation facility, USA).
NBA = Network Behavior Analysis (network traffic monitoring).
nBP = "n" (n=1-x, where x = any finite integer number) Body (particle) Problem (theory), also 2BT (classical mechanics physics + quantum mechanics physics respectively).
NBR = Natural Background Radiation (Rays) (cosmic + terrestrial) (cosmology).
NBSP = Non-Breaking (required, hard, fixed) SPace character (HTML, text processing, digital typesetting, computer programming) (Unicode).
nBT = "n" (n=1-x, where x = any finite integer number) Body (particle) Theory (problem), also 2BP (classical mechanics physics + quantum mechanics physics respectively).
NBT (2) = NetBIOS over TCP/IP, also NetBT (network protocol).
NC = Noise Cancellation (Control), also ANC, also ANR (analog/digital audio artifacts/static filtering/removal).
NC (2) = Network Computer.
NCA = Lithium ion Nickel Cobalt Aluminium (Aluminum) oxide [LiNixCoyAlzO2], also Li-NCA, also LNCA rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/battery/cell.
NCBI = National Library of Medicine (USA).
NCC = Non-Commutative Cryptography (authenticated encryption method).
NCEI = National Centers for Environmental Information (NOAA, USA).
NCEP = National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NOAA, USA).
NCM = Lithium ion Nickel Manganese (Manganum) [Mn] Cobalt oxide [LiNixMnyCo1-x-yO2], also Li-NMC, also LNMC, also NMC rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/battery/cell.
NCND = Non Circumvention Non Disclosure agreement, also NCNDA (legally binding restrictive contract in certain countries/nations/sovereignties/states/territories).
NCNDA = Non Circumvention Non Disclosure Agreement, also NCND (legally binding restrictive contract in certain countries/nations/sovereignties/states/territories).
NCQ = Native Command Queuing protocol (Serial ATA Hard Disk Drive).
ncRNA = Non-coding RiboNucleic Acid (protein non-translated functional RNA molecule).
NCS = Network based Call Signaling (VoIP MGCP profile).
ND = Neighbor Discovery (IPv6 networking).
ND (2) = Neutral Density optical filter (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, optical element, recorder, lens).
NDA = Non Disclosure Agreement, also CA, also CDA, also PIA, also SA (legally binding restrictive contract in certain countries/nations/sovereignties/states/territories).
NDP = Neighbor Discovery Protocol (IPv6 networking).
NDI = Network Device Interface (networking).
NDIS = Network Driver Interface Specification layer (networking) (Microsoft/3Com).
NE = New Executable file type + format (DOS/MS-DOS/Windows/WfWG 3.xx 16-bit) (Microsoft).
NEA = Near Earth Asteroid (cosmology).
NearLink = Short range wireless technology standard, also SparkLink (Huawei).
NEF = Nikon Electronic RAW image Format (Nikon).
NEJM = The New England Journal of Medicine (USA).
NEL = NExt Line control character sequence (text/ASCII/ANSI/EBCDIC/Unicode).
NEN = (NASA space communications network, USA).
NEO = Near Equatorial Orbit (cosmology).
NEO (2) = Near Earth Object (cosmology).
NESC = NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NASA safety center, USA).
NESDIS = National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NASA/NOAA, USA).
.NET = Dot Net managed software framework + platform (Microsoft Windows).
Net = (Inter)net, net(work), net(worked) computers/devices.
NetBEUI = NetBIOS Extended (Enhanced) User Interface (networking).
NetBIOS = Network Basic Input Output System (LAN APIs).
NetBT = NetBIOS over TCP/IP, also NBT (network protocol).
Netcast = (Inter)Net broadcast (spontaneous/scripted live/recorded distributed/published/shared/streamed/transmitted digital audio/data/text/video educational/entertaining/informative course/documentary/event/film/presentation/program).
NetRoom = Helix Software 386 Expanded Memory Manager (RM386.EXE).
Network = System of interconnected/interlinked/networked computers (+ devices, mainframes, servers, terminals) using reliable, specialized hardware, dedicated programming + technologies and commonly standardized protocols + rules to communicate, provide, share data, information, multimedia, resources, services, etc.
NEV = Neighborhood Electric (powered) Vehicle.
Newscast = News broadcast (spontaneous/scripted live/recorded audio/data/text/video announcement/documentary/event/information/presentation/report/story distributed/shared/streamed/transmitted across multiple channels, media, networks, services).
NFC = Near Field Communication (proximity contactless short range wireless ISM radio band data exchange standard) (NFC Forum).
NFP = Not For Profit organization, also NGO, also NPO (independent advocacy, charitable/philanthropic, cultural, educational, informational, orientational, participatory, professional/trade, recreational, service providing, scientific, technical operational non governmental entity).
NFR = .NET Framework Runtime (Redistributable) software (Microsoft Windows).
NFS = Network File System (Sun Microsystems).
NFS (2) = Near Field (proximity contactless electronic) Scanner.
NFT = Non-Fungible Token (blockchained unique indivisible digital identifier).
NGFF = Next Gen Form Factor, also M.2 (mSATA 2nd generation) SSD interface standard, also SATA Express, also SATAe.
NGI = Next Generation Internet foundation (EU|UE).
NGN = Next Generation Network (telecommunications technology).
NGO = Non Governmental Organization, also NFP, also NPO (independent advocacy, charitable/philanthropic, cultural, educational, informational, orientational, participatory, professional/trade, recreational, service providing, scientific, technical operational non profit entity).
NI = Natural (biological) Intelligence, also BI (characteristic to biological/natural life forms, as opposed to artificial/computer/machine/synthetic intelligence).
NIB = Natrium (Sodium) Ion rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/Battery/cell, also Na-ion, also SIB.
NIC = Network Interface Controller (Card).
NIC (2) = Networked Information Center.
NID = Network Interface Device.
NIDS = Network Intrusion Detection System used by IDS/IPS (computer security).
NIH = National Institutes of Health (HHS primary agency responsible for biomedical and public health research, USA).
NIH (2) = Not Invented Here (product/service development).
NIPS = Network based Intrusion Prevention Systems (network security monitoring).
NIR = Near InfraRed band/spectrum (near invisible electromagnetic thermal radiation).
NISN = NASA Integrated Services Network (NASA global space system + facilities, USA).
NISO = National Information Standards Organization (USA).
NISP = Neighborhood Internet Service Provider.
NIST = National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA).
*nix = Linux (UNIX like) family of GPL (free, open source) Operating Systems, also nix.
nix = Linux (UNIX like) family of GPL (free, open source) Operating Systems, also *nix.
NLAE = Non Linear Audio Editing hardware/software system.
NLE = Non Linear Editing (audio/imaging/video hardware/software system).
NLG = Natural Language Generation (computational linguistics).
NLI = Natural Language Interpretation (computational linguistics).
NLOS = Near Line Of Sight (radio communication).
NLOS (2) = Non Line Of Sight (radio communication).
NLP = Natural Language Processing (computational linguistics).
NLS = National Language Support (locale/localized functions for all supported languages) (Microsoft).
NLU = Natural Language Understanding (computational linguistics).
NLVE = Non Linear Video Editing hardware/software system.
NMC = Lithium ion Nickel Manganese (Manganum) [Mn] Cobalt oxide [LiNixMnyCo1-x-yO2], also Li-NMC, also LNMC, also NCM rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/battery/cell.
NMFS = National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA, USA).
nMOS = N type Metal Oxide Semiconductor logic.
NMT = Neural Machine Translation (computational linguistics).
NN = Artificial (biological, synthetic) Neural Net(work), also ANN (artificial intelligence).
NNA = Non disclosure, Non circumvention (and/or non use) Agreement, also NNN (legally binding restrictive contract in certain countries/nations/sovereignties/states/territories).
NNI = Network to Network Interface.
NNN = Non disclosure, Non use and Non circumvention agreement, also NNA (legally binding restrictive contract in certain countries/nations/sovereignties/states/territories).
NNTP = Network News Transfer Protocol (USENET messaging).
NOAA = National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (USA).
NOR = NOT +/- NOT OR digital logic gate (nonvolatile memory) (electronics).
NOS = National Ocean Service (NOAA, USA).
NOS (2) = Network Operating System.
NOT = Negated NOT digital logic gate (nonvolatile memory) (electronics).
NPC = Non Playable (Player) Character (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
NPI = Nonpublic Personal Information (data) (biometrics, data, fingerprint, statistics) (information technology privacy + security).
NPO = Non Profit Organization, also NFP, also NGO (independent advocacy, charitable/philanthropic, cultural, educational, informational, orientational, participatory, professional/trade, recreational, service providing, scientific, technical operational non governmental entity).
NPOV = Neutral Point of View (accurate, complete, factual, honest, impartial, nonfictional, objective, open minded perspective/viewpoint).
NPU = Neural Processing Unit (computer/machine learning device/electronics hardware accelerator).
NRAM = Non Volatile Random Access Memory, also NVRAM.
NRAO = National Radio Astronomy Observatory (USA).
NRBG = Nondeterministic Random Bit Generator, also HRNG, also TRNG (algorithm for true indeterminate/unpredictable randomized sequence of characters/letters/numbers/symbols practically impossible to determine/model/imitate/predict).
NRDC = Natural Resources Defense Council (USA).
NRHO = Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit (cosmology).
ns = Nanosecond (1/1000000000 = 1 billionth of a second).
NSC = Nuclear Star Cluster (cosmology).
NSC (2) = NASA Safety Center (NASA safety field center, USA).
NSFW = Not Safe For Work.
NSN = Near Space Network (NASA space facilities network, USA).
NSR = NVidia Shading Rasterizer (GeForce2/3/4/FX 3D chipsets).
NSS = Network Switching Subsystem (wireless telecommunications).
NSSC = NASA Shared Services Center (NASA support center, USA).
NT = Windows NT (New Technology) 3.xx family + 4.0 OSes (Microsoft).
NT10 = Windows NT (New Technology) 10.0 family OSes: 10, 2016, 2019, 11, 2022 (Microsoft).
NT10x = Windows NT (New Technology) 10.x family OSes: 10, 2016, 2019, 11, 2022 (Microsoft).
NT3 = Windows NT (New Technology) 3.xx family OSes (Microsoft).
NT4 = Windows NT (New Technology) 4.0 OS (Microsoft).
NT6 = Windows NT (New Technology) 6.0 family OSes: Vista, 2008, 7, 2008 R2, 8, 2012, 8.1 + 2012 R2 (Microsoft).
NT6x = Windows NT (New Technology) 6.x family OSes: Vista, 2008, 7, 2008 R2, 8, 2012, 8.1 + 2012 R2 (Microsoft).
NTFS = New Technology File System 32-bit (Windows NT/newer) (Microsoft).
NTLM = New Technology (NT) LAN Manager (Microsoft Windows NTx networking security protocols).
NTLM2 = New Technology (NT) LAN Manager 2 (Microsoft Windows NTx network session security protocol).
NTLMv1 = New Technology (NT) LAN Manager version 1 (Microsoft Windows NTx networking security protocols).
NTLMv2 = New Technology (NT) LAN Manager version 2 (Microsoft Windows NTx networking security protocols).
NTP = Network Time Protocol (atomic clock high precision time keeping + synchronization internet/networking technology).
NTSC = National Television Systems Committee (USA TV standard: 525 lines).
NTW = Not To Worry.
NTx = Windows NT (New Technology) version x families of Operating Systems (OSes): NT + newer (Microsoft).
NUC = Non Uniformity Correction, also FFC (infrared/IR/thermal video camera/recorder artifacts/noise/static filtering/removal).
NUC (2) = Next Unit of Computing (small form factor computer) (Intel).
NUI = Natural User Interface (artificial/machine adaptative learning + human gesture/motion aware sensors interaction/recognition).
nul = 0 (nul), or 0(0)/0h/0x, also NUL, also null, also NULL [text/ASCII/ANSI/EBCDIC/Unicode/UTF-8, absent/cipher/dummy/fake/fill/naught/nil/nonexistent/reserved bit/character/digit/encoding/notation/representation/symbol, component/device/hardware ID/identifier].
NUL (2) = 0 (nul), or 0(0)/0h/0x, also nul, also null, also NULL [text/ASCII/ANSI/EBCDIC/Unicode/UTF-8, absent/cipher/dummy/fake/fill/naught/nil/nonexistent/reserved bit/character/digit/encoding/notation/representation/symbol, component/device/hardware ID/identifier].
null = 0 (nul), or 0(0)/0h/0x, or (0.0), also nul, also NUL, also NULL [text/ASCII/ANSI/EBCDIC/Unicode/UTF-8, absent/cipher/dummy/fake/fill/naught/nil/nonexistent/reserved bit/character/digit/encoding/notation/representation/symbol, component/device/hardware ID/identifier, computer/network port, IPv4 address].
NULL (2) = 0 (nul), or 0(0)/0h/0x, or (0.0), also nul, also NUL, also null [text/ASCII/ANSI/EBCDIC/Unicode/UTF-8, absent/cipher/dummy/fake/fill/naught/nil/nonexistent/reserved bit/character/digit/encoding/notation/representation/symbol, component/device/hardware ID/identifier, computer/network port, IPv4 address].
NUMA = Non Uniform Memory Access multiprocessing technology (computing).
NVDL = Namespace based Validation Dispatching Language (XML schema) (IEC|CEI/ISO|OIN).
NVMe = Non Volatile Memory express (mSATA/SATAe SSDs) (NVM Express).
NVMHCI = Non Volatile Memory Host Controller Interface specification, also NVMHCIS (mSATA/SATAe) (NVM Express).
NVMHCIS = Non Volatile Memory Host Controller Interface Specification, also NVMHCI (mSATA/SATAe) (NVM Express).
NvN = Nation versus Nation (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
NVR = Network Video Recorder.
NVRAM = Non Volatile Random Access Memory, also NRAM.
NWS = National Weather Service (NOAA, USA).
NX = No eXecute bit [executable (.EXE) space protection] (AMD CPUs).
NXOR = Exclusive NOR (NOT +/- NOT OR) digital logic gate, also ENOR, also EXNOR, also XAND, also XNOR (nonvolatile memory) (electronics).
O = Atomic Oxygen (Z=8 protons, bivalent nonmetal chemical element, O2 = stable inorganic molecular gas at standard conditions).
O2 = Molecular Oxygen composed of 2 Oxygen atoms (stable inorganic gas at standard conditions, Z=8 protons, O = bivalent nonmetal chemical element).
OAD = Original Animated/Anime/Animation Disc/DVD (DVD, Blu-Ray/BD, UHD/4K).
OAL = Open Audio Library, also OpenAL (computer programming 3D positional audio + playback API) (Creative Labs).
OAM = Orbital Angular Momentum (light beam + communications).
OAR = Oceanic & Atmospheric Research (NOAA, USA).
OASIS = Organization for Advancement of Structured Information Standards.
OAuth = Open Authorization open protocol + standard (digital authenticated cryptographic encryption) (IETF).
OAV = Original Animated/Anime/Animation Video, also OVA.
OAW = Optically Assisted Winchester hard disk technology (Seagate).
OBEX = OBject EXchange protocol specification (telecommunications) (OMA SpecWorks).
OCDE = Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques (FR), also OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development).
OCP = Open/Closed Principle (computer/device software design principle).
OCR = Optical Character Recognition.
OCR (2) = Organic Cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
OCX = OLE Control Extension custom user interface + file type + format (.OCX) (Microsoft).
ODA = Open Design Alliance.
ODA (2) = Original Digital Animated/Anime/Animation.
ODBC = Open DataBase Connectivity.
ODD = On Demand Delivery.
ODDS = On Demand Delivery Solution.
ODF = Open Document Format + document file type + format (.fodt, .ODT), also OpenDocument (IEC|CEI/ISO|OIN/OASIS).
ODI = Open Data-Link Interface (networking) (Apple/Novell).
ODNS = Open DNS network security protocol.
ODoH = Oblivious DNS over HTTPS network security protocol.
ODSS = On Demand Self Service.
OECD = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, also OCDE (FR: Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques).
OED = Oxford English Dictionary (EN language principal historical lexicon).
OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer.
OER = Open Educational Resources (free teaching, learning + research access + materials).
OFB = Output FeedBack mode (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
OFDM = Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing digital telecommunications technologies (MBOA).
OFS = Old File System, also AOFS (Amiga OS).
OGC = Open Geospatial Consortium.
OGL = Open Graphical Language, also OpenGL (computer programming 3D graphics + video architecture layout + API) (Silicon Graphics).
OHCHR = Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
OI = Organoid Intelligence (computer/machine hardware using human brain cells 3D structures + brain machine interface) (biological computing science, bioengineering).
OIN = Organisation Internationale de Normalisation (FR), also ISO (International Organization for Standardization).
OIS = Optical Image Stabilization (photo/video equipment image/optical stabilization technology) (FujiFilm/Panasonic).
O.K. = Oll Korrect, also OK, also okay [All Correct = humorously misspelled on purpose (EN-US); okeh = it is so (Choctaw); kay, waw-kay, o ke ≅ yes indeed (Mande, Bantu, Wolof); och aye = oh yes (Scottish); óla kalá = all good (EL)].
OK = Oll Korrect, also O.K., also okay [All Correct = humorously misspelled on purpose (EN-US); okeh = it is so (Choctaw); kay, waw-kay, o ke ≅ yes indeed (Mande, Bantu, Wolof); och aye = oh yes (Scottish); óla kalá = all good (EL)].
okay = Oll Korrect, also OK, also O.K. [All Correct = humorously misspelled on purpose (EN-US); okeh = it is so (Choctaw); kay, waw-kay, o ke ≅ yes indeed (Mande, Bantu, Wolof); och aye = oh yes (Scottish); óla kalá = all good (EL)].
OLE = Object Linking and Embedding technology (Windows) (Microsoft).
OLED = Polymer Organic Light Emitting Diode display/monitor/screen (Toshiba).
OLGA = Organic Land Grid Array (Intel Pentium III CPU).
OLPC = One Laptop Per Child foundation.
OLPF = Optical Low Pass blur Filter, also Anti Aliasing optical Filter (digital cinematography/photography/videography camera/recorder, optical element, lens).
OMA = Open Mobile Alliance SpecWorks (formerly Open Mobile Alliance).
OMAO = Office of Marine & Aviation Operations (NOAA, USA).
OMG = Object Management Group.
OMS = Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (FR), also WGO (DE: Welt Gesundheits Organisation), also WHO (World Health Organization) [ONU|OVN|UN(O) agency responsible for international public health].
OMV = Original Music Video.
OMW = On My Way.
ONA = Original (inter)Net (web/WWW) Animated/Anime/Animation.
ONAW = Original (inter)Net Animated/Anime/Animation on the Web/WWW.
ONFI = Open NAND Flash Interface Working Group (NAND nonvolatile memory mass storage media standards).
On-prem = On premises software, a.k.a. shrinkwrapped, also LFS (installed, located + run on localized, privately owned computers/network).
ONU = Organization des Nations Unies (FR), also OVN (DE: Organization der Vereinten Nationen), also UN(O) [United Nations (Organization)] (intergovernmental organization for international cooperation, dignity, equality, equity, health, peace, rights, security with 190+ members countries/nations/sovereignties/states/territories).
OOB = Out Of Band.
OOBE = Out Of Box Experience (Microsoft Windows).
OOBF = Out Of Box Failure (computer/device hardware/software error message).
OOF = Out Of Focus (arts, sciences, technology).
OOK = On Off Keying (digital communications).
OOO = Out Of Office.
OOP = Object Oriented Programming (computer/device software design principle).
OOTB = Out Of The Box (computer/device software built in feature/functionality).
OOV = Out Of Vocabulary (computational linguistics).
OP = OPening (beginning, commencement, prologue, foreword, initiating, starting bit, credits, element, passage, portion, section, segment).
OP (2) = Original Poster, also Original Post, also OverPowered (gaming).
OPCW = Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
OP/ED = OPening + EnDing, also OP-ED, also OP ED.
OP-ED = OPening + EnDing, also OP/ED, also OP ED.
OP ED = OPening + EnDing, also OP/ED, also OP-ED.
OpenAL = Open Audio Library, also OAL (computer programming 3D positional audio + playback API) (Creative Labs).
OpenDocument = Open Document Format + document file type + format (.fodt, .ODT), also ODF (IEC|CEI/ISO|OIN/OASIS).
OpenGL = Open Graphical Language, also OGL (computer programming 3D graphics + video architecture layout + API) (Silicon Graphics).
