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Site Hints

Even though most web sites today renounced support for older web browsers in favor of modern CSS, DHTML, XML, DOM, JavaScript, etc standards/enhancements, all pages at my site can be accessed with any CSS + JavaScript enabled web browser (but content is available even without such "features" turned on), although I haven't tried the original Netscape Navigator in a while... 😁
As you may have noticed, all "buttons"/"banners" at my site are mine, and I keep it free of ad(vertisement)s, cookies, tracking, malware, spyware, pop-ups, analytics, surveillance, notifications because I believe the access to information, education, knowledge, and resources are fundamental human rights, should be universal, and that they should be always shared freely (gratis) and equally with every1, everywhere, all the time, especially with the exposed, defenseless, deprived, destitute, disadvantaged, dispossessed, powerless, underprivileged, unprotected, vulnerable among us.
After all, the Internet is meant to be an unlimited sharing medium and provide universal access to the entire human knowledge, information and resources... or is it?! 😞
Any Browser
Firefox Chrome SeaMonkey Internet Explorer Opera Safari Netscape Mozilla
For optimal Internet experience I recommend:
Click Feel free to click on anything + everything that moves, looks like an icon, image, logo or link😎 
 Windows 9x/NTx users: get one of these Free(ware) 32-bit + 64-bit Web Browsers:  Firefox Chrome SeaMonkey Internet Explorer Opera Safari
N4 Windows/WfWG 3.xx users ONLY: get one of these Free(ware) 16-bit Web Browsers
Fonts Windows 3.xx/95/NT users ONLY: get Internet Font Packs (free). 
Fonts Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 users ONLY: get Microsoft Font Smoother (free) to enhance ANY application display using True Type Fonts (TTF) edge smoothing. 
 Windows 98/2000/newer + MS Plus! 95 include Font Smoother! 
MDGx My web site is entirely free of ad(vertisement)s, cookies, tracking, malware + spyware
Java I use harmless JavaScript at some of my web pages. 
 I use Java Applets Plug-ins (free) at my Java Breakout page. 
Flash I use Flash Plug-in (free) at my SparkChess 3D + 2D, flashCHESS ||| 3D + 2D and flashCHESS 2D pages.
 Windows 9x/NTx users: get Flash Plug-in 32-bit
 Windows/WfWG 3.xx users ONLY: get Flash Plug-in 16-bit
Shockwave I use Shockwave Plug-in (free) at my Shockwave Pong page.
 Windows 9x/NTx users: get Shockwave Plug-in 32-bit
 Windows/WfWG 3.xx users ONLY: get Shockwave Plug-in 16-bit
AntiVirus Set your web browser to "Save EXE/ZIP Files to Disk" ONLY IF you have an Anti-Virus Tool installed to detect/eliminate potential malware/spyware/viruses/trojans/worms in ANY files you download! 

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©1996-2024 MDGx (a.k.a. AXCEL216): Everything here at, except for my ©photos, is FREEware.
Always free of ad(vertisement)s, cookies, tracking, malware + spyware.
I have created [August 1996], maintain and update these web pages entirely by hand using Programmer's File Editor [replaced Notepad].
I am not affiliated with, don't advertise/promote, speak on the behalf/name of, nor work for any for profit business/entity.
All ©copyrights and ®registered trademarks retain owners' property.
