MDGx MAX Speed WinDOwS
Site Reviews + Awards

I have posted my first [very primitive] Windows 3.10 + MS-DOS 6.0 ©Tricks + Secrets files on America OnLine (AOL) way back in October 1993, but I have started my web site (hosted on AOL back then) only in August 1996, serving ever since strictly the BEST computing tweaks to millions of readers world wide.
My web pages and ©Tricks + Secrets files are featured at these reputable web sites, used in these excellent programs and published in these popular computing magazines, in print and online.

WMWThe Well Made Web (WMW) blog owner actually spent some time perusing through my web site, and posted a social media fashionista style opinion review about
Thank you. 😎

XTeqI used to be a member of the XTeq Systems team, and many of my Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003 ©Tricks, Secrets + Registry Hacks are successfully used in X-Setup Pro, the BEST and most comprehensive Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7 power user tweaking tool.
XTeq X-Setup Pro was mentioned at Microsoft Knowledge Base (MSKB) in the article Landmark: Take control of your Windows start-up under "Alternative start-up managers".

FreeDOSMy web site is listed at the Official FreeDOS Links web page "Power tools" section "DOS Power Toys" link.
FreeDOS is a modern, open source, 100% free (GPL) DOS operating system.

TopSiteMy web site is listed at the TopSite Top Computer Tricks Sites: The Best Computer Tricks Sites on the Web.

Google BooksMy old web site on AOL (AXCEL216) is mentioned in these computer technology books listed at Google Books.

2003 Technology AlmanacMy old web site on AOL (AXCEL216) is mentioned in TechTV Leo Laportes 2003 Technology Almanac computer help book at pages 141 + 490.

PCMy web site is mentioned in Brian Livingston's + Paul Thurrott's "Windows Vista Secrets" computer help book at page 523.

PCMy web site is mentioned in Rick Maybury's "Complete Boot Up: Everything you need to know to get the best out of your PC" computer help book at page 192.

PCMy web site is mentioned in Joe Kraynak's "Master VISUALLY - Optimizing PC Performance" computer help book at page 255.

The TelegraphMy old web site on AOL (AXCEL216) was featured at The Telegraph (UK) Bootcamp 127: the windows registry, part two November 1 2004 article.

The TelegraphMy old web site on AOL (AXCEL216) was featured at The Telegraph (UK) Faqs! Facts! Fax! September 3 2002 article.

Gizmo's Freeware ReviewsMy web site was featured at the Tech Support Alert Reviews Best Sites for Windows Tips, Tricks and Tweaking Links.

ShockedMy web site was mentioned in Alan Martin's "Max Bang Per Buck" February 2003 Shell Shocked article. Many thanks!

XP ExtrasMy "XP/2003 FIREWALL GUIDE" original ©trick from TIPSXP.TXT (part of W95-11D.EXE) was featured on August 27th 2002 at:

PC WorldMy "FREE Software Essentials" page was featured in Steve Bass' "Home Office: Even More Top Tips for Better Computing" PC World article on June 19th 2002.
Steve Bass is PC World Editor + author of PC Annoyances book.
PC World Magazine is one of the BEST sources of information, reviews, previews, tips and much more!

ComputerUserMy web site was featured in the ComputerUser "Still using Windows 98?" June 2002 article.

DMOZIt is a privilege to receive the Mozilla Open Directory ( Windows FAQs, Help + Tutorials Cool Site Award on April 6th 2002.
Check out Mozilla Open Directory (, an excellent source (Internet portal) for computing news, information and help.

Planet InternetMy web site was kindly nominated as the Planet Internet Site of The Week on March 27th 2002.

E-ListMy web site was kindly elected as James Eshelman's E-List Vol. 2 No. 1 Featured WINDOWS SUPPORT SITE on January 1st 2002.
James Eshelman is Microsoft MVP, and his Windows 9x/2000/ME/XP/2003 Support Site is one of the BEST!