OpenGVS = Open Gemini Visual System, also GVS (computer programming 3D graphics + video architecture layout + API) (3D Perception).
OpenSL = Open Sound Library, also OSL (computer programming 2D + 3D positional audio + playback API) (Khronos).
OpenSL ES = Open Sound Library for Embedded Systems, also OSL ES (computer programming 2D + 3D positional audio + playback API) (Khronos).
OpenSSL = Open Secure Sockets Layer (interconnected/networked computers/devices secure communications SSL + TLS open source software library) (OpenSSL).
OpenVPN = Open VPN secure authentication point to point/site to site bridged/routed connection + remote access facilities system using A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>OpenSSL encryption + SSL/TLS protocols (free, open source).
OPR = Open Pool cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
OPS = Open Profiling Standard.
OptiNAND = Nonvolatile memory mass storage media enhanced hard disk drive architecture (Western Digital).
OR = Disjunctive OR digital logic gate (nonvolatile memory) (electronics).
.org = Organization(al) gTLD global internet DNS category extension unique indentifier suffix (IANA/ISO|OIN).
ORM = Object Relational Mapping (computer/device software design principle).
ORPG = Online Role Playing Game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
OS = Operating System (computer/device boot + core software administration, control, interface + management).
OS (2) = Open Source.
OS (3) = Optical Stabilizer (photo/video equipment image/optical stabilization technology) (Sigma).
OS/2 = Operating System 2 (IBM).
OSCE = Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (FR: Organisation pour la Sécurité et la Coopération en Europe).
OSD = Open Source Definition.
OSD (2) = Open Software Distribution.
OSD (3) = On Screen Display.
OSDN = Open Source Technology Group (formerly Open Source Developers Network).
OSF = OpenSSL Software Foundation (OpenSSL).
OSI = Open Systems Interconnection networks reference design model (communications system layering) (IEC|CEI/ISO|OIN).
OSI (2) = Open Source Initiative.
OSINT = Open Source INTelligence (gather, decrypt, analyze, integrate, exploit management).
OSL = Open Sound Library, also OpenSL (computer programming 2D + 3D positional audio + playback API) (Khronos).
OSL ES = Open Sound Library for Embedded Systems, also OpenSL ES (computer programming 2D + 3D positional audio + playback API) (Khronos).
OSP = Online Service Provider.
OSPF = Open Shortest Path First (internet/network IP routing protocol).
OSR1 = Windows 95a OEM Service Release 1 (Microsoft).
OSR2 = Windows 95B/95C OEM Service Release 2.0/2.1/2.5 (Microsoft).
OSR 2.0 = Windows 95B OEM Service Release 2.0 (Microsoft).
OSR 2.1 = Windows 95B OEM Service Release 2.1 (Microsoft).
OSR 2.5 = Windows 95C OEM Service Release 2.5 (Microsoft).
OSR 2.x = Windows 95B/95C OEM Service Release 2.x (Microsoft).
OSS = Open Source Software.
OSS (2) = Optical Steady Shot (photo/video equipment image/optical stabilization technology) (Sony).
OSS (3) = Open Sound System (computer programming audio API) (UNIX/Linux).
OSS (4) = OpenSSL Software Services (OpenSSL).
OST = Original (music/voice audio) Sound Track (SoundTrack) (from online, streaming, television, theatrical, video documentary, film, program, series).
OSTA = Optical Storage Technology Association.
OSTG = Open Source Technology Group (formerly Open Source Developers Network).
OTA = Over The Air programming technology (telecommunications).
OTBRP = Online Text Based Role Playing game, also OTRP (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming + interactive literature).
OTF = OpenType Font cross platform file type + format (.OTF) (Adobe/Microsoft).
OTF (2) = Optical Transfer Function of periodic sine wave pattern of light projected through optical system.
OTF (3) = Off The Film metering (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, optical element, recorder, lens) (Olympus).
OTG = On The Go USB interface (Apple/Hewlett Packard/Intel/Microsoft/NEC).
OTH = Over The Horizon radar.
OTRP = Online Text based Role Playing game, also OTBRP (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming + interactive literature).
OTS = Over The Shoulder (game) (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming, perspective/viewpoint).
OTT = Over The Top (direct to broadcast/transmission multimedia distribution/streaming platform/service).
OUI = Organic User Interface (interconnected/networked digital display/monitor/screen + human interaction/recognition).
OUP = Oxford University Press (University of Oxford publishing house).
Outro = Outroduction (afterword, closing, ending, epilogue, finishing, stopping, terminating bit, credits, element, passage, portion, section, segment).
OVA = Original Video Animated/Anime/Animation, also OAV.
OVF = Optical ViewFinder previews image indirectly through device lens, different than captured frame (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, recorder).
OVN = Organization der Vereinten Nationen (DE), also ONU (FR: Organization des Nations Unies), also UN(O) [United Nations (Organization)] (intergovernmental organization for international cooperation, dignity, equality, equity, health, peace, rights, security with 190+ members countries/nations/sovereignties/states/territories).
OWASP = Open Worldwide Application Security Project (free + open cyber security resources).
OWID = Our World In Data (scientific online publication).
P100 = 100% (efficiency) oil Proof facial air purifying mask/respirator (high efficiency disposable/replaceable passive mechanical particulate filter).
P2C = Processor to Controller.
P2MP = Point to MultiPoint technology, also PMP, also PTMP (telecommunications).
P2P = Peer to Peer data sharing computing/networking architecture.
P2P (2) = Point to Point connection communications/networking protocol.
P2P (3) = Processor to Processor.
P3P = Platform for Privacy Preferences (W3C).
P5 = Intel Pentium/Pro CPU (80586).
P6 = Intel Pentium II/III/IV CPU (80686).
P95 = 95% (efficiency) oil Proof facial air purifying mask/respirator (disposable/replaceable passive mechanical particulate filter).
P99 = 99% (efficiency) oil Proof facial air purifying mask/respirator (disposable/replaceable passive mechanical particulate filter).
PA = PolyAmide (natural/semisynthetic/synthetic organic fibrous plastic polymer).
PAA = PolyAcrylic Acid (semisynthetic/synthetic organic plastic polymer).
PAI = PolyAmide Imide (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoresistant plastic polymer).
PaaS = Platform as a Service [on demand via local thin client (bare bones operating system) + remote central host (internet/network cloud server)].
PAE = Physical Address Extensions (Intel 8XX chipsets with > 4 GB RAM).
PAL = Phase Alternate Line (European TV standard: 625 lines).
PAM = Pulse Amplitude Modulation digital data analog signal transmission.
PAN = Personal Area Network.
Panose = Typeface font matching system (Hewlett Packard).
PAP = Password Authentication Protocol (computer communications cryptographic verification).
PAPR = Powered (facial) Air Purifying Respirator (high efficiency positive pressure disposable/replaceable passive mechanical particulate filter).
PAR = Precision Approach Radar.
parsec = Parallax of one (1) second astronomical unit of length measurement: 1 parsec = 3.26 light years = 206265 AU = 30000000000000.9 km (cosmology) (IAU|UAI).
PASM = Program(med) (P) (ISO sensitivity), Aperture (A) (focal opening), Shutter (S) (exposure time) + Manual (M) (all parameters by hand) photographing priority modes, also PSAM (photographic camera/device).
PAT = Port Address Translation (network/internet IP address).
PAT (2) = Performance Acceleration Technology (Intel 865/875 Pentium IV chipsets).
PATA = Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment (hard disk drive).
Pb = Petabit (1 Pb = 1000 Terabits = 1000000 Gigabits) (multiple of bit).
PB (2) = PetaByte (1 PB = 1024 TeraBytes = 1048576 GigaBytes) (multiple of Byte).
PB (3) = PolyButylene (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PBC = Pipeline Burst Cache.
PBEM = Play By E-Mail text based role playing game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming + interactive literature).
PBM = Portable BitMap image/graphic file type + format (.PBM) (UNIX).
PBP = Play By Post text based role playing game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming + interactive literature).
PBR = Pebble Bed cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
PBSRAM = Pipeline Burst Static Random Access Memory (Intel CPU L2 cache).
PBT = PolyButylene Terephthalate (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PBX = Private Branch Exchange (telephony switching system).
PC = Personal Computer (IBM PC/AT clone).
PC (2) = PolyCarbonate (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PC (3) = Prontor (Pronto) Compur (Compound) 3.5 mm (⅛ inch) connector/interface/socket/terminal (cinematography/photography/videography device/electronics).
PC (4) = Playable (Player) Character (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
PC 2001 = Personal Computer system design guide 2001 hardware + software specification (Intel/Microsoft).
PC-97 = Personal Computer system design guide 1997 hardware + software specification (Intel/Microsoft).
PC-98 = Personal Computer system design guide 1998 hardware + software specification (Intel/Microsoft).
PC-99 = Personal Computer system design guide 1999 hardware + software specification (Intel/Microsoft).
pcap = Packet capture (interception) internet/network (monitoring) traffic environment/software/platform API (computer data/information analysis/security).
PCAP (2) = Packet Capture (interception) internet/network (monitoring) traffic file type + format (.pca, .pcap) (computer data/information analysis/security).
Pcap-NG = Packet Capture (interception) Next Generation internet/network (monitoring) traffic file type + format (.pcapng), also PcapNG (computer data/information analysis/security).
PcapNG = Packet Capture (interception) Next Generation internet/network (monitoring) traffic file type + format (.pcapng), also Pcap-NG (computer data/information analysis/security).
PC/AT = Personal Computer/Advanced Technology (IBM computer line).
PCAV = Progressive Constant Angular Velocity (Compact Disc).
PCB = Printed Circuit Board (electronics).
PCBC = Propagating Cipher Block Chaining mode (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
PCC = Proof Carrying Code (computer software validation mechanism).
PCD = Photo CD image file type + format (.PCD) (Kodak).
PCD (2) = Protein Coated Disc optical storage technology (Harvard Medical School/NEC).
PCI = Peripheral Component Interconnect bus architecture: 32-bit 33/66 MHz (PCI-SIG).
PCI 2.1 = Peripheral Component Interconnect 2.1 bus architecture: 32-bit 33/66 MHz (PCI-SIG).
PCI 2.2 = Peripheral Component Interconnect 2.2 bus architecture: 32-bit 33/66/133 MHz (PCI-SIG).
PCI 3.0 = Peripheral Component Interconnect 3.0 bus architecture: 64-bit 133/266 MHz 6.6 GB/sec (PCI-SIG).
PCIe = Peripheral Component Interconnect express technology (3GIO or PCI 3.0): 64-bit 133/266 MHz 6.6 GB/sec, also PCI Express, also PCX (PCI-SIG).
PCI Express = Peripheral Component Interconnect Express technology (3GIO or PCI 3.0): 64-bit 133/266 MHz 6.6 GB/sec, also PCIe, also PCX (PCI-SIG).
PCI-SIG = Peripheral Component Interconnect - Special Interest Group.
PCI-X = Peripheral Component Interconnect eXtended bus architecture (3GIO or PCI 3.0): 64-bit 133/266 MHz 6.6 GB/sec (PCI-SIG).
PCI-X 2.0 = Peripheral Component Interconnect eXtended 2.0 bus architecture (3GIO or PCI 3.0): 64-bit 266/533 MHz 12/24 GB/sec (PCI-SIG).
PCI-X 3.0 = Peripheral Component Interconnect eXtended 2.0 bus architecture (3GIO or PCI 3.0): 64-bit 533/1066 MHz 24/48 GB/sec (PCI-SIG).
PCL = Printer Control Language (computer programming/scripting).
PCM = Pulse Code Modulation.
PCMCIA = Personal Computer Memory Card International Association.
PCO = PoseidoCentric (Neptune) Orbit (cosmology).
PCS = Personal Communications Service.
PCX = Zsoft PC Paintbrush Picture graphic/image file type + format (.PCX).
PCX (2) = Peripheral Component interconnect Express bus architecture (3GIO or PCI 3.0): 64-bit 133/266 MHz 6.6 GB/sec, also PCIe, also PCI Express (PCI-SIG).
PC/XT = Personal Computer/eXtended Technology (IBM computer line).
PDA = PhotoDiode Array (image sensor technology).
PDA (2) = Personal Digital Assistant (handheld/mobile/portable electronic device).
PDAF = Phase Detection Auto(matic) Focus (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, optical element, recorder, lens).
PDF = Portable Document Format file type + format (.PDF) (Adobe).
PDG = Packet Data Gateway protocols (wireless telecommunications).
PDH = Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy protocol (digital communications).
PDM = Pulse Density Modulation (communications).
PDM (2) = Pulse Duration Modulation (communications).
PDN = Packet Data Network (telecommunications technology).
PDP = Parallel Data Processing (Intel I-740).
PDP (2) = Packet Data Protocol (telecommunications technology).
PDS = Public Domain Software.
PE = PolyEthylene (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PE (2) = Portable Executable file type + format (Microsoft Windows 32-bit + 64-bit + ReactOS).
PEAP = Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
PEARL = Process and Experiment Automation Realtime Language high level multitasking real time computer programming language (DIN).
PEEK = PolyEther Ether Ketone (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PE-HD = High Density PolyEthylene, also HDPE (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PEI = PolyEtherImide (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoresistant plastic polymer).
pel = Picture ELement: RGB 3 dot pattern (color CRT/LCD/LED/TV display/monitor/screen), also pixel, also px.
PE-LD = Low Density PolyEthylene, also LDPE (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PeLED = Perovskite Light Emitting Diode display/monitor/screen.
PEMA = PolyEthyl MethAcrylate (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
Pentium = Intel Pentium CPU (80586).
Pentium Pro = Intel Pentium Pro CPU (80586).
Pentium II = Intel Pentium II CPU (80686 Klamath/Deschutes Xeon + Celeron).
Pentium III = Intel Pentium III CPU (80686 Katmai/Coppermine/Tualatin Xeon + Celeron).
Pentium IV = Intel Pentium IV CPU (80686 Willamette/Northwood Xeon + Celeron).
PER = Packet Error Ratio (digital transmission, percentage).
Peripheral = Accessory, appliance, auxiliary, component, device, equipment, extension input/output electronics/hardware connected to + controlled by computer(s) + designed to perform different/separate/various functions, operations, tasks.
PERL = Practical Extraction and Report Language (computer programming).
PEs = PolyEsters (semisynthetic/synthetic organic plastic polymers).
PES (2) = PolySulfone, also PSU (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PESA = Passive Electronically Scanned Array (phased array antenna).
PET = PolyEthene Terephthalate, also PETE (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PET (2) = Privacy Enhancing Technologies (confidential/personal data protection/security principles).
PETE = PolyEthene TerEphthalate, also PET (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PEV = Plug-in Electric (powered) Vehicle.
PEX = Cross-linked PolyEthylene, also XLPE (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PFAS = Per/PolyFluoroAlkyl Substance (synthetic solid organofluorine).
PFBA = PentaFluoroBenzoic Acid (synthetic solid organofluorine).
PFBA (2) = PerFluoroButanoic Acid (synthetic liquid perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acid).
PFBS = PerFluoroButaneSulfonic acid (synthetic solid organofluorine).
PFC = PerFluorinated Compound (PerFluoroChemical) (synthetic volatile halogenated organofluorine).
PFCA = PerFluoroCycloAlkene (synthetic liquid fluorocarbon).
PFCAs = PerFluoroalkyl Carboxylic Acids (synthetic solid perfluorinated carboxylic acids).
PFDA = PerFluoroDecanoic Acid / PerFluoroDecanoAte (synthetic solid perfluorinated carboxylic acid).
PFdiCA = PerFluoroalkyl diCarboxylic Acid (synthetic solid perfluorinated carboxylic acid).
PFECA = PerFluoroalkyl Ether Carboxylic Acid (synthetic volatile organofluorine).
PFNA = PerFluoroNonanoic Acid / PerFluoroNonanoAte (synthetic solid perfluorinated carboxylic acid).
PFOA = PerFluoroOctanoic Acid / PerFluoroOctanoAte (synthetic solid perfluorinated carboxylic acid).
PFOS = PerFluoroOctaneSulfonate (synthetic solid fluorocarbon).
PFOSA = PerFluoroOctaneSulfonamide (synthetic solid organofluorine).
PFPrA = PentaFluoroPropionic (PerFluoroPropionic) Acid (synthetic solid perfluorinated carboxylic acid).
PFPT = Pure Flat Picture Tube.
PFS = Perfect Forward Secrecy (cryptographic encrypted internet/network communication).
PFSA = PerFluoroSulfonic Acid (synthetic solid organofluorine).
PFTE = PolyTetraFluoroEthylene (synthetic solid fluorocarbon).
PGM = Pragmatic General Multicast protocol (computer networking) (IETF).
PGM (2) = Portable GrayMap graphic/image file type + format (.PGM) (UNIX).
PGN = Portable Game Notation chess game text/ASCII computer processible file type + format (.PGN).
PGP = Pretty Good Privacy digital signature scheme (cryptography encryption system).
PGS = Presentation Graphic Stream (image based) CD/BD/DVD/HDMV/UHD multimedia/video embedded/hardcoded captions/subtitles file type + format (.SUP).
PGW = Packet Data Network Gateway protocols (wireless telecommunications).
Phablet = Cellular/mobile phone + tablet handheld/portable electronic computer/device blend/hybrid.
Ph.D. = Doctor of Philosophy (LA: Philosophiae Doctor), also PhD, also DPhil (highest level academic degree).
PhD = Doctor of Philosophy (LA: Philosophiae Doctor), also Ph.D., also DPhil (highest level academic degree).
PHD (2) = Pro High Definition, also Pro HD, also 6K (digital TV standard: 3160 lines).
PHEV = Plug-in Hybrid Electric (powered) Vehicle, also PHV.
Phishing = Lured in for "fishing", psychological manipulation (dishonest, false, fraudulent, illegal, abusive, deceptive, misleading, disguised, malicious digital, internet/online blackmail, malware, ransomware, spyware attacks).
PHO = Potentially Hazardous Object (cosmology).
PHOLED = PHosphorescent Organic Light Emitting Diode.
PHP = Hypertext PreProcessor (formerly Personal Home Page) scripting HTML language (dynamic, server based) (free, open source).
PHV = Plug-in Hybrid electric (powered) Vehicle, also PHEV.
PHWR = Pressurized Heavy Water cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
PHY = PHYsical Layer electronic circuit network interface connector (OSI model) (ISO|OIN).
PI = Personal Information (data) (biometrics, data, fingerprint, statistics) (information technology privacy + security).
PI (2) = Polyimide (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoresistant plastic polymer).
PIA = Proprietary Information Agreement, also CA, also CDA, also NDA, also SA (legally binding restrictive contract in certain countries/nations/sovereignties/states/territories).
PIB = PolyIsoButylene (butyl rubber) (semisynthetic/synthetic organic elastomeric plastic polymer).
PIC = Programmable Interrupt Controller.
PIC (2) = Lotus PICtor/PC Paint graphic/image file type + format (.PIC).
PID = Passive Infrared Detector (electronic detection).
PID (2) = Product IDentification number (Microsoft OS + software).
PIF = Program Information File (Microsoft Windows 16-bit and 32-bit).
P II = Intel Pentium II CPU (80686 Klamath/Deschutes Xeon + Celeron).
PII = Personally Identifiable Information (data) (biometrics, data, fingerprint, statistics) (information technology privacy + security).
P III = Intel Pentium III CPU (80686 Katmai/Coppermine/Tualatin Xeon + Celeron).
PIM = In Memory Processing (computer hardware/software architecture + technology).
PIM (2) = Personal Information Manager.
PIMA = Photographic and Imaging Manufacturers Association (now I3A).
PIN = Personal Identification Number (identity verification alphanumeric and/or numerical authentication code/passcode used in electronic data exchange/transactions).
PING = Improperly called Packet InterNet Groper (network/internet packet transmitting/receiving tool).
PIO = Programmed Input/Output.
PIR = Passive InfraRed sensor (electronic detection).
piRNA = Piwi interacting RiboNucleic Acid (largest intracellular expressed small non-coding RNA molecule).
P IV = Intel Pentium IV CPU (80686 Willamette/Northwood Xeon + Celeron).
Pixel = PIcture ELement: RGB 3 dot pattern (color CRT/LCD/LED/TV display/monitor/screen), also pel, also px.
PKC = Public Key Certificate (electronic digital/identity encrypted certificate).
PKCS = Public Key Cryptography Standards (algorithm encryption) (RSA).
