First 5 logos below (JPEG format, 24-bit, 16 million colors) appear courtesy of a good friend: Conny's Graphics.
All pics on this page are small previews. Click on the width×height pixel links below to view them full screen (4:3 ratio) in 6 different resolutions. Each large image will open in a new browser window.To save these images to your computer: point your mouse cursor over the 1 you like → hold Ctrl + hit S or right-click on the large JPG (or on its pixel link) → select "Save Image/Link/Target as...".Get all JPGs posted at this page as single ZIP archive: AXJPGS.ZIP [4.86 MB, FREEware].These pictures (and more) are also available as Windows BitMaPs (BMP format, RGB encoded, 256 colors, 8-bit), you can use as your Desktop background wallpaper in Windows 3.1x/9x/NTx: get my 13 BitMaPs = MYBMPS.ZIP [1.61 MB, FREEware].
Speed Logo 1 640×480 800×600 1024×768 1280×960 1440×1080 1600×1200MDGx MAX Speed Logo 4 640×480 800×600 1024×768 1280×960 1440×1080 1600×1200 | Speed Logo 2 640×480 800×600 1024×768 1280×960 1440×1080 1600×1200Code Fusion Logo [my favorite ;)] 640×480 800×600 1024×768 1280×960 1440×1080 1600×1200 | Speed Logo 3 640×480 800×600 1024×768 1280×960 1440×1080 1600×1200YOU'RE SUNK... [my old logo :)] 640×480 800×600 1024×768 1280×960 1440×1080 1600×1200 |
©1996-2024 MDGx (a.k.a. AXCEL216): Everything here at, except for my ©photos, is FREEware. Always free of ad(vertisement)s, cookies, tracking, malware + spyware. I have created [August 1996], maintain and update these web pages entirely by hand using Programmer's File Editor [replaced Notepad]. I am not affiliated with, don't advertise/promote, speak on the behalf/name of, nor work for any for profit business/entity. All ©copyrights and ®registered trademarks retain owners' property. |