XP ExtrasMy ©tricks (all part of my Win9x/NTx + DOS 7/8 ©Tricks + Secrets Files [W95-11D.EXE]):were featured at Fred Langa's Langa List free Win9x/NT/2000/ME/XP/2003 weekly e-mail newsletter, the December 12th 2001 issue.
Fred Langa is Editor at Information Week.

DetonatorMy "DETONATOR 22.XX BUG + FIX" original ©trick, also in REGISTRY.TXT, part of my Windows 9x/NTx + DOS 7/8 ©Tricks + Secrets Files [W95-11D.EXE], was featured at:
  1. Windows Central on November 11th 2001.
  2. Tech Spot on November 11th 2001.

SFNLMy "MS-DOS 5.00 - 8.00 Undocumented + Hidden Secrets" page, a.k.a. SECRETS.TXT (part of W95-11D.EXE), was featured in Scot Finnie's free Win9x/NT/2000/ME/XP/2003 weekly e-mail newsletter on October 17th 2001 in the Tips of the Week section.

IE BUG FIXMy "MS IE 5.5 SP2 + 6.0 FIX" original ©trick, also in MYTIPS95.TXT, part of my Windows 9x/NTx + DOS 7/8 ©Tricks + Secrets Files [W95-11D.EXE], was featured at:
  1. Windows Central on August 24th 2001.
  2. Tech Spot on August 24th 2001.
  3. Fred Langa's Win9x/NT/2000/ME/XP/2003 free weekly e-mail newsletter, the August 30th 2001 issue.

LangaListMy "MAX CACHE SPEED" original Registry hack, also in REGISTRY.TXT, part of my Windows 9x/NTx + DOS 7/8 ©Tricks + Secrets Files [W95-11D.EXE], was featured in Fred Langa's Win9x/NT/2000/ME/XP/2003 free weekly e-mail newsletter, the August 3rd 2001 issue.

LockergnomeMy "CD-ROM/DVD + HARD DISK MAX CACHE" Registry hack, also in REGISTRY.TXT, part of my Windows 9x/NTx + DOS 7/8 ©Tricks + Secrets Files [W95-11D.EXE], was featured in the Lockergnome Tech Specialist 7-16-2001 issue.

TekGuide Cool SiteI am privileged my web site received the TekGuide Cool Site of the Week Award on June 18th 2001.
Check out TekGuide: The Technology and Computer Directory, a good source (Internet portal) for computing, technology, media etc related information. 1999 Editor's Choice AwardI am privileged my web site won The Windows Excellence - 1999 Editor's Choice Award.

John WoramMy "BUGGY TWEAKUI 98" ©trick, also in TIPS98.TXT, part of my Windows 9x/NTx + DOS 7/8 ©Tricks + Secrets Files [W95-11D.EXE], together with my Windows 98/98 SE ©Tricks, Secrets, BUGs + FIXes are featured at John Woram's RegTips, Etc. page.
John Woram is a well known Windows guru, and used to be Consulting Editor at [the now defunct :(] Windows Magazine.

LangaListMy original "FLOPPY (OR ANY OTHER DRIVE) ACCESS ANNOYANCE!" ©trick, also in MYTIPS95.TXT, part of my Windows 9x/NTx + DOS 7/8 ©Tricks + Secrets Files [W95-11D.EXE], was featured in Fred Langa's Win9x/NT/2000/ME/XP/2003 free weekly e-mail newsletter, the May 27th 1999 issue.

ReferenceMy web site is listed at Reference Directory AOL Member Help And Advice.
Check out

GoogleMy web site is listed at Google Directory Microsoft Windows FAQs, Help + Tutorials.
Check out Google, the best internet search engine.