PKI = Public Key Infrastructure (cryptography encryption system).
PLA = PolyLactic Acid (polyester) (semisynthetic/synthetic organic plastic thermoplastic polymer).
PLA (2) = Physical Layer Architecture (computer networking).
PLB = Personal Locator Beacon (radio/GPS location device).
PLC = Power Line Communication (Carrier) technology (networking/internet digital data transmission).
PLC (2) = Penta Level Cell 5 bits/cell NAND nonvolatile memory mass storage media (Phase Change Memory) memory cell/element.
PLEDM = Phase-state Low Electron Drive Memory (Hitachi).
PLGA = Plastic Land Grid Array (Intel Pentium II CPU).
PLL = Phase Locked Loop (CPU clock multiplier chip).
PLM = Product Lifecycle Management.
P.M. = Post Meridiem (LA) time convention, also PM (after midday, after 12:00:00 o'clock noon).
PM = Prime Meridian, also International Reference Meridian (IRM) (0°/360° longitude meridian conventional calendar day boundary) (IERS).
PM (2) = Post Meridiem (LA) time convention, also P.M. (after midday, after 12:00:00 o'clock noon).
PM (3) = Phase Modulation radio frequency waves with medium + high audio fidelity (medium, high + very high frequency spectra/ranges).
PM (4) = Private Message.
PM (5) = Atmospheric pollution Particulate Matter, also PP (inhalable/respirable airborne/suspended invisible/microscopic/visible liquid/solid inorganic/organic dirt/droplet/dust/granule/particle/smoke/soot).
PM10 = Coarse atmospheric pollution Particulate Matter with Ø=<10 µm (inhalable/respirable airborne/suspended invisible/microscopic/visible liquid/solid inorganic/organic dirt/droplet/dust/granule/particle/smoke/soot).
PM2.5 = Fine atmospheric pollution Particulate Matter with Ø=<2.5 µm (inhalable/respirable airborne/suspended invisible/microscopic/visible liquid/solid inorganic/organic dirt/droplet/dust/granule/particle/smoke/soot).
PMC = PubMed Central (USA).
PMCP = Programming Metadata Communication Protocol scheme (ATSC).
PMMA = PolyMethyl MethAcrylate (acrylic) (semisynthetic/synthetic organic shatter resistant plastic polymer).
PMO = Planetary Mass Object (cosmology).
PMP = Point to MultiPoint technology, also P2MP, also PTMP (telecommunications).
PMP (2) = PolyMethylPentene (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PMP (3) = Portable Music (Multimedia) Player.
PMR = Perpendicular Magnetic Recording hard disk drive (Toshiba).
PMTU = Path Maximum Transmission Unit (internet protocol).
PNAC = Port based Network Access Control (computer networking security technology).
PNAS = Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA).
PNG = Portable Network Graphics file type + format (.PNG).
PNI = Prescott New Instructions (Intel Prescott CPU 13 instructions).
PnP = Plug and Play technology.
POA = Persistent Online Authentication [always on(line) internet/network connection customer disruptive/inconvenient restricted access to copy protected digital content, information, product, service, software, multimedia].
PoC = Proof of Concept (principle), also PoP.
Podcast = (I)Pod broadcast (spontaneous/scripted live/recorded distributed/published/shared/streamed/transmitted audio/data/text/video educational/entertaining/informative course/documentary/event/film/presentation/program).
POE = PolyOlefin Elastomer (semisynthetic/synthetic organic plastic polymer).
PoE (2) = Power over Ethernet (electrical power Ethernet cable carrier/provider).
PoF = Power over Fiber (optical power fiber optic cable carrier/provider).
PoL = Power over LAN (electrical power network cable carrier/provider).
POLAN = Passive Optical Local Area Network.
POM = PolyOxyMethylene (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PoM (2) = Proof of Mechanism.
POP = Persistent Organic Pollutant, also POPs (synthetic long lasting, degradation resistant toxic compound/substance).
POP (2) = Post Office Protocol (e-mail exchange technology).
PoP (3) = Point of Presence.
PoP (4) = Package on Package (electronic integrated circuit/component packaging method).
PoP (5) = Proof of Principle (concept), also PoC.
PoP (6) = Point of Peering (networking).
POP3 = Post Office Protocol version 3 (e-mail exchange technology).
POPs = Persistent Organic Pollutants, also POP (synthetic long lasting, degradation resistant toxic compounds/substances).
Portable = Handheld/mobile light weight/small accessory, appliance, auxiliary, component, computer, device, equipment, peripheral electronics/hardware programmed (interface, operating environment/system, software) + designed to perform various functions, operations, tasks + powered by exchangeable/rechargeable D/C batteries.
POSF = PerfluoroOctaneSulfonyl Fluoride (synthetic solid organofluorine).
POSIX = Portable Operating System Interface (interoperability compatibility standards) (IEEE).
POST = Power On Self Test (BIOS).
PostScript = Page description stack based dynamic programming language, also PS (desktop/computer/electronic publishing) (Adobe).
PotD = Photo [Pic(ture)] of the Day.
POTS = Plain Old Telephone Service.
PoV = Proof of Value.
POV (2) = Point Of View (perspective/viewpoint).
PoweredUSB = Powered Universal Serial Bus electric power delivery technology standard, also Retail USB, also USB PlusPower, also USB +Power, also USB Power Plus (requires USB 4.0/newer, USB-C + USB PD standards) (USB-IF).
PP = PolyPropylene (PolyPropene) (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PP (2) = Atmospheric Pollution Particulate matter, also PM (inhalable/respirable airborne/suspended invisible/microscopic/visible liquid/solid inorganic/organic dirt/droplet/dust/granule/particle/smoke/soot).
ppb = Parts per billion (dimensionless quantity measurement pseudounit).
ppcm = Pixels per centimeter (digitizing/electronic image/video device/display spatial measured density).
PPD = Pinned PhotoDiode (image sensor technology).
PPE = PolyPhenyl Ether (PolyPhenylene oxide), also PPO (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoresistant plastic polymer).
PPE (2) = PolyPhenylEthene (Polystyrene), also PS (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PPGA = Plastic Pin Grid Array (370 pin Intel Pentium II CPU).
ppi = Pixels per inch, also PPI (1 inch = 2.54 cm) (digitizing/electronic image/video device/display spatial measured density).
PPI (2) = Pixels per inch, also ppi (1 inch = 2.54 cm) (digitizing/electronic image/video device/display spatial measured density).
PPI (3) = Precise Pixel Interpolation (Intel I-740 2D/3D chipset).
PPI (4) = Public Personal Information (data) (biometrics, data, fingerprint, statistics) (information technology privacy + security).
ppm = Parts per million (dimensionless quantity measurement pseudounit).
PPM (2) = Pulse Position Modulation (optical communications).
PPM (3) = Portable PixelMap graphic/image file type + format (.PPM) (UNIX).
PPO = PolyPhenylene Oxide (PolyPhenyl ether), also PPE (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoresistant plastic polymer).
PPP = Point to Point Protocol (networking).
ppq = Parts per quadrillion (dimensionless quantity measurement pseudounit).
PPR = Pipe Penetrating (Penetration) Radar.
PPS = Passive Pixel Sensor (passive transistors photodetection image sensor).
ppt = Parts per trillion (dimensionless quantity measurement pseudounit).
PPT (2) = Power Point Tracking, also MPPT (variable electrical energy power source efficiency maximization).
PPTP = Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (networking).
PPU = Physics Processing Unit (PhysX Ageia).
PR = Public Relations, also PageRank, also Page Rank.
PRAM = Parallel Random Access Machine (computer science).
PRI = Primary Rate Interface (telecommunications standard).
PRML = Partial Response Maximum Likelihood (IBM Hard Disk Drive technology).
PRN = PRiNter (computer/device/electronics/hardware configurable parallel printer port).
PRNG = PseudoRandom Number Generator, also DRBG (predetermined algorithm for random like sequence of characters/letters/numbers/symbols practically impossible to determine/model/imitate/predict).
PS = Post Scriptum (LA) = postscript (after what has been written) (EN).
PS (2) = Paragraph Separator control character sequence (text/ASCII/ANSI/EBCDIC/Unicode).
PS (3) = PolyStyrene (PolyPhenylethene), also PPE (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PS (4) = Personal Server (Intel portable computer).
PS (5) = Page description stack based dynamic programming language, also PostScript (desktop/computer/electronic publishing) (Adobe).
PS/2 = Personal System/2 computer + keyboard/mouse/peripheral port (IBM).
PSA = Public Service Announcement.
PSAM = Program(med) (P) (ISO sensitivity), Shutter (S) (exposure time), Aperture (A) (focal opening) + Manual (M) (all parameters by hand) photographing priority modes, also PASM (photographic camera/device).
PSD = RGB indexed PhotoShop image file type + format (.PSD) (Aldus).
PSDRAM = Pseudostatic Random Access Memory, also PSRAM.
PSIP = Program and System Information Protocol (MPEG/ATSC).
PSK = Phase Shift Keying (digital telecommunications).
PSO = PoseidoStationary (Neptune) Orbit (cosmology).
PSO (2) = PoseidoSynchronous (Neptune) Orbit (cosmology).
PSR = Perimeter Surveillance Radar.
PSR (2) = Primary Surveillance Radar.
PSRAM = Pseudostatic Random Access Memory, also PSDRAM.
PSTN = Public Switched Telephone Network.
PSU = PolySulfone, also PES (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PSYC = Protocol for SYnchronous Conferencing (live, real time + messaging communications).
PsyOp = Psychological Operations, also PsyOps (military tactics + strategies).
PsyOps = Psychological Operations, also PsyOp (military tactics + strategies).
PsyWar = Psychological Warfare (military tactics + strategies).
PTFE = PolyTetraFluoroEthylene (semisynthetic/synthetic organic nonreactiv hydrophobic plastic polymer).
PTMP = Point to MultiPoint technology, also P2MP, also PMP (telecommunications).
PTP = Precision Time Protocol (networking) (IEEE).
PTR = Pool Type cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
PTT = Push To Talk (Press To Transmit) (simplex radio/telephone telecommunications).
PU = PolyUrethane, also PUR (semisynthetic/synthetic organic plastic copolymer).
PUA = Potentially Unwanted Application, also PUP (deceptive, disguised, fraudulous, harmful, hidden, intrusive, malicious, unauthorized, unnecessary, unwanted computer/device code/script/software).
PUC = Personal Unblocking Code, also PUK (SIM card temporary PIN reset/unlock alphanumeric/numerical code) (3GPP/ETSI|IENT).
PUK = Personal Unblocking Key, also PUC (SIM card temporary PIN reset/unlock alphanumeric/numerical code) (3GPP/ETSI|IENT).
PUP = Potentially Unwanted Program, also PUA (deceptive, disguised, fraudulous, harmful, hidden, intrusive, malicious, unauthorized, unnecessary, unwanted computer/device code/script/software).
PU = PolyUrethane, also PUR (semisynthetic/synthetic organic plastic copolymer).
PUR = PolyUrethane, also PU (semisynthetic/synthetic organic plastic copolymer).
PV = PhotoVoltaic (solar) system (light to electricity conversion electrical energy power generator).
PV (2) = Promo(tional) Video [anime/animated/animation/live action/mixed film, docu(mentary), online/streaming/television episode/pilot/program/series ad(vertisement), clip, preview, previz(ualization), short, special, teaser, trailer].
PVC = PolyVinyl Chloride (vinyl) (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
PVDC = PolyVinyliDene Chloride (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic homopolymer).
PvE = Player versus Environment (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
PvM = Player versus Monster (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
PvP = Player versus Player (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
PVR = Personal Video Recorder (analog to digital system).
PWA = Progressive Web App(lication) (common web/WWW architecture web browser software/APIs).
PWB = Printed Wiring Board (electronics).
PWM = Pulse Width Modulation (communications).
PWR = Pressurized Water cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
px = Picture element: RGB 3 dot pattern (color CRT/LCD/LED/TV display/monitor/screen), also pixel, also pel.
PXE = Pre(boot) eXecution Environment network interface (Intel/Systemsoft).
QAM = Quadrature Amplitude Modulation analog/digital frequency wave bands with extremely high + ultra high fidelity (Wi-Fi/wireless telecommunications).
Qb = Quettabit (1 Qb = 1000 Ronnabits = 1000000 Yottabits) (multiple of bit).
QB (2) = QuettaByte (1 QB = 1024 RonnaBytes = 1048576 YottaBytes) (multiple of Byte).
QBE = Query By Example.
QD-LED = Quantum Dot Light Emitting Diode, also QLED.
QD-OLED = Quantum Dot Organic Light Emitting Diode, also QOLED.
QDR-SDRAM = Quad Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory.
q.e.d. = Quod erat demonstrandum (LA), also Q.E.D., also QED = (that) (which) was to be demonstrated (shown) (EN).
Q.E.D. = Quod Erat Demonstrandum (LA), also q.e.d., also QED = (that) (which) was to be demonstrated (shown) (EN).
QED = Quod Erat Demonstrandum (LA), also q.e.d., also Q.E.D. = (that) (which) was to be demonstrated (shown) (EN).
QEMM = Quarterdeck Systems 386 Expanded Memory Manager (QEMM386.SYS).
QFHD = Quad Full High Definition 3840x2160 screen resolution (displays, monitors, UHDTV).
QHD = Quad High Definition screen resolution standard, also Quad HD, also 2.5K (2560x1440 pixels, 1440p).
QLC = Quad Level Cell 4 bits/cell NAND nonvolatile memory mass storage media (Phase Change Memory) memory cell/element.
QLED = Quantum Dot Light Emitting Diode, also QD-LED.
QOLED = Quantum Dot Organic Light Emitting Diode, also QD-OLED.
QoS = Quality of Service (internet/networking server based technology).
QotD = Quote of the Day.
QPU = Quantum Processing Unit (quantum computer central processor).
QR Code = Quick Response Code (two dimensional/2D computer/device/machine readable optical encoded digital matrix label/identifier/locator rectangular bar code).
Quad HD = Quad High Definition screen resolution standard, also QHD, also 2.5K (2560x1440 pixels, 1440p).
qubit = Quantum bit: unit of quantum information (quantum computing).
QUIC = Quick UDP Internet Connections protocol (computer communications network transport layer) (Google/IETF).
QWERTY = Latin (LA) language script based alphabets keyboard layout (top row leftmost first 6 letters from left to right: Q, W, E, R, T + Y).
QZSS = Quasi Zenith Satellite System (Japan).
R100 = 100% (efficiency) Resistant to oil facial air purifying mask/respirator (high efficiency disposable/replaceable mechanical passive filter).
R2L = Right to (2) Left (+ top to bottom) language/programming/script/system/text content/display/processing/reading/writing direction/mode, also RL-TB, also RTL, also TB-RL.
R95 = 95% (efficiency) Resistant to oil facial air purifying mask/respirator (disposable/replaceable passive mechanical particulate filter).
R99 = 99% (efficiency) Resistant to oil facial air purifying mask/respirator (disposable/replaceable passive mechanical particulate filter).
R&D = Research and Development.
RA = Radar Altimeter, also RALT.
RaaS = Ransomware as a Service (see ransomware).
RADAR = RAdio Detection And Ranging (wave based transceiver echolocation technology).
RADIUS = Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (networking protocol) (IEEE/IETF).
RAID = Redundant Array of Inexpensive (Independent) Disks.
RALT = Radar ALTimeter, also RA.
RAM = Random Access Machine (computer science).
RAM (2) = Random Access Memory (computer hardware, devices, electronics).
RAMDAC = Random Access Memory Digital to Analog Converter.
RAN = Radio Access Network (wireless telecommunication system) (ITU).
Ransomware = Ransom software [encryptors/crypto(virology), lockers, scareware, doxware, leakware, malware, RaaS].
RAR = Roshal ARchive (compressed) file type + format (.RAR) (WinRAR).
RARP = Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (networking).
RAS = Raster image file (Sun Microsystems).
RAS (2) = Row Access Strobe.
RAS (3) = Remote Access Server (Service) (Windows NT/newer) (Microsoft).
RASP = Runtime Application Self Protection technology (computer security).
RAT = Radio Access Technology (wireless telecommunication system) (ITU).
RAT (2) = Remote Access (Activation, Administration) (desktop) Tool [app(lication)/program/software/utility designed to connect to + access/control/manage/operate computers/devices/machines remotely over internet/network].
RAVE = Rendering Acceleration Virtual Engine (Apple).
RAW = Unencoded pixel data image file type + format (.RAW).
Rb = Ronnabit (1 Rb = 1000 Yottabits = 1000000 Zettabits) (multiple of bit).
RB (2) = RonnaByte (1 RB = 1024 YottaBytes = 1048576 ZettaBytes) (multiple of Byte).
RBFNN = Radial Basis Functional Neural Network (artificial intelligence).
RBI = Reality Based Interface, also RUI (digital interactive adaptative/learning artificial/represented/simulated/virtual environment/experience + human interaction/recognition).
RBMT = Rules Based Machine Translation (computational linguistics).
RCE = Remote Code Execution vulnerability, also RCX (computer security).
RCS = Rich Communication Services messaging protocol standard.
RCX = Remote Code eXecution vulnerability, also RCE (computer security).
RDBMS = Relational (indexed/structured) Database Management System.
RDC = Remote Desktop Connection based on RDP (Microsoft Windows).
RDF = Resource Description Framework graphic, metadata + text standard model (W3C/Netscape).
rDNA = Ribosomal DeoxyriboNucleic Acid (essential intracellular rRNA coded DNA sequence).
rDNS = Reverse DNS Resolution (domain name DNS of associated IP address lookup/query/request).
RDP = Remote Desktop Protocol (Microsoft).
RDRAM = Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory.
RdRp = RiboNucleic Acid dependent RiboNucleic Acid polymerase (replicase enzyme).
RDS = Remote Desktop Software (Service).
re = (In) re (LA), also Re = concerning (in the matter of) (EN).
Re (2) = (In) Re (LA), also re = concerning (in the matter of) (EN).
Re: = Reply (to) (mail, e-mail, memoranda, messaging).
REE = Rare Earth (chemical) Element (metal + lanthanide) (raw material).
REG = REGistry (registration database) file type + format (.REG) (Microsoft Windows).
Registry = Windows Registry (Registration) database (Microsoft Windows).
RegEdit = Windows Registry Editor (REGEDIT.EXE) (Microsoft Windows).
RegEdt32 = Windows NTx Registry Editor 32-bit (REGEDT32.EXE) (Microsoft Windows).
regex = Regular (Rational) expression, also regexp (text match pattern character sequence) (computer science).
regexp = Regular (Rational) expression, also regex (text match pattern character sequence) (computer science).
RELAX NG = REgular LAnguage for XML Next Generation (IEC|CEI/ISO|OIN).
REP = Robots Exclusion Protocol (internet domain/site cloaking/hiding from search engine bot/spider advisory standard using robots.txt file).
REST = REpresentational State Transfer (computer/device software design principle).
Retail USB = Universal Serial Bus electric power delivery technology standard, also PoweredUSB, also USB PlusPower, also USB +Power, also USB Power Plus (requires USB 4.0/newer, USB-C + USB PD standards) (USB-IF).
RF = Range Finder previews image through device accessory, attachment or extension (optical devices, cinematography/photography/videography).
RFB = Remote Frame Buffer networking protocol used by VNC (RealVNC).
RFC = Request for Comments (internet standards).
RFI = Radio Frequency Interference.
RFID = Radio Frequency IDentification technology (electronics) (IEEE).
RGB = Red Green Blue additive primary colors (hues) combination encoding model (computer/printing graphics, photography).
RGBA = Red Green Blue Alpha additive primary colors (hues) + alpha (transparency) channel combination encoding model (computer/printing graphics, photography) (OpenGL/PNG/W3C).
RGDD = Reliable Group Data Delivery multicasting protocol (computer networking).
RIA = Rich Internet App(lication) (computer/device/machine software/program/utility ported to the web/WWW).
RIFF = Resource Interchange File Format generic file container file type + format (.riff, .rif) (Microsoft/IBM).
RIMM = Rambus Inline Memory Module.
RIP = Routing Information Protocol (distance vector exchange routing + reachability networking standard).
RIRO = Rubbish In, Rubbish Out, also GIGO (computer/device software design principle).
RISC = Reduced Instruction Set Computing (computer + CPU architecture).
RITEG = RadioIsotope ThermoElectric Generator, also RPS, also RTG (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator battery conversion).
RIVA = Real Time Interactive Video and Animation (NVidia 3D).
RLE = Run Length Encoded graphic/image file type + format (.RLE) (CompuServe/Microsoft).
RL-TB = Right to Left + Top to Bottom language/programming/script/system/text content/display/processing/reading/writing direction/mode, also R2L, also RTL, also TB-RL.
RLV = Reusable Launch Vehicle (spacecraft).
RM386 = 386 Expanded Memory Manager (RM386.EXE) (Helix Software).
RMP = Reliable Multicast Protocol (computer networking) (IETF).
RMWR = Reduced (Resource renewable) Moderation Water cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
RNA = RiboNucleic Acid (essential polymer for coding, decoding, regulation + expression of genes characteristic to all known life forms).
RNAa = RiboNucleic Acid activation (small RNA guided + mediated gene expression regulation enhancement process).
RNAi = RiboNucleic Acid interference (sequence specific gene expression suppression by double stranded RNA biological process).
RNC = Radio Network Controller (wireless telecommunication system) (ITU).
RNG = Random Number Generation (Generator) (algorithm for indeterminate/unpredictable randomized sequence of characters/letters/numbers/symbols practically impossible to determine/model/imitate/predict).
RNN = Recurrent Neural Network (artificial intelligence).
ROM = Read Only Memory (computer hardware, devices, electronics, storage).
ROT13 = ROTation by 13 letters of the alphabet digital signature scheme (cryptography encryption system).
ROFL = Rolling On the Floor Laughing, also ROTFL.
ROFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Aṩṩ Off.
ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing, also ROFL.
Router = Computer + networking electronic hardware device which filters/manages traffic + forwards/receives/transmits digital data/information amongst multiple packet switched internetworked/(sub)networked computers/devices/nodes/servers/systems/terminals using standard technologies + protocols.
ROUV = Remotely Operated Underwater (Undersea) Vehicle.
ROV = Remotely Operated Vehicle.
ROYGBIV = Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet, also VIBGYOR in descending order [angular divergence optical dispersion 7 primary colors (hues) constituent of visible white light spectrum emitted by some stars, like our sun].
RPA = Remotely Piloted Aircraft (aerial vehicle), also RPAV.
RPAS = Remotely Piloted Aircraft (Aerial) System.
RPAV = Remotely Piloted Aerial Vehicle (aircraft), also RPA.
RPC = Remote Procedure Call (distributed computing client server interaction).
RPG = Role Playing Game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
RPKI = Resource Public Key Infrastructure (cryptography encryption resource certification).
rpm = Rotations per minute.
rps = Requests per second.
RPS (2) = Radioisotope Power System, also RITEG, also RTG (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator battery conversion).
RPTV = Rear Projection TeleVision.
RPVG = Role Playing Video Game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player computer/console/online/platform/video gaming).
RRAM = Real Random Access Machine (computer science).
RRAS = Routing and Remote Access Server (Service) (Windows NT/newer) (Microsoft).
rRNA = Ribosomal RiboNucleic Acid (essential intracellular transcribed non-coding RNA molecule).
RSA = Rivest, Shamir and Adleman cryptographic authentication asymmetric encryption algorithm (computer security).
RSP = Reliable Stream Protocol (computer networking).
RSS = Really Simple Syndication, also RDF Site Summary, also Rich Site Summary (web/WWW XML news reader).
RSTA = Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition (military strategy).
RSVP = ReSource reserVation Protocol (computer communication IP transport layer) (IETF).
RSVP-TE = ReSource reserVation Protocol Traffic Engineering (computer communication IP transport layer extension) (IETF).
RTC = Real Time Computing.
RTC (2) = Real Time Clock (computer/device BIOS).
RTC (3) = Real Time Communication.
RTCP = Real Time Control Protocol (computer networking, telecommunications) (IETF).
RTD = Real Time Data.
RTEI = Réacteur Thermonucléaire Expérimental International (FR), also ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor).
RTF = Rich Text Format file type + format (.RTF) (Microsoft Word document).
RTFM = Read The Fµking Manual!
RTG = Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator, also RITEG, also RPS (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator battery conversion).
RTL = Right To Left (+ top to bottom) language/programming/script/system/text content/display/processing/reading/writing direction/mode, also R2L, also RL-TB, also TB-RL.
RTL (2) = Resistor Transistor Logic (electronics).
RTM = Released To Manufacturing (Microsoft product retail/final/gamma/Gold launch).
RTOS = Real Time Operating System (computing).
RTP = Real time Transport multicast Protocol (computer networking, telecommunications) (IETF).
RTS = Real Time Strategy game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
RTSP = Real Time Streaming Protocol (multicast advertising) (IETF).
RTW = Released To Web (Microsoft product retail/final/gamma/Gold launch).
RUI = Reality User Interface, also RBI (digital interactive adaptative/learning artificial/represented/simulated/virtual environment/experience + human interaction/recognition).
RUSH = Reliable Unreliable Streaming protocol (computer networking) (IETF).
RvR = Realm versus Realm (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
RvR (2) = Race(r) versus Race(r) (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
RW = Real World.
RWIN = Receive WINdow (internet/network protocol).
RYB = Reg Yellow Blue traditional subtractive primary colors (hues) combination encoding model (computer/printing graphics, photography).
S/N = Signal to Noise ratio, also SNR (analog/digital 3D/audio/communications/imaging/video parameter).
S3TC = S3 Texture Compression architecture (S3 Savage3D/2000).
SA = Secrecy Agreement, also CA, also CDA, also NDA, also PIA (legally binding restrictive contract in certain countries/nations/sovereignties/states/territories).
SaaS = Software as a Service [on demand via local thin client (bare bones operating system) + remote central host (internet/network cloud server)].
SACD = Super Audio Compact Disc (Sony/Philips).
SAE = System Architecture Evolution (wireless telecommunications standard).
SAN = Styrene AcryloNitrile resin (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic copolymer).
SAN (2) = System Area Network.
SAN (3) = Storage Area Network.
SAP = Session Announcement Protocol (multicast advertising) (IETF).
SAP (2) = Service Access Point (OSI network endpoint labelling system) (IEC|CEI/IEEE).
SAR = Specific Absorption Rate (electromagnetic energy exposure per unit of biological body mass).
SAR (2) = Synthetic Aperture Radar.
saRNA = Small activating RiboNucleic Acid (small double stranded RNA corresponding to the genetic sequence of a gene used for inducing transcriptional gene activation through RNAa).
SARS-CoV-2 = Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus 2, also 2019-nCoV, also HCoV-19 (coronavirus strain responsible for COVID-19 airborne transmissible contagious infectious respiratory illness). STØP  CoronaVirus  C❂VID-19
SARSAT = Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking (NOAA, USA).
SAS = Serial Attached SCSI Hard Disk Drive.
SASE = Secure Access Service Edge (network service delivery).
SAT = Stepped Atomic Time (high precision atomic time adjustment) (ITU-R).
SATA = Serial Advanced Technology Attachment Disk Drive (Western Digital).
SATA Express = Serial Advanced Technology Attachment Express PCIe based SSD interface standard, also SATAe, also M.2/mSATA, also NGFF.
SATA-150 = Serial Advanced Technology Attachment 150 MB/sec tranfer rate Disk Drive (Western Digital).
SATA-300 = Serial Advanced Technology Attachment 300 MB/sec tranfer rate Disk Drive (Intel).
SATAe = Serial Advanced Technology Attachment express PCIe based SSD interface standard, also SATA Express, also M.2, also NGFF.
SATAp = Power over SATA (external/internal SATA computer/device electric power port interface connector).
SB = Bachelor of Science (LA: Scientiae Baccalaureus), also BS, also BSc, also ScB (undergraduate level academic degree).
SBC = Session Border Controller (networking).
SBI = Synthetic Biological Intelligence, also SI (human made biological organized neural construct machine).
SBK = EMU Sound Font BanK (Creative Labs Sound Blaster sound cards).
SBR = Space Based (Borne) Radar.
SC = Scientific Computation (Computing), also CS.
SC (2) = Synthetic (artificial, digital, machine) Consciousness, also AC, also DC, also MC (human made organized neural construct).
Scamware = Scamming Software (dishonest, false, fraudulent, illegal, abusive, deceptive, misleading, disguised, malicious).
SCaN = Space Communications and Navigation program (NASA worldwide complexes network, USA/Spain/Australia).
scaRNA = Small Cajal body specific RiboNucleic Acid (intracellular Cajal body snoRNA molecule).
ScB = Bachelor of Science (LA: Scientiae Baccalaureus), also BS, also BSc, also SB (undergraduate level academic degree).
SCCP = Signalling Connection Control Part (network routing layer protocol) (ITU).
Sci-Fi = Science Fiction, also SF (scientific, technological based criticization, explorative, futuristic, imaginative, innovative, dystopian/utopian, visionary speculative fiction cultural, entertainment, literary, multimedia genre).
SCMC = Synchronous (Conferencing) Computer Mediated Communication (live, real time + messaging).
SCO = SelenoCentric (Lunar) Orbit (cosmology).
SCOMO = Software Component Management Object specification (telecommunications) (OMA SpecWorks).
SCP = Secure Copy Protocol (cryptographic encrypted network + programming).
SCR = SubCritical Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
SCSI = Small Computers System parallel Interface connector + hard disk drive (INCITS).
SCSI-1 = Small Computers System parallel Interface 1 specifications (INCITS).
SCSI-2 = Small Computers System parallel Interface 2 specifications (INCITS).
SCSI-3 = Small Computers System parallel Interface 3 specifications (INCITS).
SCTP = Stream Control Transmission Protocol (computer communications IP transport layer) (IETF).
Scuba = Self contained underwater breathing apparatus, also SCUBA.
SCUBA (2) = Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, also scuba.
SCWR = SuperCritical Water cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
SD = Secure Digital nonvolatile memory mass storage removable media cards (SDA).
SDA = Secure Digital (SD) Association.
SDDS = Sony Dynamic Digital Sound 7.1 (7 + 1 = 8 channels) theater sound technology (3D spatial audio).
SDH = Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (synchronous telecommunications protocol).
SDH (2) = Subtitles (Subtitling) [and closed captioning (captions)] for the Deaf and hard of Hearing.
SDHC = Secure Digital High Capacity nonvolatile memory mass storage removable media cards (SDA).
SDI = Serial Digital Interface.
SDK = Software Development (Developers) Kit (computer programming).
SDM = Software Development Methodology (structuring, planning + control computer programming framework).
SDMA = Space Division Multiple Access (communications).
SDP = Service Discovery Protocol (networked devices + services automatic detection).
SDP (2) = Session Description Protocol (multimedia communications) (IETF).
SDP (3) = Software Defined Perimeter (computer security).
SDP (4) = Software Development Process (computer programming planning + management).
SDR = Standard Dynamic Range 8 bits/sample (8-bit) audio + visual audio/imaging/motion/photo/video standard (analog + digital acoustics/cinematography/photography/videography).
SDRAM = Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory.
SDS = Satellite Data Service.
SDSC = Secure Digital Standard Capacity 2nd generation nonvolatile memory mass storage removable media cards (SDA).
SDSL = Symmetrical Digital Subscriber Line modem technology.
SDUC = Secure Digital Ultra Capacity nonvolatile memory mass storage removable media cards (SDA).
SD-WAN = Software Defined Wide Area Networking.
SDX = Storage Data Acceleration (Western Digital).
SDXC = Secure Digital eXtended Capacity nonvolatile memory mass storage removable media cards (SDA).
SECAM = SEquential Couleur Avec Mémoire (FR) (SEquential Color With Memory) (French TV standard: 625 lines).
SECC = Single Edge Contact Cartridge (Intel Pentium II CPU).
SECC2 = Single Edge Contact Cartridge 2 (Intel Pentium III CPU).
SED = Surface Conduction Electron Emitter flat screen Display (Canon/Toshiba).
SED (2) = Self Extraction Directive file type + format (.SED) (Windows Setup + IEAK developer kit) (Microsoft Windows). IEAK
SEL = Software Emulation Layer (Microsoft Direct3D).
SEM = Security Event Management system used by SIEM (computer security).
SEND = Satellite Emergency Notification Device (radio/GPS locator device).
SEO = Search Engine Optimization (web site internet traffic improvement).
SEPHODIS = SElective PHOtonic DISinfection (antipathogenic ultrashort coherent monochromatic electromagnetic wave beam LASER technology).
SEPIRB = Submarine Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (wave based transceiver locator device).
SEPP = Single Edge Processor Package (Intel Celeron CPU).
Serial ATA = Ultra Serial ATA 1500 v1.0 Hard Disk Interface: 1.5 Gb/sec (Western Digital).
SERP = Search Engine Results Page (internet).
Server = Administrative/central/distribution/managing/root/servicing reliable, specialized computer/mainframe interconnected/interlinked/networked to and communicating/providing/sharing data/information/resources/services with/to client computer(s)/device(s)/software/terminal(s), based on request-response model (client-server networking).
SET = Secure Electronic Transaction technology.
SETI = Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence (scientific investigation).
SETI@home = Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence at home (SETI).
SF = Science Fiction, also Sci-Fi (scientific, technological based criticization, explorative, futuristic, imaginative, innovative, dystopian/utopian, visionary speculative fiction cultural, entertainment, literary, multimedia genre).
SF2 = EMU Sound Font Bank version 2.0 (Creative Labs Sound Blaster sound cards).
SFF = Small Form Factor (motherboard form factor).
SFN = Short File Name (maximum 8.3 = 11 total characters) (DOS/MS-DOS/Windows/WfWG 3.xx 16-bit) (Microsoft).
SFR = Sodium Fast cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
SFTP = Simple File Transfer Protocol.
SFTP (2) = Secure (SSH) File Transfer Protocol server client communications standard (IETF) (SSL + TLS technologies).
SFW = Safe For Work.
SFX = Special effect(s), also FX (visual arts, computing, gaming).
SGCP = Simple Gateway Control Protocol (networking).
SGI = Silicon Graphics Incorporated.
SGML = Standard Generalized Markup Language (W3C).
SGRAM = Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory.
SGSN = Serving GPRS Support Node (wireless telecommunications).
SGW = Serving GateWay protocols (wireless telecommunications).
SHA = Secure Hash Algorithm encryption digital signature scheme (cryptography encryption system) (NSA, USA).
SHDSL = Single pair High bit rate Digital Subscriber Line modem technology.
SHF = Super High Frequency (centimeter band) radio wave bands 3-30 GHz (ITU).
SHLLV = Super Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle (spacecraft).
SHMUP = SHoot 'eM (SHoot theM) UP game, also STG (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
SHV = Super Hi-Vision, also UHD, also UHDTV, also UHDV (NHK/Fujitsu): digital TV/Video technology, 16:9 (7680x4320 pixels, 4320p), 60 frames/sec, 21 GHz frequency band, 24 Gb/sec uncompressed or 128 Mb/sec MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 compressed signal, 22.2 digital surround audio channels.
SI = International System of units (FR: Système International d'unités) (metric system of measurement standard) (BIPM|IBWM).
SI (2) = Synthetic Intelligence, also SBI (human made biological organized neural construct machine).
SIB = Sodium (Natrium) Ion rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/Battery/cell, also Na-ion, also NIB.
s.i.c. = Spelled (Said) in context (copy) or spelling is correct.
sic = Sic erat scriptum, also SIC (LA) = thus (intentionally, exactly as) (it) was written (EN).
SIC (2) = SIC erat scriptum, also sic (LA) = thus (intentionally, exactly as) (it) was written (EN).
SIC (3) = Segmented Integer Counter mode, also CM mode, also CTR mode, also ICM (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
SID = Security IDentifier unique 16-byte (128-bit) encrypted integer reference label (IEC|CEI/IETF/ISO|OIN/TOG software + hardware identification standard).
SIEM = Security Information and Event Management system (computer security).
SIGINT = SIGnal(s) INTelligence (gather, decrypt, analyze, integrate, exploit management).
SILC = Secure Internet Live Conferencing protocol (live, real time + messaging communications).
SIM = Security Information Management system used by SIEM (computer security).
SIM (2) = SIMulation game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
SIM (3) = Subscriber Identity Module cellular/mobile equipment interface, also SIM-ME (3GPP/ETSI|IENT).
SIMD = Single Instruction Multiple Data stream (Intel Pentium/newer CPU multimedia streaming instructions).
SIMM = Single In-line Memory Module (electronic integrated circuit technology).
SIM-ME = Subscriber Identity Module Mobile (cellular) Equipment interface, also SIM (3GPP/ETSI|IENT).
SIMPLE = Session Initiation protocol for instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions (live, real time + messaging communications) (IETF).
Simulcast = Simultaneous broadcast (spontaneous/scripted live/recorded audio/data/text/video documentary/event/film/information/presentation/program distributed/shared/streamed/transmitted at the same time across multiple channels, media, networks, services).
SIP = Session Initiation Protocol (multicast advertising) (IETF).
SiP (2) = System in (a) Package (combined dedicated analog/digital integrated circuits/components).
SIPP = Single In-line Pin Package (electronic integrated circuit/component packaging method).
SIR = Strong InfraRed band/spectrum, also SWIR (invisible electromagnetic thermal radiation).
siRNA = Small (short, silencing) interfering RiboNucleic Acid (double stranded non-coding RNA molecule).
SIV = Synthetic Initialization Vector (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
SL = Supervised Learning (computer prediction training based on algorithms, analysis, associations, classification, models, objects, signals, variables).
SL-DRAM = Synchronous Layout Dynamic Random Access Memory (Siemens/Micron).
SL-HDR = SDR to HDR media profile using static and dynamic metadata (STMicroelectronics/Philips/CableLabs/Technicolor).
SLAAC = StateLess Address AutoConfiguration (IPv6 networking host identifier protocols).
SLAR = Side Looking Airborne Radar (aerial/space vehicle imaging echolocation).
SLC = Subscriber Line Charge.
SLC (2) = Single Level Cell 1 b/cell NAND nonvolatile memory mass storage media (Phase Change Memory) memory cell/element.
SLDRAM = Synchronous Link Dynamic Random Access Memory (Hyundai).
SLF = Super Low Frequency (kilometer band) radio wave bands 30-300 Hz (ITU).
SLI = Scan Line Interleave technology (2 or more 3dfx Voodoo2/3/4/5/6 chipsets on same video controller).
SLIP = Serial Line Internet Protocol (networking).
SLLV = Small Lift Launch Vehicle (spacecraft).
SLM = Spatial Light Modulator.
SLP = Service Location Protocol, also SrvLoc (LAN devices + networks services discovery).
SLR = Single Lens Reflex photographic imaging + video camera (digital mirror prism cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, recorder).
SLV = Satellite Launch Vehicle (spacecraft).
SM = Master of Science (LA: Scientiae Magistrum), also MS (graduate level academic degree).
SM (2) = Space Modulation radio frequency waves with very high audio fidelity (extremely short frequency spectra/ranges).
SM (3) = Social Media.
SMA = Styrene Maleic Anhydride resin (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
SMACSS = Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS (web/WWW design technology).
SMART = Self Monitoring Analysis Reporting Technology (hard disk).
SMB = Server Message Block (Microsoft communication sharing protocol).
SMBH = SuperMassive Black Hole (cosmology).
SMDS = Switched MultiMegabit Data Service.
SMIL = Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (W3C).
SMP = Symmetric (shared memory) MultiProcessing technology (computing).
SMP (2) = Social Media Platform.
SMPTE = Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.
SMR = Small Modular Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
SMR (2) = Shingled Magnetic Recording hard disk drive (Seagate/Hitachi).
SMS = Short Message (Messaging) Service (networked computer/device communication protocol standard).
SMT = Simultaneous MultiThreading (superscalar CPU) (parallel computing).
SMT (2) = Statistical Machine Translation (computational linguistics).
SMTP = Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (e-mail exchange technology).
SN = Space Network (NASA worldwide space programs network) (USA + other countries).
SNAP = SubNetwork Access Protocol (network multiplexing technology) (IEEE).
SNI = Server Name Indication (TLS computer networking protocol extension).
SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol.
snoRNA = Small nucleolar RiboNucleic Acid (biological process chemical modification guide RNA molecule).
SNR = Signal to Noise Ratio, also S/N (analog/digital 3D/audio/communications/imaging/video parameter).
snRNA = Small nuclear RiboNucleic Acid (small intracellular nuclear organelles RNA molecule).
SO2 = Molecular Oxygen [O2] Saturation (carried/dissolved Oxygen concentration ratio measurement in gaseous/liquid medium).