PC WorldMy original/unique "AOL MAXMTU REVISITED" AOL Win95/98 MaxMTU/IPMTU Registry ©tweak was featured at:
  1. Steve Bass' "I Want My MTU" PC World online article, and published in the October 1998 issue of PC World (printed magazine) at page 266, the "@HOME OFFICE" topic by Steve Bass: the "Unclog Your Net Access, Part Deux" article, the "I WANT MY MTU" paragraph.
    Steve Bass is PC World Editor + author of PC Annoyances book.
    PC World Magazine is one of the BEST sources of information, reviews, previews, tips and much more!
  2. CNN in Steve Bass' "How you can unclog your Internet access" article.
    CNN is the premier TV channel and online source for world wide news + information!
  3. Used in TweakDUN + TweakMASTER:

    America Online - Until recently, no one was able to set MaxMTU for the AOL adapter such that it could be retained by the Windows registry. AOL had hard-coded it to revert back to a default MTU setting of 1500 no matter how many times it was changed. Now thanks to the efforts of Steve Bass at PC World and an AOL wizard named MDGx, we have come up with a solution. We are pleased to announce that TweakDUN and TweakMASTER now allow AOL users to set MaxMTU and enjoy the same enhanced data transfer rates as other users. And AOL users report fantastic results. We are pleased to help bring AOL users "up to speed".

  4. Used in Rob Vonk's EasyMTU v3.0, the FIRST, the BEST and the only FREEware MTU tweaking tool for AOL 32-bit and Win95/98 TCP/IP Dial-Up Networking (DUN) connections. EasyMTU features: delete "aolsock" Registry key [AOL 32-bit], IPMTU [Win98], MaxMTU [Win95/OSR2], DefaultRcvWindow [RWIN], DefaultTTL [TTL], NETBEUI, sessions, ncbs, maxconnect, maxsockets, cachesize [NDI] and COMBoostTime [SYSTEM.INI] Dial-Up Networking (DUN) TCP/IP tweaks to your Windows 95/98 system and surf the Internet/AOL at full speed!
    EasyMTU includes FindMTU [a PING tool] to determine EXACTLY the MTU value used by your ISP/Online Service.
    Use EasyMTU 3.0 [360 KB] to surf the Internet/AOL at full speed!
    Below are two fragments quoted from Rob's EasyMTU pages:

Other information about speeding up your modem

Changing the MaxMTU setting was not my idea. I just made a program to make it easy. Follow the links below for more information about MaxMTU.

User settings

Here are some user settings included with EasyMTU. Send me your settings so that I can include them with the program.

Settings are stored in the following order:

Key Value DefaultValue Delete/Keep MinValue MaxValue.

Part one

The following settings are found in REGISTRY.TXT from W95-11D.EXE found on MDGx WinDOwS tips page.

The Default value is Windows 9x default.
The Min Value is also the default Windows 95 value.
The Max Value is recommended by MDGx.
So if you want to improve the speed, try the Max Value.

Note that all Keys must be kept if restored to default because all these settings exist in every Registry.


Part two

The following settings are found in an article by Microsoft: MSKB: Windows 9x/ME TCP/IP Registry Entries.
Please read the article before changing any of these settings.

Note that all these settings are deleted when restored to default because they are optional.


LangaListMy Windows 9x/NTx + DOS 7/8 ©Tricks + Secrets Files [W95-11D.EXE], my original/unique "AOL MAXMTU REVISITED" and "BOOTUP FLOPPY" ©tweaks were featured in Fred Langa's Win9x/NT/2000/ME/XP/2003 free weekly e-mail newsletter, the July 12th 1998 issue.

PC WorldMy Win9x/DOS7 ©Tricks + Secrets archive [W95-11D.EXE] was elected as PC World Online Editor's Pick for April 1998 in the "Help and FAQs" category.

Hot SpotsMy home site front page and ALL WinDOwS ©Tricks + Secrets page were featured among Fred Langa's February 1998 "Hot Spots".

c't MagazineMy web site was featured at the German c't Magazine "Millionen Tips & Tricks" Technik Links page.