SOAP = Simple Object Access Protocol (HTTP messaging web services using XML) (W3C).
SoC = System on a Chip (single dedicated analog/digital integrated circuit/component).
SoC (2) = Separation of Concerns (computer/device software design principle).
SOCKS = SOCK-et-S (open internet/networking proxy protocol standard).
SOCKS4 = SOCK-et-S version 4, also SOCKSv4 (open internet/networking proxy protocol standard with encrypted authentication).
SOCKSv4 = SOCK-et-S version 4, also SOCKS4 (open internet/networking proxy protocol standard with encrypted authentication).
SOCKS4a = SOCK-et-S version 4a, also SOCKSv4a (open internet/networking proxy protocol standard with encrypted authentication).
SOCKSv4a = SOCK-et-S version 4a, also SOCKS4a (open internet/networking proxy protocol standard with encrypted authentication).
SOCKS5 = SOCK-et-S version 5, also SOCKSv5 (open internet/networking proxy protocol standard with encrypted authentication).
SOCKSv5 = SOCK-et-S version 5, also SOCKS5 (open internet/networking proxy protocol standard with encrypted authentication).
SODAR = SOund (SOnic) Detection And Ranging (acoustic echolocation).
SO-DIMM = Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module interface connector.
Software = Collection/combination/ensemble/system of programmable/customizable/updatable/upgradable app(lication)s, executable code, data, information, interfaces, languages, instructions, programs, scripts, utilities administered/controlled/managed by computer/device/machine hardware, creator/programmer/user + other software and designed to perform different/separate/various functions, operations, tasks.
SOHO = Small Office / Home Office.
SOI = Silicon On Insulator CPU technology (Intel).
SOLID = SRP, OCP, LSP, ISP, DIP (computer/device software design principle).
SoLoMo = Social, Local, Mobile.
SONAR = SOund (SOnic) Navigation And Ranging (acoustic echolocation).
SONET = Synchronous Optical NETworking protocol (digital communications).
S.O.S. = S [···] O [–––] S [···] international Morse code distress signal, also SOS [···–––···].
SOS = S [···] O [–––] S [···] international Morse code distress signal, also S.O.S. [···–––···].
SP = Single Play vinyl disc/record (45 rpm, Ø = 7 in = 18 cm, small size, short capacity analog sound gramophone/phonograph/record player storage medium).
SP (2) = Service Pack(age) (Microsoft Windows OS + software update/upgrade).
Spam = Unsolicited, unauthorized, unwanted, abusive, dishonest, false, fraudulent, banned, illegal, deceptive, misleading, disguised, malicious, prohibited ad(vertising)/disinformation/marketing/misinformation/propaganda/proselytizing junk/mass/repeated dissemination/distribution/e-mail/messaging/posting/publishing/sharing.
Spambot = Computer/device/machine app(lication)/program/resource/service/software/utility designed/programmed to disseminate/distribute/e-mail/message/post/publish/share spam (see spam).
Spamware = Junk, mass dissemination/distribution/e-mail/messaging/posting/publishing/sharing spamming app(lication)/program/resource/service/software/utility used for spam (see spam).
SPARC = Scalable Processor ARChitecture (computer + CPU instruction set) (Sun Microsystems).
SparkLink = Short range wireless technology standard, also NearLink (Huawei).
SPC = Solar Powered Car.
SPD = Serial Presence Detection (EEPROM).
S/PDIF = Sony/Philips Digital Interchange Format (digital audio surround sound interface).
SPF = Stateful Packet Filtering (internet/network dynamic filtering/firewall).
SPF (2) = Sender Policy Framework (e-mail exchange technology).
SPF (3) = Sun (Solar) Protection Factor (against harmful solar UV type B radiation).
SPI = Stateful Packet Inspection (dynamic packet filtering), also DPF (internet/network dynamic filtering/firewall).
SPI (2) = Sensitive Personal Information (data) (biometrics, data, fingerprint, statistics) (information technology privacy + security).
SPI (3) = Service Provider Interface (3rd party API/programming extension).
SPI (4) = SCSI Parallel Interface technology (SCSI-3) (INCITS).
SPI-2 = SCSI Parallel Interface 2 technology (SCSI-3) (INCITS).
SPI-3 = SCSI Parallel Interface 3 technology (SCSI-3) (INCITS).
SPICE = Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments (virtual machine remote desktop/display system) (Qumranet).
SPII = Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (data) (biometrics, data, fingerprint, statistics) (information technology privacy + security).
SPP = Standard Parallel Port.
SPT = Soft Privacy (enhancing) Technologies (confidential/personal data protection/security principles).
SPTI = SCSI Pass Through Interface.
SPURV = Self Propelled Underwater (Undersea) Research Vehicle.
SPV = Solar Powered Vehicle.
SPX = Sequenced Packet Exchange (Novell Netware).
Spyware = Spying code/script/software (malware, ransomware, adware, trojans, beacons, monitoring, fingerprinting, surveillance, tracking, hijacking, spoofing, leaking, auditing).
SQL = Structured Query Language (indexed/relational database management).
SRAM = Static Random Access Memory.
SRD = Short Range Device (wireless communication technology) (CEPT/IEEE).
sRGB = 32-bit Red Green Blue additive primary colors (hues) combination encoding technology (computer/printing graphics, photography) (Microsoft/Hewlett Packard).
sRGB64 = Red Green Blue 64-bit double precision additive primary colors (hues) combination encoding technology (computer/printing graphics, photography) (Microsoft/Hewlett Packard).
SRI = SubResource Integrity specification (3rd party asset/resource encrypted validation delivery protection) (W3C).
SRM = Scalable Reliable Multicast protocol (computer networking) (IETF).
SRP = Single Responsibility Principle (computer/device software design principle).
SRPG = Simulation Role Playing Game or Strategy Role Playing Game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
SRT = SubRip (plain) Text human readable encoded timed subtitle file type + format (.SRT).
SRTCP = Secure Real Time Control Protocol (computer networking, telecommunications) (IETF).
SRTP = Secure Real Time Transport Protocol (computer networking, telecommunications) (IETF).
SrvLoc = Service Location Protocol, also SLP (LAN devices + networks services discovery).
SSA = Serial Storage Architecture bus/interface (device/peripheral).
SSA (2) = Sub Station Alpha (ANSI/Unicode/UTF-8) subtitles file type + format (.SSA).
SSAS = Ship Security Alert System (radio/GPS locator device).
SSB = Single SideBand modulation radio frequency waves with low audio fidelity (long, medium + short frequency spectra/ranges).
SSB-SC = Single SideBand Suppressed Carrier modulation radio frequency waves with low audio fidelity (long, medium + short frequency spectra/ranges).
SSC = John C. Stennis Space Center (NASA space center, USA).
SSD = Solid State memory Disk (RAM drives).
SSDP = Simple Service Discovery Protocol (networking).
SSE = Streaming SIMD Extensions (Intel Pentium III/newer CPU 70 instructions).
SSE2 = Streaming SIMD Extensions version 2 (Intel Pentium IV/newer CPU 144 instructions).
SSE3 = Streaming SIMD Extensions version 3 (Intel Pentium IV/newer CPU 157 instructions).
SSE4 = Streaming SIMD Extensions version 4 (Intel Core/AMD K8/newer dual/multicore CPU 54 instructions).
SSH = Secure Shell Protocol (cryptographic encrypted network).
SSHD = Solid State Hybrid Drive (RAM and hard drives).
SSI = Small Scale Integration (electronic integrated circuit).
SSI (2) = Server Side Includes (simple HTML interpreted scripting language).
SSID = Service Set IDentifier (wireless LAN standard for devices sharing same network).
SSL = Secure Sockets Layer (cryptographic encrypted networking protocol).
SSLV = Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (spacecraft).
SSLv2 = Secure Sockets Layer version 2 (cryptographic encrypted networking protocol).
SSO = Sun (Solar) Synchronous (heliosynchronous) Orbit (cosmology).
SSO (2) = SelenoStationary (Lunar) Orbit (cosmology).
SSO (3) = SelenoSynchronous (Lunar) Orbit (cosmology).
SSO (4) = SubSynchronous Orbit (cosmology).
SSO (5) = SuperSynchronous Orbit (cosmology).
SSP = Security Support Provider (Microsoft Windows NTx networking security).
SSPI = Security Support Provider Interface (Microsoft Windows NTx networking security API).
SSR = Secondary Surveillance Radar.
SSR (2) = Super Scalar Rendering (3D imaging/motion/photo/video).
SSR (3) = Server Side Rendering (client/user web browser compatibility, interpretability).
SSS = Server Side Scripting (web server interpretable scripts).
SSSB = Small Solar System Body (cosmology).
SST = Spitzer Space Telescope (astronomical observational instrument).
SSTO = Single Stage To Orbit spacecraft, vehicle.
SSTOVL = Supersonic Short Take Off and Vertical Landing aircraft, spacecraft, vehicle (NASA).
SSTP = Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (networking).
SSTP (2) = Simple Symmetric Transport Protocol (messaging).
ST = Standard Time, also STD (normal/cold season country/local/regional geopolitical time).
STA = Surveillance and Target Acquisition (military strategy).
STA (2) = SCSI Trade Association.
STAR = Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (military strategy).
STB = Set Top Box (TV cable/satellite box, converter, decoder, receiver, tuner).
STD = STanDard time, also ST (normal/cold season country/local/regional geopolitical time).
StD (2) = Straight to Disc (film, streaming, television, video).
STD/VR = STanDard Voltage Regulator (CPU).
STEVE = Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement (optical atmospheric phenomenon).
STG = ShooTing Game or Shoot Them (ShooT 'em) up Game, also SHMUP (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
STL = Slower Than Light (subluminal, sublumic, sublight) information/matter speed of travel.
sTLD = Sponsored Top Level (root) Domain (global internet DNS categories extension unique indentifier suffixes) (IANA/ISO|OIN).
STM = Scanning Tunneling Microscope.
STOBAR = Short Take Off But (Barrier) Arrested Recovery aircraft, vehicle.
STOL = Short Take Off and Landing aircraft, vehicle.
STOVL = Short Take Off and Vertical Landing aircraft, vehicle.
STP = Standard Temperature and Pressure measurement conditions (IUPAC|UICPA/NIST).
STUN = Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (computer firewall) networking protocol standard (UDP connection).
StV = Straight to Video (film, streaming, television, video).
SUB(s) = SUBtitle(s).
Super AMOLED = Super Active Matrix Polymer Organic Light Emitting Diode display/monitor/screen (Samsung).
Superbeing = A human being or other eternal/immortal/living/reanimated/revived/undead/unreal being/creature/entity/organism with acquired/inherited abnormal, enhanced, extraordinary, mutated, paranormal, preternatural/supernatural/supranatural, superhuman, unnatural, unusual abilities/characteristics/features/intelligence/powers/qualities beyond/exceeding those of a biological, natural, normal or real one of the equivalent/same/similar kind/species/type (fantastical, fictional, fictitious, folklorical, imaginary, magical, mystical, mythological, symbological).
SUPL = Secure User Plane Location protocol (computer networking) (IETF).
Surface Web = Publicly accessible indexable (indexed) part of the internet/Web/WWW, also Clearnet, also Lightnet, also Visible Web.
SVCD = Super Video Compact Disc (enhanced MPEG-1 encoding).
SVG = Scalable Vector Graphics XML 2D graphics language + file type + format (.SVG) (W3C).
SVGA = Super Video Graphics Array standard (800x600 pixels, 600p).
SVM = Support Vector Machine (network) (supervised computer prediction training based on algorithms, analysis, associations, classification, models, objects, signals, variables).
SVoD = Subscription Video on Demand (enrollment/membership/subscription based multimedia edutainment/entertainment/infotainment broadcast/distribution/streaming/transmission platform/service).
SVOD (2) = Streaming Video On Demand (enrollment/membership/subscription based multimedia edutainment/entertainment/infotainment broadcast/distribution/streaming/transmission platform/service).
SVOD (3) = Stacked Volumetric Optical Disc.
SVS = Synthetic Vision System (airborne/avionics).
SW = Short Wave (decameter band) radio wave bands 3-30 MHz, also HF (ITU).
SWIR = Short Wave InfraRed band/spectrum, also SIR (invisible electromagnetic thermal radiation).
SWPC = Space Weather Prediction Center (NOAA, USA).
SX = SimpleX (one direction at a time broadcast/radio/telephone telecommunications) (ITU).
SX (2) = X86 Intel CPU without FPU (386/SX, 486/SX).
SXGA = Super eXtended Graphics Array standard (1400x1050 pixels, 1050p), also SXVGA.
SXGA+ = Super eXtended Array Plus standard (1280x1024 pixels, 1024p), also SXVGA+.
SXVGA = Super eXtended Video Graphics Array standard (1400x1050 pixels, 1050p), also SXGA.
SXVGA+ = Super eXtended Video Graphics Array Plus standard (1280x1024 pixels, 1024p), also SXGA+.
SynBio = Synthetic Biology (multidisciplinary sciences dedicated to design + develop superior, novel, useful biological devices, organisms, parts, systems).
Sync SRAM = Synchronous burst Static Random Access Memory (CPU L2 cache).
T&L = Transform & Lighting (3D imaging/motion/photo/video).
T-Buffer = Multiple Frame Buffer rendering engine (3dfx Voodoo4/5/6 3D).
TAB = Technical Advisory Board.
TAC = Technical Advisory Committee (Council).
TAG = Technical Advisory Group.
TAI = Temps Atomique International (FR), also IAT (International Atomic Time) (high precision atomic coordinate time standard) (IAU|UAI).
TAL = Typed Assembly Language (computer programming).
TAO = TransAtmospheric Orbit (cosmology).
TAP = Technical Advisory Panel.
TAPI = Telephony Application Programming Interface.
TAR = Tape ARchive (compressed) file type + format (.TAR) (Linux/UNIX).
TAS = Technical Advisory Service(s).
TASEL = TrAnSparent ElectroLuminescence (display/monitor/screen).
Tb = Terabit (1 Tb = 1000 Gigabits = 1000000 Megabits) (multiple of bit).
TB (2) = TeraByte (1 TB = 1024 GigaBytes = 1048576 MegaBytes) (multiple of Byte).
TBH = To Be Honest.
TB-LR = Top to Bottom + Left to Right language/programming/script/system/text content/display/processing/reading/writing direction/mode, also L2R, also LR-TB, also LTR.
TBMT = Transfer Based Machine Translation (computational linguistics).
Tbps = Terabits per second (Tb/sec).
TBps (2) = Terabytes per second (TB/sec).
TB-RL = Top to Bottom + Right to Left language/programming/script/system/text content/display/processing/reading/writing direction/mode, also R2L, also RL-TB, also RTL.
TBRP = Text Based Role Playing game, also TextRP, also TRP (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming + interactive literature).
TBS = Turn Based Strategy game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
TBW = TeraBytes Written (nonvolatile memory mass storage media life expectancy).
TCE = Technology Critical (chemical) Element (raw material).
TCG = Temps Coordonnée Géocentrique, also GCT (Geocentric Coordinate Time) (IAU|UAI).
TCG (2) = Trading Card Game (board/role playing gaming).
TCL = Transform, Clipping and Lighting (ATI 3D video).
TCO = Total Cost of Ownership (business IT).
TCP = Transmission Control Protocol standard (internet, networking) (IETF).
TCP/IP = Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol suite standard (internet, networking) (IEEE/IETF/ITU).
TCS = Theoretical Computer Science (mathematics + computer science).
TCV = Through Chip Via (electronic integrated circuit vertical electrical connection).
TD = Tower Defense game (computer/console/online/platform/video gaming).
TDD = Time Division Duplexing (full duplex over half duplex broadcast/radio/telephone telecommunications).
TDD (2) = Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (text communication + visual device/electronics for people with sensory difficulties + impairments).
TDD (3) = Test Driven Development (computer/device software design principle).
TDEA = Triple Data Encryption Algorithm, also 3DEA (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
TDEL = Thick (film) Dielectric ElectroLuminescence (display/monitor/screen).
TDES = Triple Data Encryption Standard algorithm, also 3DES (authenticated cryptographic encryption).
TDM = Time Division Multiplexing (synchronized bidirectional broadcast/radio telecommunications).
TDMA = Time Division Multiple Access (digital communications).
TDMR = Two Dimensional (2D) Magnetic Recording hard disk drive (INSIC).
TDNN = Time Delay Neural Network (artificial intelligence).
TDRSS = Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (NASA communications space satellites network, USA).
TD-SCDMA = Time Division Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access, also UTRA-TDD (wireless telecommunication standard) (ITU).
TEAP = Tunnel Extensible Authentication Protocol (computer networking communications cryptographic verification) (IETF).
TEC = ThermoElectric Cooler (Peltier effect).
TECHINT = TECHnical INTelligence (gather, decrypt, analyze, integrate, exploit management).
TED = Transient Electromagnetic Disturbance, also EMP (brief burst of electromagnetic energy).
TED (2) = Technology, Entertainment, Design media organization (USA/Canada).
TEL = Technology Enhanced Language learning, also TELL (computer science, education).
Telecast = Television (TV) broadcast (spontaneous/scripted live/recorded audio/data/text/video announcement/documentary/event/film/information/presentation/program distributed/shared/streamed/transmitted across multiple channels, media, networks, services).
TELL = Technology Enhanced Language Learning, also TEL (computer science, education).
Ten-G = Ten (10) Gravity (Gravitational) force [planet Earth approximated (from g=9.80665 m/sec2) gravity force equivalent value].
Texel = Bilinear TEXtured pixEL (3D imaging/motion/photo/video).
TextRP = Text based Role Playing game, also TBRP, also TRP (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming + interactive literature).
TFA = TriFluoroAcetic Acid (synthetic liquid volatile organofluorine).
TFA (2) = Two Factor Authentication, also 2FA (electronic verification method).
TFE = TetraFluoroEthylene (synthetic volatile perfluorinated alkene).
TFEL = Thin Film (dielectric) ElectroLuminescence (display/monitor/screen).
TFMS = TriFluoroMethaneSulfonic (triflic) acid (synthetic liquid sulfonic acid).
TFPN = Thin Film linear Polarizer optical (crystal) filter (interferometry/microscopy/spectroscopy optical element, lens).
TFR = Terrain Following Radar.
TFT = Thin Film Transistor (active matrix display/monitor/screen imaging) (electronics).
TFTP = Trivial File Transfer Protocol.
TGA = TrueVision Graphic file (Targa).
TH = Time Hopping (digital communications).
THD = Total Harmonic Distortion.
THF = Tremendously (TeraHertz) High Frequency (submillimeter band) radio wave bands 0.3-3 THz (ITU).
THSS = Time Hopping Spread Spectrum (radio communications).
Thunderbolt = PCIe + DP serial hardware interface (Apple/Intel).
THX = Tomlinson Holman's eXperiment theater Hi-Fi audio/video standard (LucasFilm Home/Cinema: George Lucas' first film: "THX 1138").
THX (2) = THanks (THankX).
THX EX = Tomlinson Holman's eXperiment EXtended theater Hi-Fi audio/video extended standard (LucasFilm Home/Cinema: George Lucas' first film: "THX 1138").
TIA = Thanks In Advance.
TIFF = Tagged Image File Format file type + format (.TIF, .tiff) (Aldus).
TIHL = Today I Have Learned, also TIL.
TIL = Today I Learned, also TIHL.
Tiny TP = Tiny Transport Protocol specification(infrared communications) (IrDA).
TKIP = Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (WPA cryptographic encryption).
TLC = Triple Level Cell 3 bits/cell NAND nonvolatile memory mass storage media (Phase Change Memory) memory cell/element.
TLD = Top Level (root) Domain (global internet DNS categories extension unique indentifier suffixes: .edu, .com, .org, .net, etc) (IANA/ISO|OIN).
TL;DR = Too Long; Didn't Read.
TLR = Twin Lens Reflex photographic imaging + video camera (mirror prism camera).
TLS = Transport Layer Security secure networking protocol.
TLSA = Transport Layer Security Authentication record (DNSSEC server certificate or public key associated with keeper domain name).
TMG = Time Management Game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
TMDS = Transition Minimized Differential Signaling DVI + HDMI high speed serial data electronics standard (Silicon Image).
TMI = Too Much Information.
TMM = Terabit Molecular Memory technology (Toshiba DVD).
TNO = Trans Neptunian Object (cosmology).
TNR = Thermal Neutron Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
TNT = TriNitroToluene (stable synthetic solid organic nitrogen compound with explosive properties).
TNT (2) = TwiN Texel processing engine (NVidia RIVA TNT 2D/3D).
TNT2 = TwiN Texel 2 (2nd generation) processing engine (NVidia RIVA TNT2 2D/3D).
TNTL = Trying Not To Laugh.
TNX = ThaNks (ThaNkX).
TOC = Theory Of Computation (mathematics + computer science).
TOC (2) = Terminated Open Circuit (electronics).
TOC (3) = Table Of Contents.
ToC (4) = Time of Completion.
TOG = The Open Group, formerly Open Software Foundation (OSF).
TOR = The Onion Router (volunteer overlay network for confidential anonymous/pseudonymous communications).
TOS = Terms Of Service.
TP = Transmitter Responder, also TPDR, also Transponder, also XPNDR, also XPDR (radio locator device).
TPA = Third Party Authenticator (electronic authentication method).
TPDR = Transmitter Responder, also TP, also Transponder, also XPNDR, also XPDR (radio locator device).
TPM = Trusted Platform Module (cryptographic authentication security standard) (TCG/IEC|CEI/ISO|OIN).
TPS = Third (3rd) Person Shooter (video) game, also 3PS (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
TPU = Texture Processing Unit (3dfx Voodoo family 3D chipsets).
Transponder = Transmitter Responder, also TP, also TPDR, also XPNDR, also XPDR (radio locator device).
TRIPS = Tera-op Reliable Intelligently adaptive Processing System (IBM CPU).
tRNA = Transfer RiboNucleic Acid (mRNA + amino acid protein sequence physical linking adaptor RNA molecule).
TRNG = True Random Number Generator, also HRNG, also NRBG (algorithm for true indeterminate/unpredictable randomized sequence of characters/letters/numbers/symbols practically impossible to determine/model/imitate/predict).
TRP = Tactical Role Playing game, also TRPG (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
TRP (2) = Text based Role Playing game, also TBRP, also TextRP (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming + interactive literature).
TRPG = Tactical Role Playing Game, also TRP (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
TRPG (2) = Tabletop (pen and paper) Role Playing Game, also TTRPG (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
TSIG = Transaction SIGnature (networking protocol).
TSR = Terminate and Stay Resident app(lication)/executable (.EXE)/device/driver/program/service/task (DOS/MS-DOS/Windows/WfWG) (Microsoft).
TSTO = Two Stage To Orbit spacecraft, vehicle.
TSV = Through Silicon Via (electronic integrated circuit vertical electrical connection).
TT = Terrestrial Time (planet Earth astronomical time standard) (IAU|UAI).
TTF = True Type Font file type + format (.TFF).
TTL = Time To Live (internet/networking protocol).
TTL (2) = Transistor Transistor Logic (electronics).
TTL (3) = Through The Lens (flash) metering (cinematography/photography/videography camera, device, optical element, recorder, lens).
tTLD = Test (.test) Top Level (root) Domain (global internet DNS category extension unique indentifier suffix) (IANA/ISO|OIN).
TTML = Timed Text Markup Language standard, also DFXP (multimedia synchronized/timed text/graphics captioning/subtitling) (W3C/SMPTE).
TTS = TeleTypeSetter (6-bit ASCII code).
TTRPG = TableTop (pen and paper) Role Playing Game, also TRPG (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
TV = TeleVision.
TVoD = Transactional Video on Demand (contractual based multimedia edutainment/entertainment/infotainment broadcast/distribution/streaming/transmission platform/service).
TWI = True Web Integration (Microsoft).
TTY = TeleTYpe text communication + visual device (teleprinter, teletype writer, text terminal, command line interface).
TTY (2) = Talk To You.
TTYL = Talk To You Later.
TTYS = Talk To You Soon.
TUI = Tangible User Interface (interconnected/networked digital environment/information + human/physical interaction).
TUI (2) = Text based (console, terminal) User Interface (computer/device environment/platform/system API).
TURN = Traversal Using Relay around NAT (computer firewall) networking protocol standard (UDP/TCP connection).
TURNS = Secure Traversal Using Relay around NAT (computer firewall) networking protocol standard (TCP/TLS connection).
TWAIN = Technology Without An Interesting Name communication protocols + programming API (digital imaging + scanning computer + device).
TX = Thanks (ThankX).
TXT = Text/ASCII/Unicode TeXT document file type + format (.TXT, .text).
TY = Thank You.
TYVM = Thank You Very Much.
TypeScript = High level programming language superset of JavaScript (computer programming) (Microsoft).
TYVM = Thank You Very Much.
U2F = Universal 2nd (second) Factor specification (authenticated cryptographic encryption) (FIDO).
U3D = Universal 3D graphics format technology (3DIF).
UAA = Universal Audio Architecture (Microsoft).
UAE = Unrecoverable Application Error.
UAF = Universal Authentication Framework specification (authenticated cryptographic encryption) (FIDO).
UAI = Union Astronomique Internationale (FR), also IAU (International Astronomical Union).
UAP = Unexplained Anomalous Phenomenon (unidentified, unknown aerial object or phenomenon).
UART = Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (serial communications peripheral device).
UAS = Unmanned (Uncrewed) Aircraft (Aerial vehicle) System.
UAS (2) = USB Attached SCSI (INCITS/SCSITA/MSC/USB-IF/ASUS USB 3.0 standard computer protocol).
UASP = USB Attached SCSI Protocol (INCITS/SCSITA/MSC/USB-IF/ASUS USB 3.0 standard computer protocol).
UAT = User Acceptance Testing (computer/device software design principle).
U-ATA = Ultra Advanced Technology Attachment (EIDE/ATA disk controller/drive).
UAV = Unmanned (Uncrewed) Aerial (Aircraft) Vehicle.
UAVS = Unmanned (Uncrewed) Aircraft (Aerial) Vehicle System.
UBV = Ultraviolet Blue Visual photometric system (cosmology).
UCaaS = Unified Communications as a Service [on demand via local thin client (bare bones operating system) + remote central host (internet/network cloud server)].
UCAV = Unmanned (Uncrewed) Combat Aerial (Aircraft) Vehicle.
UCC = User Created Content, also UGC (User Generated Content) (online/internet audio, document, image, message, post, text, video, web page).
UCD = User Centered Design, also UDD (User Driven Development) (merchandising/product/service design concept/model).
UCE = Unauthorized Code Execution vulnerability (computer security).
UCE (2) = Unsolicited Commercial E-mail.
UCFF = Ultra Compact Form Factor (motherboard form factor).
UCO = UranoCentric (Uranus) Orbit (cosmology).
UCS = Universal multiple Byte coded Character Set international standard (IEC|CEI/ISO|OIN).
UDD = User Driven Development, also UCD (User Centered Design) (merchandising/product/service design concept/model).
UDHR = Universal Declaration of Human Rights [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UDDI = Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (network protocol).
UDF = Universal Disc Format (Compact Disc) (OSTA).
UDI = Unified Display Interface.
UDI (2) = Uniform Driver Interface.
UDMA = Ultra Direct Memory Access (EIDE/ATA disk controller/drive).
UDMA/33 = Ultra DMA/Ultra ATA 33.33 MB/sec tranfer rate (EIDE/ATA hard disk controller/drive technology).
UDMA/66 = Ultra DMA/Ultra ATA 66.66 MB/sec tranfer rate (EIDE/ATA hard disk controller/drive technology).
UDMA/100 = Ultra DMA/Ultra ATA 100 MB/sec tranfer rate (EIDE/ATA hard disk controller/drive technology).
UDMA/133 = Ultra DMA/Ultra ATA 133 MB/sec tranfer rate (EIDE/ATA hard disk controller/drive technology).
uDNS = Unicast Domain Name System UDP protocol (networking: each IP can be routed/resolved to a dedicated DNS server).
UDO = Ultra Density Optical drive (Plasmon).
UDP = User Datagram Protocol standard (internet, networking) (IETF).
UDSL = Universal Digital Subscriber Line modem technology (Texas Instruments).
UDSP = Uniprocessor (Utilizing) Digital Signal Processor (drive electronics architecture).
UE = Union Européenne, also EU (European Union).
UED = User Experience Design, also UX, also UX Design, also UXD, also XD.
UEFI = Unified Extensible Firmware Interface computer/device BIOS technology (AMD/AMI/Apple/Dell/HP/IBM/Intel/Lenovo/Microsoft/Phoenix).
UFO = Unidentified Flying Object (anomalous, unexplained, unknown aerial object or phenomenon).
UFP = UltraFine atmospheric pollution Particle matter with Ø=<0.1 µm (inhalable/respirable airborne/suspended invisible/microscopic/visible liquid/solid inorganic/organic dirt/droplet/dust/granule/particle/smoke/soot).
UFS = UNIX File System.
UFS (2) = Universal Flash Storage nonvolatile memory mass storage media technology (JEDEC).
UFS 1.0 = Universal Flash Storage 1.0 nonvolatile memory mass storage media technology 300 MB/sec (JEDEC).
UFS 1.1 = Universal Flash Storage 1.1 nonvolatile memory mass storage media technology 300 MB/sec (JEDEC).
UFS 2.0 = Universal Flash Storage 2.0 nonvolatile memory mass storage media technology 1.2 GB/sec (JEDEC).
UFS 2.1 = Universal Flash Storage 2.1 nonvolatile memory mass storage media technology 1.2 GB/sec (JEDEC).
UFS 2.2 = Universal Flash Storage 2.2 nonvolatile memory mass storage media technology 1.2 GB/sec (JEDEC).
UFS 3.0 = Universal Flash Storage 3.0 nonvolatile memory mass storage media technology 2.9 GB/sec (JEDEC).
UFS 3.1 = Universal Flash Storage 3.1 nonvolatile memory mass storage media technology 2.9 GB/sec (JEDEC).
UFS 4.0 = Universal Flash Storage 4.0 nonvolatile memory mass storage media technology 5.8 GB/sec (JEDEC).
UGC = User Generated Content, also UCC (User Created Content) (online/internet audio, document, image, message, post, text, video, web page).
UGV = Unmanned (Uncrewed) Ground Vehicle.
UH = Up High.
UHD = Ultra High Definition, also SHV, also UHDTV, also UHDV (NHK/Fujitsu) (digital TV standard: 4320 lines).
UHDTV = Ultra High Definition TeleVision, also SHV, also UHD, also UHDV (NHK/Fujitsu) (digital TV standard: 4320 lines).
UHDV = Ultra High Definition Video, also SHV, also UHD, also UHDTV (NHK/Fujitsu) (digital TV standard: 4320 lines).
UHF = Ultra High Frequency (decimeter band) radio wave bands 300 MHz-3 GHz (ITU) + radar wave bands 1-4 GHz (IEEE).
UHMWPE = Ultra High Molecular Weight PolyEthylene (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
UI = User Interface [graphical/text 2D (flat)/3D (spatial) computer/device environment/platform/system API].
UICN = Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature (FR), also IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature).
UICPA = Union Internationale de Chimie Pure et Appliquée (FR), also IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry).
UISG = Union Internationale des Sciences Géologiques (FR), also IUGS (International Union of Geological Sciences).
UIT = Union Internationale des Télécommunications (FR), also ITU (International Telecommunications Union) [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UL 1449 = Underwriter Laboratory tests certification technology for Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors compliance.
ULA = Unique Local Address (private IPv6 networks).
ULDPE = Ultra Low Density PolyEthylene (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
ULF = Ultra Low Frequency (kilometer band) radio wave bands 300 Hz-300 KHz (ITU).
ULSI = Ultra Large Scale Integration (electronic integrated circuit).
Ultra160/m SCSI = Ultra3 (mobile) SCSI technology (160 MB/ses transfer rate) (INCITS).
Ultra2 SCSI = Ultra2 SCSI technology (80 MB/sec transfer rate) (INCITS).
Ultra2 Wide SCSI = Ultra2 Wide SCSI technology (640 MB/sec transfer rate) (INCITS).
Ultra-320 SCSI = Ultra4 320 SCSI technology (320 MB/sec transfer rate) (INCITS).
Ultra-640 SCSI = Ultra5 640 SCSI technology (640 MB/sec transfer rate) (INCITS).
Ultra ATA = Ultra Advanced Technology Attachment (EIDE/ATA disk controller/drive).
Ultra DMA = Ultra Direct Memory Access (EIDE drive controller).
Ultra SCSI = Ultra1 SCSI technology (40 MB/sec transfer rate) (INCITS).
Ultra Wide SCSI = Ultra1 Wide SCSI technology (320 MB/sec transfer rate) (INCITS).
UMA = Upper Memory Area (DOS/MS-DOS memory management).
UMB = Upper Memory Block (DOS/MS-DOS memory management).
UMDF = User Mode Driver Framework (devices, hardware) (Windows XP/newer) (Microsoft).
UMPC = Ultra Mobile Personal Computer.
UMR = Upper Memory Region.
UMTS = Universal Mobile (cellular) Telecommunications System (digital communications) (ITU).
UNAIDS = United Nations program on HIV/AIDS [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNC = Uniform Naming Convention.
UNDI = Universal Network Device Interface API (networking) (Intel PXE).
UNDP = United Nations Development Program [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNEP = United Nations Environment Program [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNESCO = United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNFCCC = United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNFPA = United Nations Population Fund (formerly United Nations Fund for Population Activities) [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UN-HABITAT = United Nations Human Settlements Program (Habitat) [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNHCR = United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNI = User Network Interface.
UNICEF = United Nations Children's Fund (formerly United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
Unicode = Unicode Consortium unified text + symbols encoding standard.
UNICRI = United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNIDIR = United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNIDO = United Nations Industrial Development Organization [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNITAR = United Nations Institute for Training And Research [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNIX = (Multi)User Network (graphic user) Interface + operating system.
UNL = Universal Networking Language (computational linguistics).
UN(O) = United Nations (Organization), also ONU (FR: Organization des Nations Unies), also OVN (DE: Organization der Vereinten Nationen) (intergovernmental organization for international cooperation, dignity, equality, equity, health, peace, rights, security with 190+ members countries/nations/sovereignties/states/territories).
UNOCHA = United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNODA = United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNODC = United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNOOSA = United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNOPS = United Nations Office for Project Services [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNRISD = United Nations Research Institute For Social Development [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNRWA = United Nations Relief and Works Agency [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNSSC = United Nations System Staff College [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNU = United Nations University [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UN WOMEN = United Nations Women [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UNWTO = United Nations World Tourism Organization [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UPC = Universal Product Code (scannable digital barcode global unique identifier symbology).
UPEACE = University for Peace [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
UPF = Ultra Processed Foods (industrially formulated/mixed/synthesized edible products with artificial/synthetic additives/chemicals).
UPF (2) = Ultraviolet Protection Factor (against harmful solar UV type B radiation).
UPnP = Universal Plug and Play technology.
UPS = Uninterruptible Power Supply.
UPU = Universal Postal Union [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
URAM = Universal Random Access Machine (computer science).
URAV = Unmanned (Uncrewed) Reconnaissance Aerial (Aircraft) Vehicle.
URC = Uniform Resource Characteristic (logical/physical Web/WWW resource globally unique persistent identifier) (W3C/IETF).
URI = Uniform Resource Identifier, also URL, also Web/WWW address (logical/physical Web/WWW resource globally unique persistent identifier) (W3C/IETF).
URL = Uniform Resource Locator, also URI, also Web/WWW address (logical/physical Web/WWW resource globally unique persistent identifier) (W3C/IETF).
URM = Universal Retention Mechanism (Slot 1 CPU).
URN = Uniform Resource Name (logical/physical Web/WWW resource globally unique persistent identifier) (W3C/IETF).
U.S.A. = United States of America, also USA.
USA = United States of America, also U.S.A..
USAV = Unmanned (Uncrewed) Surveillance Aerial (Aircraft) Vehicle.
USB = Universal Serial Bus technology standard (USB-IF).
USB 1.0 = Universal Serial Bus implementation 1.0, also USB1 1.5 MB/sec technology standard (USB-IF).
USB 1.1 = Universal Serial Bus implementation 1.1, also USB11 12 MB/sec technology standard (USB-IF).
USB 2.0 = Universal Serial Bus implementation 2.0, also USB2 480 MB/sec technology standard (USB-IF).
USB 3.0 = Universal Serial Bus implementation 3.0, also USB3 5 GB/sec technology standard (USB-IF).
USB 3.1 = Universal Serial Bus implementation 3.1, also USB31 10 GB/sec technology standard (USB-IF).
USB 3.2 = Universal Serial Bus implementation 3.2, also USB32 20 GB/sec technology standard (USB-IF).
USB 4.0 = Universal Serial Bus implementation 4.0, also USB4 40 GB/sec technology standard (requires USB-C + USB PD standards) (USB-IF).
USB 4.0 2.0 = Universal Serial Bus implementation 4.0 version 2.0, also USB4 2.0 80 GB/sec technology standard (requires USB-C + USB PD standards) (USB-IF).
USB1 = Universal Serial Bus implementation 1.0, also USB 1.0 1.5 MB/sec technology standard (USB-IF).
USB11 = Universal Serial Bus implementation 1.1, also USB 1.1 12 MB/sec technology standard (USB-IF).
USB2 = Universal Serial Bus implementation 2.0, also USB 2.0 480 MB/sec technology standard (USB-IF).
USB3 = Universal Serial Bus implementation 3.0, also USB 3.0 5 GB/sec technology standard (USB-IF).
USB31 = Universal Serial Bus implementation 3.1, also USB 3.1 10 GB/sec technology standard (USB-IF).
USB32 = Universal Serial Bus implementation 3.2, also USB 3.2 20 GB/sec technology standard (USB-IF).
USB4 = Universal Serial Bus implementation 4.0, also USB 4.0 40 GB/sec technology standard (requires USB-C + USB PD standards) (USB-IF).
USB4 2.0 = Universal Serial Bus implementation 4.0 version 2.0, also USB 4.0 2.0 80 GB/sec technology standard (requires USB-C + USB PD standards) (USB-IF).
USB-A = Universal Serial Bus connection interface type A system (USB-IF).
USB-B = Universal Serial Bus connection interface type B system (USB-IF).
USB-C = Universal Serial Bus connection interface type C system (USB-IF).
USB-IF = Universal Serial Bus Implementers Forum.
USB PD = Universal Serial Bus Power Delivery technology, also USB-PD for (re)charging electrical devices (USB-IF).
USB-PD = Universal Serial Bus Power Delivery technology, also USB PD for (re)charging electrical devices (USB-IF).
USB PlusPower = Universal Serial Bus electric power delivery technology standard, also PoweredUSB, also Retail USB, also USB +Power, also USB Power Plus (requires USB 4.0/newer, USB-C + USB PD standards) (USB-IF).
USB +Power = Universal Serial Bus electric power delivery technology standard, also PoweredUSB, also Retail USB, also USB PlusPower, also USB Power Plus (requires USB 4.0/newer, USB-C + USB PD standards) (USB-IF).
USB Power Plus = Universal Serial Bus electric power delivery technology standard, also PoweredUSB, also Retail USB, also USB PlusPower, also USB +Power (requires USB 4.0/newer, USB-C + USB PD standards) (USB-IF).
USENET = USEr NETwork (newsgroups).
USFF = Ultra Small Form Factor (motherboard form factor).
USO = UranoStationary (Uranus) Orbit (cosmology).
USO (2) = UranoSynchronous (Uranus) Orbit (cosmology).
USR = US Robotics.
USRAV = Unmanned (Uncrewed) Surveillance and Reconnaissance Aerial (Aircraft) Vehicle.
USSD = Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (feature/quick codes) (5G/IMS/LTE/GSM communication protocol).
USV = Unmanned (Uncrewed) Surface Vehicle (Vessel).
UT = Universal Time (international time standard based on planet Earth rotation).
UTC = Coordinated Universal Time (primary mean solar international time standard).
UTF = Universal Character Set (UCS) Transformation Format (variable length Unicode encoding standard).
UTF-8 = Universal Character Set (UCS) Transformation Format 8 bits/character (8-bit) (variable length Unicode encoding standard).
UTF-16 = Universal Character Set (UCS) Transformation Format 16 bits/character (16-bit) (variable length Unicode encoding standard).
UTF-32 = Universal Character Set (UCS) Transformation Format 32 bits/character (32-bit) (variable length Unicode encoding standard).
UTRA = UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access network (telecommunication system), also UTRAN (ITU).