Tweaking Tips: Advanced

    To use the following, you must know what you are doing or be willing to learn. I found all of these great tips at MDGx Tips & Tricks homepage. All the Windows 95 tips are placed in one archive and all the Windows 3.1 tips are placed in another. You should download the file and extract it into its own folder. From there you can read and follow the instructions but you mustn't forget to backup all your important files first; mistakes do happen. These tips have helped me enormously speed up my system. For example, my conventional memory is all the way up to 616k from 580k where it was before. Check how much you have right now. Go to Start, Run, type MEM, and click OK. The files in this archive cover all aspects of your computer. If you have any spare time, download the file and learn how to speed up your PC. They are both available on my Files page.

    Windows 95 Tips & Tricks | Windows 3.1 Tips & Tricks

CompuMedicMy web site has received too kind comments [:-)] from Jonathan Schwab, the Webmaster of CompuMedic Consulting.
This is a fragment quoted from the CompuMedic Consulting's Quality Reviewed Links page:


MDGx Speed-Up Your PC 2 The MAX ©Tips + Tricks Home


This site can teach you what others only dream of learning ... DOS, Windows, tips, tricks, you name it, MDGx, the Webmaster has it. And he even has all his goodies in zipfiles for your download and study at home pleasure. What more could you ask for? He gives his knowledge freely, and he has a lot to offer.

I spent ONE evening this weekend studying his files and exploring his site. By midnight, my system was purring like a kitten. I must admit I've sort of considered myself a master optimizer - until I came to MDGx site. Between his patch and upgrade links and his wonderful way of explaining even the most complex of computer theory, I realized I could learn a lot here.

My new QEMM97 had been giving me problems, something just wasn't clicking right, the folks at Quarterdeck were not sure what to tell me. Well, MDGx is kind enough to post his CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files in his downloadable collection and on his site. I looked at his files and mine, and soon discovered what my program was missing. I changed the parameter manually and rebooted into a whole new machine.
By 2:00 AM, my QEMM97 was up, running, turbocharged, and nobody thought it would work on my old 386DX40.
I surfed the rest of the night away, too excited to sleep.

My Windows'95 boots from power off to system ready in 52 seconds now, a big change from 2 to 3 minutes.
Average download speed on my 28.8 modem is now 3.7 to 4.3 K/sec. Did a 4 meg download in 17 minutes.
If MDGx files and knowledge can do these wonders on my system, just imagine what you could do with a super charged system. This link is worth its weight in gold, folks. So much to learn, so little web time...

This should be your FIRST stop in your quest for more power. I'll bet it's the only stop you're going to need.
MDGx also has a really great sense of humor... you'll see when you get there!

Don't miss...

MDGx Speed-Up Your PC 2 The MAX ©Tips + Tricks Home


Knewz!My web site was featured in the Knewz: E-Zine, Issue #1 3-2-1998:

Issue #1, 3-2-1998!

.W.I.N.D.O.W.S. .N.E.W.Z.

+ I'm always on the lookout for tweaking my computer to my complete liking. Usually this includes finding tons of software to change the look of my computer to fit me, but other times it may be in a form of just a really informative site. MDGx Tips + Tricks site has got to be one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date sites arround! Not only is there an extreemly comprehensive online guide to patches, tweaks, and information, but the entire site's contents can be downloaded (see the second URL). This page covers both OSR1/2, DOS 7.XX, DOS 6.XX, and Windows 3.XX! Of course, I'm not interested in the latter three, but you may be!


Knewz ©1998 Christopher Porreca

TechnofileI am honored to have my web site and tips files featured at Al Fasoldt's Technofiles, the technology columnist for "The Syracuse Herald American".
This is a fragment from Al Fasoldt's "New ways to speed up your Internet connection" article, published in the November 2 1997 Sunday issue of "The Syracuse Herald American":

technofile by Al Fasoldt

New ways to speed up your Internet connection

Nov. 2, 1997

By Al Fasoldt

Copyright © 1997, The Syracuse Newspapers

One of the hottest secrets among Windows 95 power users is the so-called MTU fix, a way to get faster and more reliable connections on the Internet just by changing a few settings on your PC.