UTRAN = UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network (telecommunication system), also UTRA (ITU).
UTRA-TDD = UTRA Time Division synchronous code Division multiple access, also TD-SCDMA (wireless telecommunication standard) (ITU).
UUE = Uniform Resource Locator UNIX Encoded.
UUID = Universally Unique IDentifier unique 16-byte (128-bit) encrypted integer reference label (IEC|CEI/IETF/ISO|OIN/TOG software + hardware identification standard).
UUV = Unmanned (Uncrewed) Underwater (Undersea) Vehicle.
UV = UltraViolet artificial/natural (solar) radiation (100-399 nm wavelength range).
UVA = UltraViolet type A artificial/natural (solar) radiation (315-399 nm wavelength range).
UVB = UltraViolet type B artificial/natural (solar) radiation (280-314 nm wavelength range).
UVB (2) = Cosmic UltraViolet Background radiation, also CUVB (1000-3000 Å wavelength range) (cosmology).
UVC = UltraViolet type C artificial/natural (solar) radiation (100-279 nm wavelength range).
UVGA = Ultimate Video Graphics Array standard (1024x768 pixels, 768p).
UWB = UltraWideBand technologies (MBOA).
UWP = Universal Windows Platform (Microsoft Windows 8/newer Live/Metro/Screen/Start/Store/Tile architecture + API).
UX = User eXperience design, also UED, also UX Design, also UXD, also XD.
UX Design = User eXperience Design, also UED, also UX, also UXD, also XD.
UXD = User eXperience Design, also UED, also UX, also UX Design, also XD.
UXGA = Ultra eXtended Graphics Array standard (1600x1200 pixels, 1200p), also UXVGA.
UXVGA = Ultra eXtended Video Graphics Array standard (1600x1200 pixels, 1200p), also UXGA.
V2B = Vehicle to Building (infrastructure transport + traffic management communication technologies).
V2C = Vehicle to Cloud (network/remote diagnostics transport + traffic management communication technologies).
V2D = Vehicle to Device (bluetooth/wireless transport + traffic management communication technologies).
V2G = Vehicle to Grid (smart grid transport + traffic management communication technologies).
V2H = Vehicle to Home (residential transport + traffic management communication technologies).
V2I = Vehicle to Infrastructure (transport + traffic management communication technologies).
V2L = Vehicle to Load (transport + traffic management communication technologies).
V2N = Vehicle to Network (cellular/mobile wireless transport + traffic management communication technologies).
V2P = Vehicle to Pedestrian (VRU transport + traffic management communication technologies).
V2V = Vehicle to Vehicle (real time transport + traffic management communication technologies).
V2X = Vehicle to everything (transport + traffic management communication technologies) (3GPP).
V.90 = PCM 56 Kb/sec analog modem transfer technology (ITU).
V.92 = PCM 56 Kb/sec analog modem transfer technology (ITU).
VA = Virtual (Artificial Intelligence) Assistant, also AIA (computer/device software agent).
Vaccine = Biological preparation containing an immunogen agent capable of prophylactically/preventively providing long lasting, durable, actively acquired induced immunity against pathogens responsible for known severe, life threatening communicable/contagious/transmissible infectious diseases/illnesses/maladies, also vax, also vaxx.
Vaccination = Act/process of administering a vaccine (also known as vax, or vaxx), prophylactic/preventive immunization, treatment against known severe, life threatening communicable/contagious/transmissible infectious diseases/illnesses/maladies.
VANET = Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (real time communication).
VAR = Value Added Reseller.
VAT = Virtual Allocation Table (Compact Disc).
Vax = Biological preparation containing an immunogen agent capable of prophylactically/preventively providing long lasting, durable, actively acquired induced immunity against pathogens responsible for known severe, life threatening communicable/contagious/transmissible infectious diseases/illnesses/maladies, also vaccine, also vaxx.
Vaxx = Biological preparation containing an immunogen agent capable of prophylactically/preventively providing long lasting, durable, actively acquired induced immunity against pathogens responsible for known severe, life threatening communicable/contagious/transmissible infectious diseases/illnesses/maladies, also vaccine, also vax.
VB = Visual Basic (computer programming language) (Windows) (Microsoft).
VB.NET = Visual Basic .NET (computer managed programming language) (Windows) (Microsoft).
VBE = VESA BIOS Extensions.
VBI = Vertical Blanking Interval.
VBR = Volume Boot Record (Microsoft MS-DOS/Windows 9x/ME, DOS, OS/2 FAT/FAT16/FAT32).
VC = Vibration Compensation (photo/video equipment image/optical stabilization technology) (Tamron).
VC (2) = Visual C (computer programming language) (Windows) (Microsoft).
VC# = Visual C Sharp (computer programming language) (Windows) (Microsoft).
VC++ = Visual C++ (computer programming language) (Windows) (Microsoft).
VCD = Video Compact Disc (MPEG-1 encoding).
VCM = Virtual Channel Memory.
VCP = Video Cassette Player.
VCPI = Virtual Control Program Interface.
VCR = Video Cassette Recorder.
VCS = Vehicular Communication System (transport + traffic management computer networking).
VDC = Video Display Controller (computing/gaming graphics/video signal generator component/device).
VDS = Virtual Dedicated Server, also VPS (virtual machine as dedicated internet/network/online hosting extension/provider/service).
VDSL = Variable Digital Subscriber Line modem technology.
VES = Virtual Execution System (CLI runtime system) (computer programming).
VESA = Video Electronics Standards Association.
VEX = Vector EXtensions encoding instructions set (computer programming).
VFAT = Virtual File Allocation Table (Microsoft Windows).
VFD = Vacuum Fluorescent Display (cathodoluminescent monitor/screen).
VFIR = Very Fast InfraRed protocol (Hewlett Packard).
VFS = Virtual File System (Filesystem Switch) (*nix/BSD/Linux).
VfW = Video for Windows (Windows/WfWG 3.xx) (Microsoft).
VFX = Visual (special) effect(s) (visual arts, computing, gaming).
VG = Vector Graphics (computer imaging).
VGA = Video Graphics Array standard (640x480 pixels, 480p).
VGX = Vector Graphics eXtended (computer imaging).
VHD = Virtual Hard Disk file type + format (.VHD), 2 TB capacity limit (Connectix).
VHDX = Virtual Hard Disk eXtended version 2 file type + format (.vhdx), 64 TB capacity limit (Microsoft).
VHD (2) = Very High Density printer interface (Centronics).
VHF = Very High Frequency (meter band) radio wave bands 30-300 MHz (ITU).
VHS = Video Home System (analog magnetic casette tape audio + video recording/playback standard).
VHTR = Very High Temperature cooled Reactor (nuclear fission electrical energy power generator).
VIBGYOR = Violet Indigo Blue Green Yellow Orange Red, also ROYGBIV in ascending order [angular divergence optical dispersion 7 primary colors (hues) constituent of visible white light spectrum emitted by some stars, like our sun].
Vidcast = Video broadcast (spontaneous/scripted live/recorded distributed/published/shared/streamed/transmitted audio/data/text/video educational/entertaining/informative course/documentary/event/film/presentation/program).
VIF = Versatile Image File type + format (.VIF) based on H.266/VVC video compression standard (Fraunhofer/ITU/ISO|OIN/MPEG).
ViLTE = Video over LTE (wireless telecommunication standard) (3GPP).
VIRGO = Variability of Solar Irradiance and Gravity Oscillations (astronomical observational instrument) (NASA/ASE|ESA/JAXA).
Visible Web = Publicly accessible indexable (indexed) part of the internet/Web/WWW, also Clearnet, also Lightnet, also Surface Web.
VIVO = Video In Video Out.
VIS = Visual Image Size.
VJ# = Visual J Sharp (computer programming language) (Windows) (Microsoft).
VLA = Very Large Array (astronomical observatory complex) (NRAO).
VLAN = Virtual Local Area Network (data link layer isolated broadcast domain).
VLBA = Very Long Baseline Array (network of astronomical observatory complexes) (NRAO).
VLB = VESA Local Bus (VL bus).
VLC = Visible Light Communication (optical wireless technologies).
VLDPE = Very Low Density PolyEthylene (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
VLEO = Very Low Earth Orbit (cosmology).
VLF = Very Low Frequency (myriameter band) radio wave bands 3-30 KHz (ITU).
VLIW = Very Long Instruction Word (parallel computing).
VLM = Very Large Memory addressing (Intel Merced).
Vlog = Video log educational, entertaining, informational internet/online/WWW document/page/publication/site.
VLOS = Visual Line of Sight.
VLR = Visitor Location Register system (wireless telecommunications).
VLSI = Very Large Scale Integration (electronic integrated circuit).
VLSM = Variable Length Subnet masking (network prefixing design).
VLT = Very Large Telescope (astronomical observatory complex) (ESO).
VMDK = Virtual Machine DisK file type + format, 62 TB capacity limit (VMware).
VMM = Virtual Memory Manager (Microsoft Windows).
VMM (2) = Virtual Machine Monitor.
VMS = VoiceMail System (wireless telecommunications).
V-MSC = Visited Mobile (cellular) Switching Center (wireless telecommunications).
VNC = Virtual Network Computing API + GUI for software remote control (RealVNC).
VND = Variable Neutral Density optical filter (digital cinematography/photography/videography optical element, lens).
VOBSUB = VOB [BitMaP (BMP) image based] CD/BD/DVD/UHD video SUBtitles file types + formats (.SUB) + (.IDX).
VOC = Volatile Organic Compound (increased gasification/vaporization pressure at ambient/ordinary temperature).
VoD = Video on Demand (multimedia edutainment/entertainment/infotainment broadcast/distribution/streaming/transmission platform/service).
VoIP = Voice over Internet Protocol.
VoLTE = Voice over LTE (wireless telecommunication standard) (3GPP).
VotD = Video of the Day.
VoWIFI = Voice over Wi-Fi calling (wireless telecommunication standard) (3GPP).
VOX = Voice Operated (switch) eXchange (simplex radio/telephone telecommunications).
VP6 = Video Predictor codec version 6 streaming format + compression standard (On2/TrueMotion).
VP7 = Video Predictor codec version 7 streaming format + compression standard (WebM + HTML5) (On2/TrueMotion).
VP8 = Video Predictor codec version 8 streaming format + compression standard (WebM + HTML5) (On2/Google).
VP9 = Video Predictor codec version 9 streaming format + compression standard (WebM + HTML5) (On2/Google).
VPC = Virtual Private Cloud (secure isolated NaaS connection hosted on public cloud).
VPG = Video Performance Guarantee (minimum guaranteed speed specification), CompactFlash (CF)/CFast profile specification standard.
VPN = Virtual Private Network [P2P shared/public secure (encrypted) internet/network/online provider/service].
VPS = Virtual Private Server, also VDS (virtual machine as dedicated internet/network/online hosting extension/provider/service).
VPU = Visual Processing Unit (3Dlabs P10 family 2D/3D video chipsets).
VR = Virtual Reality (computer/machine generated enhanced digital interactive simulated reality environment/experience).
VR (2) = Voltage Regulator (CPU).
VR (3) = Vibration Reduction (photo/video equipment image/optical stabilization technology) (Nikon).
VRB = Vanadium Redox flow rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/Battery/cell.
VRE = Voltage Regulator Enhanced (MMX/SSE/KNI/3DNow! CPU dual voltage).
VRAM = Video Random Access Memory.
VRM = Voltage Regulator Module (CPU).
VRML = Virtual Reality Modeling (3D) Language (computer/machine programming/scripting).
VRMMO = Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online game (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
VRMMORP = Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing game, also VRMMORPG (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
VRMMORPG = Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, also VRMMORP (computer/console/online/platform/video multiplayer/single player gaming).
VRU = Vulnerable Road User (non-motorist + pedestrian transportation system).
VS = Visual Studio (computer IDE programming environment) (Windows) (Microsoft).
VSA = Voodoo Scalable Architecture (3dfx 2D/3D video chipset).
VSA-100 = Voodoo Scalable Architecture 100 (3dfx Napalm 2D/3D video chipset).
VSM = Virtual Storage Management (Microsoft Windows 32-bit).
V/STOL = Vertical and/or Short Take Off and Landing aircraft, vehicle.
VT = Vertical Tab control character sequence (text/ASCII/ANSI/EBCDIC/Unicode).
VT (2) = Virtualization Technology for abstracted hardware (Intel).
VT-d = Virtualization Technology for directed I/O (Intel).
VT-i = Virtualization Technology for IA-32 (i386) 32-bit CPU (Intel).
VT-x = Virtualization Technology for x86 32-bit + 64-bit CPU (Intel).
VTHL = Vertical Take off and Horizontal Landing spacecraft, vehicle.
VTOBAR = Vertical Take Off But (Barrier) Arrested Recovery aircraft, vehicle.
VTOCL = Vertical Take Off and Conventional Landing aircraft, spacecraft, vehicle.
VTOHL = Vertical Take Off and Horizontal Landing aircraft, spacecraft, vehicle.
VTOL = Vertical Take Off and Landing aircraft, vehicle.
VTOSL = Vertical Take Off and Short Landing aircraft, spacecraft, vehicle.
VTVL = Vertical Take off Vertical Landing spacecraft, vehicle.
VUI = Voice User Interface (computer/device environment/platform/system API).
VUI (2) = Virtual User Interface (interconnected/networked computer/device/electronics/peripheral, interactive artificial/represented/simulated/virtual environment/experience + human interaction/recognition).
VVC = Versatile Video Coding (Codec) H.266/VVC video compression standard, also H.266 + X.266 (Fraunhofer/ITU/ISO|OIN/MPEG).
VXD = Virtual eXtended (everything) device Driver (Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME).
w/ = With.
W3C = World Wide Web Consortium (global internet standards).
WAF = Web/WWW Application Firewall (internet/network software security).
WAIS = Wide Area Information Server.
WAN = Wide Area Network.
WANET = Wireless Ad Hoc Network (real time communication).
WAP = Wireless Access Point (computer networking).
WAP (2) = Wireless Application Protocol (networking standard).
WAR = Wide Aspect Ratio display/monitor/screen (16:9 = cinema/TV letterbox format).
WASM = WebASseMbly low level executable program portable binary code + text format and interface API standard (computer programming) (W3C).
WAT = Windows Activation Technologies (Microsoft notification + validation).
WAV = WAVeform audio file type + format (.WAV) (Microsoft).
WAVE = Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (ITS communication system) (IEEE).
WBAN = Wireless Body Area Network.
WBEM = Web Based Enterprise Management Initiative.
WBG = World Bank Group [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
WCDMA = Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (wireless telecommunication standard) (3GPP).
WCG = Wide Color Gamut sRGB/Adobe color space using pure spectral primary colors (hues) (computer/printing graphics, photography) (Adobe).
WDF = Windows Driver Foundation 32-bit or 64-bit (Microsoft approved).
WDK = Windows Driver Kit (Microsoft device drivers computer programming).
WDM = Wavelength Division Multiplexing (optical communications).
WDM (2) = Windows Driver Model 32-bit or 64-bit (Microsoft approved).
WDR = Wide Dynamic Range (digital 3D/imaging/video quality enhancement).
WDYM = What Do You Mean?
WDYMBT = What Do You Mean By That?
Web = (World Wide) Web, also WWW (global networked content, data, information, resources system organized as web sites accessible, shearable + visible over the internet using HTML + HTTP protocols + standards).
Web 1.0 = WWW 1st evolutionary stage, also Web1 (interactive, personalized, published, scripted, static).
Web1 = WWW 1st evolutionary stage, also Web 1.0 (interactive, personalized, published, scripted, static).
Web 2.0 = WWW 2nd evolutionary stage, also Web2 (cultural, interchangeable, interoperable, participative, social).
Web2 = WWW 2nd evolutionary stage, also Web 2.0 (cultural, interchangeable, interoperable, participative, social).
Web 3.0 = WWW 3rd evolutionary stage, also Web3 (customized, decentralized, interlinked, open, personalized).
Web3 = WWW 3rd evolutionary stage, also Web 3.0 (customized, decentralized, interlinked, open, personalized).
Web address = WWW uniform resource identifier/locator, also URI, also URL (logical/physical Web/WWW resource globally unique persistent identifier) (W3C/IETF).
WebAssembly = Low level executable program portable binary code + text format and interface API standard, also WASM (computer programming) (W3C).
WebAuthn = Web Authentication standard (authenticated cryptographic encryption) (FIDO/W3C).
Webcast = (World Wide) Web broadcast (spontaneous/scripted live/recorded distributed/published/shared/streamed/transmitted digital audio/data/text/video educational/entertaining/informative course/documentary/event/film/presentation/program).
WebGL = Web based Graphics Library (Language) (Canvas HTML 3D video API).
Weblog = Web log educational, entertaining, informational internet/online/WWW document/page/publication/site, also blog.
WebM = Web Multimedia VP8/VP9 streaming video + Vorbis Matroska audio container type + format (.WebM) (On2/Google).
WebP = Web Picture streaming lossy graphic/image type + format (.WebP) (On2/Google).
Web page = Hypertext encoded document accessible on the World Wide Web, also webpage (see also HTML).
Webpage = Hypertext encoded document accessible on the World Wide Web, also web page (see also HTML).
WebRTC = Web Real Time Communication (web/WWW P2P communication protocols) (W3C/IETF).
Web site = Organized collection/repository of web pages, documents, files + related content usually identified by a common domain name, published + hosted on web/WWW server(s), also website.
Website = Organized collection/repository of web pages, documents, files + related content usually identified by a common domain name, published + hosted on web/WWW server(s), also web site.
Web UI = (World Wide) Web graphical User Interface, also WUI [web/WWW app(lication)/browser/service/utility interactive file/document/page + related content based environment/platform API].
WebVTT = Web/WWW Video Text Track standard (multimedia TTML based HTML5 synchronized/timed text/graphics captioning/subtitling) (W3C).
WEP = Wired Equivalent Privacy (wireless network security encryption protocol) (Wi-Fi Alliance).
WET = Write Everything Twice (computer/device software design principle).
WFA = Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) Alliance.
WFF = Wallops Flight Facility (NASA space facility, USA).
WFH = Work From Home.
WfM = Wired for Management.
WFP = World Food Program [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
WFP (2) = Windows Filtering Platform (Microsoft networking services + APIs).
WFPS = Wi-Fi Positioning System, also WiPS, also WPS (nearby wireless access point based geolocation).
WfWG = Windows for WorkGroups 3.1x (Microsoft).
WGA = Windows Genuine Advantage (Microsoft notification + validation).
WGO = Welt Gesundheits Organisation (DE), also OMS (FR: Organisation Mondiale de la Santé), also WHO (World Health Organization) [ONU|OVN|UN(O) agency responsible for international public health].
WGP = Wire Grid Polarizer optical (electronic) filter (interferometry/microscopy/spectroscopy optical element, lens).
WHATWG = Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (Apple/Mozilla/Google/Microsoft/Opera).
WHIM = Warm Hot Intergalactic Medium (cosmology).
WHO = World Health Organization, also OMS (FR: Organisation Mondiale de la Santé), also WGO (DE: Welt Gesundheits Organisation) [ONU|OVN|UN(O) agency responsible for international public health].
WHQL = Windows Hardware Quality Labs (Microsoft approved).
Wi-Fi = Wireless Fidelity communication technology, also WiFi (IEEE).
Wi-Fi 0 = Wireless Fidelity 0 (symbolic) WLAN standard (Wi-Fi Alliance) 802.11 (IEEE), 1-2 Mb/sec.
Wi-Fi 1 = Wireless Fidelity 1 (symbolic) WLAN standard (Wi-Fi Alliance) 802.11b (IEEE), 1-11 Mb/sec.
Wi-Fi 2 = Wireless Fidelity 2 (symbolic) WLAN standard (Wi-Fi Alliance) 802.11a (IEEE), 6-54 Mb/sec.
Wi-Fi 3 = Wireless Fidelity 3 (symbolic) WLAN standard (Wi-Fi Alliance) 802.11g (IEEE), 6-54 Mb/sec.
Wi-Fi 4 = Wireless Fidelity 4 WLAN standard (Wi-Fi Alliance) 802.11n (IEEE), 72-600 Mb/sec.
Wi-Fi 5 = Wireless Fidelity 5 WLAN standard (Wi-Fi Alliance) 802.11ac (IEEE), 433-6933 Mb/sec.
Wi-Fi 6 = Wireless Fidelity 6 WLAN standard (Wi-Fi Alliance) 802.11ax (IEEE), 574-9608 Mb/sec.
Wi-Fi 6E = Wireless Fidelity 6 Extended WLAN standard (Wi-Fi Alliance) 802.11ax (IEEE), 574-9608 Mb/sec.
Wi-Fi 7 = Wireless Fidelity 7 WLAN standard (Wi-Fi Alliance) 802.11be (IEEE), 1376-46120 Mb/sec.
WiFi = Wireless Fidelity communication technology, also Wi-Fi (IEEE).
Wiki = Quick (HAW) educational, informational internet/online/WWW HTML/hypertext database/document/page/publication/site.
Wikipedia = Wiki [Quick (HAW)] encyclopedia: free content internet/online/WWW encyclopedia in 300+ languages written + maintained by volunteers, largest + most read reference work in history (Wikimedia Foundation).
WiMAX = Worldwide interoperability for Microwave Access (wireless telecommunication standard) (IEEE).
WIMP = Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointer classic 2D (flat) graphical user interface (interconnected/networked computer/device/electronics + human interaction).
Win10 = Windows 10 (Microsoft).
Win11 = Windows 11 (Microsoft).
Win16 = Windows 16-bit OS API code (Microsoft).
Win2000 = Windows Server 2000 (formerly NT 5.0) (Microsoft).
Win2003 = Windows Server 2003 (Microsoft).
Win2008 = Windows Server 2008 (Microsoft).
Win2008 R2 = Windows Server 2008 Release 2 (Microsoft).
Win2012 = Windows Server 2012 (Microsoft).
Win2012 R2 = Windows Server 2012 Release 2 (Microsoft).
Win2016 = Windows Server 2016 (Microsoft).
Win2019 = Windows Server 2019 (Microsoft).
Win2022 = Windows Server 2022 (Microsoft).
Win2K = Windows Server 2000 (formerly NT 5.0) (Microsoft).
Win2K12 = Windows Server 2012 (Microsoft).
Win2K12 R2 = Windows Server 2012 Release 2 (Microsoft).
Win2K16 = Windows Server 2016 (Microsoft).
Win2K19 = Windows Server 2019 (Microsoft).
Win2K22 = Windows Server 2022 (Microsoft).
Win2K3 = Windows Server 2003 (Microsoft).
Win2K8 = Windows Server 2008 (Microsoft).
Win2K8 R2 = Windows Server 2008 Release 2 (Microsoft).
Win31 = Windows/WfWG 3.1x (Microsoft).
Win32 = Windows 32-bit OS API code (Microsoft).
Win32s = Windows 32-bit extensions for Windows/WfWG 3.1x 16-bit (Microsoft).
Win3x = Windows/WfWG 3.xx (Microsoft).
Win64 = Windows 64-bit OS API code (Microsoft).
Win7 = Windows 7 (Microsoft).
Win8 = Windows 8 (Microsoft).
Win8.1 = Windows 8.1 (Microsoft).
Win95 = Windows 95/95a OSR1/95B OSR 2.0/95B OSR 2.1/95C OSR 2.5 (Microsoft).
Win98 = Windows 98/98 SP1/98 SE(U) (Microsoft).
Win9x = Windows 95/95a OSR1/95B OSR 2.0/95B OSR 2.1/95C OSR 2.5/98/98 SP1/98 SE(U)/ME (Microsoft).
Windows = Computers/devices proprietary Operating Systems (OSes) (Microsoft).
WinFS = Windows Future Storage 32-bit file layer (Windows Vista/newer) (Microsoft).
WinFX = Windows 32-bit/64-bit OS managed API code (Windows Vista/newer) (Microsoft).
WinME = Windows ME (Millennium Edition) (Microsoft).
WINMSD = WINdows MicroSoft Diagnostics (WINMSD.EXE, MSINFO32.EXE) (Windows).
WinNT = Windows NT (New Technology) 3.xx family + 4.0 OSes (Microsoft).
WinNT10 = Windows NT (New Technology) 10.0 family OSes: 10, 2016, 2019, 11, 2022 (Microsoft).
WinNT10x = Windows NT (New Technology) 10.x family OSes: 10, 2016, 2019, 11, 2022 (Microsoft).
WinNT3 = Windows NT (New Technology) 3.xx family OSes (Microsoft).
WinNT4 = Windows NT (New Technology) 4.0 OS (Microsoft).
WinNT5 = Windows Server 2000 (Microsoft).
WinNT6 = Windows NT (New Technology) 6.0 family OSes: Vista, 2008, 7, 2008 R2, 8, 2012, 8.1 + 2012 R2 (Microsoft).
WinNT6x = Windows NT (New Technology) 6.x family OSes: Vista, 2008, 7, 2008 R2, 8, 2012, 8.1 + 2012 R2 (Microsoft).
WinNTx = Windows NT (New Technology) version x families OSes: NT + newer (Microsoft).
WinOSR1 = Windows 95a OSR1 (Microsoft).
WinOSR2 = Windows 95B OSR 2.0/95B OSR 2.1/95C OSR 2.5 (Microsoft).
WinRT = Windows RunTime platform agnostic language independent component + application interface + architecture (Microsoft Windows 8/newer).
WINS = Windows Internet Name Service protocol (Microsoft).
Winsock = Windows Sockets Application Programming Interface (API) (networking) (Microsoft).
WinVista = Windows Vista (Microsoft).
WinXP = Windows XP (eXPerience) (Microsoft).
WIPO = World Intellectual Property Organization [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
WIPS = Wireless based Intrusion Prevention Systems (wireless security monitoring).
WiPS (2) = Wi-Fi Positioning System, also WFPS, also WPS (nearby wireless access point based geolocation).
WIR = Weak InfraRed band/spectrum, also LWIR (invisible electromagnetic thermal radiation).
WireGuard = Secure encrypted authentication VPN internet/network communication protocol + software using UDP protocol (free, open source).
WirelessHART = Wireless Highway Addressable Remote Transducer Protocol (transport + traffic management sensor networking technology).
WISP = Wireless Internet Service Provider.
WJ = Word Joiner (required, hard, fixed) non-printing character (HTML, text processing, digital typesetting, computer programming) (Unicode).
WLAN = Wireless (Wi-Fi) Local Area Network.
WMAN = Wireless (Wi-Fi) Metropolitan Area Network.
WMF = Windows MetaFile file type + format (.WMF) (Microsoft).
WMO = World Meteorological Organization [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
WMV = Windows Media Video (Microsoft).
WMV HD = Windows Media Video High Definition (Microsoft).
WNS = Wireless Network Security (Wi-Fi networks).
WNS (2) = Wireless Network Systems (Wi-Fi networks).
WOFF = Web Open Font Format standard file type + format (.WOF, .woff) (W3C/Microsoft/Opera/Mozilla).
WORA = Write Once Run Anywhere (Sun Java).
WORE = Write Once Run Everywhere (Sun Java).
World Wide Web = World Wide Web, also Web, also WWW (global networked content, data, information, resources system organized as web sites accessible, shearable + visible over the internet using HTML + HTTP protocols + standards).
WORM = Write Once Read Many [CD-R(W)/DVD-R(W)/BD-R(W)/HDD/SSD/NVMe/nonvolatile memory mass storage media].
WOSA = Windows Open Services Architecture (Microsoft).
WOSSA = Windows Operating Systems and Services Architecture (Microsoft).
WotD = Word of the Day.
WoW = Windows 32-bit (x86) on Windows 64-bit (x64) compatibility layer subsystem, also WoW64 (Microsoft Windows 64-bit OSes).
WoW64 = Windows 32-bit (x86) on Windows 64-bit (x64) compatibility layer subsystem, also WoW (Microsoft Windows 64-bit OSes).
WPA = Wi-Fi (Wireless) Protected Access (wireless network security encryption protocol) (Wi-Fi Alliance).
WPA (2) = Windows Product Activation (Microsoft EULA enforcement policy).
WPA2 = Wi-Fi (Wireless) Protected Access 2 (wireless network security encryption protocol) (Wi-Fi Alliance).
WPA3 = Wi-Fi (Wireless) Protected Access 3 (wireless network security encryption protocol) (Wi-Fi Alliance).
WPAD = Web Proxy Auto Discovery Protocol (DHCP/DNS).
WPAN = Wireless (Wi-Fi) Personal Area Network.
WPA-Enterprise = Wi-Fi (Wireless) Protected Access Enterprise (wireless network security encryption protocol) (Wi-Fi Alliance).
WPA-Personal = Wi-Fi (Wireless) Protected Access Personal, also WPA-PSK (wireless network security encryption protocol) (Wi-Fi Alliance).
WPA-PSK = Wi-Fi (Wireless) Protected Access Pre-Shared Key, also WPA-Personal (wireless network security encryption protocol) (Wi-Fi Alliance).
WPC = Wide area Private Cloud (secure isolated NaaS connection hosted on public cloud subnets).
WPE = Windows Protection Error (Microsoft Windows).
WPF = Windows Presentation Foundation subsystem + GUI (Microsoft Windows).
WPG = WordPerfect Graphic file type + format (.WPG).
WPR = Wall Penetrating (Penetration) Radar.
WPS = Wi-Fi Positioning System, also WFPS, also WiPS (nearby wireless access point based geolocation).
WPS (2) = Wi-Fi (Wireless) Protected Setup, also WSC (Cisco).
WQHD = Wide Quad High Definition screen resolution standard (3120x1440 pixels, 1440p).
WQUXGA = Wide Quad Ultra eXtended Graphics Array standard (3840x2400 pixels, 2400p), also WQUXVGA.
WQUXVGA = Wide Quad Ultra eXtended Graphics Array standard (3840x2400 pixels, 2400p), also WQUXGA.
WQXGA = Wide Quad eXtended Graphics Array standard (2560x1600, 1600p).
WRAM = Windows Random Access Memory.
WRT = Wireless (Wi-Fi) RouTer.
WS = White Space (required, hard, fixed) non-printing character (HTML, text processing, digital typesetting, computer programming) (Unicode).
WS (2) = WebSocket full duplex computer communications protocol standard (ws:) (WHATWG).
WS (3) = Windows Server operating systems family (Microsoft).
WS-Discovery = Web Services Discovery network protocol (OASIS).
WSA = Windows Sockets (Winsock) API (communication interface between client and TCP/IP stack).
WSC = Wi-Fi (Wireless) Simple Config, also WPS (Cisco).
WSDL = Web Services Description Language (XML based interface).
WSN = Wireless Specialty Network.
WSR = Weather Surveillance Radar (using Doppler shift effect).
WSS = WebSocket Secure full duplex computer communications protocol standard (wss:) (SSL + TLS technologies) (WHATWG).
WSTF = White Sands Test Facility (NASA space tests facility, USA).
WSXGA = Wide Super Ultra eXtended Graphics Array standard (1440x900 pixels, 900p), also Wide XGA+.
WSXGA+ = Wide Super eXtended Graphics Array Plus standard (1680x1050 pixels, 1050p), also Wide XGA+.
WTO = World Trade Organization [ONU|OVN|UN(O)].
WTX = Workstation Advanced Technology EXtended (motherboard form factor).
WU = Windows Update [Microsoft Windows OS + software (hot)fix/patch/repair/update/upgrade services].
WUI = (World Wide) Web graphical User Interface, also Web UI [web/WWW app(lication)/browser/service/utility interactive file/document/page + related content based environment/platform API].
WUXGA = Wide Ultra eXtended Graphics Array standard (1920x1200 pixels, 1200p), also WUXVGA.
WUXVGA = Wide Ultra eXtended Video Graphics Array standard (1920x1200 pixels, 1200p), also WUXGA.
WWAN = Wireless (Wi-Fi) Wide Area Network.
WWIF = World Wide InterFace.
WWW = World Wide Web, also Web (global networked content, data, information, resources system organized as web sites accessible, shearable + visible over the internet using HTML + HTTP protocols + standards).
W^X = Writable non-eXecutable page (executable space protection) (OpenBSD).
WXGA = Wide eXtended Graphics Array standard (1366x768 pixels, 768p), also Wide XGA.
WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get.
X.264 = X.264/AVC open source video compression based on H.264/AVC video compression standard, also AVC, also H.264.
X.265 = X.265/HEVC open source video compression based on H.265/HEVC video compression standard, also H.265, also HEVC.
X.266 = X.266/VVC open source video compression based on H.266/VVC video compression standard, also H.266, also VVC.
x2 = 3COM/US Robotics 56 kb/sec analog modem transfer technology.
X3D = EXtensible 3D (W3C).
x64 = Intel 64-bit (x64) processors, also AMD64, also Intel 64, also x86-64 (64-bit compatible CPU + instructions set).
x86 = Intel 32-bit (x86) processors, also 80X86, also 86 (32-bit compatible CPU + instructions set).
x86-64 = Intel 64-bit (x64) processors, also AMD64, also Intel 64, also x64 (64-bit compatible CPU + instructions set).
X87 = Intel 32-bit (x86) X87 FPU mathematical coprocessor, also 80X87, also 87 (32-bit compatible CPU + instructions set).
XaaS = Everything as a Service, also EaaS [on demand via local thin client (bare bones operating system) + remote central host (internet/network cloud server)].
XAML = EXtensible Application Markup Language based on XML (Microsoft Windows).
XAND = Exclusive NOR (NOT +/- NOT OR) digital logic gate, also ENOR, also EXNOR, also NXOR, also XNOR (nonvolatile memory) (electronics).
XBL = XML Binding Language (Mozilla/W3C).
XBONG = X-ray Bright Optically Normal Galaxy (cosmology).
XD = EXecute Disable bit (executable space protection) (Intel CPUs).
XD (2) = User eXperience Design, also UED, also UX, also UX Design, also UXD.
XDR-SDRAM = Xtreme Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (Rambus).
Xeon = Intel Pentium II/III/IV Xeon CPU (80686).
XeSS = Xe Super Sampling graphics/imaging upscaling technology + programming API (Intel).
X-Fi = Xtreme Fidelity audio technology (Creative Labs).
XGA = EXtended Graphics Array standard (1024x768 pixels, 768p), also XVGA.
XGR = X6 Plus Grounding Radar.
XHR = XMLHttpRequest (JavaScript HTTP broadcast request method).
XHTML = EXtensible Hypertext Markup Language (W3C).
XHTML 1.1 = EXtensible HyperText Markup Language 1.1 standard (W3C).
XHTML5 = EXtensible HyperText Markup Language 5.0 standard (W3C).
XI = EXecute Inhibit bit (executable space protection) (MIPS CPUs).
XLL = EXtensible Link Language (W3C).
XLPE = Cross-linked PolyEthylene, also PEX (semisynthetic/synthetic organic thermoplastic plastic polymer).
XML = EXtensible Markup Language (W3C).
XMM = EXtended Memory Manager.
XMP = EXtensible Metadata Platform digital standard (Adobe/ISO|OIN).
XMPP = EXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (contacts + messaging open communications) (IETF).
XMS = EXtended Memory Specifications (Microsoft/Intel/Lotus/AST).
XN = EXecute Never bit (executable space protection) (ARM CPUs).
XNOR = Exclusive NOR (NOT +/- NOT OR) digital logic gate, also ENOR, also EXNOR, also NXOR, also XAND (nonvolatile memory) (electronics).
XOR = Exclusive OR, also EOR, also EXOR (nonvolatile memory) (electronics).
XP = EXtreme Programming (computer/device software design methodology).
XP (2) = Windows XP (eXPerience) (Microsoft).
XPDR = Transmitter Responder, also TP, also TPDR, also Transponder, also XPNDR (radio locator device).
XPNDR = Transmitter Responder, also TP, also TPDR, also Transponder, also XPDR (radio locator device).
XPS = XML Paper Specification (Microsoft).
XQD = EXperimental Quality Determination PCIe nonvolatile memory mass storage removable media cards standard 1-5 Gb/sec, > 2 TB (Sony).
XQD 2.0 = EXperimental Quality Determination 2.0 PCIe 3.0 nonvolatile memory mass storage removable media cards standard 8 Gb/sec, > 2 TB (Sony).
XR = EXtended Reality (combination of augmented reality, mixed reality + simulated/virtual reality environment/experience).
XRDS = EXtensible Resource Descriptor Sequence (OASIS).
XSD = XML Schema Definition (W3C).
XSL = EXtensible Stylesheet Language (W3C).
XSLT = EXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (W3C).
XSRF = Cross Site Request Forgery, also CSRF (1/single click malicious HTTP 3rd party/external/federated/outsourced attack, exploit, query, request, session riding method).
XSS = Cross Site Scripting (1 click malicious HTTP 3rd party/external/federated/outsourced attack, exploit, request, session riding method).
XT = EXtended Technology (motherboard form factor).
XUL = EXtensible User Interface Language based on XML (Mozilla/W3C).
XVGA = EXtended Video Graphics Array standard (1024x768 pixels, 768p), also XGA.
XVS = EXternal Vision System (airborne/avionics).
Y2K = Year 2000.
Y2K1 = Year 2001.
Y2K2 = Year 2002.
Y2K3 = Year 2003.
Y2K4 = Year 2004.
Y2K5 = Year 2005.
Y2K6 = Year 2006.
Y2K7 = Year 2007.
Y2K8 = Year 2008.
Y2K9 = Year 2009.
YAGNI = You Aren't Gonna Need It (computer/device software design principle).
Yb = Yottabit (1 Yb = 1000 Zettabits = 1000000 Exabits) (multiple of bit).
YB (2) = YottaByte (1 YB = 1024 ZettaBytes = 1048576 ExaBytes) (multiple of Byte).
YGTR = You Got That Right.
YRW = You aRe Welcome, also YW.
YSK = You Should Know.
YT = YouTube (Google).
YW = You're (You are) Welcome, also YRW.
ZAK = Zero Administration Kit for Windows NT workstations (Microsoft).
ZAMS = Zero Age Main Sequence (cosmology).
ZAW = Zero Administration initiative for Windows.
Zb = Zettabit (1 Zb = 1000 Exabits = 1000000 Petabits) (multiple of bit).
ZB (2) = ZettaByte (1 ZB = 1024 ExaBytes = 1048576 PetaBytes) (multiple of Byte).
ZBRFB = Zinc [Zn] BRomine (BRomium) [Br] hybrid Flow rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/Battery/cell.
ZBT = Zero Bus Turnaround.
Z-buffer = Third (3rd) dimension/depth/z axis memory (3D imaging/motion/photo/video).
ZCLV = Zone Constant Linear Velocity (Compact Disc).
ZCO = ZenoCentric (Jupiter) Orbit (cosmology).
ZEL = ZEro Length launch aircraft, spacecraft, vehicle, also ZELL, also ZLL.
ZELL = ZEro Length Launch aircraft, spacecraft, vehicle, also ZEL, also ZLL.
Zero-G = Zero (0) Gravity force [(near) zero (0)/complete absence of apparent weight, weightlessness].
Zeroconf = Zero configuration networking technologies based on TCP/IP protocols.
ZFS = Zettabyte File System 128-bit file system technology (Sun).
ZIF = Zero Insertion Force (CPU socket).
ZIP = Zig-zag In-line Package (electronic integrated circuit/component packaging method).
ZIP (2) = ZIPped (lossless data compressed archive) file type + format (.ZIP) (PKWare).
ZLL = Zero Length Launch aircraft, spacecraft, vehicle, also ZEL, also ZELL.
ZLTO = Zero Length Take Off aircraft, spacecraft, vehicle.
Zn-Ce = Zinc [Zn] Cerium hybrid flow rechargeable/replaceable electric energy accumulator/battery/cell.
ZSO = ZenoStationary (Jupiter) Orbit (cosmology).
ZSO (2) = ZenoSynchronous (Jupiter) Orbit (cosmology).
ZTA = Zero Trust Architecture security model (computer security + cryptography authentication).
ZTDNS = Zero Trust Domain Name System (Microsoft Windows NTx).
ZTNA = Zero Trust Network Access (computer security + cryptography authentication).
ZWJ = Zero (0) Width (required, hard, fixed) Joiner non-printing character (HTML, text processing, digital typesetting, computer programming) (Unicode).
ZWNJ = Zero (0) Width (required, hard, fixed) Non-Joiner non-printing character (HTML, text processing, digital typesetting, computer programming) (Unicode).
ZWSP = Zero (0) Width (required, hard, fixed) SPace non-printing character (HTML, text processing, digital typesetting, computer programming) (Unicode).
Glossaria, Dictionaria, Encyclopædia, Compendia, Referentia, Repositoria, Thesauria
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