MTU stands for Maximum Transmission Unit. It's just one of many acronyms for the settings built into the Windows 95 TCP stack. (That's the "transmission control protocol" software in Windows. It's usually seen as part of the acronym "TCP/IP." That part means "Internet protocol.")

You can find free how-to pages on the Web that show you how to change the TCP settings for faster operation. The best single site is one operated by a man who identifies himself only as MDGx at Besides the TCP advice and help, you'll find enough general tips and tricks for a month of experimenting in a downloadable file at the site. The file is W95-11D.EXE.

The advice from MDGx is most helpful if you already know how to change Registry settings. If you're like most users and wouldn't know a Registry from a Registrar, go to a site in Holland ( where you can get a free program that will make all the settings for you.

The program is EasyMTU. You'll have to read the documentation carefully, because the author has a hard time explaining what is actually a simple process, largely because he is not writing in his native language.

The beauty of EasyMTU is the way it changes just the settings that are associated with your dialup software. In other words, EasyMTU leaves the main settings alone and alters only the TCP parameters for the connection icon you use in your Dialup Networking folder. This also means you can be really clever and create more than one connection icon for the same Internet provider, naming each one differently, of course, and then tweak each one differently.

TeacherTeacher's letter from 5-2-1997. No comments...

ZDNetZDNet Software Directory has tons of FREEware files for your downloading pleasure.
ZDnet Software Directory reviewed my Win95/DOS7 ©Tricks + Secrets Files on 7-24-97

Windows 95 and DOS Tips and Tricks     07-24-97


Windows 95 and DOS Tips and Tricks offers a variety of information on how to use your DOS 7.0 or Windows 95 system efficiently. It consists of a series of text files (viewed with Notepad) that list tips for memory use, Win95 Registry tricks, secret DOS features, terms and abbreviations, and more. It also includes dozens of batch files to enhance the computer's operation. The tips and tricks are an accumulation of the author's experience and common computing lure that you would have to spend hundreds of hours reading through technical journals to find on your own. This offering is free for personal use only.

System Requirements
Windows 95

Purchase Information

PC PlusMy web site was featured in the British PC Plus Magazine October 1997 + November 2002 issues + CD-ROMs.
See PC Plus "Feature Performance Boost" article from the November 2002 issue.

OjatexMy web site is listed at Ojatex's Easy Money, Original Laptop/Laptop98/Laptop2000 Tips + LapLaffs pages [a good friend]. I greatly value Ojatex's excellent contribution to improving these pages.
Ojatex's Laptop, Laptop98 + Laptop2000 Tips are A MUST for all "portable" users!

My older Windows 3.1/95 + DOS 6/7 ©Tricks + Secrets files are also present on AOL.
AOL members: click File Search, type AXCEL216 in the Keyword box and then click the Search button, to list all my old files on AOL, found at these popular AOL areas:
Windows Forum: keyword WINDOWS.
Windows 95/98/ME: keyword WIN95.
My older Win95 + DOS7 ©Tricks + Secrets archive W95-11C.ZIP was selected as one of AOL's "Hot Files of The Day" on September 17th 1996.
As of January 1st 1997 my tips files available on AOL were downloaded by a total of 111,380 AOL members.

Hot Files Of The Day

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©1996-2024 MDGx (a.k.a. AXCEL216): Everything here at, except for my ©photos, is FREEware.
Always free of ad(vertisement)s, cookies, tracking, malware + spyware.
I have created [August 1996], maintain and update these web pages entirely by hand using Programmer's File Editor [replaced Notepad].
I am not affiliated with, don't advertise/promote, speak on the behalf/name of, nor work for any for profit business/entity.
All ©copyrights and ®registered trademarks retain owners' property.
